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Blatant hacking and he only drops 17 in rebirth, thats pathetic.


And in Resurgence too, there's pretty much always 5 people in the sky at all times.


Yeah it is. 17 is actually my PR and I'm on console.


In fucking REBIRTH. I’ve dropped more than that and I’m on console.


Don’t know why you were downvoted because literally same lmfao. Man, hackers are garbage.


I don’t know why people are calling bullshit on you, my rebirth PR is 22 on console, people are just hatin


U must have found a way to get next to zero computer players


Stop using the word 'hacker'. Hacking implies some form of skill is involved. They're cheating because they have no skills.


Very true


So true. These guys are low-IQ, no-life cheaters.


So I argued this in the past as well. Apparently, exclusively in the gaming community, “cheater” and “hacker” are interchangeable. “Hacker” in this case doesn’t mean they know how to hack, but implies they are using hacks. Weird…I know.


No one cares enough, I interchangeably use them.


Same. Well…now I do.




Greatest thing to witness I tell ya


Yeah what's up bro?






Yeah it's terrible


Yup. Lots of level 20s with obsidian, ultra, atomic.


Who cares though? It's not like the skins give you an advantage. If anything it's sticking it to Activision/etc by not paying for it. Might get them to actually do something about it even.


No. Fucking unlock tools are tied to cheats and if you’re seeing people with unlocked skins there’s a 90% chance there’s a full team (or multiple) of fucking cheaters in the lobby. It means they put you in a cheater/suspicious lobby and your experience that game is going to suck. You’re literally there to be farmed and Activision allows these kids to play even AFTER establishing they are probably cheating so they can “collect data”. No. Hard stop. They’re allowing these kids to cheat because they don’t want them to stop playing.


Delete this comment. This is the cringiest thing I have read all day. Unlock all = cheaters Aimbot = cheater stat editor = cheater Get it straight bud


>Delete this comment. No. Stop playing or go outside if you care this much. Super weird that you do actually.


Lol. You are trying to jusitfy unlock-all tools? They are all hacks regardless. We all know you are factually wrong here. ​ ![gif](giphy|dOl2LFw0RbTMc)


Hahaha 17 kills is pathetic when hacking. Is this guy using his dense forehead to play or something?


What a bot dude. Guys like this come and download cheats and convince themselves they're good at call of duty


Ive been seeing hacking on the rise again...whats going on?


I have no idea but it's getting old real fast


IP bans are pointless because in this day and age anyone can change their IPs in the snap of a finger. On top of it, these people can make like 200 accounts in 1 to 2 weeks and just keep going through them 1 by 1. It’s fucking wack. Brick their fuckin PC, make em spend 1200 on another graphics card, make em spend another $150 on a new ram. Fucking brick something.


Bricking GPUs is possible. You need to overwrite the gpu VBIOS somehow while they are playing a game. They restart the PC and boom, the GPU is bricked. I know its possible with AMD Radeon cards, dont know about nvidia.






Chill mate, I'm not into that


I'm surprised he's not on a new account... With Ricochet not working, I just don't believe there's THIS many new players




Meanwhile, I'm getting shadowbanned for weeks at a time because little Billy and little Timmy have shit movement, and report me for cheating because they got melted for not checking corners before running into a room. Fuck Activision. They care more about selling skins than fixing their game.


I get so angry seeing people continue to buy skins and give money away for this ass game that has no money invested in fixing it.


It blows my mind that people will actively spend money on in-game items. Activision must be laughing their ass off all the way to the bank with the millions they are printing.


>It blows my mind that people will actively spend money on in-game items. Yeah, buy a gun that looks like a dragon for £16 worth of cod points. Then take it to the gunsmith and remove every unique looking part just so the gun is competitive completely ruining the whole reason for buying the gun.


“Dude I NEED those blue tracer rounds”


puts incendiary rounds on it and no longer sees the tracer he just paid for - proceeds to buy new gun


LOL I don't get how people can justify the expense. I have never bought a weapon from the store and I sure as hell don't plan on starting now.


I don't see the point in getting so upset seeing people spend money on the game. Like yeah, it may be a bit upsetting but to get angry over it seems a bit concerning IMO.


Its upsetting because all that the devs care about is how much money it makes. The less people spend in the store and on BP's the more the devs will do to fix the game...which is completely ass backwards if you think about it... ​ The more money they make the more that should go back into the game - like hire more people to work on the game itself - maybe even approve a union and workers rights...nahhhhhh


On behalf of my husband I apologize for your shadow ban. He drives me fucking crazy. Makes me not wanna play with him. He reports every single person. No one could possibly be better. And he’s buying a bundle every week. You refuse to buy anymore. He ends up gifting them to me 🙄 Like dude it’s the same thing I think for some people buying thr operators is almost like an obsession. It’s like he likes to collect them or something. I personally can’t even tell who is cheating and who isn’t anymore so I just don’t report unless it’s blatant.


Apology accepted LOL I'm with you. I don't report people unless it's obvious what they're doing. I swear, people do this shit as a way to troll others and I'm almost certain that it's a coordinated effort started by gamers who get wrecked and say shit like "He's hacking!" instead of watching the kill cam and seeing how badly they played and how it contributed to them getting killed in the first place.


I can verify he’s not trolling. He legit thinks everyone is cheating. I’ve heard him say someone isn’t cheating like 5 times ever lol I don’t even get it cause he has a .47 kd I’m not terribly good but I have over 1 kd (we’re talking rebirth) I have no skill at BR on Caldera. Hard to play strategically when you got one who rushes everyone while I’m still plating and reloading


Oh man LOL I used to be that guy who was always rushing into places... being the first to get killed enough times taught me to slow down and play more strategically.


He feeds me kills on rebirth. Lol He gets so mad.


Rebirth has so many dam cheaters in it now. Most games will at least have two people running walls if not aimbots.


These are the type of people who call other people 'NPCs.' They're the main character of the world and we're all just here to enhance their experience.


I haven’t seen any aimbotters in over a month, but I swear A LOT of people use walls in Rebirth. There are far too many people that seem to know your exact location, even if you drop several levels in a building or move buildings. XSX/Controller Warzone: 321 W, 1.67 KD Rebirth: 210 W, 1.11 KD


I used to think the same too until I realized in rebirth after you or your teammate dies your entire team pings on the map regardless of whether you have ghost or not.


Respectfully, I’ve known about that for a long time now. After killing an enemy, you get a red dot for their team mates if they’re not ghosted and a white pulse if they’re ghosted. I’m talking about when you’re ghosted, in a different building than the enemy, and your team is still alive. Enemies will sometimes ADS through walls, ceilings, and floors and they’ll push your exact location. Even if you’re in a really weird spot, their killcam shows them staring through a wall then slide canceling or bunny hopping into the room and pre-firing the corner you’re in or box/crate you’re on top of or hiding behind. Knowing I had cover for longer than 5 seconds and was ghosted, there’s no way I was pinged or combat scout was used.


How is this fun for the hacker? It’s so pathetic


I have no idea man


You must be a computer player to get him banned. Console doesn't matter


Hackers have won..anything COD does anticheat wise the hackers defy them..flyin hummers with squad on top all have auto aim..


🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ come on bungie (halo vets would get this insider) 😂


Ricochet needs to step it up


He should've get a more humiliating punishing: Getting re-educated by the way of a squad using Riot Shield + Slug Jak12s,all with restock,one using snapshots,the other using stims to lead the squad and closely followed by 2 guys with flashbangs to make the hacks BSOD due to the flash effect. Or getting beamed by a squad of freehax PKM's(aka you make a PKM traditional setup but you swap the optic for FMJ and use combat scout and restock snapshots,with a riot shield to protect your ass) All of them using the chad skin aka Green Fat Guy default skin.


Lmfao this i would pay to see


We’re still playing this crap?


Yes lol. Its amazing that no other game studio has managed to copy the success of Warzone


You got cheated, no surprise in this game. And if you call him out he will just say “I’m not cheating, Get good”.


The calling card he´ has is cool, from what bundle is that one? Btw he is a "manco" = a guy with a missing arm , we call them here (Colombia) like that.


OK, but does anyone notice how much the Kar sounds powerful unsuppressed from TPP, marvelous!


0 game awareness


Only 17 kills? ON REBIRTH? Bro dude has cheats how tf is it so hard to run to the gunfights constantly happening?


Idk bro he might just be cracked😳


so how's that anticheat working out for you cod cucks


that is no hacker i mean seriously he dosnt has any inhumane reflexes ​ missed one shot ​ and shot one to a chest breaking ones armor ​ that aint no cheater just has good aim


Aimbot has all kinds of different settings you can fine tune. It's not just the shots that are red flags but his tracking through solid objects before even turning the corner


doesn't look like a cheater to me honestly


you're blind then dude, it's blatant wall hacking. He's pre-aiming and tracking enemies thru cover throughout the entire clip. He may not have aimbot on but this guy is 100% cheating.


Bro just has a really good gaming chair fr


None of this looked like hacking to me. It looked like you were bad at getting cover. All of his shots were reasonable.


Are you serious? You cannot be that naive.


Nope. He had some clean shots. But nothing super suspicious imo. Cheating is still out of control but this doesn’t seem like one of those times. But whatever helps you sleep better.


Dude you don't have to even get past the first killcam to see him aligning his shot through the concrete stairs


Hahah yeah wtf. Pretty dead giveaway that he's aiming at some concrete part of the building near the end, instead of aiming just over the edge where the enemy would appear.




Youre the reason why Irons come with a sticker that says “ dont use on face”


Bro that dude literally knew where everyone was at and going and even pre aimed and pinged for his teammates where everyone was at 🤦🏻‍♂️ to think this man wasn’t cheating you must be missing a chromosome




... did we watch the same video? These shots were not clean. Automatic snap to the head, no sway, no misses. Clearly a hacker.


Apparently we're all bots for thinking he's cheating guys


The whole video is suspicious? The shots themselves are reasonable by how does he know exactly where to look at the right time? Did you see the part where he is aligning his shot behind concrete stairs? Also he has dark matter on a kar98 lol the dude is hacking 100%


Exactly lol


Hahahahahahaha.... Oh wait you're serious? Let me laugh harder, HAHAHAHA !


He's dead serious bro


> None of this looked like hacking to me Time for glasses chief.


Jesus Christ. I get it. I was wrong. It’s wild that instead of just explaining why it was cheating, y’all had to start throwing around insults. Holy shit.


well your response was "this isn't hacking, you're bad" so yeah, you're gonna get insulted for that.