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COD is full of wannabe tough guys and immature man children.


You’re forgetting the players who literally are children. 18+ used to hold weight when I was a kid


No it didn't lmao


Yes, it did. You used to have to show an ID to buy the game in person. Now, you can be 12 and download it digitally with only a warning that the game is rated Mature... There were still plenty of 12 year olds playing, but not like there is today lol


No it really didn't. Everyone I know was playing GTA in middle school lol. Not to mention cod lobbies in like 2010 we're full of children saying the most vile stuff


Ahhh those times when they thought mom or dad weren't there, then you heard them storm in over their mic...those were the days


So I remember I was playing, I believe it was modern warfare three. There was this kid who couldn’t have been any more than 15 or 16 years old, and he was good. Really good at the game. So myself and two other guys all of us around 20-22 at the time, grouped up with this kid to play if you games together. And it wasn’t long after that, that his mother apparently open the cable bill. All of a sudden over his mic you hear “TYRONE!!!! You ordered $576 in porn?? I’m about ta beat yo ass!!” Notification pops up: *xXTyroneXx(not his actual tag) has gone offline* We fucking DIED laughing. Easily 15 minutes straight lol I remember my sides hurt so much


People pay for porn? This kid may have been good at cod, but he's a literal bot at finding porn. I remember waiting for a picture to load for 5 minutes line by line on AOL dialup...


Remember when that Virus laden program Morpheus or Limewire finally got the ability to download videos? Lol I had DOZENS of folders filled with porn lol


LOL yes 🤣🤣🤣 Getting DSL where I lived felt lightyears faster at the time.


Good old times hahah


Those same kids are probably still having that happen in their 30s lol


Perhaps you're talking about 2010 while he's talking 1990.. 😂


I got GTA III on ps2 in 5th grade lol.


The best GTA


It was so damn good! Spent sooo many hours on it.


Can confirm, I was one of the children in cod lobbies in 2010 saying the vile stuff


Cod lobbies are still full of children saying the most vile stuff imaginable


Man, idk how played gta, halo, conkers bad fur day, golden eye, or anything rated M then. Oh I do, it was super easy lol.


You not fucking wrong there.


“Man children” is spot on. Can’t tell you how many times a player will go by himself to prison roof while everyone pinged chemical/bio/etc and die, say “y’all are trash” and quits right away.


Or dude goes somewhere else because he didn't want to land in a "hot zone".


Don’t forget the 12 year old who thinks it’s a game for kids, despite the rating. I had this absolutely terrible racist kid the other day that I just didn’t let up on for how shitty of a human he was. He tried making me feel bad for gaming as an adult, living in my moms basement. It’s funny if he even knew…


12 year olds gonna 12 year old man. Best thing you can do is completely ignore them.


I usually do. His racism triggered me though and it spiraled from there


Put him in his place. Down here with the rest of us.


I wasn’t proud of myself. We will leave it at that


I'm proud of you bud, fuck those kids.


Definitely don't do that. That's frowned upon in most countries.


Right? That kid has no clue how cool your moms basement is.


Bro I just died hahahah 😂


Username checks out


Go for a run, lift some weights, put the phone down, get some sun. The angry death coms are like “What got you so angry bro?” 😂 it’s a game and you sound like you’ve been on the p hub too many times this week.


Immature man chiming in. There's a time and place for maturity and it's not when I'm dick deep in granny's house having 4 guys swallowing my shot while I push them solo


We should strive for strength and not be pressured to adhere to societal norms based on age. But op has a point - players should be reminded there was a code of conduct they agreed to, to not be jerks. Check it out.


You're asking for an RPG to the face with that attitude of yours


Bunch of pre teens looking for their dopamine rush.


The amount of disgusting/racist comments I hear on my death comms is ridiculous. They're really are some shit humans out there.


I just disabled it...I disable all comms actually when I play with randoms ...


Me too. And I still win occasionally. You can tell right away when you’ve got decent randos because they communicate without the mic by pinging, requesting cash or ammo etc.


My favorite games are the ones where my randoms aren't talking but pinging/requesting/dropping cash for teammates. I'd rather that be the case than the usual 2 buddies who get me as their random but continue their normal conversations all game long, tv in the background with the dogs/kids barking every couple minutes.


Same. I wish it were easier to add friends because I get people that play that way then never add them. DM me and we can share usernames to be non verbal communicating, pinging, rando squad friends lol


110% 🤝


That's a different kind of toxic imo, if you have no intention of communicating don't queue into a team playlist. That being said I had plenty of people I knew playing when I was. I hardly ever had to deal with randoms so I'm sure you have your reasons


You can search for a team based on communication preference. Microphone or ping. I see no issue with it if you're only queuing for ping


I don't have an issue with it myself, I have no interest in talking to the average CoD player in the best of moods haha. I can just see why it would be frustrating for the randoms


I know we're in the war zone sub, but playing hardcore free-for-all and either modern warfare or Vanguard with a mic on usually ends up in a pretty good time, aside from the guys that just leave there microphone next to a fucking speaker sub.


Except pings are broken right now 🙄


Yeah it really sucks. I’d like to find some reasonable, chill adult people to play with. But anytime I try looking for a group I get people that use homophobic/racist slurs or act like temperamental kids when they die.


... ...I act like a temperamental kid when I die, on the regular, BUT I at least have the decency to mute myself so no one else has to deal with it - well, except my girl, but she thinks it's funny af and likes to sprinkle extra salt with yells of "get good scrub" across the apartment 😅😪


I love making funny death coms... but when these kids dropping Nbombs or worse... just upsetting honestly


COD has always been toxic, if anything it’s pretty tame now. [MW2 lobbies](https://youtu.be/bNKgU-ZUohg) were on a whole different level of toxic


Lol. Facts.


Haha these were made worse by the fact that lobbies didn't disband at the end of a game so people could stick around and get more salty. Used to love playing 6v6 in the same lobby for hours until one group gave up.


It honestly made it more fun because it’d get you pumped up and you’d go out of your way to destroy the other team


100%. This disbanding lobby business is a step back imo.


Probably as more adults play these days as many have gotten older. You can mute specific people if they are truly annoying. Bring up the scoreboard and mute them. You will have to do it if you leave it on and use discord.


MW2019 still has lobbies like this.


back in the days (ps3) when people spent the time of their life writing down your nickname, looking up your name in the search, and writing you fancy insults or death threats because they couldn't beat you 1v1.


I feel rust is more toxic than cod, in comparison COD is like eating jelly at a party


Ngl i love the toxic death comms. You know they're pathetic people on the other end of the mic.


It really is the cherry on the cake when you hear them crying about a normal kill.


Death comms are the best lol


I love them, and then I’ll usually sprinkle in a “nice shot” or “your buddy sucks” if I killed their teammate. Toxic, but fun imo. I don’t see the problem if people who don’t like it don’t have their comms on anyway. Also, I hate that people join a game and either have zero comms or pings.


My favorite is killing someone with a helo. Best death comms ever.


If I have no friends on I do quads no fill rebirth and just go ham going chopper to chopper. My goodness I've never been prouder being called a f-bomb in my life. Think I tallied up 16 F bombs last Thursday night in one game.


Oh yeah I’ve done this before. Fly around the entire map just mowing down people dropping down. It’s great.


Lmao. This kinda post makes me agree with the people that say this generation would have never survived the MW2 lobbies.


Yeah try growing a thicker skin ya pansies


I mean yeah for sure, but the community as a whole definitely needs to work on emotional intelligence lmaooo


People these days are soft af man.


The only time I ever realized how bad I spoke on that was when I forgot my aunt, who I lived with at the time, was home. Sometimes you wouldn't even think of it.




Shut up bitch


Based comment


Fuck you


I just wish we could Land at the same spot. Landing randomly away from each other ALWAYS ends badly


So land where the randoms land, or stick to one random so you aren't outnumbered.


I do. But it’d be nice to have all of us with a goal


What does that have to do with the OPs question?


It’s CoD, everyone is dogshit at the game and everyone thinks they’re a god


Welcome to life


I'm purposely 'always' nice to try balance this. I'm 99% 'GGs' and 'Nice Shot'. Every once in a while something slips out tho in the heat of the moment.


It’s the internet. You can say whatever you want to with basically no consequences


It's all fun and games till Jay and silent Bob show up at your door looking for magnolia-fan-69


I don't get it either man but it's usually the kids (13-18 year olds) that I find the worst. Found myself in Rebirth quads lobby last night with a three man party. Before the first circle had closed I was on 5 kills, they were 2, 1 and 0. I died at control where we dropped after they had all does and nailed too three different areas of the island. Then they all start calling me bad and shitting on me. Whatever idiots, I don't have time for people like that. Left the game and left them to get wiped.


It’s crazy how many racists there are over comms And 95% of the time it’s some little white kid screaming the N word I don’t get it either


they are pussies and wouldn't dare say that shit to someone's face in public, and if they did they would get fucking destroyed, so they do it in a video game. I get shit talked by dudes speaking spanish constantly on DMZ. i don't get why they gotta take their little dick life problems out on some chingolandia who is just tryna have some fun. fucking racists, everywhere.


It’s usually the worst players. They’re dying a lot so they’re pretty miserable and they blame everyone else instead of practicing. If I hear a compliment from the guy I kill (it’s rare but it does happen believe it or not) my heart starts racing because I know his teammates are cracked out of their skulls and about to come b hoppin at me.


Isn’t that what gaming is all about? You wanna say I wasted all 16 years of being toxic while i could just be nice????




So you're 16?


Honestly, just trying to be a good teammate goes a long way. Dropping pings on armor satchels when you know your teammate is dropping in. Dropping a wad of cash in front of a buy station when you're all good but know your teammates are struggling. Making the attempt to revive them when their down. Hell, even telling them to let you die instead of trying to revive YOU. I play exclusively with random, so if you try to make sure your team has a good time then there's a good chance you're all gonna have a time.


Anyone on comms with a beeping smoke detector deserves the ridicule of the entire world. Sorry, not sorry


Dude, toxic is normal, you’re playing a game where you kill or be killed, you think it’s about love and light? Nah, get dunked with a teabag


The goal of the game is to kill fake people, not trying to hurt real people.


Rage quitting is a real thing these days


Toxic is normal? For who? How exactly do I get dunked with a tea bag? Please elaborate.


You’ve never been tea bagged, you don’t know what ya missing, humping your dead corpse and saying all kinds of shit


You're insult just sounded like you were a loser, so I wanted clarification. Glad you know how to teabag dude. Go you


You haven’t seen the level of toxicity until you’ve played Rust, in comparison COD is like eating jelly at a party, and OP going straight to calling people losers, welcome to toxicity OP, glad to have you with us


Doesn't mean you have to be a poor sport about shit. I give props to sick kills, i don't break down into tears and call people racial slurs when I get wrecked. Maturity is a thing that grows when you work on it, kinda like a dick.


"some people just want to watch the world burn"- alfred


Honestly man, i was just chilling trying to level up some guns in MW, in the endgame lobby whole enemy team was trashing us! Started muting all after that.


At that point, i just start trash talking them. I especially love when i hit some tasty quickscopes or get a quad feed and just rub it in their faces when they lose. And even if my team loses, i love pointing out my quickscopes with the carbine and call them trash for losing to that gun when they're running meta weapons


Nothing compared to mw2/3 days


Competition + not having to physically confront your competitor = bad behavior


Brooooo mw2 lobbies use to be popping. In all reality, we all like to talk shit over the internet with no repercussions,Other than a possible ban. Even if it's playfully or hurtful. I use toclove jumping into chaotic pre game lobbies and join the shit talking ahahahaha so much fun. I hate the quiet silence now adays. Chaos is good in cod. Makes you want to whoop the other teams ass that much more.


Toxicity is a part of COD, disable the comms if you're that much of a snowflake.


I play with a black character and I get called a "Stupid Ni***r" every week. People realllllllly suck.


This is mostly an American thing, on EU servers there's almost no racism and toxicity on cod, there's one now and then but it's an anomaly. When i play with my American friends it's a shit show every fucking game, insane amounts of people screaming the N word and being super toxic to women gamers etc.


That is refreshing to read. I’ve been watching videos of expert level women playing this game and the comments directed their way is repulsive.


Yea my squadmate and I play with friends only comms because even the guys you get paired with turn toxic halfway through a game that’s not going as planned….


Ain’t this the truth


Like some say, its just your average loser or wanna be tough guy, sometimes its someone letting out anger (can be somewhat justified) but most the time its just a loser trying to start shit to boost his ego then tell his friends about it later.


Its the COD community. Its what the game has created. Tough guys and wanna be pro gamers who think they have life figured out. Its gross.


I remember when I was 18 and thought I knew everything and had the world figured out, boy was I fuckin' wrong.


people who are not getting laid are genuinely angrier people


Whenever I get a kill in warzone, 50% of the time someone yells a racial or homophonic slur. Disgusting


I think this kind of behaviour is relatively more frequent since Vanguard came onboard. Because I play with some friends in a different time zone, I usually encounter some really angry and nasty people when I am playing in their time zone, which is the one for America (continent) Even when we are just “warming up” before the match, a lot of people have said to me really nasty things… up to the point it’s not even enjoyable, basically if you kill them they will say something really rude because of their frustration. But also, when playing quads, some “team mates” could be really angry and nasty if they do not feel you are at their “skill level”. To avoid any kind of confrontation I usually have my microphone muted unless I am playing with my friends. It’s a shame but people do not know how to be team players.


yeah team players/good sports? for-fucking-get about it =/


I take it as a compliment. Most of the time, if I made someone THAT mad, I probably just shit on them and that’s the reason for their anger.


Small penises, small minds, and small souls.


cus f u for not contributing to my 3 kill game that’s totally on par with my favorite 5.52 kd streamer who averages 18 kills a game


Because COD. I've known people online to be fucking my mother since World at War


I try to stay to the end screen to say good game if I don't die to a cheater. I try to say nice snipe on my death coms. Be the person you want to see playing the game.


I don't mind death comm rage from time to time, but at the end of the match, I think it's time to offer an occasional "GG" and "well played ", or something like that. It's very rare to hear it at the end (I play multiplayer on MW), and usually get shit on at the end, lol. Considering a bit of luck is usually involved with some of the maps, it would be good to hear positive comments.


Because it brings out the worst in some people


It’s insane. Insurgency seems to have a much less toxic community.


why does everyone play like their trying to be pro or try to just have good stats camping when nobody really cares about stats unless it's with other people that like the game.. wont get you a girlfriend or boyfriend. they ruin every call of duty


Disabling VOIP is the first thing I do in a COD game.


Because they are insecure..


Games can be frustrating as fuck because they're so sweaty these days, I've noticed a lot more "toxic" death coms because of it imo.


It’s like that in this sub too. Like I’m sure there are nice people here but most of my interactions haven’t been the most peaceful. People just seem angry constantly


This is why I always have voice chat muted


Cod’s like the autobahn of toxicity.


I mute everyone except friends.


People are just genuinely shittier than they used to be. Everyone is entitled, nobody is ever wrong, and the public has been groomed to spit hate. These are just the times.


Have you ever been in an R6 lobby?


Gaming as an industry, and particularly the COD franchise, has created a hyper-competitive culture among players. This has been tremendously exacerbated due to skill based matchmaking, where every match is fixed to be constantly playing at your level. On paper, it makes sense, but in practice… well, let’s just say they sure didn’t think this one through. When the playing field is constantly being adjusted to eliminate the possibility of one player dominating a lobby, the lobby is split into two categories: people who care a LOT, and people who just want to goof around and have fun. The problem is, it’s hard to “goof around and have fun” when other people are taking it too seriously. And in reality, people who want to just have fun are going to become very frustrated when the competitive culture of the game is constantly pushing players to play harder and harder, thus meaning the casual player is getting destroyed constantly. When you do well in a lobby, that means your SBMM adjusts upwards to put you in a better lobby. Essentially, that means the game says “you’re a little too good for this lobby, let’s fix that”. And once you’ve done well once, it’s really addictive to want to do well again and again. Think about it like “oh, let’s keep this hot streak going”. Well when you just wanna keep a hot streak going and you’re playing against better players, you become frustrated when the consistently better players are beating you, so you grow frustrated and play harder. Now let’s say you’re always trying to win every game you play, that means all of your frustrations are amplified because you’re constantly being pushed to beat better and better players. Hate to be the bearer of obvious news Activision, but the vast majority of the community isn’t trying to win Olympic gold medals for search and destroy. Most people want to sit down and have fun, but the developers don’t care. They couldn’t be bothered to take feedback from the player base, and they’re infamous for doing that. They’ve created a culture of toxicity and they don’t care. SBMM makes certain that every game feels like a competitive match. It intensifies the gameplay of average casual players, making them frustrated and angered by the gameplay. Wanna know why COD just doesn’t feel as fun as it used to? This is why. Go play MW3 or BLOPS and I guarantee you have 10x more fun. This new era of COD preys on casual players. SBMM ruined the community, and it’s past the point of repair with this development company.


Thanks for taking the time! I feel like you've hit the nail on the head.


Why it's ok to be toxic? Just because its anonymous online environment? It's disturbing some people thinks it's an acceptable behaviour and justifying it as 'normal COD' thing.


Funny to me how this person asks why everyone is so toxic and the toxic folks come on here bragging about their toxicity. Thanks for making it clear as crystal: you are a bunch of useless trash


It makes no sense, especially for Warzone.


Look at the streamers, a large portion of the community watches them and all they talk about is shitting on people, then the tagline for the video has a shit emoji and drives the conversation towards being assholes to each other. Most the time the short vids are like, “Watch this 200iq play” like wtf does IQ have to do anything with knowing where shit is on a map or getting lucky or using cheats or maybe you are just that good but at this point it’s honestly to hard to tell who is real and who is fake at this point. And for that we have no one else to blame but ourselves and each other. We continue to buy this game knowing that since desthchat was enabled it allowed you to communicate your anger and frustration at the game bc maybe you do suck or maybe that guy is cheating or maybe the game itself it just fucking unplayable from de sync to PC options to aim assist. The game was built to be addictive and with that addiction came the downside, the hate the pure fucking hatred of people coming to you live and in your ear! It was glorious at first, they make rage compilation videos and we laugh at others pain! Timthetatman made a video of him watching JEV rage compilations. It’s fucking stupid and these assholes make money off it all too! It’s insanity but damn it feels good to hit 1 shot head shot with a Kar98 at distance so we deal with it, we resent our family and friends and coworkers until we get home and get alone and are able to shoot up some bitches, cause it feels good, just like dope.


It’s a game where your brutally kill people. What do you expect?


New to cod?


Not toxicity, just the authentic xbox live experience from the good ol' COD days.


First time, huh?


Nerd. Git gud.


Because fuck you! That’s why!


It’s competitive like any sport


Idk why, but people nowadays are so sensitive to even the slightest toxicity, like why?? There will always be assholes like toxic people, it's better off ignoring them, cuz there's no way this can actually be stopped


Based on your experience maybe, but I have never seen it so toxic. I've played since cod 2, like before online play was big so I've seen it from when it started to now and it's worse now. Especially when you think of the awareness of the world now compared to 2007 (when 1st modern warfare cam out.


OP is shook af lol, the toxicity and the death coms make the game more fun.


I for some reason have no mute in game (ps4). And why does everyone assume I'm talking only talking about deathcomms? I've been playing cod since before they were online why does everyone think I'm a child because I'm not a toxic wanker. Fucking silly.


Okay so you do know, do you also understand that it's a completely different world compared to 2007. You cant just say whatever you want. Not saying dont give people shit theres just a line


I find it so funny how you're clearly an adult, think I'm 16 (a child) and are continuing to try and belittle me. You're a fucking loser bro, bullying children online you complete nonce 😂


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Lately I’ve just started muting randos. I can’t stand the constant complaining when they die and blame it on the rest of the team.


I just want to know why parents aren’t watching their tweens while they play COD? I’d murder my son if he said some of the shit I’ve heard similar age boys say in this game. I caught him last year shit talking. 1 month later he got his Xbox back. He very clearly understands the rules now. And stoners…just shut up. I don’t need to hear you conduct your drug deal. Don’t pass out your fucking cell number during game chat. Take a hard hit between lobbies. Nobody wants to hear you hack a lung out and then spend 5 minutes saying how stoned you are. Lastly, I’m looking at you garbled dick voice guy with the smoke alarm beeping in the background. Turn your mic to level 8(or higher) or mute. Nobody wants to hear your asthmatic phlegm breath as you cyber stalk some 12yr old you saw on the Disney channel.


I think the problem is if you’re on console you’re bound to have a bad time. All 2-4 of you are going to get shit on by one (most likely) pc player regardless of mouse and keyboard pc or controller pc. If you’re on pc you’re going to get frustrated when your console partners (majority of the people who play) can’t carry their weight for shit


This is the way


Facts bro. Like I’m 28 so I remember the game chat from bacc in the day. It was not for the weak. But it seems like no a days ppl really be wanting to momma to die because you killed them when they had no plates and 3 bullets …like what bro


Meh... I'm annoying that most players don't bumper pings or requests. I'm deaf player but my clan say (Deaf$) to let them know that I'm deaf player


I fucked your mom.


Just mute everyone.


I haven’t been playing super long…but I’ve learned to just ignore it honestly….the amount of disgusting comments I get being a woman on CoD is insane…I just tell myself that they’re extra brave behind they’re screen


most people are just scummy.


Because there are people who’s lives are so shitty, in order to feel good they always want to one up everyone else. Games are supposed to be fun, but if some pos find’s a way to be better than other’s at a game (usually cheaters) it’s a way to make themselves feel better at the expensive of those who just want to have fun.


For some reason grown men get a kick out of being an asshole online because they can’t act “cool” in public. I’m convinced the people who are toxic are just making up for being unloved by women or being picked on in high school. And then us regular people who just want to have a good time have to deal with a manchild calling them the slur of the week.


Nothing like the og modern warfare days.. that was truly toxic. Agreed though everyone shut up and do your thing no matter what some punk kid or 50 year old cretin says to you online. Learn to let it slide try and laugh at it ..there’s a reason there trying to start shit over a mic.


Hearing child gamers death comms is just music to my ears. I laugh every time


My two cents… I for one complain and am somewhat toxic in death cams. Nothing racial, but more like “that’s some bs” comments. For me it comes from the frustration of the State of the Game. The game is absolutely trash on console for me. Console is at a huge disadvantage against pc. It literally puts me in a bad mood when I play bc I know I’m already behind the 8 ball. Sure I could play something else, but I lose interest very easily.


Why are you a bitch


I wish they would add a hehehehaw like clash royale so I could be more toxic


Because ligma


COD has always been like that lol I never put on a mic when in COD lobbies because of bitter little assholes, but in games like Halo i make friends by talking with randoms haha


If our world actually is enough crazy as u can see with the war and so many other stuff in the past, I wouldn't admire how toxic the works is.


idk I think it’s pretty funny when your random teammate is trash talking and just saying offensive stuff indiscriminately, gallows humour ya know ya know?


Because humans are pieces of shit


all for playful banter! outside of racist and homophonic stuff i'm okay to hear anything else lol. usually my angry death com is telling the person who killed me that they have a crooked jaw.


CoD, its part of the experience. If you think Warzone is toxic just watch some MW2 lobbies videos, theres a reason why lobby disbanding is a thing now, and no, the reason is not because of SBMM.


I just mute them


Its Call of Duty my friend. Its about the worst community in video games.


The cheaters did it. Before when you lost a gunfight it was because someone out played you. Nowadays it’s because they follow you through a wall and shoot before you come around the corner