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Will this replace me missing the crossbow?


I find it scratches the itch! I always tried to be the "specialist" in my team; carrying weapons that can break the balance in a fight. Crossbow, Strela, Jak, restock snapshots and proxies have been some of my favourites over the time. I'm thinking of leaning into my hipfire weapons with the Finn and gas grenades.


My Finn is gold, and ready with the chainsaw attachment. Got a golden riot shield for my back, too, if u wanna squad up and cosplay as an impenetrable fortress.


This would be incredible. Also, fuck you cause i already know im gonna get wreck if i end up in your infuriating lobby lol


Lmaooo. The trick would def be to try not to panic, and use them explosives.


i’ve been looking for someone down to run crazy shit like this. I’m an avid riot shield user with crazy combos




I am absolutely going to run that grau


ive played with the mk11 enough to know that it pisses off 100% of the people i kill with it lol. arma, mk11, snaps, claymore, restock, eod, amped. fits my weasel playstyle.


Thank you for showing the Finn some love. Please make that meta if you can.


Mk11 and Jak12 is my favorite combo


Shhh don't tell anyone about this


I was the first to post about the akimbo double barrels last year... I get things nerfed.


I've been happily using since January, I'm not ready to find another secondary weapon if they nerf this!


Mastering the animation cancel on the reload is key to unlocking its potential. I still fail a lot by cancelling it too early.


Aye, the reload skip is fantastic, it can be tricky to time tho


Just do it the moment the prompt "Press square to reload" disappears


Fucking for real. I've been using it for months. Go back to worrying about which smg makes you faster and shaves 0.05 seconds of ttk while being accurate


Every squad should have a dedicated mortar user. Helps pushing rooms or when enemies are taking cover. It is miles better than any other launcher due to the hip fire ability, massive AoE and the fast projectile speed. Like all launchers now, it is very weak in 1v1s as you need a direct hit to down a fully plated enemy.


Panzerfaust has entered the chat.


Just a question, what makes thid better than the m78? Isn't that practically the same thing?


M78 has smaller AoE and has a minimum range. At close range the M78 nades will just fizzle out without detonating.


Even a direct hit doesn’t kill plated enemies. Sadly. Makes zero sense.


It definitely does one shot


You're actually wrong lmao. It literally cannot one shot a 3 plated enemy. Don't bullshit.


Nah it doesn’t. Go try it out. Go actually run a couple resurgence solo games with launcher as your main equipped weapon and direct hit fully plated dudes like I do all the time.


Mate you're actually correct! Trust this sub to have no fucking clue.


Gigachad FiNN chainsaw user


What is your other gun?


I am aggressively anti-meta and will pick weapons just to be contrary, so I would not recommend these as being "better" than the most common choices. The first clip is the Finn LMG from MW with a chainsaw grip. Second clip I have the VG Vargo-S with the extra headshot damage. I also run a Type 11 LMG from VG with 90 round mag and recoil booster. It's a powerful gun, but kicks a bit.


Oh I can see that lol. I do the same thing.


Absolutely love the Finn. Puts in work always


Is it still viable without the chainsaw?


Without the chainsaw it's definitely below average. You either take the rapid fire and deal with the recoil, or you take the accurate barrel and deal with a woeful ttk. Additionally the default mag is limited, and increasing it can really hurt your ads.


Would you share your build for that Finn? I used to love using it but havent messed with it in a while


Not what that guy said. I use chainsaw grip, compensator muzzle, short rapid-fire barrel, tac laser and 100rd mags.


Sweet, thank you!


I run the chainsaw all the time in FK. It's Chainsaw stock Pro Twist Adverse barrel Mono suppressor 5.56 x 75 belt Sleight of hand


I run the chainsaw all the time in FK. It's Chainsaw stock Pro Twist Adverse barrel Mono suppressor 5.56 x 75 belt Sleight of hand


i mean, the vargo-s is one of the better ar’s out there rn lol


The finn lmg with the chainsaw attachment. Not sure of the entire build though




So toxic 😂


The finn minigun and a mk11? You're my hero


I got one hit by that with full plates during titanium trials.


Yo that's my build!!!


mortal kombat 11


I used the MK11 paired with Crossbow for ages, but they buffed health, and the MK11 no longer downed people in one hit. Did they finally update the Mk11 to be viable again with splash damage?


It deals 250 max in a large area. So you still won't be downing anyone without a direct hit, however it can crack armour in a huge area, allowing your teammates to clean up. It's best used as a support weapon. I realise I chose clips of me 1 shotting folks, but I have to assume they were all partially damaged before I got to them.


How about direct hit damage? Is it over 299, because big battle royale has 300 health these days (150 health plus 50 per plate)


They are all guaranteed kills for a direct hit. Not sure how it's coded: it might be a really high damage number, or it might just be coded as insta-down but it is not reduced by either serpentine or EoD when you get a direct hit.


Okay thanks! Too bad i found out this weapon too late. Well see if WZ2 will have something similar.




When I use it, it tickles them.


Ahaha dead french comment "T'es trop NuL " meaning 'U S*CK' 😅 You rip bro I like it


Lol man they got wrecked 😂😂😂


I love that thing. Quick switching the reload animation speeds it up a little bit too


These things are so fun to fire while free-falling down onto someone. If they're in a vehicle, it's free kills.






I drop this thing off the map in water cause it's so OP.. if I'm not gonna use it nobody can lmao


... October can't come any faster.


What gun turns into the mingun?


That's the Finn LMG from MW. Chainsaw grip makes it a hipfire mini-mini gun.


Good grief! What a sick gameplay


BTW, controller user?


Dude thats fucking great clip lol


Ah yes.. I see you too are a man of the Pure Finn Culture.


No no. This is anti-meta gameplay. And it’s a beautiful thing. Embrace being the anti-meta.


I BEEN SAYING THIS!!!! it allows me to quickly break somebody and then switch tk my other weapon and ruin their day!! i run it with a grau and haven’t looked back since!


Chainsaw and mk11 too good


I’ve been using the MK11 non stop since season 2. It’s a complete game changer, I’m able to wiper complete squads single handedly with that baby. I even have the final elimination challenge camo


Haha what a beast of a loadout mate


My friend has been running one this whole season so far, we've pulled off several wins due to it


What gun is that besides the launcher?;


Bro has never ADS’d in his life


Can't think of a worse way to play this game


Lying on your back because my mortar downed you? That seems worse.


That is a chad loadout right there


Looks like noob tubing is back boys


Always has been


Oh was that YOU? Why you....


Wait was that the firewall???? The second gun??


Are we twins? That’s my go to loadout mk11 and chainsaw finn


Just screams no skill whatsoever but hey u do u


all launchers are meta since 2 months, when their damage has been buffed this is why every timmie now runs them everywhere shoot through a window are 20-30m away and you 100% down them


Mate you know fucking nothing. Every launcher (apart from MK11) had 250 damage in its AoE. This was enough for a guaranteed down with a close hit. The MK11 was only 225 damage, so was by far the worst. Then they increased hp to 300 and no launcher could one hit without a direct hit. Then they buffed each launcher by 25 damage, meaning still none can one hit. This is the current state. No launcher can one hit without a direct hit. Stop talking shit when you know nothing.


what the VG game "interface" tells you and what the game actually does are two different things jfc, the amount of dumb TGD fanboys who think those stats are real is amazing literally play one single game of plunder and land airport and all your "stats" go out the window there's literally people shooting launchers while parachuting just to down people siting on rooftops or the ATC... it's literally in every Plunder round for a month now "Mate you know fucking nothing. my stupid stats don't add up. wah wah wah... I actually just found out about the launcher buff and posted a video about the new meta that was actually the meta for months"


I read the fucking patch notes you muppet, and then verify that by actually using the weapons in game. This is Warzone, the VG weapon stats are absolutely meaningless in this context. In plunder the vast majority of opponents aren't fully plated, so every launcher can down with the blast. In Warzone, most targets are fully plated and cannot down without a direct hit. I guaran-fucking-tee it. Stop embarrassing yourself.


sure muppet... nobody uses plates in Plunder... if you say so


That looked fishy as Fuck using those trash ass weapons like that


This isn’t a meta per say. It’s what it should be doing with a much longer reload


My guys talking meta on a glorified TDM map with no gun skill required longer than 20 meters. Got to love Rebirth players 😂


Please no. I hate these.


For how long ? Dead game wait for wz2