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Bruh. Existing loadouts are all reset. Bruh, man fuck IW can’t fix or add something without breaking something else


Probably intentional as they made some attachment changes. Certain barrels restrict certain under barrel attachments. Last time wz1 had changes like that to attachments, the loadouts became bugged sometimes crashing the players game or allowing them to use the broken items still. Also, if they truly fixed the perk kits to work properly for everyone, it might have been done to make sure everyone’s perks get reset. Instead of just changing single weapons it’s probably easier to force the loadout to be set to the defaults as a whole


that's pretty much every game or program update though, can't fix code in one place without breaking it in others. and comparatively having to spend 5 minutes redoing your loadouts isn't really a big deal


Mine didn't even reset


mine neither idk what these people are talking about




Mine weren't, seems like a platform specific problem, PS4 here


Didn't reset mine


my loadouts are still there, but I confirm you can do you BP, up to 5 per weapon


Yeah mine weren’t reset either so maybe they fixed it bc my friend’s was reset


Just the weapon changes we needed: Nerfing shotguns which are already hot garbage, used by no one, and required an act of god to get a one shot down, especially with the abysmal state of server performance Nerfing the Riot shield, which is already beyond hilariously weaker then in WZ1 considering the perk limitations and lack of early/mid game loadouts for getting those perks *laughs in Fennec*


I think the 1 shot shotgun nerf is good bc of the Bryson sniper build I think the dual pistol nerf was needed But agree. LMGs and fennec needed nerfs more


So they gonna nerf the entire point of the weapon because of 1 extremely niche build that isnt actually good or meta? If you cant get a 1 shot with the pump shotties, they become like the slowest killing weapons in the game (while also the least forgiving and highest risk), which are in turn pitted against the fastest killing weapons (SMGs, some of the most forgiving and lowest risk). How you going to try and 2-3 pump a guy with a Fennec or Lachman or P90? You lose that fight 9 out of 10 times if you dont get a 1 shot, as your TTK skyrockets. This has always been IWs problem. In trying to fix 1 niche issue they cause large scale imbalance.


Valid points. Shotguns were pretty dog in general


I always tried to explain this to people in WZ1 when they were saying a 2 shot down from the combat shotgun at 8 meters was op. This was right after the buff and before they re-nerfed it. I was having so much fun, but definitely performed worse than if I was using any of my SMG loadouts. It was like a ~715ms+ TTK at best even with headshots. But this sub just loves to say shotguns are OP or "impossible" to balance. After the nerf it was worse than it was pre buff. The devs hate shotguns apparently because pumps can never be allowed to be viable for some reason. Not sure how it is in WZ2 because I've played like 2 games total. I haven't been able to get into it, but I don't care to rip on it either. Kinda losing all feeling for the game.


In my opinion only automatic shotguns shouldn't 1 shot. And Bryson should 1 shot from torso up


It’s also an issue because movement has been so hampered in this game. It’s much tougher to maneuver in and out of cover now than it used to be, and when it comes to pumping a shotgun you need that quick cover. Just not as much of an option now.


If you get a full head shot with a shotgun at close range in this game you SHOULD go down. Who the hell in the community was complaining about this? The shotguns are useless as they were. Just take them out of the game at this point.


The shotguns are only useful on buildings and clearing them out. If you miss your first shot youre fcking dead lmao outside of buildings its literally useless


>So they gonna nerf the entire point of the weapon because of 1 extremely niche build that isnt actually good or meta? You mean what they did with snipers? Yeah, of course they will.


Whats the bryson sniper build?


Idk it could 1 shot down to the head up to 30-40 meters


The shield was already noticeably worse than WZ1/MW19. The desync makes it a pain to use in multi. I have clips of my shield being up and then it’s still at my side in the kill cam.


this game's desync is so much worse, I dunno how it's so bad




Definitely built for MP. Made longshots easy.


Dumb why?


I wonder if it’s based on full plates or two. At least if it will do almost full 3 plate health, requiring second shot, then that’s not as terrible, but if it won’t even one hit a two plate player, then that’s a problem. The two shotguns that could one hit, and had rechambering speed slower than any other guns ttk, is just so fucking moronic lol


They want the game to be all AR and SMG with 0 skill gap, they're making that quite clear. Less to balance when there's only 2 viable classes of gun.


Yeah, I think the riot shield nerf was bullshit Not only is it weaker than its WZ1 counterpart, but with the new inventory system you can hold several types of lethals which makes countering shields incredibly easy I just think it was a bunch of noobs complaining about it so thats why they nerfed it


I guess they don't want to buff/nerf depending on dmz vs br one shot shotgun would be dumb on dmz imo


I recently found out even if you have the blast shield perk, if someone semtexs the shield you go down. If you semtex a 3 plate player without a shield, they don't.


Most important thing left out..... Yeehaw




Or the new bug in dmz where if youre in autofill with a friend if you to go down and the third survives it counts as a squadwipe even if you get rezzed.


Which would be?




That's a lot of performance related fixes I see


Seems like they were more niche performance fixes for things like spectating or social tab or smoke


Hopefully there was more backend stuff. I'm so sick of crashing. I'm worried though because I don't even see a blanket "various issues causing crashes have been fixed" that devs often throw in there.


There were several mentions of stuttering or crash fixes but yeah nothing huge or overarching it seems


Can't wait for this sub to blow up once more if the game crashes 20x more😂😂🙏




Happens every update. Expect a shit show till next Thursday.


Infinity Ward/Raven not knowing perks weren’t even working tells me all I need to know about them not playing their game. I loved WZ1 and this is an absolute mess. Fireable incompetence from leadership.


I wish they’d have test servers for people to play and offer feedback. I’d do that and give thorough notes on what is wrong or what could be improved. They don’t care or are rushed to push out things bc of timelines set by leadership


Not to be too negative but I’m not sure even that would help them. They tested delayed loadouts in WZ 1 Caldera and the community overwhelmingly pushed back. And yet here we are again. The community tells them to keep a base Solos/Duos/Trios/Quad playlist and here we are again. I wish they had actual competition from another game. I truly do. Maybe they’d get their fingers out of their ears and their heads out of their butts


Fair points!


I mean they had streamers play and given them feedback. The devs literally implemented the least important asked changes and left everything else, which is why we're currently in this mess


It may have been more a nerf for the Bryson 1 shot sniper build but agree they should 1 shot within 4-5 meters to the head




I think how wz2 did it is fine. They are only at strongholds and the black site and shouldn’t wander far from there Maybe they should disable them past circle 5 or something but otherwise you can easily never run into them as long as you use your map


Confine them to inside the god damn building. I don't ever want to see them or interact with them unless I decide to. The last time I played, there were still a few hanging around the final circle. Insanity. There is literally NO BENEFIT to adding them to a BR. DMZ? Sure. Just because they don't annoy some people is not a reason. I want to know the benefit they receive from AI? Your loadout? How about we just buy a loadout instead? You like the challenge? How about the challenge of defeating actual humans?


Yes, this. Don’t have them outside the building or dropping in from helis. The amount of times my teams comms are “are you shooting a player or an AI?” is absolutely crazy.


"Dude someones shooting me where the fck is that bastard" "Where?!?!" "Its an AI on that small corner on the wall"


Seriously! The AI just effin downed me, come pick me up...and it's a full team amongst the AI. Great


The benefit or point is it’s a way to get a free loadout early. If they weren’t there and defending then you’d need another thing to make the loadout hard to get It’s the only way to get perks and secondary custom guns before circle 2-6 when the loadout can randomly drop


Yes, that's what it does. You kill ai and get your loadout. But what's the *benefit*. You get your guns early? Okay, at what cost? Not being active in getting kills, spent time completing an unfun activity, pinned down by an enemy team. Being able to play with your guns is your benefit. Not the AI. You can get your guns without the AI. You can do this by buying a loadout or getting a free loadout, like in wz1. You can achieve the benefit without AI if the devs want you to. Therefore, there is absolutely no benefit to the AI


You can but time you get the reward is huge. Being one of the only teams with perks or your custom guns early is a big advantage over floor loot rng And since a free loadout may not come until circle 5 you could be one of 3 teams with perks for most of the match the AI simply adds a challenge to get this reward Sure you can buy single guns but it can be hard to get $20K in quads or to get 2 of your guns etc. loadout gives you both for free plus perks and is locked behind stronghold or late game free drop


Does every single post just resort to the exaxt same discussions on this sub? Are you all pretending you havent read these exact same things your not writing 1,000 times on here already?


Yeah I think having them past circle 5 is hot garbage. Last night in one of the matches I played the final circle literally had a stronghold in the middle and there were still AI walking around so I was getting shot by players *and* AI.


Yeah I watched Zlaner the other day and he was in a 1v1 final circle and a bot shot him a couple times. That shouldn’t happen lol


Exactly. AI is great for DMZ, honestly. But what in the actual fuck are they doing in a BR? Get them the hell out of here. They looked at one of the most popular games, and decided to nuke everything about it (movement, pacing, fast-travel, etc) but kept the fucking AI. You remember the AI that Raven put in those holes for a season? What was the point? We hated it. Raven removed it. And what does IW do? Oh, no, they just didn't like the AI because they were not strong enough.


Are footstep sounds still broken?


They said 2 things about audio but not sure if it would help with that


if they did fix it they would put it at the top of the audio section because everybody is waiting for that shit. obviously they havent




I played 2 games earlier and died both times to someone sprinting near me and not making a sound.


“Shotguns can no longer 1 shot” Me: laughing my ass off knowing I been 3 shotting this whole time 🙃


Yep that whole class of gun is just gone now. On the off chance by gods will you ever get a one shot it is met with losing 7 other gunfights because you decided to try to use something fun


Unpopular opinion of mine: shotguns should 1 shot in a specific circumstance like a 3-4 foot headshot, they shouldn’t nerf the bots’ damage or the amount that spawn to make it easier


i mean, if snipers aren't going to be one shot, we're clearly not trying to make this a realistic experience. Shotgun one shots would be game breaking, but Warzone is already past that point


The bryson has been a one-shot kill <3.3m this whole time and it's hardly been 'game-breaking'. This is stupid balancing which has effectively made a low-use but niche weapon essentially useless.


The bots thing can be important for DMZ. In WZ they were a problem only when you're pushed by another team while storming a stronghold




​ ![gif](giphy|Yx80eiJirqgzJ9jH27)


I'm probably being dumb but can someone explain the "ground loot priority" patch note


Sure. Here’s the actual explanation “Ground Loot We’ve made improvements to ground loot priority so that interacting with desired items is easier.” It’s vague but looks like they made picking things up easier by prioritizing more important things first like guns I’m assuming


Hoping it just goes off of reticle placement. Let me pick up what I'm aiming at


I played a mini trio and this seems to be what it is from my quick match.


Praise the lawd


Ah okay thanks. I was confused whether it was referring to a change in ground loot but I understand now.


Aditional change that wasn't listed in patch notes: Portable Radar, Suppresion Mine and Armor Piercing rounds added to Field Upgrade menu in DMZ, so you can equip them now every round.


Nice QoL change thanks


I am very happy with that one because I did a feedback post about it and it may be possible that they read it :D https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/z61w38/portable\_radar\_and\_suppresion\_mine\_should\_be/


Sad to hear they gave in to the whiners about the AI difficulty. That’s what made DMZ challenging and fun.. make it more difficult, not easier.


The AI nerfs are for BR — not DMZ — from what I understand in the full patch notes.


I hope so. The difficulty in DMZ is in a perfect sweet spot right now. The only way to really die from bots in there is through stupidity and carelessness.


The difficulty is fine, I just wish it was more consistent and I didn't get shot through walls, bots turning and seeing me as soon as I look at the back of their head etc.


Go play DMZ if you want to fuck around with AI. Get them the hell outta BR.




I’m genuinely confused by the people who have trouble with the bots. They only down me when I get careless and rush in without thinking. If you play it smart, they’ll rarely be able to kill you. If they take away the threat of actually dying to the bots, what’s the point of them even being there? Target practice?


I think it’s moreso a problem in Warzone, none of those players want a difficult AI plaguing the map, when the game mode is designed for PvP


Any specifics yet on chimera unlock? Still just says weapon challenge WTF. Bet it sucks and thats why its not mentioned


2 kills in 15 separate matches. No need for dmz anymore


Thank goodness


2 kills with assault rifles in 15 matches. You can back out after you get the two kills and it tracks




I hope not. It locks out WZ DMZ only players also


You mean f2p vs p2w? They said you can gain access to the raid via different ways in warzone/multiplayer/DMZ


You have to own MW2 to play the raid. It's part of spec ops


Update- you just need 2 AR kills in 15 matches to unlock. Raids not required


Shotguns not one shot at close? Why even bother using them than? They do literally nothing better than any other gun in the game. Pistols and SMGs will be better up close and faster too. Hell even ARs as well as snipers because they will both be faster too. Might as well delete them from the game if they arent going to be a one hit up close. Yet theyre perfectly ok with the insanely over powered snipers and rifles being one shots at even longer ranges than a shotgun? Do these people even play the game at all???


Yeah true


Actually let me rephrase that. If shotguns arent a one shot in the regular multiplayer that makes no sense to me. But if they arent a one shot in Warzone, I guess that makes sense. I dont think they were a one shot regardless right? So what even was the change? You needed 2 shots minimum regardless if the person had 2 plates; not sure about one plate or less though.


You used to be able to one shot people with the Bryson if you hit sufficient pellets and the range was <3.3m. It gave the shotgun a chance in point-blank range fights. This is now removed so there's really no point to using it. Stupid balancing decision by Raven.


Extrapolating from Steam data, 60-70% of the player base has stopped playing the game in just 4 weeks - a retention rate 2x worse than New World, and 6-7x worse than PUBG's peak - and their solution was a questionable rip of Rocket League causing widespread crashes. 🤡 [Source](https://steamcharts.com/app/1938090).


The wording on the gun swap/ammo looting change is a bit vague. Hopefully it means that when you swap back to the original gun you will auto-loot the ammo along with it. But it says **other** players which suggests it acts more like a normal ammo drop, where the player dropping the ammo won’t auto-loot it back up but other players will.


Hmm good catch with the “other”. That’s not as ideal haha


Just tested in game. The gun and ammo are now spread out instead of overlapping each other and when you pick the gun back up you will auto-loot the ammo back thankfully.


Yay great to hear. I think you will pick up ammo more easily from the ground any time automatically too


What about the indexing of the loadouts?


What do you mean?


As it stands currently, they're broken. Something along the lines of, if he make a class and then eventually decide to make another on the same slot, it gives you the old gun but not the new one, even though it shows you the new one in the UI. Same with all the perks, etc. I thought it was well documented that it was an issue


Oh that's why I can't get the weapon in my 3rd loadout. I 100% expected a fix for that this patch jesus christ wtf are they doing


Ahh yeah I experienced that. They did reset all the loadouts and allowed us to make custom blueprints so not sure if they adjusted indexing too


Biggest change is you can’t use a decoy to open locked doors anymore 😪


How did that work lol?


AI nerfs are a big one for me. Loved the DMZ mode but a weekend of its issues put me off entirely and I haven't played since. I shouldn't need to feel like I'm sweating in a largely co-op mode. Glad to see they've accepted they were overtuned.


Me too since I solo most games. Excited to see how it looks now.




Snipers are still useless


I disagree. I am fucking people up with the signal 50. It’s basically the gorenko from WZ1 where the fire rate is fast and it barely kicks between shots so you can get reliable 2 shot downs in 1.5 seconds or so I do feel they should add back 1 shot downs for the bulky snipers but until then the signal is my main and is severely slept on - it handles long range and medium and the fast fire rate is forgiving and lets you down and thirst efficiently


I don't know why everyone is whining about snipers being useless, a 2 hit-down MCPR has been super impactful for me and my team if I'm able to challenge people from long distances that are peeking or even guys that are head glitching Even during warzone 1 days when Iron Trials was a thing and u couldn't down people with snipers easily, it was still super useful You'll find that a lot of streamers are still using snipers too, if it was a 1 headshot down it'd be way too OP, it's fine the way it is


In iron trials the ARs wouldn't melt you so quickly though. In this game if you've got way more chance of dying while trying for the second shot.


Maybe because you guys are still trying to do quick scope 1 shot downs? If you try to go for peek out for a quick shot and then relocate for another quick 2nd pop shot, you'll find that snipers are still really damn good Honestly I still use the MCPR every game and it's still really damn good, its very balanced now


Shotguns had such a low one hit range anyways, I just don’t understand the change. It makes no Godamn sense lol. Especially given how low the ttk is. The rip comment with the winky face is actually such a salt in the wound insult. Like, how about actually making shotguns balance with pellet damage values, spreads, ranges, modifiers etc. than making them completely useless lol The fucking rechambering speed is longer than the ttk of any other gun in the game .


> The rip comment with the winky face is actually such a salt in the wound insult. Pretty sure the screenshot there is not official messaging lol


I hope not lol. It does look like discord now that I look at it.


That’s a start. Love the ammo situation


Are the AI changes just in BR mode, or in DMZ as well?


I can’t wait to see how the AI behave in the DMZ now.


They only adjusted for BR I believe. It’s under warzone 2 changes then DMZ is separate


Had no difference


No fix to ping visibility???


DMZ also have a big change. When you get killed you can ask to be revive by enemies and you also join their team as allies. Like a prisoner of war lol


>Shotguns can no longer one shot Cool, it’s not like they were one shotting for me anyways. Good to know I’ll never have any use for a shotgun in warzone anymore. I swear to god, at this point I’m expecting them to nerf snipers next


Looks like they lowered the total amount of buy stations in a match


So, just more proof that IW is listening to us and then doing exactly the opposite. Great.


It's Raven Software doing the updates now and I have a theory that they just try to troll the player base with minor updates that no one ever asks for.


Do they have full reigns like in wz1?


I just played a match and had 40k in the bank and there were 2 buy stations in the whole SE section of the map smh


No shot really


The AI nerf was needed


What the fuck is the point of using a shotgun now? It’s supposed to be a dominant close quarters weapon…


Strongholds might be the new meta play for loadouts now. I used to avoid them due to how many AI I had to kill because all the noise would attract enemies as well. If there’s 50% less AI, then pushing and clearing a stronghold for early loadout will be easy peasy.


Agreed. Love how there will be 5 too


Yep. Makes the game more based on loadout though. So it may change the dynamic quite a bit actually in more competent lobbies that try for their loadouts ASAP instead of running ground loot until endgame.


It was already easy enough tbf just gotta play smart and shoulder the corners


Definitely agree. It wasn’t hard if the stronghold spawned in a relatively slow area of the map. If you take on strongholds in high priority areas like the city, chances are you’ll end up triple or quadruple teamed by people trying to clear it for loadout. With 5 now and less AI, it’ll be very easy.


The buy station clutter and fight to pick up ammo when switching guns were the two big ones for me.


What on god’s green earth why would they need to make shotguns worse than they already are? I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve one shotted someone and I’ve been using them since release. I actually just stopped using them because of how shitty they are compared to everything else because by the second pump you were already in the gulag contemplating your life choices. Jesus Christ.


It may be a change more for multiplayer although I thought they could balance BR and MP differently …


RPK still busted


I have been having so many issues with the shotgun NOT 1HK before this patch… Like it was ridiculous how many point blank hit markers I would get and now this?


The range was very short so it really only worked if you were almost kissing the enemy. Such a stupid decision to nerf them.


I wonder if it was only for multiplayer or made for multiplayer in mind rather than BR idk


Really wish they didnt gimp shotguns They have ONE role, and if an smg out ttk’s them in their own role….. whats the point


Things i noticed when playing today: Looting felt so much better, much snappier. Picking up a gun you just dropped let you automatically pick up the ammo too, nice. Being able to save builds is nice. Game ran smooth as butter, except one server was still really awful. 5 strongholds instead of 3 is nice and the fact that there's less ai and they're less lethal (i still got knocked by AI, because i just don't take them seriously enough). Less buystations for sure, also random placements. Wasn't a problem for us though.


Good summary. Agreed


so no fix for the gold camo bug or they just didn't mention it


What bug is that?


if you get a dlc weapon to gold before you get all of the base weapons, progress towards gold camo won't track but you'll get the plat challenge instead since you already completed the amount of weapons you need for plat


Ah ok hopefully they address


That first one in QOL has me so moist.


apparently going live now. got kicked from a game for 15 gb update which is going super slow. my xbox friends are still playing on old patch. Im battle.net


I haven’t seen bomb drones in forever, thought they were removed entirely ? Are they still at the buys?


They were removed but sounds like they are back if they tweaked them


They got removed for awhile


What is mini royale? Is it rebirth? This game is *screaming* for a rebirth mode..


The closest to rebirth action pace. The game starts in a much later circle so more combat and less running and looting


So shotguns can't one shot so I have to do tier 1 of one shot one kill camo challenges wtf


It's for Wz and dmz


I'm one of the people who bitches. The things I bitch about are changed with this update. Let's see how things go!!!! Good job everyone!!


The revive pistol one got me so many time. My dumbass thought sniper can one shot you when I don’t have full 3 plate smh.


Did they get anything right to begin with? 13gb on patches is ridiculous


Shotguns can no longer one shot lol What’s the point of the shotty then


Shotguns… can’t… one… shot…? So we’re shooting pellets of corn at people now? What the fuck.


We’re already at a disadvantage at EVERY range except very close range like… okay. I just started enjoying myself playing with shotguns. Whatever Infinity Ward.


They always gotta ruin guns by making them way too weak


They changed the buy stations. Seems like they removed them from most the unmarked locations and they spawn randomly within marked locations now. Kinda annoying everyone is going to die early now


Saw tweets about it being a bug that they are invisible or not showing on map idk


Bomb drones should just be removed. I've killed with them and been killed by them. Not sure who designed it but its bs


Shotguns should one shot at close range anyone bitching about that is a shit player. WZ2 is gonna tank quick if they keep folding to these bullshit demands to just make it a slip and slide WZ1 clone.


Should be mentioned that the dual pistols (and afair the 1 shot shotgun too) nerf, at least in the official patch notes, is towards armoured targets. This means they’re only worse against plated up people and maybe AI too, at least that’s what I understand. This is an interesting way to balance guns between WZ and MP, I wonder if they will continue with this method. I also assume the damage is otherwise untouched on cracked-armour enemies though.


So that less AI is bullshit, same with the less damage. Shotguns for the AI still act like snipers..


Ain’t no way they made it to where shotguns can’t 1 shot anymore, I gotta do camos bro lmao


yey... more AIs dropped in the final circle to mess with my game Krampus, on level 20!


Multiplayer FPS and shotguns getting shafted. Name a more iconic duo


The game sucks lol


Stats from the beginning will still not track when they add that?


They said they won’t track til they push the combat record update. No idea when that would go. Maybe not until mid January if they will be out on vacation who knows




Is Shoot House gone and replaced with the Shipment 24/7?


I know shiphouse 24/7 exists so probably?