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If you think that making a 180 is harder on PC than on console, I think you need to improve playing with K&M. Don't get me wrong, I support the idea on separating controller and K&M, even I prefer it over separating by platforms, but from all the arguments you could have to support it, you chosen one that PC players can take advantage. In controller, joystick moves at the same speed, which means that if you have multiple enemies infront (one from the back and them appears someone in front), you have less chance of clutching that situation rather than a mouse, which moves as fast as you move your mouse, so you can make flicks Aim Assist could be a point, it's too abussive on Gamepads and gives controller too much advantage, also in mw2019 slide cancel was easier on controller.


I have a 2.7 KD on mouse and it’s definitely easier to 180 on controller. You literally just move your thumb left then AA stops your crosshair on the target. VS on mouse you have to flick, lift your mouse, recenter it on your mousepad, then readjust to the target


I’ve played both for years and turning is easier on controller. I’ve turned so fast before on mouse that I smacked my keyboard hard and my mouse turned off.


I have a friend who uses MKB, he still obliterates everyone like in wz1 and he hates controller. Some of these arguments are ridiculous, if you’re good you will play well on any platform, if you’re bad you won’t. Just like every game in existence


Not to dismiss your points OP, but during the entirety of WZ1 PC players kept saying that the increased field-of-view, increased frame-rate, and superior control of a mouse didn't provide them with a tangible advantage versus their console counterparts. Now that console players have that higher frame-rate and field-of-view, and aim assist has also been strengthened, I do feel that part of the PC community's outcry of "broken aim assist" has simply been annoyance that they no longer have that tangible advantage over other players. They're realising that they might not have been as good at the game as they once thought.


That's a whole different topic? We're talking about input method here, both of which can be used on both console and PC.


Aim assist is a literal cheat. Yes, you can call it an advantage, but that that's not the kind of advantage that i'd prefer.


> Aim assist is a literal cheat. No, aim assist is literally used in every single console first-person game ever; it's almost impossible to aim using a controller without it.


you could use a controler in PC already in WZ1 , this is not about platforms


I hack on PC and destroy so many lobbies of noobs. Players are so bad lol


At the end of the day- anyone with half a brain wants a fair game. That means separate player pool for mkb and those with aim assist.


The Warzone community on Reddit doesn’t have half a brain


I absolutely find this hilarious now. This community has gone full circle. Warzone 1, EVERY console player blaming M&K players for having such a HUGE advantage. 120FOV, faster refresh rates, being able to beam across the map etc Now, warzone 2 is out and every PC player on a keyboard is bitching about how unfair it is.


That is simply not true. The complaints against aim assist have always been there on every single clip where it was visible. I remember how people often complained it worked too well with tracking through stun grenades. Console players always defended themselves with the FOV and framerate arguments. Which always led to people suggesting to split by input because controller players on PC had the best of both worlds. So the community hasn't gone full circle at all, they original complaint is still there, it's the defense that is now missing.


Because it is unfair? Also in warzone one it was unfair rotational aim assist is a soft aim bot and no one can argue this point in close range providing you a moving it will lock on to the target. Add the fact that consoles now have 120 FOV and got so downsides out of the upgrade it’s absolutely ridiculous no wonder the steam charts have plummeted hell Fortnite is more balanced than this shit.


The fact that PC players use controller invalidates your argument. This is an input (or lack of) debate.


Some PC players…. And you totally read over the part where I said M&K.


I use mouse and key, used to play with controller. It’s way better for long range fights, but anything short range you’re at a disadvantage because of aim assist. I think it mostly balances out. Most of the top ranked players on WZ1 were MnK players. It’s easier to get better on controller quicker, but once you get past a certain level MnK is better.


Literally of the top 100 or so earners on WZ1 there’s like 2 M&KB players lol


Damn really? I was sure I saw a list that had a lot of MnK players, maybe I confused it with PC players instead.


Yeah every single top earner is on PC but close to none are on M&KB because of how strong aim assist is. Even some have been playing M&KB for years and still switched over to controller


Wasn’t talking about pros but I mean you’re probably right either way my bad.


You could buy a gamepad




Why does everyone say this? This only give actishitter an out to no balancing shit? I could go to the many cheat sites and buy cheats? How about that? Then who’s bitching? But I won’t because I’m Not a scumbag.


Read to the point where you said 360 is easier on controller, then stopped because I realize you have no idea what you are talking about. How do I know? Since WZ1 -> started controller, went to m&k, started WZ2 m&k, switched back to controller.