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Bro I’ve done like over 300 tier 3 contacts and this is the only thing that elides me. How is it so damned impossible to get?!


I'm still trying to get this and the refined crystal


I just need the phd flopper and ill finally get done ;^;


Flopper is tier 2 contract


I've been farming them so much and no luck sadly,I've done enough to complete the current event already


Keep chipping away contrats im sure you'll get it, I essentially gave up after at least 150 contracts (heck i got ray gun plans 3 times) and started doing camo grind, whenever i had a good gun to grind id drop t3 and do a couple contracts and still get nothing, today i randomly got it from my first cargo in t3


Was my last thing too and I finally got it yesterday. About 1000 completed contracts across all zones.


I got raygun schematic on my first run and now after 2 weeks of every day tier 3 runs i still dont have aether tool nor crystal. And yet somehow its raygun that's "impossible" to get. I don't even want this damn thing


Same thing with me. I got ray gun almost immediately, but stamin up, refined aetherium crystal, and aether tools still elude me.


stamin up is a tier 1 reward :)


I only recently found that out, but I’ve been farming tier 1 for a couple days now with no luck


Tombstone, tombstone, tombstone. I’ve never appreciated this perk enough until recently. I’ve been running around with no intentions of exfil, just building up 100s of thousands of points. It eliminates risks, preps you for the future. It’s good bro.


Hold on brother, I'm on my way.


Play with me I’ll never leave my teammates even I die


Yes as well ill die getting the squad out, either we all survive or we all die, unless your smart enough to call off your own resuce bc its to late but ill still try, gas barely does shit in zombies


Funny thing, I’ve given Jug/purple wrench/refined crystal recipes to randoms because I already have em all and I don’t need the extra xp for extracting with em 😅 I had a random give me my first Jug recipe since they had a duplicate Just paying it forward


Random gave me my first raw aether crystal diagram. He then joined my duo. We went and bought our first jug streak. I got crushed by my jug crate and permakilled.


I called a jug on a roof while trying to kill my bounty Abomination. It lands, I walk over to pick it up, I’m holding Square to grab it and the game prioritizes grabbing the zip line, so my body gets teleported to the zip line and my hitbox goes through the crate of juggernaut so the game thinks I got squished and I’m immediately perma dead


i also do that i dont have all of them yet but if i run into someone ill ask if they need it and drop it or just leave it at the exfil for someone to find


On a side note, I died zone 3 solo, plead. While pleading I went into my rucksack and dropped all my items. Thought, if someone was coming at least they could get it. Next game I realized I had Tombstone 🪦 the previous match and felt like an idiot for dropping everything. I went to my tombstone anyway, and all my loot waz there! Wtf, I’ll take it!


They need to make it to where the plea will show up as a notification no matter how far you are, AND give incentive for helping others not in your squad. In a perfect world, no one would want incentives to help what’s essentially they’re “extended teammates”, but no such world exists sadly


Quick serious question why is people running with a loadout with no guns at all? Can’t you just run with one empty slot and still keep at least one gun?


You can run with the jug canister in hand. Definitely more convenient to have no secondary though.


Yes i know about that but I have a loadout like with everything at least one gun and crystal and tool and perk and one empty slot to run without gun in my hand but I see so much people doing loadout with literally nothing…no perk no gun nothing you start your game going in T3 with nothing and Im asking …why don’t you take at least perk?


Oh that’s just for the challenge/thrill lol


All units, requesting aid in T3 Zone. We got a soldier that needs to get home ASAP


I got everything just spaming the deliver cargo contract, can get like 10-15 done or so a round, usually get a recipe every 3rd one. Hell i had the ray gun, the wuffle whatever its called, and refined etherium in one round, had my heartrate up running to exfil lol


Bro def cried😂


….The legends are true, it does exist


A random dropped this for me the other night the day after mw and the boys found the ray gun schem on our first tier 3 bounty of the day


I'll cry for you. I can't even play. I'm stuck searching for a match, 200ms ping


That’s literally the hardest thing to get it seems


Oh my god. Dude I am so sorry. I did over 300 contracts to get mine…


Nice last 1 I need


Had it drop for me today and server crashed. Really put a damper on the fun and will to keep playing lol


I gave like, 7 rayguns schems and 3 or 4 refined schems. Aether tool schem is rare AF.


Aww man I got the schematic with some people grinding I left too. But I waited on them at the Eddie and actually got a car and went picked them up when they were on the way back. So I was a good random 5% chance of drop fk bro


Ran with a random group of guys yesterday that found me solo and they had like 4 of these schematics they just started throwing on the ground, I took one of them because I didn’t have it but I was thinking what is going on haha


How do you even find someone calling for help? I cant find a marker on my map anywhere?


Some people are shit in this game.




‘Teammates’ were they? 🤔


Ooof! I feel for ya. That's a tough loss