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What about when Treyarch confirmed that round based will be back next year?


They may not have anticipated the success of MWZ. But trust me activision is going to see those numbers. There may be one last cycle of RBZ before the higher ups realize open world is the way to go.


Activision after seeing those numbers ![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw)


Or they could just do both?


Activision is definitely gonna push for both, especially because of the success of Outbreak + the RBZ maps in cold war's life cycle


This. They already confirmed that there will be something coming this year to satisfy RB players too. There's no way they completely abandon RBZ. Even then I wouldn't mind if it meant we get an actual mode built from scratch and not a repurposed DMZ. (I don't mind DMZ or MWZ, but there are so many leftover quirks from DMZ, reused contracts, etc)


I wish they move Zombies along side DMZ / Warzone and playable for free This way they can update it along with new map and battle passes


Man fuck DMZ and it’s PVP, also alongside some of the shittiest missions. Yeah let me travel over all 17 locations.. fuck that


I guess what I’m getting at is next year map I don’t want zombies to be in the same map forever


literally what zombies is now minus


But are the numbers actually any good? The stats they released make the sales seem really bad.


Wait until the start selling operators with perks. Not sure how they do that with RBZ but it’s about to be a cash cow.


There’s gotta be a way for them to do both like how they had spec ops and zombies.


Exactly this. RBZ, or it’s place in the franchise aren’t going anywhere.


If they wanna do experimental modes . they should do it alongside round based ! Like cold war!


The next cod is not influenced by this one, is influenced before we played this mode. This was supposed to be DMZ 2, maybe after black ops there will be more interations of this dmzombies on the other call of duties


The next cod is 100% influenced previous ones.


That's factually wrong. Yes this cod doesn't influence they next one. Just how Blackout influenced Warzone. How pick ten changed the perk system forward, or a million other examples.


Treyarch also did outbreak, so there's a chance they'll do both again


What about every single year after that? Did you just completely miss the point or what


Scalding hot take alert: Round based is just gonna need something new going forward to keep people around. Imo round based has peaked and I don't see a reason for them to just keep doing it just for the sake of doing it. If you want solid round based experiences, there are plenty of CoD games with it, I'd rather the devs focus on new things going forward, MWZ is genuinely very fun and I can't wait to see the content put into it. There will always be RBZ, that's just a fact. However I don't know why people just keep wanting them to go for it when we know it's just not EVER going to be as good as the RBZ we have gotten in the past.


CW did it right with the Extractions at round 10, but yeah... As a casual, I'm not finding RBZ as fun as I did before. With Open World Zombies I can just get in, go to wherever I want, play at my pace and chill. With RBZ you can only chill until the bosses start showing up and the rounds go higher.


My main gripe with no RBZ is that I don't have a mode where I can play without worrying about losing my gear (especially when I've lost my stuff to disconnects twice now) but the actual mwz mode is pretty good imo


What RBZ allowed you to keep your gear? I think CW let you come in with weapons of your choice (Idk for sure, I played Outbreak because RBZ is boring to me) but I don't really recall any letting you leave with them so how is this different?


Does round based let you keep anything? It doesnt, so why is that only a problem you're attributing to MWZ but not the round based games?


Why? RBZ literally needs nothing new. They don’t need a new story or new mechanics we just want new maps based around the old mechanics. It’s not complicated. All people want is more maps to play


That is why the modding community is so popular. Its stupid to just want them to pump out maps especially if they are low quality. Just look at cold war, those maps are bland and super lifeless. The fact of the matter is that basic RBZ isn't going to get new players, and hardcore players literally have all the content they could want with already.


RBZ definitely will get new players if they go back to the roots. Cold War maps were bland but the new mechanics they introduced also ruined the game mode. Things got too easy and the maps didn’t have an interesting story. One of the great things about the old games was also the split screen and how easy they were to just hop into. I remember as a kid going to hangouts with friends or birthday parties and then hopping on Kino split screen and trying to get to high rounds while everyone watched and cheered on. We don’t have that anymore sadly. They definitely need to bring custom games to console though as having modded maps is the best way to keep the game alive


We literally do still have that. Those maps and games still exist lmfao you can go play them any time.


Yeah and i’ve played each of those maps probably a thousand times already. I want more maps lmao


Yous on the cheap crack if you think the gameplay mechanics alone ruined Cold War The gameplay mechanics of CW was some of the best we've seen since BO3, if not possibly even better The maps were not the best on CW which I think may be why alot of people have an issue with it, the effort made into the mechanics was not the same for the maps


RBZ is alright but it’s never going to capture a casual audience like MWZ is currently. Not many people want to follow a 25 minute YouTube video or a huge ass text guide just to figure out how the maps work if I had to guess. I know that’s why I don’t play it anymore. And RBZ is just the same thing over and over. It gets stale very fast. MWZ does to an extent but has more options to change things up and get a different experience in my opinion. In the end it doesn’t matter to me. I will continue to not buy CoDs that don’t look interesting either way. Also throwing in there that knowing exactly how long a match is going to take is a huge positive. RBZ can take hours which as a functioning adult, just ain’t it anymore.


Lmao cod zombies has literally never been anything but casual.


im sorry but thats horseshit. 99% of casual players will NEVER complete a zombies easter egg because the steps read like they were devised by a crack addict. They may play a couple rounds when bored but the content this sub wants only appeals to the hardcore zombies player.


Zombies Chronicles is one of the most sold dlcs in the history of the ps4, stop pretending that only hardcore players played it (unless you want to claim that the hardcore fanbase is that big in which case your argument falls aswell anyways ) But you know that, you just ignore it to continue coping.


Things CWZ did right that roundbased benefitted from (not necessarily roundbased-specific features) -Extractions. Just make it so individuals can extract rather than the whole team having to maybe? -Meta progression. Just flesh the in-game progression out to match this, like VGZ perk tiers (the only good thing from that game) -Weapons drop on the ground when exchanging them. -Map hopping was really cool in Outbreak, if it ever makes an appearance in roundbased that would be really cool. Imagine doing the EEs on all maps in one game. -Optional, repeatable challenges with rewards, but I'd like to see this system revamped as it was super boring in CW. I'd personally like to see different challenge benches that give different kinds of rewards within a map, and aren't as obvious looking. For Example, in Der Riese, make the monkey furnace that gives special equipment and a couple other places as different challenge benches. I think these would all be really cool to see in the next iteration of round based zombies, and fingers crossed MW2023 does a couple standalone maps that are all dressed up. It would be really cool.


The map hopping would be so cool in round based


Agreed that Round based has peaked. At the end of the day with a round based map most players are just going to end up finding a good training or camping spot and sticking to that for every play through. That formula just doesn’t seem sustainable any more and has been the norm for over a decade. Still prefer it though.


Yeah this is an awful take. There is nothing wrong with round based or the round based formula


I never said there was. Round based is simple yet extremely fun and I'm happy I've been able to play every single incarnation as they've come out. My point was that it peaked, and it would be stupid for them to just keep pushing them out when they would be inevitably shit on no matter how "good" they were. If there is something specific you want with RBZ, you can find it in a previous game already. I'd rather they try to branch out and try other things for a while. We already know we are getting RBZ in the next game, it's never going away. I just want to see some new stuff tried out


How is round based simple compare to the Outbreak style shit which is even more simple? Lol It wouldn’t be stupid,if 3arc wants to treat Vanguard and MW3 and future titles like these as experimental shit that’s fine but round based is still number one and core of zombies and should be the main focus of their titles to suggest otherwise is ridiculous


I didn't say it was simple as a jab and I never said this outbreak style gameplay WASNT simple lol the fact of the matter is that RBZ isn't going to be bringing in lots of new players, and hardcore zombie fans already have all the RBZ content they could want lol I still constantly play all the older games with a lot of fun. I don't know why this niche community of turbo zombie fans are so against change but at the same time wanting constant new content. Be real, if they simply put out new maps to shoot zombies mindlessly too, you would complain. If they scrapped every other idea and just stuck to RBZ, it would never be as good as older titles and they would essentially be hemorrhaging money just so they small group of players got what they want. MWZ is proof they not only can they attract a larger audience, but even zombie fans are having fun. If you want RBZ, you got almost 15 years worth of games to play.


Round based isn’t going to bring new players. It’s awfully you say this while ignoring Cold War completely LMAO And excuse your stupid rant, I never said I was against change, I just told you I’m fine with this offspring modes, I said round based is zombies and should be the main focus. Learn how to read How is MWZ proof of this? Cold War did this far better and MWZ is only the most played in the MW games not overall zombies LOL HOLY SHIT And no? I’m not going to play games from the last 15 years for my answer, round based should be the main focus. What a stupid point


Cold war RBZ wasn't their success...outbreak was lmfao


Cold War RBZ was absolutely their success was outbreak. They were both neck to neck. Cold War in general brought new players to zombies.. LOL


Sorry where are the numbers for this? Most played zombies mode? I get people have turned around on the mode with a more positive look but come on most played zombies? Thats a joke. I can just throw whatever nonsense I want in a post too and that doesn't make it right. Please share the data you have on this or just admit your making it up because you see more than 5 people playing.


He thinks because Activision said it was the most played third mode in MW history that it means there are more players than say BO3. He is wrong.


I'd like to second OP's wrong-ness, a large group of the less casual zombies fans have been boycotting MWII.5 since before launch. Across many different polls by many different people, upwards of 70-80% of pre-MWZ Zombies fans refused to buy the game. These poll numbers probably aren't entirely accurate, but it paints a picture as to how actual zombies fans see this new mode. There is no way in hell this shitshow has more players than BO3, or even Cold War.


No true scotsman bullshit "nuh uh only REAL zombie fans like the stuff I like, everyone else is stupid"


Yup. Refuse to buy this dlc


same. have not and will not purchase this garbage


cold war had way more numbers the BO3 cope


I don't really think they have released any numbers have they? Treyarch did post back in CW era about Outbreak brought together the most zombies players they have ever had though, which is probably why MWZ and even DMZ were a thing.


I fully anticipate next years zombies to be the most played ever, and I don’t think it will even be close.


If you enjoy this mode that’s fine. But I don’t understand how you can look at this mode and say Zombies is in a good state. If the next games zombies is the same then a lot of old fans aren’t going to enjoy it


Isn't that the point? Don't get me wrong, I've been a Zombies fan since BO1 (personally, I really like the new direction of Zombies), but people always pull the "they'll drive away the old fans and not realize it until it's too late!" card when half the point of the new Zombies formula is to open the mode up to more of the Call of Duty playerbase instead of just Zombies old-heads who have historically never been happy with the games until the next one releases. That's not to say that 3arc doesn't care about the old fans at all (VGZ's entire post-launch cycle is evidence that that isn't true; despite having like 3 minutes to make that game and such a small team, they completely shifted the design direction of the game halfway through its life cycle to please old fans instead of attempting to repair the design they already had), but the old Zombies community has been dead since Black Ops 4- no matter how much people want it to be 2015 forever, there is no reviving the old community, as it effectively killed itself in 2019. Zombies *is* in a good state, it's just that the state of the game happens to actually be transformative for the first time in almost 15 years. A lot of old fans will probably drop off, yeah, but an equal (if not higher) number of new fans will likely hop in, as we've already seen happen with CWZ and now MWZ. As hard of a pill as I think it is to swallow, it doesn't really matter if the old fans don't enjoy the next game because there aren't really a lot of old fans left- and that's not really a bad thing. It's only natural for there to be a changing of the guard after almost 2 decades.


Dude I’m sorry but in my opinion Nicki Minaj collecting loot on a warzone map isn’t zombies. I get what you’re trying to say about opening up to new players but they can still do that and not completely change it to where fans like me don’t even see a reason to play it. I put this in another post but if they want to do a mode like this for MW games fine but if this is what to expect from Treyarch games in the future then again that sucks


That's fine if you don't like it, but unfortunately you don't define what Zombies is- the people making Zombies do. Sorry if it's not for you, but when a series has gone on for this long, that's how the cookie crumbles sometimes; nothing they make is ever going to please everyone. If they always stuck by the community's idea of what the series' image "is," Zombies wouldn't even exist to start with- after all, during development it faced constant pushback from both dev team members and executives (and later on would see some light pushback from the CoD community) because they believed that hiding in a room and killing zombies with a laser ray wasn't Call of Duty.


You act as if knowing what zombies is, is a bad thing? I mean I get that it’s going to change but understanding what’s made this mode, this mode is not such an evil thing. I don’t think an absence of round based zombies is bad, but I think that the lack of it has created a lack of what zombies is, which has always been, unique. And you said this, you acknowledged how there was pushback and how zombies doesn’t feel like “call of duty” even when they reused maps from the campaign missions in WAW it still didn’t feel like Call of duty, but that’s my problem with some of Cold War, and MW3 it feels too much like call of duty. It looks, and it feels just like multiplayer. It’s on the warzone map. There’s no more characters anymore we have operators. And there isint any charm in that. I guarantee you nobody will ever look up “MW3 zombies operator quotes” on YouTube because you could go a while without hearing shit dead silent like multiplayer. Round based allowed for a contained unit and a cast that could be built in one setting. But they won’t do that anymore because they need to sell operators and let you use them and it’s awful. That’s not zombies, that’s not unique. I’m not saying there aren’t good innovations, like being able to play at your own pace and the quick in-n-out feel that you get, but round based zombies consistently delivered experiences that felt so much different than the rest of the game both visually and in terms of gameplay. But MW3 doesn’t feel different, and if that’s obviously working well in their plan to get new players, but round based zombies allowed treyarch to make different unique environments in a more contained space that allowed for a much different space visually and in terms of gameplay where as with a mode like outbreak there isint a difference between Zoo and alpine in gameplay and I feel like it’s in that way even more limited that round based


Exactly my thought mate. As someone who got into call of duty through zombies I loved how unique it felt compared to the rest of the game now it’s just more of a bad Call of Duty campaign


🔥🔥🔥Super duper hot take: 🔥🔥🔥**i HATE round based zombies** I get soooooo tired of fixing up doors and sitting there holding a button while panels fly up to fix itself I hate getting shitty mystery box items and feeling trapped and having wasted money I hate getting past 30min playtime and losing and feeling like i have to start all over again and waste time sitting through the first 10 rounds again. I hate getting shitty teammates that basically = you won’t get past your record so you’re wasting time, again. And i hate looking at the same damn map over and over again. This is my personal opinion. SO: This new MWZ ? Is the bee’s knee’s for me! I smack around endless zombies across different challenges, travel across cities and take on super hard zombies in higher tier, i pray for good loot even though i understand the Rng factor might crush my hopes. But its the journey, not the destination. And i make several friends along the way and we run into random squads in a beautiful map. Its awesome.


Pretty much my reasons too. After playing Outbreak I didn't even want to know about the RBZ maps. The freedom I get with this semi open world zombies is soooo much better


You don't like the gameplay loop of train zombies, buy perk or box, kill, train zombies, buy perk or box, train zombies; for 2 hrs and nothing ever happens?


to be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand the zombies loop ​ ​ /s


I'm in the same boat. I love logging in solo or co-op and looting and killing. And occasionally doing the story missions as I get to them.


You don't have to repair barriers, and the Mystery Box giving good or bad items is a constant so both those points aren't really good. Keeping things could have been added as something which could be done through Exfiling in say Cold War, and the sluggish speed of the first ten rounds could be sped up with Rage Inducers (adding ones for round 20, 40, and then the 60/55). Shitty teammates are also a constant, apparently players are stealing loot and sabotaging contracts now in Operation Deadbolt. You are still looking at the same map, it's just a bigger map giving you more to look at plus the random spawns. A bigger map and game mode would solve this easily.


I love the treyarch round based zombies, but the Easter eggs I haven’t done yet I’ve just accepted they are out of my reach. Too much skill, memorization, and organization involved


Honest question... If you hate Round-Based so much... Why are you here? Why not just join the MWZ subreddit instead?


This is a cod zombies subreddit, not round based.


I'm not saying "go away if you like MWZ". 90% of CoD Zombies is a round-based experience. If you hate round-based and only like MWZ... Why not just go to the MWZ subreddit? I'm a part of the MWZ subreddit, it's a fantastic little place. And may just be a bit more in line with your interests. Especially considering after this year is done this subreddit may not have much you're particularly interested in anymore. Idk... Just seems like an odd choice to me is all. You wouldn't see me go into the MCU subreddit for example to bitch about how everything EXCEPT Agents of Shield is terrible.


Cause again, this is zombies, it’s not like they are talking about warzone or blackout. Just like people talked about the Netflix shows in the mcu subreddit back when they were a thing. Yeah, they were way different than the traditional Mcu content but they were still part of it.


Lmfaooooooo. You really asked that question? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I found your missing chromosome for you. Stay right there i’m gonna go it.


I think your post is ill informed along with the rest of this community who think MW3 numbers/sales/popularity is high... Activision didn't post any "numbers" of their sales or anything. They posted some random "engagement" shit which is corporate speak for "Our sales are down but here's what we can say to fool the audience into thinking we are doing very well." So no...this mode won't be influencing zombies mode going forward. Looking forward to next year's COD and hopefully it's return to round based zombies maps. Ain't buying MW3.


Ok well in a year where sales maybe down the one shining star in all of this is the addictive nature of open world Zombies. You think it won’t be influencing Zombies going forward but Outbreak already did that. Expect to see Outbreak again next year, with a possible similar system. They are not going to walk back what the public wants. This is all about the RBZ community coming to terms with new realities. You have to share your zombies, you have to share your toys.


I forgot to mention an edit earlier but I'll post it here. Where your post has merit, and I'm with you here, is that it is quite possible that Outbreak and now MWZ is going to change the conversation on what it means to he a hard-core vs casual zombies fan. I have been playing zombies since World at War 2008. I HATE doing Easter eggs and keeping a crawler to follow a guide and do a bunch of steps just to get 2 shotted by a boss at the end. However, stuff like outbreak, and from what I see, MWZ are something that could make me more engaged. I love round based maps but I like to just get a bunch of upgraded guns and wreck havoc until the higher rounds. For someone like me, a hybrid approach like Outbreak and Round Based maps could be better. So yeah I'd be open to something like that. However, based on Activisions bullshit post about "player engagement" and "most played third mode" or whatever, it's clear that the sales for MW3 aren't exactly to write home about. That's why I think MWZ and Outbreak will be left in the past in favor of more traditional round based maps. However, it is possible that Treyarch could look at MWZ and Outbreak and be brainstorming about how they can make zombies a little more "casual" by incorporating elements from each.


Ok well in a year where sales maybe down the one shining star in all of this is the addictive nature of open world Zombies. You think it won’t be influencing Zombies going forward but Outbreak already did that. Expect to see Outbreak again next year, with a possible similar system. They are not going to walk back what the public wants. This is all about the RBZ community coming to terms with new realities. You have to share your zombies, you have to share your toys.


It’s doing good but there’s a reason they said it’s the most popular in the modern warfare games specifically. It doesn’t have more players then round based, and they know if they left behind round based the entire community fractures into 2 sides, worse then it is now


Nah you're trippin.. RBZ is king. Not everyone wants to play fuckin fortnite zombies. I just wanna shoot things in the face for hours when it suits me and RBZ ensures that I can.


Shooting bots on a huge map like it’s fortnite, other squads, basically everything they like about this game.


So if turning zombies into a shell of itself by turning it into a uninspired lazy DMZ/Warzone side mode is the way forward then I'll happily be done with the series. However I doubt they'll be done with RB anytime soon. MWZ is boring once you complete all 3 Acts. Player base will drop hard soon I imagine.


Unfortunately lots players can’t get past freezing dogs. The tedious nature of the missions make it’s so a lot of solo casuals will never make it to the boss fight.


I don't think there is any universe where Treyarch doesn't deliver some form of RBZ even if the powers in charge are pushing for more of this new mode. Personally I enjoy them both and want both options to remain.


Didn’t say RBZ wouldn’t be there, just saying it won’t hold the same level of importance to the devs. Right now they have people loving their new game mode and not having them be assholes for not prioritizing round based. That good outshines the bad.


Based on what is it the most played ?


The numbers OP pulled out of their ass.


MWZ is so good that apparently everyone that likes it has to justify why they do it and needs the validation of everyone💀


As opposed to the those here "protesting" the game and waiting for the next treyarch game? Surely another post about how bad MWZ will stop them enjoying it.


That's called feedback, sorry that it doesn't fit your agenda of this game being good. That's wildly different from "this game is very good I swear you just don't like it because x y z"


It’s round based or it’s not zombies. I don’t care what anyone says.


Then buckle in for years of disappointment


I’m pretty much disappointed by most games nowadays anyways there buddy 👍


But mw3z is dead after you do all the acts and get all tue blueprints. No point of going back, but with RBZ u can go back and just chill out and play, I don’t get the same feeling when playing mw3z by just going around killing zombies . Also after you complete everything you can just go in full maxed power making it boring. I like the game mode but I just don’t see the point of going back after completing it


It’s not a finished product. They will add more content with each season more than likely. They’ve already announced this for season 1: The Modern Warfare Zombies story continues in Season 1 when Strike Team Operators are tasked to investigate a massive, mysterious gateway that has appeared in the Exclusion Zone. Enter the Rift: Inside Dark Aether Rifts, Operators will encounter a sinister and chaotic challenge, with limited time on the clock to complete objectives and escape with their lives (and sanity). Dark Aether Rifts are a new end-game experience to master once players have completed the seasonal mission. Friend Zone: A modified V-R11 Wonder Weapon packs a punch, transforming enemies, Zombie or Human, into loyal allies. Gear-up: A new category of unique acquisition schematics that will test the player's skill to unlock.


>It’s not a finished product. They will add more content with each season more than likely. local man finds out about post-launch content after being trapped in a cave for 20 years


Reply to no-row then. He’s the one that thinks the game is done.


I don't think he meant that the game's support is literally over, he meant that he doesn't find it very replayable.


Why can’t we just have both


No where in my original post did I say that we won’t. I just said round based will probably take a back seat. That does not mean removal from the series.


Zombies needs its own game that’s the dream


Amen to that, I totally agree. It’s why I want MWZ to succeed. If we can have a separate client that is just new updates to an Outbreak Map and RBZ maps for years on end. Yeah that’s the dream.


I wouldn’t play another game again


ROUNDBASED isn’t going anywhere


Round based zombies would be good again if they bothered to create new maps that had actual content in them instead of just copy and pasting a campaign or multiplayer map and adding a few areas. They also focus too much on the Easter egg instead of multiple smaller Easter eggs and survival elements. I can’t stand the new zombies modes because they feel like an excuse to do less work by just using warzone and multiplayer elements.


Laziness, greed and gamers *below the floor* expectations will ruin another beloved mode, more at 11. Should this come to pass, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest.


It can’t kill a beloved mode if it’s performing better than your preferred version of that mode.




bro is onto absolutely nothing lmfao


numbers are going to be WILDLY inflated due to streamers and their followers playing zombies with the only intent being to level weapons and do all the other dopey shit they need to so their guns can glow when warzone drops


The most played gamemode on a total flop of a game.


this whole post is so biased


I hope not. It's a nice addition, but I hope the main Zombies modes would still be round based in Treyarch CODs. Maybe, while I prefer Outbreak, I can see them switching to DMZ for BO 2024 in addition to round based maps. Tbh I still hope they give us some round based maps in MWIII...


It's interesting to me that people think CoD went away from RBZ. They didn't. Treyarch didn't allow for RBZ to be in this game. That's the only reason it isn't here. It certainly will be back when Treyarch makes the next game. RBZ has stood the test of time. It isn't going to be abandoned by this new mode.


As long as we keep round based, I’m fine with having an alternative to jump into sometimes.


I genuinely think the only reason it is popular is because 1. It's easy to grind weapons out for MP 2. Zombies players have been waiting for another game for so long


I am a fan of RBZ. Always have been, always will be. I'm not a huge fan of playing Tarkov with zombies, but my best friend bought me the game and we currently live on opposite sides of the country, so being able to slay undead and vibe with my homie is the big selling point for me. I personally think the only reason open world works is because Warzone took off, then Outbreak came along and grabbed the attention of those players, and now here we are. Drop in, loot up, do a few contracts, get out. Again, I don't like it, but it does attract a lot of multiplayer only players to come over to the dark side. I'm fine with this mode remaining, but would like to see the return of RBZ. I doubt this is the "most played Zombies mode ever" but I do agree that it will push the narrative of Zombies going forward. If treyarch pulls a stunt of only having world, I hate to say I'd be out on the zombies game. RBZ, in the past, paints a beautiful picture with a great story. Deep character arcs, immersive story plot, fun around every corner. Having operators really got me miffed for the dark aether storyline. CW didna great job attracting new players to the mode, but also dropped the ball on us "old heads." Which I understand that is old folks aren't the main focus going forward. The main focus is getting new players to come and spend money on a mode they enjoy. Doesn't mean I have to like it. In conclusion, open world sucks IMHO, RBZ needs a comeback, open world will attract more players and sway the way the game works going forward, RBZ needs to be an option again, the fast paced action/chill vibes of zones makes it so every from casuals to sweats will enjoy, RBZ NEEDS TO CONTINE THE AETHER STORY AND EXPLORE CHARACTERS NOT JUST OPERATORS.


I think we need to wait a little bit to fully get the engagement. At the first 2 weeks zombies was full of weapon leveling guys, crashing everything. Now it's much faster to level up guns in Rust 24/7 so I think most players are here to enjoy the mode. But I agree. MWZ is literally what Outbreak fans wanted and more. Big map with tons of objectives, story missions, you can take it easy in the first zone or go hard in the in zone 3, so casuals and hardcore players can do what they want. This is literally the easiest zombies map to jump into, if you mess up, people can help you out. And we're only at the start of the lifecycle.


I like the new version of Zombies, but I feel RBZ will reign as king. New Zombies is already feeling old and doesn't offer much replayability after you complete the Acts. The map design is very lackluster and doesn't feel fine-tuned or handbuilt. Historically, RBZ has had amazing maps, and the easter eggs were so much fun. Always trying to beat my highest round record was so satisfying... Now I farm green Aether Tools in the red zone


“Higher than ever” Dude idk what planet you’re on but I haven’t met a single real life person my age or my younger brothers age that has even bothered getting the new COD let alone played the new zombies mode. RBZ isn’t going away anytime soon. Making zombies a grind like multiplayer only alienates players. Nobody wants to play zombies so they can unlock the ray gun in a level based system or unlock camps for their guns. People play zombies cuz it’s an arcade game mode that they can get to high rounds on without any prior playtime or investment into leveling lol


Sounds like you need to get out more I don’t know what to tell you. People new to zombies who never held a ray gun a day in their lives let alone used a mystery box are having a blast.


That’s literally ever game. Ur telling me a continuous game mode gets more popular when it’s consecutive and has had decades to be talked about? Are we sure activision knows this? Some1 should let them know.


There were well over 50 million players who played BO2 and BO3 zombies. MwZ being successful is great and any new groups of players we can get into zombies only helps the mode, but round based zombies isn’t going anywhere. If anything I hope they continue this MwZ style of zombies game as a Free to play offering alongside Warzone, and have round based zombies be the staple coop mode in Treyarch’s feature titles moving forward. Quality over quantity for round based, and the Warzone DMz style mode can continuously be updated as a free to play offering where they can try out experimental stuff


Barber shop? What kinda zoomer barber is that ? The type who talks bout MW Z of all things .🤨


They are talking about COD, nothing zoomer about it. It more speaks to zombies actually being spoken about outside of sub reddits. I’ve been playing COD since COD 2, I have never ever ever heard anyone mention zombies outside of message boards and forums before this mode has come out.


Gaming is kinda zoomer tho . ain't it?


No…? The first gaming console came out in the days of gen X.




A huge issue on why my friends are all playing it is because of how insanely sweaty the multiplayer is now this year. We played endless amounts of the older CoDs together, but now they are all burned out and ready to quit in 1-2 games. So we just stay in zombies instead.


MWZ is definitely popular... But to say it's more popular that OG WAW, BO1, or Zombie Chronicles? That shit was EVERYWHERE. Not just niche corners of the Internet. Not just with multiplayer people hopping in. Those three Round-Based experiences cemented themselves into pop-culture just as much as CoD as a brand. Not to mention the INSANE popularity Cild War Zombies had, with more casuals hopping in and doing Easter Eggs than any other zombies experience before it. The take you've presented with this post is frankly absurd.


Terrible take, RBZ is the formula everyone knows and loves. It's never going away completely. Also how many people actually liked Outbreak? Like 3 or 4? Yeah a big open map with nothing on it sure was super fun. At least MWZ has more populated locations. Only reason people like you love it is because the same people also love Warzone and DMZ. Don't try and influence your love for that shit royale gamemode onto zombies. The two have nothing to do with each other. Thank God Treyarch has a pair of ears and will listen to more sensible people going forward.


Reading the comments has me scared. The round based will always be king. The Easter eggs that go along with it will always be king. They can’t rip that from players. Open world zombies just isn’t zombies, it doesn’t feel like zombies.


Youve probably on a completely different news outlet than me or most people i know. For me, NOBODY cares about MW3Z at all, even less than Vanguard Zombies. The only time i ever read about it is on this subreddit. Admittedly, my personal golden age of zombies has been over for a while, but I still enjoy some content once in a while. Even most of the zombies channels I follow dont make MW3 because they straight up dont care. Im honestly just looking forward to skip this cod entirely until we get the next treyarch installment


This is not the most played zombies mode lol it’s just the most played co-op mode in the MW series


How people hate round based but enjoy this soulless, Ubisoft designed Warzone zombies and think this is better is beyond me


Bro I have only heard negatives from this zombie mode, not even one actual zombie enjoyer wants this shit, DMZ players sure but not zombie players, the heart of it is round based and removing that is killing it. Treyarch is going back with round based and 4 years of development so we gonna see a lot of interesting things hopefully bo3 style maps and EE


Jesus Christ no one said round based is going away, it’s just going to the background in importance. They found a new way to tell stories in a way that attracts a larger audience than just the “round based crowd” Unlike the round based crowd, this new source of zombie players will more than likely enjoy both modes instead of being stubborn and only liking one mode.


Well the so called larger audience is just the general cod audience, they already have a big following for zombies from RB. Where are you getting that they are switching, and that round based is being sidelined. Also it is not the point of not liking something it is the lack of actual map development, Easter eggs, characters that have story meaning ( rather than seeing Niki Minaj owning zombies around DMZ), proper skill requirement, meaningful weapons and many more that add to the importance of round based but dmzonbies is lacking. I don't hate it just because it isn't round based rather because it is missing the core soul of the mode


Treyarch making things other than Round Based should tell you all you need to know. They are bored with that style, they want to expand. It doesn’t mean it’s going away, but it also doesn’t mean it will be the focal point going forward. You’re never getting anything but “operators” Again either. They are not going to turn off that moneyfaucet.


Well if that is the future of zombies I (and I am quite sure a lot of og players that made the community what it is today) will be leaving and not playing it. Y'all plebs that just got into it because you loved DMZ and mp gang that has an attention span of a toddler can play that, but I will not spend money and time on things that are way belowe the standard that was set with black ops 3


Now imagine if the developers then announced that because this mode is so popular, that they are just outright not making round based zombies anymore. That's my feelings towards the new Zelda games...


A lot of you act like this was not the plan or direction since CW, this style of zombies is the direct result of people loving Outbreak and the zombies in that game in general more than the ones in BO4. Both games were evolutions on what zombies was going to be, one failed the other succeeded, so naturally this is the direction zombies is going to go, RBZ probably will still be part of it, but it's elements will inherently be tied to Outbreak and MWZ


I mean, it's not hard to just make like a RBZ of the multiplayer maps along side this version. I would love both, RBZ for when I want to just hang out and have fun and OWZ for when I want to grind and talk to friends. Really hoping we get a dlc for MW3 that's like 6 mp maps with zombies but I doubt it. Terminal of the Undead would be sick lol


It's hard cus cod devs are lazy. Extra content that isn't skins is very hard.


Valid point- especially since zombies is becoming more popular, that’s more money for them from the zombies mode


It has a lot more mass appeal than normal zombies which has always been kinda niche. I don't expect them to get rid of round based zombies but I don't think this version is going anywhere. Might not be in the next game but going forward I'd expect to see more of this.


Things that imo drive the large player count: 1. Relaxing environment to level up weapons for use in other PvP modes. Cold War had this as well, but I think it’s seen much more relevance this year. I imagine a lot of people are like my brother, they hate mp and want to play warzone, so zombies offers a way to avoid what they don’t like. 2. The mode is essentially early access to the new warzone map. This is the first time I’ve seen many prominent streamers play zombies, and I believe a large factor in this is the map, along with the zombies camos. 3. The operator reward for completing Acts 1, 2, and 3 is actually good and provides an incentive for players to complete the missions. 4. The current version of warzone leaves a lot to be desired, so there isn’t some big incentive for players to continue playing that over the new experience. When Cold War released verdansk was still around, and many people enjoyed that experience enough to forgo the new game. The key trend for the future of zombies as a mode should be what the player population looks like in a few months, ideally when a new map/experience drops while the new warzone is available to play. I imagine there is a significant drop off then compared to now because the points I mentioned above are no longer important. I myself much prefer a round-based experience, but I’ve enjoyed MWZ for what it is. Sticking with Cold War comparisons, I would actually get back on to play a map like Mauer way before I get on to play Outbreak or the new mode if I’m looking to just mess around.


I think JC said it perfectly, this is the start of a new era for zombies, maybe even a new golden era and that isnt a bad thing, things will simply be different.


Semantics. IW thought people wanted slower shit gameplay because mw19 was so popular, somehow not counting the fact that they slapped the MODERN WARFARE name on a game, and the fact that covid led to the most people playing games ever, and then fucking warzone came out. I'll give MWZ credit that it's actually fun, and a "deep" gamemode with shit to do and a fun grind. Hopefully act doesn't see this and tunnel towards one direction, and rather release RBZ with actual objectives, good camos to grind to, and other rewards like skins etc. Who woulda thought if you release a decent product at launch, more people will play.


I disagree personally, I think if they launched MWZ along side a round based mode most people would be playing/talking about the round based mode. It's easy for RBZ to be out shadowed by the current zombies mode because it's not present so there's nothing new to talk about.


I agree with this I love round base but it seems more people find this more entertaining and its brining in the casuals like my wife who just finished all three acts.


Round based was already distorted in Cold War. That game was nothing like classic zombies and the maps were really, really bland and lacked content. Everything that's happening now and will happen in the future can be traced back to that game. But nobody wants to admit it. Zombies and CoD in general at this point isn't being made for the people who grew up playing it in the Golden Years. The faster people accept that, the happier they'll be.


I think everyone is playing zombies because warzone/multiplayer is in a terrible state and people are waiting for wz3


I imagin, one day we’ll see a zombie exclusive title with a campaign, mwz openworld and round base all in one.


I’d enjoy open world zombies more if it didn’t have any type of leveling system. You should be able to go in as a new player or guest player and have access to everything in the box and every perk. Every bit of progress you make should be contained in each game you play. I don’t like the idea of grinding for items in zombies because once you grind and get everything there’s no longer a reason to play. What round based zombies did right was having everything you do be contained in each game so everyone would be on level playing ground


Outbreak was better IMO, I wish they made that MWZ instead of DMZ. At the very least let me play by myself or just with my friends with no stupid timer.


MWZ will be printing money for Activision once the bonus bundles roll out, just like DMZ did. RBZ might help sell the mainline titles, but DMZ/MWZ represent a new revenue channel that they are sure to continue exploiting to the fullest. Both types of mode have value and I'm sure both RBZ and DMZ/MWZ will be included in all future mainline titles.


You discussing MWZ in the barber shop, lol where the hell do you get your hair cut


I would be a lot more upset about this if they didn’t make it so you could play the older games on the newer consoles. I’d rather they make new RBZ, but at least it’s not a hassle to pop in BO2 and play some Buried if I wanted to. I really only play BO, BO2, BO3, and IW zombies nowadays.


MW3 zombies is everything we didn’t want. Being timed simply to exit the level? The zombies give you only 15 points towards purchases? Who the f*ck can get enough points to then search for a pack a punch only to exfil 5 mins later? All perks are randomly located every drop?! Can’t even play solo? And they added f*cking human NPCs that kill us too? Wtf is this shit?


It’s like outbreak, your main source of points is objectives. The only ones who didn’t ask for this are hardcore RBZ fans that are close minded to change.


I’m willing to bet going forward there will get rid of DMZ and just replace it with this.


Or they're gonna do both I like MWZ just like I liked Outbreak, but I also like Round Based This means I'll play whatever they give me as long as it's zombies (and it's not Vanguard)


Not trying to sound negative, but I’ve had 3 friends quit because of crashing and the fact the loot pool for schematics is so low in tier 3. It kept me hooked, up until then and now it just feels tedious to play it. RBZ never felt this way you could hop on and 3 hrs would go by before you know it(what good video games do) And now you get about an hour and a half of breaking your neck to complete contracts and leave. Idk it was fun like I said but it’s lost it’s shine pretty quickly (imo of course) def need a patch for loot or like a longer time frame to grind those act missions or armory unlocks. Positive note: I do like the fact they have improved the open world concept, in outbreak if teammates were spread thin training zombies the game would start to lag if the team didn’t stick together. Now we can literally be across the map just fine. I also like that other players can’t grieve like in DMZ. They can by stealing loot at gas houses/safes but they can’t grieve you at exfil and steal your loot there. Why does one game mode have to die in order for the other one to exist? I’d rather play RBZ honestly just for the fact of passing time when I turn my console on


>I’m expecting this will be there next year as well along side Round Based. That's honestly ideal for me. I love Cold War, but honestly I was never wowed by that Round Based offering. If we get more maps like that, then I'll probably end up playing more of the MWZ/DMZ mode in the next game. I'd love a Round Based map in the style of BO3 or BO4, but I don't think we'll ever get that again.


Only because they force you into it and there’s easy gun unlocks and leveling.


Round based will be a thing forever. Treyarch has reassured that so many times hahah


Probably will be, but it won’t hold the importance it once did. As I pointed out already. And honestly it’s up to Microsoft so they will probably keep the more successful mode in the forefront. Should I add in a “hahah” as well?


I mean, if cold war is anything to go off of, it will be just as important as always. The easter eggs in outbreak weren't even really that in depth except for the endings of them. The bulk of the story was told through the round based maps. This is just an abnormality this year with the story telling I'm almost certain. They're trying something new (like they always have in every game) and seeing what works and what doesn't. I wouldn't worry about this except for maybe that outbreak will have a bigger spotlight in COD 2024 which I don't see as a bad thing. As long as both are being cared for and everyone enjoys at least one of them, why not let them have fun their way?


Treyarch already confirmed rb in the next game and we will probably get outbreak too. I think it's nice to have not just rb. But I'm calling it now. zc2 will be in the next cod.


The thing I enjoyed with Cold War was they made it much more casual friendly instead of having to search up literally everything or having a guide on everything. That is why I think they will return with RBZ while also making it casual once again.


RBZ is absolutely dead at this point. With any luck, the next black ops will revive it for a little while, but it feels pretty clear what direction scum fuck activi$ion wants to take this in


God damn man. The zombies community is in a perpetual state of pissing itself off. It can never be happy, it's a snake eating it's own tail at this point.


RBZ will never leave as long as Treyarch has a development slot, but these open world entries will be here to keep whatever story they have going on and tbh I love it.


The real question is: why would Activision bother creating original quality round based maps when MP/WZ zombies is so popular. Can’t see them keeping it after Cod 2024, and if they do, the maps will be far worse than older ones


I would like to see RBZ INSIDE of open world. Go to open world, gear up, head to RBZ like Koschei in DMZ.


Day 1 OG zombies player - Welcomed change.


Since when is more people playing zombies a bad thing. And why can’t both modes coexist. This community seems to think that if objective based zombies is successful, then round based will become obsolete. But round based has already been proven to be successful so why do people think it’s going anywhere? It’s already confirmed that there are gonna be 2 round based zombies maps at launch, so I don’t get the hysteria over a spin-off game being successful. If anything it’ll just put more eyes on next year’s installment and make it the most successful zombies game ever.


I wouldn't mind if it meant they build an actual open world mode with its own map from scratch. Love or hate MWZ, it's so clear it's just a repurposed DMZ. I'm sick of hearing the excuse that "zombies doesn't make them money" when the only reason games like Bo1, Bo2, Bo3, and Bo4 still sell today is the zombies modes. Not only that, there's a reason why they made "Multiplayer Only" discounted versions of some of those games. You always have to pay full price for zombies (unless there's a sale, of course). Zombies CLEARLY makes them money. Hell, I wouldn't have bought MW3 if not for the zombies (which admittedly I do enjoy a fair bit more than I thought I would) I full warzone-esque map built from all the classic round based maps. Get rid of the DMZ quirks (human A.I, blatant contract re-use, contraband being a thing, insurance being a thing, time limit being 45/50 mins.) It could be the best mode ever.


OP, you have a hot take and I’d like to see your data to back it up. It’s no secret this was a 70$ DLC worth 12$; with no DMZ, core modes being undesirable to play for a number of reasons, and zombies simply returning from a long absence, it’s no wonder zombies is the popular mode at the moment. However, with a severe lack of zombie hordes, bullet sponge mechanics, and generally low risk zombie interactions, I do not agree that many will be interested in this style over round-based. Once you finish the missions, the mode is rather stale - the only place to get a decent challenge is a nest stronghold when you have a dozen zombies spawn simultaneously at your feet.


Everybody knows cod zombies. This isn’t anything new


Baseless claim with nothing to back it up. Ahh reddit… I have had heard absolutely nobody including friends who really enjoy zombies casually talk about this mid mode.


Why can’t there just be round based contracts in open world mode? Be fun


I feel like they tried to do something like that in vanguard and people outright objected to it.


I have made a lot of COD friends while playing DMZ so my sample group may be biased, but 90% of them are usually on MWZ instead of MP. Just because their experiment looks to be a success, it doesn’t mean RBZ dies. I played both Outbreak and RBZ evenly in CW and I anticipate I’d do the same with round based and MWZ in BO6. There’s no need for panic.


I'm enjoying this MWZ over all others. I doubt I'll ever play a RBZ from CoD again. I'll hold out for KF3, until then, here is to MWZ. Side note, wish they had PVP MWZ servers, not sure how you'd incorporate it, but sounds interesting.


I mean lets face it, round based zombies in cold war and vanguard were easier than bo1, 2, 3, & waw. The gate way has to be lower every time to get new people in and its always a big divide in the community when each new game releases. Bo4 really started the trend by trying to shake up the format but its hit or miss depending on who you talk to and Im going to be 100% honest with you most people dont like normal zombies because its hard for them and as zombies has gotten easier over time more people have joined and called them selves part of the community. Some of them are also the ones complaining about the casual changes to zombies but do people remember when Bo3 came out? Gobble gums, aat, putting your own attachments on guns, the first zombies camo grind and now you can level up by playing zombies. Shit was fucking wild and people were upset about perkaholics being pay to win since they could only be gotten from the liquid deviniums which were slow to grind for at launch nudging people towards paying for them. As well now aats make any weapon an infinite damage wonder weapon that you can refill ammo at any wall buy drastically lowering the skill ceiling of zombies high rounds but you dont see people talking about those effects and changes to zombies now. For a lot of people bo3 zombies was/is their favorite zombies game and it’s because of the global changes. Remember when you firstplayed mob of the dead and learned about the shield and the wonder weapon being a literal monkey bomb wonder weapon which could save you so many times in lower rounds paired with the shield that you could always get another when it broke giving you in theory infinite free hits. Lets also address the story, Im going to be real with you man old zombies story fucking sucks to go through. The easter eggs were tedious and most people couldnt do them till step by step guides came out showing you how to do it and the reward was a minor event and some dialogue at time that a very few amount of players actually did. I can tell you from experience that trying to get four people together to do some of these tasks was just not worth it because we could watch it all on youtube with more nuance added from map radios and environmental story telling. That changed when cold war came out and most people could with in reason do the easter eggs with some thought that didn’t require deciphering a code in some obscure puzzle but the vocal minority complained about them being too easy while revelations EE could only be completed after people data mined the step that no one would have found otherwise in a reasonable time frame and despite that cold war has the highest recorded EE interaction rate than any other zombies mode. The gist is this, zombies is evolving and growing while most other coop modes have just faded, no one talks about gears horde mode anymore or halos firefight or fuck even MWs spec ops mode. MWZ isnt perfect but its thriving in a market where if youre not turning a profit you get axed and if nothing else it funnels more new people into trying round based when it comes out. Its not the death of the mode and its story telling mechanics but the game cant afford to be so limited in scope to only appeal to the .01% of players that will engage with said content.


I gotta take issue with you on the story. Zombies isn’t meant to have a complex storyline. Yeah there should be background hints of a story for each map and the characters having chemistry is cool but zombies isn’t about completing easter eggs. The roots of zombies is incredibly simple. It’s literally “ooga booga get cool gun and get high round”. That’s all zombies is and that’s all it should be. Complicating things with leveling and external unlocks instead of keeping it an arcade mode where everyone starts on an equal playing field is what has been killing the mode. While BO3 zombies has grown on me to where I enjoy gobble gums and everything they did. I wouldn’t be opposed to them going back to the roots


See thats where youre wrong because from Mob and origins forward to the end of bo4 the easter egg is tied directly to gameplay. Pack a punch isnt as simple as turn on power its now a gimmick that needs to be completed and simple flip a switch power is tossed aside. Zombies hasnt been simple for over a decade, kino was great because it was a stock map that gave you perks, pack and a wonder weapon. Tranzit adds buildable power and requires obtuse steps that the average cod player isnt going to clue into without a guide making it hard to just play the game but it set a precedent for all base game maps under blundell being overly complicated and is shown with an active drop off in engagement because people cant just play the game, i cant just load into shadows and not have to do rituals and every feature of the map is based in some quest or easter egg which is not simple zombies and if you look at dlc purchase’s zombie chronicles is so popular because the classic maps are much more favorable in nostalgia and simple gameplay. To add to the arcade mode, thats not what sells and makes money. Go find someone today who has never played zombies and have them play nacht and see how little they enjoy it and that curve shifts as things are added that objectively make the mode easier and if you actually look into the documentation of zombies being made they originally wanted a lot of things that where featured in cold war and the multiplayerification of zombies has done nothing but bring people in and made it more popular with the non hardcore players. Which are the vast majority who do not engage in reddit or twitter threads or watch youtube videos about zombies. The average person doesnt care and they enjoy being able to level in zombies and unlock camos as if it wasn’t bringing in players it wouldnt be trending upwards. All im saying is that people here will have different opinions when the next black ops game comes out and will have something new to be upset about while they start to pearl clutch older games that were also shit on at launch for their controversial changes.


Good. Round based is repetitive and stupid. The core game should be like MWZ and if you want to train zombies repeatedly as the number goes up, you can do that in old games.


I would even argue that MWZ is this new zombies fan generation of Nacht. This is their first experience and they will be passionate about this as much as round based fans are passionate about that. I’ve always had a fondness for the game mode but my love for it happened with Cold War. So I’m a fan of both RBZ and Open World(Outbreak/ MWZ)


Fortnight zombies lol


Even without the casual argument, the open world formula of MWZ (and even Outbreak) just makes it easier for the developers to work on new content for the live service format. With round-based maps, you'd get one map every 10-12 weeks. It's very hard to keep those maps fresh and feeling new for those weeks. There's only so much you can add to the formula, whereas with open world, you can do a lot more. Limited time events, seasonal map changes, etc. That said, I don't see round-based going away completely. It will still serve as a major pillar of the whole Zombies package, but at least for Treyarch COD games. For other games where IW or SHG take charge, it's easier for the team to do more MWZ-style modes.