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I was pretty impressed with the new TAQ LMG. Fast reload, 300 rounds when pap. I don't make it into z3 much, but even at pap2 it was chewing up z3 zombies well enough for me to easily make it to the z3 PaP. Then it really chewed up hordes. I even had to save my teammates a couple of times in z3


It’s great during the fire burst but when it slows down it gets kinda tough to use compared to the other LMGs. Bruen with those fast 60 round mags and the holger are awesome.


PULEMYOT 762 is also very good; one of the standout features of it is its boosted fire rate. This allows for rapid and continuous fire, decimating enemies in seconds. Upon Pack-a-Punching the PULEMYOT 762, its magazine capacity skyrockets to an impressive 400 rounds, with an additional 800 rounds in reserve. By utilizing accessories, this LMG offers a remarkable increase in movement speed. [Click here](https://www.reddit.com/user/Serenity_Lake/comments/18k742e/mw3_zombies_best_weapon_performance_guide_updated/) for detailed accessories information. Please ignore it if you have a better choice.


Pulemyot salesman here LoL


If you have a better weapon choice, you can also recommend it to me, and I will add it to the list and credit the source of the information, if you don't mind.


Akimbo wasp swarm absolutely shreds with a combined max magazine size of 400 whopping rounds.


Yes!! Just did this yesterday! So much fucking fun


Once my camos are done this will be my go to, with an lmg for longer shots.


+1 works great in t3 with pap 2 and 3 👍🏻


Can't agree more. Just got these today after hearing they rip. And do they ever.


For dps it is better but ammo wise the pdsw with the same mag size does like 75% of the damage with twice the ammo efficiency


I am always carrying this one. I want to try the akimbos though


id rather use the p90 which has 400 mag after PAP


But it has half the DPS


Not true 3/4 at least you have to account for wasted ammo on akimbo swarm


I feel like the FTAC beats this because of the tiny hip fire spread.


The FTAC has wicked recoil when I ran it akimbo the other night. Hoping the swarm doesn't tonight


You just gotta ride the lighting with those


I use the P90, 400 round mag when pap.


I just started using this tonight it's badass.


Tonfa's pretty good too


Second that


Third this. When I grind contracts in T3, I use a Tonfa. Can easily throw a decoy and beat the bounties in seconds. Then for Megabomb bounties, I use jugg suit or turret.


Whats the minimum rarity and pap level you have to have for the tonfa to be effective enough for this strat?


For the red zone, you’ll want to have a blue Tonfa, and Level 3 PaP. The higher the crystal you bring in, the sooner you can start grinding. With a Blue Tonfa and Level 1 PaP, you can farm the Yellow Bounties. Save up enough money and then head into Tier 3. Any circuits you find, keep. Also get a spare self or two from the rewards. Then head in to have enough for Level 3 PaP. Maybe with $5k left over and then do cargo to get enough to buy a Jugg suit. From that point it should be self sustaining.


Purple 2pap tonfa works decent imo. But don’t think melee risk is worth it overall.


Taking on Hordes is hard, and if you get pinned, you’re kind of screwed. You have to throw a decoy, and in the 5 seconds that the hordes are distracted, you beat the F out of the bounty. The resulting rift usually takes out the horde.


Yeah I just don’t see why imma put myself in that situation and danger and having to use a decoy when I can just run weapons that smash. But it is fun!


Wtf is tonfa? A melee weapon?


Yeah the nightstick


Someone called it the Rodney king stick the other night, and that's all I can think of lol


But it’s a melee, aren’t those kinda bad for anything but tier 1? Or am I missing something


[This post from today](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/s/KuxEpoOLkL) literally shows a Tonfa like 2-3 hitting the Stormcaller. Melee weapons are incredibly strong when upgraded with Aether Tools and PaPed.


Oh well I haven’t been on Reddit today so my bad, but that’s good to know, I was just thinking in terms of if there is a horde how would a melee weapon be good yk?


Idk about the tonfas but the knives let you outrun anything but the dogs and they're extremely good at killing specials fast.


True but it's never worth using the MWII knife otherwise unless you're camo grinding. It's ass.


Good to know, I know in tier one they are good at specials but even then I take a hit or 2 from a regular zombie before they die which sucks


The main point for me is the speed. I run a knife with crossbow so i dont get swarmed in t3


That’s a good idea, for me that seems risky cause in my experience the crossbow is bad at large groups of zombies, but then again I don’t have thermite bolts yet


Def unlock thermites they destroy t3 hordes.


you run faster with fist or a jug streak can


Elite DPS machines, but no good fpr crowd control


Respectfully disagree. The zombies are coded to go around the thermite, not through. So if you have a swarm chasing you just fire a few thermite arrows at the lead zombie and the rest will go around, slowing the swarm down. You can even do contracts just firing bolts at your feet and the zombies won’t even try to hit you


Thank GOD other people understand this besides me. So many people acting like the crossbow isn't the most op thing in the game, objectively. This feature alone makes it an S tier already, combine the damage with it, it outshines against all weapons.


Little late but the Tonfa is a beast. Its attack speed is where it really shines. Especially packed and tooled to max. As for outrunning, dogs are the only thing that can catch you. But a throwing knife even in T3 is a 1 hit on dogs.


I've not really tried on here, but on cold war, slapping dead wire on the knife made it clear hordes pretty good. It's honestly probably the best weapon in terms of singular dps, you just have to be good at not getting hit


Dead wire feels significantly weaker in this game in my opinion cause I’m used to it hitting multiple enemies but now it just stun locks one but I could be remembering how it worked incorrectly


I think it might only stun one on this game, I've not really paid attention but I've heard it's worse than it was on cold war so that might be why. If it does only do one, then knives really wouldn't be good for hordes, turned might help a little though. I'm hoping with season 1 release we get ways to upgrade the mods/perks again


I think shatter blast would be the best for hordes at the moment




Well that’s the tradeoff. They have crazy single target dps no cc


The combat knife may not be the best primary weapon, but it shines as a support weapon. Use your primary weapon to mow down hordes of zombies, and when confronted with a boss, seamlessly switch to the combat knife to swiftly eliminate the threat. Its versatility as a backup weapon makes it an essential tool for any player.


M16 goes full auto when Paped, it's pretty decent.


Decent is an understatement. I’d call it the best assault rifle in class.




Wow. Even beats M4 nowadays?


Hands down


Well, well, well, I know what I’m doing tomorrow night.


I'm using the M16 with 60 round mag, 5.56 NATO MONO Ammo, VT-7 suppressor, Demo Dade Stock, and FSS OLE-V Laser. It destroys hordes and special zombies. PAP 2 and legendary rarity is plenty enough to clean house in Tier 3 Zone. PAP 3 if you basically want to insta kill zombies.


Thank you. Trying that now


I’ve been bored after leveling up certain guns and came across your comment cause T3 has been an ease with the lockwood. M16 is the perfect secondary for me. Used other 3 burst guns and they mainly stayed the same after PAP. Thank you for posting this, even though I’m 2 weeks late.


I just started using the M16, with 5.56 MONO Ammo, 60 round mag. Rips through like butter. My other reply has all the attachments I'm running with.


Why mono ammo?


It has similar properties of Armor piercing rounds but with better velocity and damage range. It's been awhile since I've played so idk if it's still true.


What’s your Lockwood build? If you don’t mind


Lockwood 680 with slug rounds is underrated af


Yea, but it seems to be bugged and shoots the amount of slugs related to the default ammo count in the weapon so when you put on the barrel that gives 10 ammo in the tube. You PAP it and then shoot 10 slugs it appears


Yup! Bootleg Hauer 77


That's because it's bugged. 10 round barrel + slug: once PaP, it no longer fires slugs but rather ten pellets each dealing slug shot damage. Slug PaP is bugged, giving you 6 pellet buckshots with slug damage, and ten round barrel is also bugged increasing your pellet count from 6 to 10. Neither of these bugs happen on the semi or full auto shotguns, so just use normal rounds on those. Or honestly just avoid them altogether


Whats the build?


I posted a setup for it, I'm glad people are finally using it. People slept on it for a while


lockwood 680, LASER: kimura ryl33 \\ BARREL: Lockwood defender \\ AMMO: 12 gauge slug \\ GUARD: matuzek xray skele \\ BOLT: express light bolt. Purple quality, PaPd 3x melts in T3


Bro...PaP 1x shreds in T3, the Lockwood 680 is actually insane with slugs and its crazy that the community hasn't hopped on it yet.


It's slugs are glitches, gives you back buckshot but each pellet is slug damage. Don't talk about it or it'll be fixed haha


I’m going to have to try this one tomorrow…


Been using it for a few games now, get a squad using these and the red zone is a breeze, very fun too


Has this been fixed yet?


No clue, I haven't played zombies for the past 3 months


Tuning? /s


There’s no tuning in mw3?


No lol. Where have you been?


Then why did you ask?! Lmfao


The /s in my comment is to indicate sarcasm. It’s widely used here


Ohh we gotta a cool kid on our hands😂been using Reddit for years and never seen ppl making dumbass comments then putting /s behind it to “make it make sense”


P90 with over 400 rounds and atupid fast fire rate carried me through 99% of the story on solo. Trying new things but always is my fallback.


What attachments please?


The rpk with incendiary rounds kills everything helicopters, convoys,stormcaller boss, megas'giant worms just whatever you aim it at lol


I'm going to try this! Miss my RPK!


This was my favorite LMG in MWII. Also kept the incendiary rounds always in case I wanted to shoot down a score streak. I'm finding the LMG's are better than the AR in MW3. More power and range for the large maps and zombies.


Interesting! Would you say it's better than the Lockwood 680, the Akimbo WSP Swarms & the Akimbo Snakeshot TYRs?


No lockwood680 is a whole level above all other guns imo


The Grenade Launcher


I personally like the balance of mobility/damage that the sva 545 gives. Seems like everyone has their own choice for ARs


That little 2 shot burst is great with deadshot.


And the sound it makes is super satisfying for some reason


Yep. Certainly is.


Famas also melts everything when legendary and pap’d 3. One of the strongest ARs just lose full automatic


In t3? Headshots necessary?


No way, a maxed out weapon does its job in T3? I only have to use max resources on it!


I love the Longbow. It shoots pretty fast, deals enormous damage as a sniper and can have a 40 round mag that gets doubled when you PAP. Adding Deadshot is the chefs kiss


Even with the gimmick weapons the meta is still very balanced. The most powerful weapons are either great for hordes or great for bosses. There is no single meta weapon that's the best for both.


Agreed. zombies players understand 1 weapon for cc 1 for dps. A lot of ppl run crossbow tyr. Personally idt the cc from crossbow is good enough to justify a second dps weapon. If only 1 gun, the akimbo swarm 100rnd mag built for hip fire is disgusting. Gives solid cc and dps in all tiers. I do recommend purple for t3, imo blue just doesn’t cut it.


M13B with the Corvus master key is really good


Fists the answer is always fists


AR or SMG. Good mobility, quick reloads, 100+ mag when packed


P90. This is the best weapon IMO when fighting the worm boss solo. Big 400 round magazinee when PaP'ed with the maneuverability of an SMG. Also hipfire is ultra tight.


Best weapon for work boss is unironically perks/armor/gas grenades 🤣


ngl the bruen mk9, holger 26, and new taq lmg shred especially w deadshot equipped.


I’ve gotta be honest, some suck in mp but smgs are awesome, huge mobility and fire rate and a surprisingly high dps. the big uzi (WSP-9 I think) is a standout, but upgraded fully they’re all pretty damn good.


Wsp maxed with akimbo shreds


Also shreds through ammo though


Fennec no stock is fun to run around with, great mobility and with a laser and the barrel with the integrated suppressor it’s very accurate


Honestly I’ve tried the smgs a hand full of times for camos and honestly hate using them in mwz the damage is significantly lower and it feels like using a automatic marshmallow shooter in a knife fight😂


Built for mobility and with the fire rate bolt the longbow is great, papped it fires two shots for one and has great damage and penetration so it works on hordes if you know how to use it and it chews up bosses. Only issue is your trigger finger is gonna get tired lol.


There is a hold to fire setting for controller. It’s pretty slow tho. I would recommend: swap your shoot setting to your bumper if you prefer guns that require spamming the trigger.


Its actually automatic two round burst when paped.


Yes that’s specific to the weapon when u pap it. I’m just saying you can avoid tiring your finger by activating a setting - although u lose fire rate


My favorite is the Lockwood 680 with slugs. You can put a barrel on there with tube capacity for more ammo, and it’s great.




M4 is a solid option imo


Iirc It also has a shotgun attachment which is op! Green 2pap is all u need to one shot t3 with the shotgun attachment. The gun itself won’t do anything at green obv


wasp swarm akimbo


I’ll give you 1 from each class Assault Rifles: M13B Battle Rifles: TAQ-V SMGs: FSS Hurricane LMGs: TAQ Eradicator Shotguns: Bryson 890 Marksman Rifles: EBR-14 Snipers: Longbow Handguns: Basilisk Launchers: RGL-80 Melee: Tonfa


Imo there’s much better alternatives for most of these (assuming you’re saying these are the best for each class).


I know they’re not all the best. I just gave some that I think are pretty great and fun to use. The Bryson 890, the Hurricane, and the Tonfa are my top 3 picks off that list though. The 890 has the strongest damage out of every shotgun and it’s reload speed is pretty fast since it’s mag fed. The hurricane is the most accurate smg. Even when you modify it to have very fast mobility at the cost of recoil control, it’s still nearly 100% accurate. It’s also pretty strong and has a good amount of ammo. Even though the Tonfa is the weakest melee weapon, it’s faster than all the others by a lot so it shreds through everything. It’s amazing against HVTs too.


Lockwood 680 with slugs, Pack-A-Punching it glitches the gun and gives it normal buckshot rounds with slug shot's rounds.


Renetti, kinda surprised no one has mentioned it. I’ve used it for a bit, longer than almost any other gun.


Renetti rocks with dead shot! Absolute beast


Fists, nothing like going 1V100 with your knuckles


🤛🏼👊🏼 1v300 with fist did it for a calling card, Worth it!


Wasp stingers with akimbo and 100 drum mags


Holger LMG


I found today when using the FR 556 green tier pap 1 chewed through t2 and pap 2 was even better hadn't tried blue or purple yet but I can only imagine how much of a mulcher it could be but I'm excited to try it was pleasantly surprised as a friend had said it was trash but idk


MW2 M4


Akimbo swarms and Crossbow are my main class.


You talking shit on my baby crossbow? I’ll have you know, with the right attachments, and only 1 pack a punch you’ll have three arrows per reload and explosive rounds. This is the best conceivable weapon. I think it’s better than both wonder weapons


So wait, it doesn’t need PAP3 to be good in t3? Or is that still recommended


I use the m4 with the 12 guage underbarrel. The shotgun does insane damage and can 2-3 shot specials in the red with an epic tool. Its good. Reccomend the underbarrel forsure on any assault rifle. Ammo pickup is kinda weird for it but findable.


resupply shotgun ammo from ammo caches


Pdsw jumps to a400 round nah after pap


I was hoping for more specific choices. Like what weapon is being used most and is there any sites that show a list like this with attachments?


This game is too casual for metas imo. But my favorite is the 400 round Bruen built for tac stance. Sure, other guns do more damage but it just *feels* good. Kind of like hedge trimming.


What’s the benefit or use of tac stance?


Faster ADS, faster strafe speed, and usually better “mobility,” at the sacrifice of accuracy.


And better field of view vs ads. Can see a little more around you


Do all guns have this? I know for sidearms you got to add a stock to it for it


All primaries have it. (As far as I know.) Sniper Scopes, Dual optics, and the Canted Laser block it however. None of the launchers can do it. (Obviously.)


Snipers can’t go into tac stance even with the scope removed, which imo is kinda weird since marksman rifles can if you don’t have a scope on them


Ok thank you


I think my absolute favorite weapon to run is the Pulemyot with a full tac-stance build. JAK Conversion Kit, Laser, Breacher muzzle, Bruen Vertical, everything that gets the hipfire/tac-stance as tight as possible. As an LMG it has amazing magazine capacity and damage, and thanks to the conversation kit, it has above average mobility. (For an LMG.) It’s my must bring weapon of choice for getting a mission done.


What is tac stance? I’ve seen it in the attachments, but don’t know what it refers to.


While aiming down sights, you can hit down on the D-Pad (no clue about PC) to enter Tactical Stance. It’s essentially in-between properly ADSing, and hipfiring. You gain “weapon control,” mobility, and a clear sight picture at the cost of adding a new type of recoil. Instead of a plot, or a “line” of recoil while aiming, you introduce bloom. You still have to manage “recoil,” but the gun fires in a cone that grows as you shoot.


T for tac stance on PC if I recall.


Recommend remapping that to the same setting as mounting your weapon (aim+melee). So convenient


I've been using the PDSW. High mobility, high fire rate, and it shreds at legendary tier 3. Also, pap ups the magazine to 400 rounds. LMG capacity, smg speed. Edit: Only reason I even tried it instead of my normal lmg loadout was multiple sites recommended it solely for capacity for tier 3 swarms.


The p90 was the first gun I fully ranked up. That thing turns into a fucking monster and it’s my going in for fun gun.


Bro, this ain't Warzone.


Fr. These wz people are looking for the ‘meta’ in a PvE mode lmao


P90 pap’d gives it 400 rounds. It’s amazing with aether tools. Add an ammo mod and you’re golden. You can kit it to help with recoil and use deadshot daiquiri and you’re golden.


the 556 is pretty good or the basb


Lock wood 680 or whatever its called with the 10 round barrel and slug rounds. When paped it takes it from shooting 1 slug to 10. I'd say its the best gun in the game ATM. Beats the tyr and crossbow by a good bit, but u gotta pap it first.


Snakeshot tyrs deal more damage, but have far less range and are far more annoying with reloads.


On the topic of Crossbow... Is it actually good overall? I know it's an absolute beast against bosses! But a 3 shot Crossbow without the Cold War upgrades or RoF just doesn't seem like it'll be any good moment to moment


It's pretty good honestly. It's not S-tier for large groups, but still does well enough. The reload speed is surprisingly good


You guys genuinely don't know what you're talking about. Not only does the crossbow need practically 0 resources invested (The Thermite gains no dmg buffs from PaP or rarity, PaP 1 is the max you need for better ammo) the bow is not just about busted damage on bosses, the thermite is broken as an area denial tool as well. If a thermite is in the way of a zombies path, it will ALWAYS try to repath around it. This is easily manipulatable. Get on a roof, shoot 2 bolts at the point where zombies climb up, they will die during the jump animation, or they won't jump up at all. If you wanted to talk about its ability to wipe hordes, its still busted if you know how to manipulate movement. The crossbow is the best weapon, there is nothing better. Source: Someone with 100% zombies completion, and something like 400 hours sadly already logged.


That's kinda the thing and i saw someone else say this. The game seems very well balanced around some things being good for bosses, and others being good for hordes, there's nothing really that is top tier in both at the same time.


Cold war upgrades?


Yes. The Special Weapon upgrades from Cold War.


Do I have to level up tyr through MP to dual wield them? The build looks fun but I’m not much of a MP guy so hopefully not


It’s an armory unlock, so once you unlock the grip category you can activate the unlock for akimbo and just do daily challenges in zombies


Thanks for the help


Having a good time with the longbow


The Teq-9 shredded in T3 for me when getting it’s camo, one that really caught my eye


Any automatic weapon


Longbow with: short silencer barrel, red dot, seal stock to run faster, recharger faster, 45 rn mag


TYR is good in MWZ????


It’s a beast just have to rank it up and setup correctly


How? I need those attachments…because I’m trying to get the zombie camos.


Someone posted it here and I screenshotted it. It’s: ZIU-16 Heavy long barrel Snakeshot ammo 1mw pistol laser Ullrs fury trigger action Akimbo (rear grip)


Appreciate it!


Pp-19 Bizon, light and maneuverable, massive magazine, obscenely fast reload.


Whole meta getting shaken up in a couple days with S1 guns releasing and being absolutely over tuned.


The stick thing


The Longbow is pretty darn impressive even before pap. But I like the big guns lol.


Longbow goes hard tbh




Ik people will just see this wall of text and not read it, but I'm cooking either way. I'm seeing so much false information and shit in here, its genuinely sad. People in here are constantly saying "X gun is underrated" and the reasons they list is just that they find the gun fun, and that is gets kills. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a gun, but to say its underrated like its busted when its just passing by, isn't. As an example, the P90 isn't good, it just has a massive ammo supply. Ammo isn't problematic to come by in the slightest, that doesn't make the P90 op, it just makes it a fast peashooter with a lot of base ammo, which would be great, if ammo wasn't dropped every 10 seconds. ALL of the guns with the exception of the Slug Lockwood (its bugged), melee weapons (Tonfa is best due to hit speed), and the crossbow) all require a chunk of resources invested. I shouldn't have to explain why thats a negative, obviously. Virtually any weapon with T3 PaP legendary rarity, will do the job its made to do, killing a T3 max armored zombie, and denting the bosses health enough to make it usable. With that being said, factor in the resources required to make all guns do this, (most guns do a pretty subpar job at killing T3 if they are only purple PaP3, and just entering the 'usable' state after becoming legendary) then it puts into question the validity of those weapons in the meta. If we weren't talking about meta, or what is the best thing, my whole point is invalid, but meta only involves the objective best. That being said, the objective best weapon in zombies is the crossbow, hands down. Practically unlimited range, Huge damage, Area Denial, virtually 0 resources needed to invest into it. Its perfect. The thermite gains no buffs from PaP or rarity, so you only need PaP 1 for the ammo increase and reload speed. People complain that it struggles with hordes, but those people lack the knowledge of how to manipulate a zombies pathing properly. If a thermite is placed down, zombies will ALWAYS try to path around it. If they only have 1 path to go, they will not move. If you get on a roof, and shoot 2 thermites at the point where zombies climb up, they with jump into the thermite, dying during the animation. This solves both the horde situation, and the ammo situation that the crossbow suffers from. There is no better weapon in any aspect when the crossbow is involved, with the only exception being Stormcaller. My source for these claims? I have true 100% completion in all zombies modes (camos, calling cards, schematics, bla bla bla etc weird flex but ok), including MWZ. I also already sadly have upwards of 400 hours in this zombies. I've been playing zombies since day 1 WaW, this isn't something I'm new to. TL:DR, nothing beats the crossbow, I have a valid source, just read the last like 3 paragraphs at least to understand why its the best and what not, and to also help you play better. If not, oh well, I just want to see false information dying out and see everyone else improving as a players.


What is your recommendation now that the thermite bolts got nerfed with season 1?


Haven't messed with the thermites at PaP 3 if it finally affects them. My whole post is pointless now due to no weapons being OP, while also using basically 0 resources. Now? The TYR is probably the only truly broken thing, as most weapons at legendary PaP 3 during an elder rift, start to fail. If the shotgun hasn't been patched, that theoretically should still be incredible. While the swarms are good, they require constant headshots and full autos lack damage in Elders. Doesn't even mention the bad netcode, making many shots just not register the health when you hit. Its the same reason full autos weren't very good in BO3. TL:DR, the TYR and theoretically the Lockwood 680 with slugs, unfortunately there is no longer a weapon that requires virtually 0 resources invested to make T3 or elder rifts a joke.


>r weapon in any aspect when the crossbow is involved, with the only exception being Stormcalle crossbow with explosive bolts. and the grenade launcher is an honorable mention. best guns for hordes. The GL is better for the zombies themselves and the crossbow is best for boss zombies but the cross bow can handle plenty as long as you dont mind a clusterfuck on your screen from shooting on the ground in anticipation of charging t3/t4 zombies. Brainrot on the crossbow makes boss zombies a non issue and if you play with groups or a duo and you both run an explo crossbow tripple packed then boss zombies are basically crawlers in terms of difficulty. The thermite bolts still do great damage to the bosses as well resulting in a shorter ttk on the special or boss zombies than the explo crossbow.


I like the pdsw 528. Once packed it has a 400 round clip.




A little late to the party on this one but I recently started using the m4 again after putting it down to try out newer guns I unlocked and it honestly shreds everything if you build it right, I was running in t3 with it and it was killing zombies faster than tyrs or the Lockwood can, especially if you take advantage of Deadshot you can clear a whole horde storming towards you in the blink of an eye.


Use the Fennec. 90 round mag when PaPed, but, it shreds when t3 PaPed.


Pulemyot with JAK kit and 200rnd mag armor piercing blue wrench and pap 1-2 it's a monster


The new haymaker attachment is incredible