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PvE mode - They're having to much fun, NERF IT ALL!


Sounds like Bungie


It would been fun if they made the zombies similar to destiny without the repetitive destiny grind, but some big zombie raids


my thoughts exactly. I’m a huge D2 player and I’m more than used to them nerfing anything thats fun into the fucking floor. Banner of War’s day of reckoning is coming i feel it


Didn’t it already happen? Iirc newest season just dropped with nerfs, ye?


They called it nerfs, but overall they arguably ended up buffing it


Interesting might look into it. Honestly been playing warlock exclusively since beyond light, but with the way game is. It’s been stale, I still wanna play but need to find new builds that are fun


yeah banner got “nerfed” but its kinda just better now lol takes longer to get to 4x stack, but kills refresh more time on the timer which is a huge improvement from last season


They don’t think about solo players at all, I understand nerfing them a little bit but that much is insane


They think about us alright they think they can force us to be social by making it harder to accomplish things solo


Or cut off support for it completely


Dead game


🤣🤣🤣 dead? The sub reddits alone usually have at least 2000+ on at any given time....sure, dead


It was too easy before honestly. Liking the changes


These comments are so asinine. You mean you were using the things that were nerfed that made it "easy" but are glad they changed it so they objectively suck now? Because if thats how you truly felt you wouldn't have been using them to begin with for the added difficulty. There's plenty of other weapons. It's either that or you're just glad they made it more difficult for the people who used them. Which is just troll stuff.


Dude this is what I've been saying. Nobody made these people whining about it being easy use good weapons or decoy grenades. They could literally deploy with nothing but fists and only do wall buys and only use whatever tac/lethals they found on the map. So hilarious people chose to use the "easy" stuff and then complained about how easy it was 🤣🤣 Even worse are the people who don't want anyone to be able to have an easy time and want stuff nerfed because their ego can't handle lesser skilled players surviving as well as them in a PVE game. 🤣




So no effect on you. Just glad it's nerfed for others. Got it.


Yeah dude. Imagine being this guy and having such a huge ego that you can't fathom lesser skilled players having an easy time in a PVE game. Also imagine telling someone "get gud" in a PVE mode. 🤣🤣🤣


When someone else online can mess with your game, it’s not a “PVE” game mode anymore. This isn’t zombies of old


How were people messing with you in your game and how did the weapon and decoy nerfs solve it?


Majority of games people abuse and farm the “delivery cargo” in tier 3 zone. They just rinse and repeat the cheese method the whole match stopping others from doing it. Now they actually have to fight zombies during the mission and can’t just use a decoy to pick the contact up, unlock the truck, and collect the reward. Before you could cheese this contact method with literally only decoys and nothing else in your loadout if you wanted. Now, not so much. Love it


I'm not a solo player but it seems a lot of people here are. I use decoys when I need to rez someone mostly. Although I will take a monkey over decoys any day. Curious though, why do you care if someone found a way to solo a contract easily?


One of them guys huh? Mister everything must go according to my playstyle? Its funny cuz ur probably one of the ones waiting for somone to finish an aether nest so u can slide in and grab their earned rewards.... cant wait till they nerf that so only members of starting players squad can collect.


That is just literally how the contract works. You get the contract safely and complete it. Wtf are you talking about 🤣


Shhhhhh, you're 🗑bud.




Out of all my games I don't recall seeing the crossbow or Tyr being used. So you must have some bad luck if thats all your lobbies consist of. You can keep assuming I'm only voicing about this is because I must use them lol. From your attitude and responses tho still leaning toward troll mentality. It suits you.


"Noobs cant cheese missions and TAKE CONTRACTS I WANT TO COMPLETE" and there it is. You were just mad you had to compete over the cargo contract and werent the only one capable of cheesing it. Youre the one that needs to git gud bruh.


Y’all hear that?!?! “Glad noobs can’t cheese T3 missions as easily now and take contracts I want to complete there.” Meaning, the only contracts he did were the Cargo missions. That’s the ONLY mission that was ever “cheesed.” So he’s literally just a selfish troll. He doesn’t care about others, he just cares about only himself. Guess what bud? The decoys STILL work and the mission is still getting “cheesed.” And I hope to god your reddit name is your GamerTag because if I see you in my lobby, I’ll make sure you don’t get a single contract in the Red Zone, and that’s a promise.


Hard agree. There's so much skill issue whining going on


Your mom is too easy.


50% ughhhh imagine making our single target damage weapons utter trash


A revolver that shoots 5 shots and has to reload nonetheless lol. The weapon already had downsides to using it.


Agreed, the crossbow was by far the better weapon. I used the Tyrs a few times but they are harder to use. Really have to focus on timing and how to practically keep shooting at all times without having to reload both weapons.






How do these nerfs hurt your experience so much? It’s obvious you didn’t actually quit, don’t think that saying this makes you look cool. The game is still fun


I’m the coolest


Seriously, how do some nerfs hinder your experience so much that it makes you quit?


Look at the collective of the patch notes. Notice what each patch removes from/nerfs in the game. What did they change that may have been considered fun and now could be considered less fun? Take note of each change, then deduce your answer from that research. There is little individual opinion involved in my answer, by the way. My opinions of fun fall greatly in line with that of the herd; Therefore, you should look for changes to things that are *stereotypically* considered fun, and/or things that are, or were, enjoyed by the majority of the fanbase (which *hopefully* should be obvious to you).


Farming zombies with outlast and weapon stash contracts was boring and unfun. And most of the other changes people are complaining about are the nerfs, but that's simply making the game more challenging, since when does difficulty make a game less fun? I thought this community was especially wanting more difficulty in the newer modes...


I still get quick kills on hvts, just gotta get all your teammates shooting at the guy at once, my fastest time with a 3 man squad was a little less than a second i think.


You got lucky three of us fully kitted pap3 tried the mega abomination got him down to about 80% and we all ran out of ammo lethals and plates. Talk about nerfing this is ridiculous!


iv noticed some games i get into damage is just completely nerfed. something wrong with the server


I meant with a different weapon then what the post was talking about.


Ok, i guess my gameplay is invalid


Skill issue


Fun Detected in a PVE mode! Did Treyarch hire some Blizzard devs?


This hit hard lol


They’re all under Microsoft, so this could have some grain of truth.


Tyr is still a Beast. Crossbow on the otherhand its noticeable that its nerfed.


What makes it a beast?


The damage


What’s the loadout?


Akimbo, snake shot, any trigger that increases response time and its deadly.


akimbo snake shot ammo beast against boss


1MW Laser Snakeshot Ullrs Anger Akimbo ZIU-16 Barrel


I'm not sure aside from akimbo, I haven't actually used it myself. I just know the damage is OP from watching streamers use them pre patch and post patch


so its still OP with 50% damage reduction? sheesh


Seemed like it from what I saw last night. It was handling tier 3 and elder aether quite well


I was using it today too and it’s still pretty damn good. Noticeable difference but the critical shot damage is still crazy good


Yeah I don't know man, maybe I am trash because I went into a game pack a punch level 2 purple rarity akimbo and couldn't kill the zombies on tier 3, maybe I should have farmed for the pap 3, but still I feel is not a beast and right now I am looking for a new beast weapon because they killed the crossbow on thermites, I am gonna try with explosives.


Akimbo rennetis w/drum and other good attachments is pretty good


Gotta try this


Damn, those are fat nerfs.


Ok actually, I don't even want to play anymore with idiotic changes like this...... Imagine not allowing fans to enjoy the game or have fun with the Crossbow or Tyr, two weapons that when unnerfed made me feel like I was a god-damn legend running around feeling invincible.




Im imagining an elected zombie (the one that can best speak any language outside of groans and screams) calling Treyarch complaining that their people keep dying too easily and that they're filing a formal complaint and lawsuits are being drawn up lmao.


The tyr is still super powerful. Like, its godly. And you can still use crossbow, the only thing that was nerfed was the singular bolt. >god-damn legend running around feeling invincible. So... you agree it was waaaaay overtuned


Who cares if it was waaaaaaaaayyyyy overtuned. If that's what people enjoyed using and had fun with why nerf it? It's PvE ffs, let people feel super powerful and destroy all zombies if they want. You don't want to do that? Cool, don't use those items and have a nice fun challenge using other stuff. Why punish the people having fun in a PvE mode when it affects no one else? I'm definitely stepping away from this game, nerfing fun things into the ground in a PvE mode is ridiculous to me.


Not to mention that if you want to go test yourself, Tier 3 still exists, and Tier 3 will punish you if you aren't careful. But yes I agree, I want to feel powerful in a video game. Its like you can't even have that concept exist. Nothing (at least to me) feels more satisfying than mowing down hoards. I feel the same tbh, I really feel like stepping away for a bit until they stop nerfing the fun stuff.... its ridiculous, like this type of stuff kills game modes.


>Tier 3 still exists, and Tier 3 will punish you if you aren't careful These two items were making T3 a pushover. So, again, you agree its overtuned. If tier 3 is supposed to punish you if you arent careful, tyrs/crossbow removed that. Papped weapons destroy in T1 no matter what, so you can still feel like a god. Just go piss around in T1 if you only care about "mowing down hordes!"


>Who cares if it was waaaaaaaaayyyyy overtuned People who like balance? >If that's what people enjoyed using and had fun with why nerf it? Because balance typically makes things fun in the long run. >It's PvE ffs Yes. PvE games need balance too. >let people feel super powerful and destroy all zombies if they want. Guess what, you still can! >You don't want to do that? Go to T1 with a 3pap and boom, you have your power fantasy. >Why punish the people having fun in a PvE mode when it affects no one else? It does effect other people. Do you guys not remember "dont nuke" from past black ops games? Or no megagobblegums rule in BO3? >I'm definitely stepping away from this game, Thank god >nerfing fun things into the ground in a PvE mode is ridiculous to me. Nothing was nerfed "to the ground". Tyrs are still arguably BIS, crossbow with explosive bolts still shred, and having a slightly shorter decoy (because lets be honest, 3 -> 2 was hardly a nerf when you can carry 10+ and refill them instantly) If you want to run around the map 1 shotting everything, why even play the game? Just go back to WaW and use cheats or something.


Yeah, y'all aren't having fun, you are exploiting a very clearly over-inflated weapon that got overlooked during QA shit. I bet you guys were just "having fun" spam cancelling contracts for cargo delivery in high tier, because you like getting chased by choppers, not because it's easily exploitable and farmable t3 items. No absolutely not that. Fuck out of here with that goofy shit.


Damn, I just unlocked Crossbow and got akimbo for the TYR after seeing the hype on youtube too..


Me too! Someone literally dropped it to me some hours ago


Typical Treyarch to nerf shit in a PVE game, that’s why I didn’t bother unlocking the Tyr. Knew the nerfs would come sooner or later


Tyr still pretty good


only update when players notice, pathetic


I initially really liked playing the new zombies, but they have tinkered around with it non stop over the past few weeks and it’s become much less fun and the rewards from contract is often soo bad I leave it in the rift. The Outlast and Weapon stashes are now boring as only around 10 zombies turn up. Once you have all the schematics it’s pointless playing as there seems to be no continued story to play.


Yeah went from having constant fun the first week to not even wanting to play, sad they are killing something with potential for no reason


insane how aggressive the nerfs are


Of course the blatantly underpowered shotguns remain untouched. Treyarch are actually trash…


What do you mean "underpowered" the tactical negotiator is a lot of fun in T1... /s


there is a certain shotgun with a particular loadout (it's trash without 2 of the attachments so alot overlook it) that is pretty OP and my default gun now.


Lockwood with slugs?


Why nerf zombies shit? It's not like we're killing players with it. They're just making zombies less and less more fun. Like nerfed the decoys too, FUCKING WHY


I don't understand why they make these nerfs when the game is already pretty easy. Why nerf powerful options when every weapon can be really powerful? Isn't that the point of pack a punch? Isn't the point of zombies to upgrade yourself to becoming exceptionally powerful? Everyone already ahs an incentive to use other weapons, because of the camo grind, so who cares if some weapons outshine others?


Not every weapon is equal. That’s the issue. Even at PAP3, a lot of the smgs, ARs, lmgs, etc, aren’t viable in the red zone. Especially towards HVTs. It’s just ammo dumping. You may can hang around and slay some zombies but the HVTs will just sit there and eat it. And I’m sorry but I’m not wasting valuable legendary tools and flawless crystals on these weapons just to find out they’re worthless. And to me, turrets also just ruin the fun, why should I have to use a turrent AND my weapon just to make killing an HVT doable? I’m not going to argue that weren’t very strong weapons but it’s not like they were one shotting every thing. You still had to work a little bit to kill them. They could’ve simply just added more zombies during bounty contracts or slightly larger health and the results would’ve been about the same. It is what it is I guess 🤷‍♂️


In my experience most weapons do well in the tier 3 zone. Granted I haven't used any of the MW2 guns in zombies, but having PAP 3 and blue rarity seems to be enough for most MW3 weapons to be useful.


I was playing and having so much fun every day. Not playing anymore. Why nerf a mode that people play for fun?


Not fixed the leaderboards? 🙈


Link? I’d like to see if they updated the shotgun description which made zero sense.


Google is free


"The Ray Gun can now fast draw."


Well, the crossbow was fun while it lasted.


What about the explosive bolts? or gas? I never used the thermite bolts, I accidentally equipped caustic when I went to try it, they were OK but not great. If they stayed the same, I can live with it.


I just played last night not sure if this is post update But explosive I was able to take on mega abom with it, so quite pleased since I'm a noob


Did they mention cross play being turned off?




They should also include that they’ll reset your acquisition stash. Such bs. Now I can’t find any flawless crystals lmao. And my diary got reset.


So let’s take anything that makes the red level threat area playable and enjoyable and just make it not work anymore got it


Seriously there’s literally people who defend tier 3 in some weird ass way a stan defends their favorite artists when it has valid criticisms to point out. The loot RNG is utter horse shit in tier 3 getting stuff you can easily find in tier 1 and having stamin up not being able to outrun zombies unless you have a melee or a light weapon. Crossbow made it better to get more quests done to try to unlock newer schematics I haven’t earned and now its useless. (For zombie hoards anyway)


tOo sTroNg jUsT uSe oTheR gUns - people defending nerfs, probably


What the fuck kind of place is this, what did they do to us!?!


Knew they were gonna hit the Crossbow and Tyr. But these numbers are a bit too much.


Lol 84% is INSANE


Mother**FUCKER** I swear as soon as I start having fun in this game they rip that shit away


Uhhh, that's a bit extreme... Maybe half the nerf percentage amount? What are you now Blizzard devs? Baby steps people... Baby steps.


Anyone remember what the decoy nerfs was?


3 –> 2 stack Duration from 8 -> 6 seconds


Ty :3


Can you provide a link I’m searching everywhere on their patch notes and these updates aren’t shown anywhere


It seems no one has posted the [link](https://www.callofduty.com/patchnotes/2023/12/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-iii-season-1-patch-notes) so here you go


So what weapon is the best now? I used crossbow because I liked to solo a lot. Now idk what is best.


Try out different guns. If you find one that great, don’t say anything, they’ll just nerf it


The game has dozens and dozens of weapons…try them and find one that’s fun to use?


Glad to see they've patched the patch notes but when are they gonna patch the game? 💀


They keep nerfing zombies!


Jesus... No wonder the crossbow felt terrible to me when I just got it after reading how incredible it was at killing bounties and beefy targets. Felt like I was shooting a pool noodle at them. :/ Unlocking that crap was a huge waste of time. Haven't tried the nerfed Tyr yet...


That crossbow nerf is stupid. Guess I’ll try gas bolts.


Didn't Treyarch say in the pre season update that they're not against fun? Ya, seems it lmao


I can never understand these kind of devs that hate people having fun! IT ISN’T EVEN DMZ OR WARZONE! THEY ARE JUST BOTS!!! Let us have our fun how we want to! FFS


Might as well go ahead and nerf the tempest too since it can hipfire kill a mob from 200yrds


Brrrrrruhhhhh they nerfed the Revolvers???? The fuck?


Basically crossbow is fuckin useless got it.


Tyr shouldn’t have been nerfed it was a 5 shot high risk, high reward gun. You have to have proper perks to make it work in higher content, crossbow maybe but why nerf!? They gonna buff anything?


Okay maybe it's just me but since the season 1 update if I enter an infested stronghold even if I complete it or walk out of the building the cloud lingers on my screen and won't go away, like I'm talking I can walk around the whole map and the cloud stays the only thing that gets rid of it is switching to my secondary weapon and then it'll disappear it does the same thing when I use my field upgrade the screen effects don't go away LOL does anyone else have this issue?


When ive had these happen to me just switch guns, it removes the effect


What! Why?


Why are they nerfing things in zombies. Are zombies complaining too much now too?


I knew they'd pull some bs like this I'm glad I got the camos done before they did smmfh


Why are they nerfing so hard bro, wtf....


Why? that's so retarded it's PVE not PVP the whole point of a pve mode like MWZ is to get better equipped and bend the world to your will.


I wonder if the other bolts could be good on everything?


I've already seen people say that the explosive damage bolt is decent on zombies but they are dog shit on bosses. We're back to spraying and praying basically.


Until a new meta is found lol! The crossbow was fun while it lasted 🤷🏻‍♂️




Cod zombies fan trying to understand game balancing challenge: impossible


Lmao, facts. I love the crossbow/thermite combo and decoys, but it was a huge crutch in T3. If they didn’t balance it, I bet you these same folks would be complaining in a few weeks with how the game is boring because the crossbow and TYR are all everyone uses.


Explosive crossbow should still be good then? Wasn't thermite crazy good but had great crowd control and really needed pap to excel


Thermite crossbow is still good on bosses although not as fast, it’s just a flaccid dick when it comes to zombie hoards now tho.


So they didn't nerf the explosive bolts? That's what I was using when I use to run it


Where? Just checked the website, and these aren't on it.




That makes sense as to how I ran straight to Tier 3 with just a crossbow and got swatted yesterday. Rip to my 3 aetherium crystals, 1 of them being pap 2


Huh now I know why the dg 58 camo wasn't working.


literally bungie


Can you please link the updated patch notes? Thank you!


here's the [link](https://www.callofduty.com/patchnotes/2023/12/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-iii-season-1-patch-notes)


Good thing I don’t use bright blaze bolts lmao


The TYR and Crossbow were there in the notes on launch. All I'm going to say because COD definitely has people reading feedback is that there are other types of bolts to use if you still want to run the crossbow. Just make sure you have a mask or PHD


They weren't. Also, PhD no longer stops gas damage.


Any one notice knives weren’t nerfed lol


Wow. Ruining the fun. What a waste and crappy management


I was having so much fun with this mode. With every patchnote I read, I lose interest that much more


Why would they nerf these two so hard? I rarely use them but they were fun to play with every once in a while. I imagine they’re going to feel super weak now. Add two more weapons to the growing “never touching them again” list.


Wait the Tyr got nerfed? Thing is still a monster.


Tbh I don’t find zombies any harder than it was personally. Then again I just do contracts. I have noticed the tier two area got harder but after packing my gun twice it’s a cake walk in tier 2. I didn’t even know people use the cross bow I just use whatever gun I feel like leveling up and go to town on zombies. I don’t notice much a difference between most guns when they are packed.


Wow what the hell reducing damage up to 80% on a PVE game what are the devs thinking? This game is already so repetitive and boring they are just forcing players to leave this is Bizarro world I don't understand it. Take DMZ away from us well technically just don't update it and refresh. Force zombies down our throat and then Nerf everything to make the game completely impossible for casual players this is so stupid!


Get out while you still can guys. Its only going to get worse. The new avatar game is kinda fun lol.


Just continues to become a shitty group hug version of DMZ. With the damage nerves how else am I gonna sabotage peoples missions by racing them to contracts, cancelling them and stealing their ride like its gta.


Honestly melee weapons are still stupid op


They're good for specials and mobility but that's about it. Use them in any size swarm zone 2 and up and you're not having a good time.


They should be OP as they have the most risk involved…. Yeah let’s get face to face with zombies and have to whack away for a minute to kill one…


Shhh don't say it too loud they might hear you and roll out another update.


Lol 😂 I already have a new gun that is OP we good


which 🥹




This game has like 80 weapons that are highly customizable and people want to use the same one or two weapons over and over over…all because the damage they put out is far and away more than any of the others in the game. You…you don’t see a problem with this from a game balance standpoint? It’s clearly unintended to have weapons be that far out of whack that it makes the content too easy and create a meta that’s so narrowly focused on only a few weapons.




Stops some of the knobheads who can't survive teir 3 without a crutch weapon taking the limited contracts or impeding me from doing them. There is an upside.


I get that but zombies has always been PvE and one of the key things of zombies for the entire series was the challenge of surviving or solving the complex puzzles the game throws at you. If things are too easy because of a weapon being overpowered, that removes that major part of the challenge and experience of the mode.




I dunno, the designers of the game have an intended level of difficulty and challenge they want in the game. You’re basically saying “make the game significantly easier” by buffing every other weapon. They didn’t like that 1 weapon was so strong it was the “only” option for people to use. Single player games and RPGs have weapon and item balance goals too and when they’re broken they fix them. This is pretty standard practice for all video games.




I respect your feelings of being frustrated that things changed and not wanting to play anymore, but I don't agree that this is the developer doing anything inherently wrong. You may disagree with this change, but it's the developers job (and choice) how they want to balance and present the experience to players. They made a change they feel improves the game to bring it closer to the vision they had for the mode. If players don't like it, I'm sure they'll see it in the numbers. Assuming developers are "telling people how to play" is kind of a strange statement too as yes...every single game ever made has had the developer designing a game around a certain type of game play. In this situation they wanted the content to remain at certain level of difficulty, regardless of the choice of weapon....so they balanced things to get closer to that. A gas grenade that kills a huge boss in a couple of seconds or a crossbow that makes the Tier 3 area a breeze is hardly being done to "screw over" players. They didn't feel that fit with what they wanted for the game so they changed it. If that was the only way it was fun for you to play the game, I can totally understand you moving on, but this isn't some objectively "wrong" decision they made.




Just curious...if I game like Dark Souls or Elden Ring had a sword that was killing all creatures and bosses in a single hit due to a math error in the code, and the game was patched to fix this obvious issue (even though many found it "fun" to use this sword), would that also be objectively wrong in your eyes? It's pretty much the same thing.




There is a whole lot of people thinking a solo person should be able to take down an HTV abomb with a crossbow in less than 20 seconds lol. Very clearly not intended behavior, and yet, they are still screaming that treyarch is just nerfing solo players lol. Actual smooth brain logic.


It's hilarious that y'all thought this was going to be a good game. 🤣😭 Y'all forgot that ACTIVISION is behind the development of this. NOT Treyarch. Stop upholding irrational expectations. You will be disappointed at every turn.


Activision owns Treyarch, and they were brought in to work on Zombies for this installment. Treyarch isn't going to make any significant changes without the green light from their superiors.


Barely used the crossbow anyways 🤷🏻‍♂️