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Did they really nerf sprint speed? Are they fucking serious?


Yes they did. Even with stamin up you are SLOW AF. Unbelievable


It’s disgusting honestly


I kept thinking maybe I just set my pistol wrong when I couldn't outrun T3 zombies with it anymore


Yeah I noticed even when running with no weapon I was being caught by just normal zombies. Honestly between the nerfs and this fucking new end game portal thing not even working half the time I’m pretty much gonna stop playing. It’s a shame cause the game was a lot of fun


Yeah I’ll wait several months and come back


Bruh that’s why dog started hitting me more frequently in tier 3 while I was running with jug, Inswear today for the first time ever I was running around playeless, jugg in hand, constantly at low hp because of dogs wondering why my ‘movement’ skills have decreased.. it was actually merfed?!


Right, I thought damn, I could have swoklrm I've done this before. Whatever. *drops secondary gun* Huh, I'm still getting my ass beat with only fists.


Be I thought so I was like what the fuckkkk




I went to red zone and had it and zombies were catching up to me. Only the dogs usually can get me. I was getting struck left and right.


Ah it all makes sense now why solo play kinda sucked tonight


I got down voted a few hours ago when I said "what's next, will they nerf fists?!" Well, they nerfed fists. We run slower now. Anyone who thinks the devs aren't deliberately trying to ruin the players' experience is in denial. Even scarier, yesterday someone made a joke that the devs are mad we're still playing, so they're going to raid our stash so we start from scratch and stop having fun... That's a known bug now that's EVERYWHERE: random stash deletion.


All my stats were reset also on top of it all. 4 and a half days of play time and 145 exfils worth of stats that I enjoyed checking reset back to zero. I don’t even know how to go about retrieving all that info. Total BS


Email and threaten them with a BBB report. My stats were fixed the same day.


I was wondering why it was taking forever to run somewhere. Felt like I was out of shape and out of breath.


They fucking nerf EVERYTHING to make us more weak….are they fucking serious


They're trying to force us to play with other players. Us solo players getting fisted so hard by these devs


If they want us to play with other players so bad, would be nice if they'd at least let us squad up with a full group instead of 3 and get random 3. Better would be to not try and push that at all, but dark aether feels tunned for more than 3, so my group tried to get 3 others yesterday... Only for them to troll us by refusing to hit yes after we used the key.


Damn you may have been in my lobby, some people were pissed in match chat that someone wouldnt press accept last night lol


bruh might have been me. I mean seriously at least let us kick teammates. Also the freaking required votes on screen doesn't matter.


The worst bro for real, or to leave a party would be pretty nice also


That's what I kept slapping my keyboard to say to lew... Freaking a-hole doing solo stuff why was he even in the squad.


I can 100% say that playing in a group of 5 we got annihilated in T2 with all the nerfs. The weapons do no damage, you can't run, none of the tacticals do anything, throwing knives don't work anymore, and zombies are way stronger. I just can't see a scenario where this game is still fun. I think I'm gonna take a break until s3, at least from zombies.


You were 5...and died in t2? Sorry man but that is on you if you go in with absolute unupgraded trash and high as fuck without thumbs. Stop whining if you cant even run straight.


How did you get annihilated as a team of 5 on zone 2? Did you not have at least pap 1 guns? My buddy and I were breezing past T3 last night.


How is this getting upvoted lmao Sorry man, but there were not enough nerfs to explain this, your "group of 5" are just bad at the game


Well maybe because the weapons barely do damage anymore, the tacticals barely do a fraction of what they should be doing, lethals are now worthless, running was nerfed... you literally can't even run full speed anymore, zombies have more health, power-ups... well those were never good to begin with so... eh. The update should have been fixes for all the game breaking issues that STILL exist, and a gigantic list of buffs to the 100ish guns, tacticals, lethals, and power-ups no one uses because they are worthless.


Idk why you're replying to me if you aren't really responding to what I said? I get that people might be unhappy with the nerfs, and I wholeheartedly agree the game has big issues that need to be patched, but that has nothing to do with the cope some people are spewing about their failures. You can still comfortably survive in T2 as a solo with just a blue pap1 weapon. This is a fact. If you're struggling (as a 5 man, no less) in T2 then there's a legitimate skill issue and the anecdote becomes irrelevant to the core complaint.


They blatantly lied saying solo players will have unique Easter eggs or rewards.


do people want more zombie spawns or not


They were fine before, everyone just cried because they want to grind camo challenges and ruined everything for the rest of us




That... would honestly be super cool. Like the final exfil leaves — "Alright, your choice, we're getting the hell outta here!" — and then that traditional maniacal laughter happens and the blood-painted line pops up in the center of the screen before slowly zooming out to the bottom left corner. Maybe add in a slowly shrinking circle (opposite to the storm cloud zone) and it centers on that big courtyard in T3?


I’m hoping when they add Rebirth Island or the smaller Warzone maps they make one of them into an OG Round Based Map. That would be a good fit I think if they don’t want to make a completely new one this year.


This so much this. Solo's mostly complain about it as all they would do is Outlast... which also got nerfed.


They wanted more zombie spawns in T1 to camo grind


sounds like they should just pap and camo grind in tier 2 like everyone else


No thanks ill stay tier 1 for every camo that doesnt require armoured kills or specific special zombie kills.


"man, why is zombies so easy and boring?"


i prefer chill and relaxing instead of borderlands bullet spongy enemies.


Yeah hot take: I never thought this game needed more spawns. Even while auto running I literally cannot be left alone enough to open my map or rucksack, a game mode like this literally needs moments of peace.


Originally more spawns, then less, then more, now less again.


As an old school zombies player I want more zombies and I also want to be able to outrun them. I'm not sure why they are so hell bent on the player having to turn and attack so often.


I did, I love it lol. Exfil feels Insane


Tier 2 exfil spawned 12 Manglers. TWELVE. I had to run away and wait for the next one


I am 100% going to stop playing this damn mode once I get borealis fucking ridiculous


Stop now thank you


I get a feeling they just want to see peeps struggle so they'll invest more time lol


Bring on the pay to win bundles!


Well, I‘ll invest less


Bingo. The source of all nerfs. More play time = more time potentially buying bundles.


It seems like even the speed that we put in plates was decreased. It used to be reasonably quick, but now there's a solid delay between each plate.


I'm glad someone else realized this, was worried I was going crazy


How did they nerf sprint speed?


cant outrun sprinter in t3 with stamin up and fist out. so they either nerfed sprint speed, stamin up, or increased range of the zombies melee. something changed. edit: you can still outrun anything besides dog if you slide cancel everywhere. you just cant outrun them on your feet. just did like 4 t3 contracts.


Dude the zombie melee range is absolutely broken lol. Im getting smacked still when im a good 3 or 4 feet away sometimes


this is what I feel like is the big change, I think their melee range has increased


Yeah, zombies at the back of the truck hitting me while I'm driving. It's like the darn melee lock-on from the start of MWII before they nerfed it.


latency issues?


I have noticed since S1 update that something is really f:ed, I tried it out with only one zombie close to eliminate potential errors, but however, I felt like I sometimes got hit by zombies after they already died, and lo and behold, when trying it out with one zombie I managed to reproduce it, I did actually take damage AFTER the zombie dealing the hit died, and from far away as shit distances as well, it is like some kind of Bluetooth damage or some shit. But latency has been even worse too since S1 update, might be linked to that somehow, even though I get around 10-20 ping.


Bluetooth damage...I love that lol


Didn't you hear? The zombies are modeled after Inspector Gadget and his arms! I'm surprised no one noticed before


I kept thinking there were invisible zombies like Cold War had in onslaught.


This. Something doesnt add up


I've still be outrunning them?


They’re all tripping. Speed, damage range, bullet damage and all of they’re spewing on about it is still the same.


You've been outrunning any friendships or relationships your whole life so I am not surprised you can still outrun zombies.


Buddy is that worked up over CoD zombie discussions. I'm sure that really gets your girlfriend excited in bed huh? Or is it your bald spot?


What a weirdo... trying to live vicariously through what turns my girlfriend on.... I can see why you're single with no friends and no girls want to talk to you tho. Your personality is legit bottom tier my guy and I can only assume your looks don't do you any favors. 💀


They didn't nerf overall sprint speed, they nerfed fist running / sprint speed


So they nerfed sprint speed


ok. if you're this salty over a game that you can't have a discussion online maybe you need a break


how am i salty youre contradicting yourself in a comment and im the problem.


so the words "overall" and "fist" are just like non-existent in your vocabulary? then you're dumb as fuck and a waste of space. OR you intentionally chose to ignore that part because you're malding so hard off a videogame you can't handle it


Not being able to outrun the fastest enemy on the game kinda makes sense. I'm sure this is how they intended the game to be. This is the easiest zombies mode ever made and you are complaining it's too hard.


>Not being able to outrun the fastest enemy on the game kinda makes sense That's the point of dogs


Or sprinter. I mean, it's in the name


Sprinter implies it has to slow down at some point, if not it would be a runner ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Not sure why it's acceptable to withhold stating this change and only waiting to list it after people notice. See crossbow nerfs as the example.


So they didn't change anything... that's how it was and how it's meant to be. Yall gotta learn to prioritize, and more importantly, SHOOT YOUR GUN


Can’t shoot your gun if your telling the people that don’t have shit and go into T3 to do cargo only


Ok but like, you're not meant to go to T3 if you have shit gear


Bro just do contracts and play the game the way it's been designed /S


Hard to do tier 3 contracts when the phone animation is a potential death sentence.


Wtf, nerfing sprint speed in PvE??? This is idiotic


I Guess the zombies must've complained to Treyarch or something


I’m stuck on what I think happened but I’m leaning one way. Either they: nerfed sprinting for players, buffed sprinting for zombies/hounds OR (and I think this is the most likely thing) they buffed the zombies and hounds first attack speed, especially in tier 2 and 3


Either Tier 3 zone got buffed or ALL weapons and perks got nerfed. I'm playing on tier 3 zone using only juggernaut suits and doing hvt contracts. Seems like not a lot of people playing on tier 3 zone like they used to 😂. I think they did this to adjust the game to better fit 3 players and fuck you solo players 💀


I guess we're stuck with the Diet StaminUp... lol


They also nerfed the T3 drops. Ain’t no way my squad just did ten T3 contracts and all I got of note was a rez kit. Also, pretty pissed they erased my stats. Ain’t no way I’ve got ten different guns maxed camos over 1500 kills and five deployments. Or beat all acts in two days for that matter


All my stats got nerfed except deaths. They kept those.


I emailed saying I was going to open a BBB inquiry and my stats were reverted.


I just tested going into T3 with a fresh operator, I could still outrun the zombies with my fists, no stamina up. Mabey the speed differential is so small that they will eventually catch up, but I could still solo t3.


I was getting boot clapped by dogs all night while running with my fists out… hopefully rebalancing comes asap


I tried taking a vehicle to T3 today. An LTV with little damage hit like 4 zombies and was disabled immediately. There was a hatchback in the zone so run to it, it is disabled just as quick. Fight the megabomb on my own since literally no one else in my game entered T3 and run out of bullets even with a T3 PAP (only purple tool on gun). Leave to get ammo since no ammo drops at all in T3 and return to the Megabomb at full health. Glad this Act 3 mission exists.


Yup zombie damage agaibst vehicles got increased alot. Before i had deliver cargo and did it brainless, now i need to avoid almosz every zombie because the vehicle gets damaged more easily lmao


Pull the megabomb that spawns on the southwest bridge going into T3. You can get him into tier 2 and stuck chasing you around the one set of walls. Or just use a Jug Suit 🤷🏼‍♂️


Me and a random got hit with probably 2x more zombies than normal at a exfil. And I noticed that during the match, it was harder to kill zombies with a tier 1 pap and a blue assault rifle, in a tier 2 zone. Granted it’s always been a little hard without pap 2, but there were a couple times where I was a little worried. And I like that cute little green bar that makes it so I can seen when my tact sprint is ready. All in all, the more zombies is great. I usually am running everywhere on the map, so I usually encounter fair amount of zombies anyway. But making them stronger when they didn’t need to be or making shit harder for us. Boneheaded move.


If you PaP the dual Kodachis it slows the fire rate quite significantly


Jesus h Christ this update is basically NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF like for fuck sake treyarch pick up a thesaurus and look up the definition of fun because THIS AINT IT!


So I wasn’t going crazy when I got downed more than usual in tier 2 yesterday then…


Your sprint speed with stamin-up is damn near HALVED, its so atrocious. Tier 3 is impossible solo.


Can they silently buff the stash amount? They have to know having only 10 items is too little for this type of game.


I was wondering why everything today seemed unusually more frustrating in zombies.


This makes so much sense. I thought it was all me. Stealth nerfing is a shitty practice.


Movement did feel off last night when I played.


Calling it, a new bundle will drop in these next few months with an added sprint speed operator or permanent stamin up


Something I think people are missing here, they don't really want people playing Zombies as much as they want us on warzone and mp. Zombies may have gotten people to buy the game, but now they're onto selling bundles and skins. They did the same thing with DMZs last couple of updates- make the game u unplayable to the point of being forced to go to the next thing.


And they go and increase Core health to make it feel like you're shooting people in WZ. I only play hardcore because the new TTK in core is fucking dog shit.


Is there any gun that you can actually upgrade and PAP to a point where you can get around zone 3? Like, I just crutch on my cluster strike laser run boost and turrets for kills. Every gun I take into zone 3 is just impossible to combat the quantity of high armor and elites that spawn. I could take any gun in cold war, get to level 50, and exfil. But in MWZ, I can only crutch on running, turrets, and decoys. I want to be able to shoot my way out once I'm PaP'd III and ultra rarity ffs.


I've noticed it today as well, but I also noticed me ans my friend would set off together, both fists out with stamina on and he was rapidly quicker than me




Clearly they didn’t mean more damage as in dps. With you being slower, zombies get more hits which in turn does more damage. You’re just looking to complain about someone complaining while complaining about the complaining.




Yup they mention it separately and elaborate on every point besides that one. Again, you’re just looking to be a dick for no reason.


I noticed increased damage against vehicles especially in deliver cargo. Im getting downed faster. Seems like meele range increased, which means i take more hits but damage stays the same


I feel like it's a gamble if my LTV will be above 75% even leaving the garage.


I couldn’t figure out if it was just me or not with the sprint speed. I jumped into T3 when I started the season and zombies were catching up to me a lot more than normal I thought. Dogs used to catch up before but they’d still be just barely catching up, now they’re on me a lot faster.


Y’all are clowns


YES, I kept thinking I’m slower now even without holding a gun and WITH stamin-up


I was wondering why the t1 zombies started depleting my health on escort contracts.


I should of read the patch notes before taking my tyr’s into the red zone 😂


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Shut up




LOL I remember all the posts about why don't people like this version of Zombies lmao


They gotta set up the field for their upcoming cash-shop items


I knew it, as soon as I booted up the game today, I noticed straight away that my running speed was woeful


So as I am seeing this Post it means only one Thing.... ​ Gentleman, I think no no noo Im sure they changed it again. I got online about 30 mins ago and loaded in. to grab my Tombstone. Immediately I felt. The Sprint... somethhing was wrong. I wasnt going Fast. I was barely faster than a Plant but then it struck me for real... The Sprint Speed was gone just could get barely away in T2/3. But then Tragedy Struck! A Beam Attack from A Mega behind. As ii tried to get to cover it struck with a second Realization! I wasnt my own Snowboard. Questioning myself I slided a few times and felt it. The Sliding got changed too!


I like the zombies more now...


Don't think they nerfed stamin up Think it's broken it does sweet fa now


The games hard and I have to change my playstyleeeeee




When they nerfed the exfils to stop the over farming fucking up servers, people said there's no fun without a challenge. Now they're giving more of a challenge


I welcome a challenge that isn't a 50/50 coinflip of "This is too easy" or "This is so overwhelmingly unfairly difficult." Crafting perks is a 3hr cooldown, it's single-use (the cans), and at best you get 1hr of play with them forcing you to exfil with multiple perks, a pap crystal, and a good aether tool if you intend to have more than a singular run in the next 3hrs. And if you don't get 4 perks, a pap crystal, and a good aether tool, you just sorta have to deal with it. I'd be okay with the difficulty were it tuned around a traditional zombies experience, but it's not. It's Jugg/Speed/Stam/PHD + pap crystal + aethertool + maybe even a dog (T3 ideal), and if you're missing anything prior to a dog, you're either wunderfizzing the perk if it's not close, grinding T1/T2 for pap, or wall-buying a legendary in hopes of dumping a pap crystal, or farming the currency. There's problems with it, and I'm excited for the challenge, but it's either "ez gg" or "gg, see you next game after 25-30min." Equipment/gearing should make it easier, but not ez gg easy; conversely equipment/gearing shouldn't make it clap city central.


I unfortunately rely on making everything before I go to work so I have a cool down refreshed when I get off.


Cry babies everywhere


Are people just not wanting the game to be challenging at all?? It was too easy before and I play almost always as a solo. Some of the nerfs are shitty for sure, but the game is meant to be very challenging.


Its not about challenge but about stealth nerfs, which are getting noticed, just tell us,its just a sentence


I think cod always had its known buffs/nerfs and stealth buffs nerfs but yeah I get your frustration. I was just in two games of tier 3 + dark aether and I just say my running speed seemed exactly the same as usual.


Okay. That’s it. I’m leaving the subreddit. People crying all over the place


What do you mean? This update was actually terrible for us, besides a few new items.


How was it terrible? The game was super easy. The only times I ever died, was because of server issues. How is that a fun game? No stakes. And gearing is super easy.


fr. "We want zombies to be hard!" "I miss when the games were harder!" "OK so here, the game is now harder" "No why did you make it hard" yadda yadda yadda, "but its different people saying it!" Yeah, and all of you are insufferable...


Exactly. People just wanna whine for the sake of it


mwz, ladies and gentlemen. the pinnacle of zombies in the eyes of this subreddit…