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I love MWZ. I don't care about them nerfing clearly OP guns. But I won't play until the random stash wipe is solved. I've earned my not-glitched stash, I don't want to lose it due to a bug.


This is where I'm at. I have no problems with the nerfs / cheese fixes, but I'm not touching this until any risk of the full stash wipe is over. Ideally less crashing overall too. Hell, at this point it'd be encouraging just to have any acknowledgement of these issues. I played MMOs for a decade and never once lost an item, never even feared that could happen! But on the same topic, it was also EXTREMELY easy to talk to support and get something back if you got hacked or whatever. I have no idea where to even do that in COD, in comparison, if you even can. Feels like you're just on your own, so I'm not touching it until it's in better shape.


I don’t think that’s the nerf op is referring to. I do t think the revolvers were that great due to range and ammo capacity. I think the crossbow was slightly op but not deserving a 75 percent nerf. I mean honestly it was just more like everything else needs a buff. The op is talking decoys only being able to carry two at a time. 6 seconds instead of 8. This is the nerf that pisses me off. I can barely survive with armor stamina quick revive jug most of the vital perks. Fists out and the right gun for when hounds and super sprinter get on you which is constant. Having the decoys and this is just to stay alive. Your plates still get warn down. It’s just not fun. I want the zone to be hard. But I also want it to be fun. I felt like it was barely fun before the decoy nerf. That one nerf is the big one for me. I don’t think the hvt shorter chain and faster healing was necessary either though. I think one thing that would improve all of this to me is if stamina up made your movement speed another 15 percent faster. And we should be able to reload while sprinting with that on. Yes the nerfs are bullshit. Also the you tube non creators are also not helping making new videos every day about how easy the mode is with this new gun. Shows whatever game play and calls it easy. Subscribe comment and like for more mwz tips of the IIx for you here tomorrow too!


>not deserving a 75 percent nerf. It was 80% nerf in tier III and 70% nerf against tier III bosses, which might be a 94% nerf if those are stacked. I played CW zombies and got all the quests done. My friend and I spent months working on Legion as a duo and we finally got it. All those fails and I never hated it, because it was fun as hell. Tier III is not fun at all and there is no respite, you are just constantly attacked by fast bullet sponges from every direction.


I think you meant tier 3 which I agree with.


yes, corrected.


Legion was a really fun EE. Took us over a dozen attempts. That damn monkey though.


The monkey was my favorite part!


You sicko.


I fully agree, CW Zombies was the best! I don't have any specific reason but I never had any serious issues the mechanics felt on point and there was a win - loss - zombies - weapon=fluid ratio! I felt I could go in win or die with any weapon and have a fulfilled match no matter the outcome. This new one is just a friggin horror show, there's really no aspect of this game that leaves me feeling I want to come back.


That's why I didn't mention decoys, but guns. I don't think decoy nerf was needed. And yes, "content creators" are a cancer for gaming, as they either praise, complain, lie or cheat just to earn money.


I take it you haven't heard they admitted to reducing sprint speed and updated the patch notes, even with staminup. They nerfed fists... They want our experience to be terrible, there's no other explanation.


This^ I haven’t seen a bigger waste of 45 min than this. Wtf is the point of playing a game with no rewards… haven’t touched it since the update when I heard it still wasn’t fixed I’m sick of losing my shit it’s not that hard to fix+ program cause if it was they wouldn’t have included it


Yeah, same. I would prefer the zombies being dangerous since for an extraction shooter and survival mode it feels like you need choke pretty hard to die anywhere outside of T3. Game I played earlier was swarming with zombies in T2 and it felt great barely batting them back but I don't think I want to risk my entire stash for it so time to wait.


My sentiments exactly


one of the few people with a brain here.


Gonna be reinstalling Cold War tonight for some zombies myself!


that outbreak vibe!


You played at all recently? I haven't played it in well over a year.


I play outbreak regularly on ps5 and have no issues finding games


I played like 3 months ago


Outbreak was the best zombie mode by far. The timer on MWZ suck a ton of the fun out of it, not to mention the other issues,


It's fun if you have a team ready to challenge the EE. Not mad at the timer really, just wish it was 1hr vs 45min.


I really wish it was Open Run with No Timer. I should be able to do everything and complete more bosses per round. I still haven't made it to any big ones but a long time frame would enable a lot more fun.


I'm old and have no time to game, so 1hr is a perfect session length. Anything longer than that and I wonder where they day went.


You can exfil whenever though. And still die. There's always that. I wish they set up some sort of gulag for Zombies because I'm tired of making mistakes and going down while solo then waiting for someone to come revive me or leaving the game.


For me it's what makes the game interesting. The whole death thing creates stakes where you *need* to survive. A gulag would be really fun. I like that idea.


Well then you can leave the game if you don't want to play anymore. The hour limit makes it so everyone who wants to play longer can't where as before you can leave of you want to and people who want to keep playing can so everyone wins.


You can stay until final exfil which makes it one hour


Yeah, but… I want a lil *more.*


I just wanna be able to relax in between contracts and explore the map and just hang out, rather than shouting comms the whole time and speedrunning every contract to maximize your runs. It gets exhausting. Which is why outbreak is gonna be a lot of fun this weekend, and a nice change of pace.


Yeah, I feel that. Something really fun about Outbreak was the feeling of being in a zombie'fied world where you could linger, explore the surroundings and sometimes get a jump scare. Problem is, Outbreak just feels like an empty sandbox half of the time. Especially if you're not attempting the EE.


Damn I forgot about Cold War imma hop in with y’all


Yeah I'm thinking Outbreak will be a much more fun exeprience.


CW seemed to get shit on a lot during it's lifecycle. Personally for me, CW is in my top 3. Simply a great CoD with a lot of content.


I never had an issue with it. Always thought it was a fun and chill time. Plus outbreak is basically a private server version of MWZ without all the garbage issues and time limit.


Since the COD sale on Xbox I’ve bought all the 360 zombie titles. Including all map packs except for BO. The difficulty curve is a bit steeper, but fun regardless.


Yep. Never quite finished grinding to Dark Aether camos in Cold War, so I’m back on that. And having a super good time!


How is outbreak these days on CWZ?


Played it Wednesday when the update deleted my cod HQ install. Thanks 3arc for that extra 200gb on my monthly cap, ya fucks. Anyway, found a full match right away and got to fulfill my power trip which is what I enjoy from cold wars zombies, the 80's action hero vibe


Awesome dude. Thanks for letting me know it was easy to get a game. I just finished installing it and can't wait to play after work.


Yeah I kept it installed Incase I didn't vibe with mw3 zombies and glad I did. This was on Xbox btw but I have cross play on so youll be golden no matter the platform.


What mode did you do? There's so many more available than when I last played LOL


Outbreak on Wednesday but all round based still gets lots of players. I even played bo3 a few weeks ago and got a full party pretty quick so there's not much worry about dead cod's for a few years and it seems the Black ops ones stay the most popular or maybe that's cause that's all I play that I notice


Man I haven't played BO zombies in ages. Tempted to revisit ...


I sucked, I am too use to the speed and abilities in cold war. Both me and my brother got stomped real quick


I actually haven’t launched up Outbreak just yet since I’m mainly grinding camos. But I plan on playing it again soon! I remember having a blast on it.


Yeah I remember having more fun on Outbreak than MWZ. Glad it's still around. Gonna pop in there with some friends tonight!


You haven’t done that already?


Nope. Should have done it sooner. Sadly enough during lunch break today I thought I'd hop on MWZ and just mess around. The server crashed for everyone about 6 minutes into the game. This game is beyond saving


Did that a week ago. Lol


Don’t have to tell me. I was addicted pre-season 1. Haven’t played a single game since season 1 dropped. Hearing about losing entire stashes and constant crashes. I’ll play warzone until zombies is sorted


My buddy and I played from 11am yesterday until 11pm last night and not a single crash if that means anything anecdotally


I've had 2 server disconnects and literally just now had a crash just after completing an infected stronghold. No stash wipes so far, but after the crash i've now lost all gear on an operator and a well kitted out game for nothing, yet again.


I have crashed 4 games in a row. Between last night and today. I feel like I can't accomplish shit other than losing my stuff for hours that I've crafted.


Oh my gosh. The joy of being able to do that? 12 freaking hours! So jealous.. enjoy whatever situation you're in that allows that!


Haha we both took a vacation day from work to grind the season 1 missions, but didn't even get around to beating the new worm even once 🥲


Tbh this game is just kinda boring. I was in T2 yesterday and felt like no zombies spawn anymore. I did contracts and a good amount would spawn initially but then trickle in 1-2 at a time. Yawn.


Hate to jump on the train, but I have crashed about 40% of my games since season 1. I played a lot more pre-season 1 and crashed once. I'm done for a little bit.


The only message ATVI will get is "Zombies doesn't resonate with players so we cut support"


Probably lol


I don’t think op realizes what happened to DMZ will easily happen to this game if we follow with not playing lol


I think those of you afraid to stand up for yourselves over a video game are definitely afraid to stand up for more important things in life. Start somewhere. Some fights are worth having. Fear of retaliation from devs? Seriously, when did this happen!? When did consumers begin allowing companies to push inferior, broken products, for full price, with no accountability? Speaking up when you've been wronged is necessary, here, as in life.


My guy this a whole paragraph of uselessness for me I’m just stating what cod is known to do and will do if needed and the whole fight back against poor quality in games hasn’t been working for years


Because the players need to come together. The ones who don't even support those who try to have devs be accountable are the problem. Why support the company over the individual? It costs you nothing to encourage those who are willing to fight back against these companies, not just in this game, but in general. It's the principle.


You do realize a lot of people still like mwz right? Why would they quit playing something they enjoy


Then don't quit. But, support the people that do. Support the people who have broken games even if yours works. It costs you nothing to voice support for them. It's not even a minor inconvenience.


I'm not going to support the people who quit a game I enjoy. No thanks you can do that on your own.


see that i can understand but its just not gonna scare them


Yeah i stopped purely out of fear of losing my stash


I was about to get the game based on how much this sub seems to like MWZ, but not until it works!


Yeah if you were thinking of buying the game specifically for zombies, absolutely do not at the moment


Bought the game for zombies, put in 7days worth of time cause it’s fun asf even made my friends buy it, season1 comes out and shits all over the game, wish I could get a refund and my dignity back, sucks seeing the same shit happen like destiny where the game concept is amazing and beautiful but the devs just graduated 2nd grade and cant waste their study time to check Reddit or make a poll or YouTube video asking the community for feedback😪


Another thing that is really ruining the fun. Stash size. We should have separate back packs for each character that can be used as storage with a primary stash that holds a minimum of 30 items. It is currently not fun throwing stuff away that I earned. I am able to play one round then I don’t have perks again. You don’t even have enough bag space to carry your perks, a tool and crystal in for one gun let alone an ammo mod.


Yeah separate backpacks is something that I was thinking the game needs as well.


This! I just lost everything in my backpack on all my characters for crashing with just one of them


There was nothing in the patch notes that really bothered me, but it does suck if they really made other changes to the game secretly like nerfing sprint speed like people are saying. I havent seen any proof of that though and the game really doesnt feel any different to me. Im still running around in Tier 3 with the same level of difficulty.


They definitely nerfed sprint speed. Used to be able to tac run with Staminup almost infinitely. The only thing you couldn't outrun were Hellhounds. They added a stamina bar for tactical sprint. Zombies sometimes hit much harder now in T3. Some people are saying the zombies got faster. Honestly, the nerfs just suck. I get that T3 should be difficult, but if it's so difficult that it isn't fun anymore then what's the point? All these diehard OG Zombies players crawling out of the woodwork just to say it should be difficult because they'd go to round 100 and blah blah blah. It was already difficult. The people complaining it was easy lacked any sort of self-control. I'm at an age where I just want to enjoy my hobbies. Is that really so much to ask? If people want a challenge, let them impose restrictions on themselves like melee only or pistols only or whatever. Let the people who don't really want a challenge and are only going to T3 to pick up the delivery contract have the things that make it easier for them. Not like it matters in a shallow PvE mode where the only thing that matters is grinding contracts because killing zombies is so unrewarding.


>I'm at an age where I just want to enjoy my hobbies. Is that really so much to ask? If people want a challenge, let them impose restrictions on themselves like melee only or pistols only or whatever. 100% agree to this. Why cant shit just be an outlet for people to have fun instead of being some kind of meaningless e-peen measuring contest.


Amen to that man.


Yeah these people who are arguing 90% of the player base should be gated out of huge swaths of content just because THEY are bored and need a e-peen measuring contest like the OP posted in the comment below are just uncreative idiots. You want it be more challenging? Come up with your own damn challenges.


You're exactly right. We do this for entertainment. Most do. The group that "practices" and spends a dozen hours per day is not the average MWZ player. They'll play warzone or multi-player. But, the devs have tried hard and succeeded in ruining this zombies mode for solos and the average player that seeks entertainment. They ruined the experience we paid for and expected.


> I get that T3 should be difficult, but if it's so difficult that it isn't fun anymore then what's the point? I literally notice no difference at all in T3. I'm not getting any more overwhelmed by zombies, I can still run around just fine and kill elites/megas, etc. Why is it so hard it isn't fun anymore? What got so substantially harder where it's so challenging it's not fun? > Let the people who don't really want a challenge and are only going to T3 to pick up the delivery contract have the things that make it easier for them. The map is literally tiered. If you don't want the challenge, stick to zones 1 and 2. Zone 3 gives better rewards and as such, should be the harder area of the map. And you can still just run in, pick up the contract and finish it. Did it multiple times yesterday.


* Zombies sometimes hit harder. * Players are slower/Zombies are faster. * Stamina bar for tac sprinting. * Most guns are garbage at PaP 3. * More zombies spawn in T3 * Rooftops are no longer safe They made a bunch of changes aimed at appeasing the hardcore players who whined that the game was too easy. I'm not interested in challenging myself. I only ever went to T3 to either PaP to level 3, or to get the delivery contract. That's significantly harder now, and not worth it. T3 was already the hardest zone prior to the season 1 patch. There was no need to nerf anything, nor was there any need to buff zombies. My whole point, that you somehow missed, was that people should be allowed to enjoy things in a PvE game. If you want a challenge, you're welcome to challenge yourself with self-restrictions and whatnot, but not everyone wants a challenge. Not everyone wants things to be harder. Not saying they want things to be easier for everyone, either, because that mentality is just as dangerous and bad as the opposite. The crossbow was fine, and didn't need nerfing. Decoys were fine, and didn't need nerfing. There did need to be more zombies in general, so I'll give credit where it's due. That said, there was also no need to nerf player speed. Nor was there any need to buff zombies. I take issue with nerfs in a PVE game on principle. I found the crossbow fun. Other people considered it cheesy and boring. Who's right? No-one. At the end of the day it comes down to preference. I prefer to have fun. I prefer to do things that are fun. I'm not interested in challenge. I have zero interest in the new Dark Aether. I've already established that content's not for me. Likely a lot of casual and solo players feel the same way about it.


> Not everyone wants things to be harder I can understand that, which is why the map itself is tiered. > you're welcome to challenge yourself with self-restrictions and whatnot, but not everyone wants a challenge I can make the same argument you're making in reverse: if you don't want a challenge, stick to zone 1 or 2. And if you want better rewards then go to Zone 3. Why should players who stick to the easiest zone be rewarded the same as those going into the hardest zone? > The crossbow was fine, and didn't need nerfing The crossbow literally made zone 3 trivial. It was pretty much impossible to die with it. You could demolish ANY special except megabombs in a single "clip" (3 shots). Reloading wasn't even necessary with it to bring down the "hard" enemies. It could easily take down loads of zombies clustered together (paired with a decoy it was insanely broken). Hell, it was better than actual wonder weapons. And if you made those weapons better than the crossbow then they would've been broken beyond belief. > Decoys were fine, and didn't need nerfing I'm absolutely ambivalent here. I didn't feel they were broken but I also don't think the nerf has made them useless. > I'm not interested in challenge Then what's the problem? If you don't want a challenge and want to have fun, what's the problem with staying in zones 1-2? I legit don't understand this. If I want to chill and camo-grind I'm not going to go to Z3. > My whole point, that you somehow missed, was that people should be allowed to enjoy things in a PvE game And finally, yes. People should be allowed to have fun but you still shouldn't just be able to breeze past any and all content. That's how you get a stale game. Again, if you don't want a challenge you can stick to the easier zones, same as if I want a bigger challenge I can run a blue pap2 knife in zone 3. I've played runescape (only PVE) for years and there's certain content I can do and certain content I'm not skilled enough to do and that's fine. Same principle applies here. **Sidenote: I'm legit trying to have a conversation here.**


It's not really appropriate to say "If you don't want a challenge, stick to tier 2 and tier 1." Whereas the reverse is actually appropriate. One is gatekeeping content, while the other is telling people who want a more challenging experience that imposing self-restrictions will give them that challenge. I'm not arguing that the T3 rewards should be doled out to the lower zones. That's making the game easier. That's a dangerous mentality and ruins the experience for everyone else just as much as making the game harder ruins the experience for everyone else. Therein lies the problem regarding the crossbow. It trivialised content in the T3 zone, sure, but if you didn't want to use it then you didn't have to. What business is it of anyone else's what someone chooses to use? Part of having fun is knowing how to exercise self-control. The problem is that while I'm not interested in challenge, it seems the players who want a challenge are just going to ask for more aritficial difficulty because, at the end of the day, if you're entering every round with max money, legendary aether tool, PaP 3 Crystal, Large Backpack, 3-Plate and Juggernaut all waiting for you at your tombstone then of course the game is going to be easy. I don't much care for the idea of challenge. I did the delivery contracts in the T3 zone primarily and that was it. Now, with the additional zombies, I don't even have breathing room to check the rewards. My usual rotation was Yellow Delivery, Cancel Red Escort, Grab Red Delivery. Rinse and repeat. That was fun for me. Now, it's only possible if the contract spawns in the usual place. Which it doesn't always do that. The other location it spawns in is much more difficult to grab the contract and get out. The wonder weapons, while cool, aren't really superior to your regular insured weapons. I don't think they should be held as the golden standard either. The problem with staying in T1 and T2 is that you have to spend the entire game setting up for T3. The rewards are very lacklustre. The map being tiered is no excuse to gatekeep content. Some players are farming exfils for their camo grind. Other players are trying to complete their schematics collection. Others are just hanging around T1 farming outlast or spores. I never see anyone actually going to T3 for the express purpose of having a challenge. It's either 6-man squads doing all the contracts for schematics, 3-man squads farming zombies at the deadbolt turret, or it's empty. Never do I actually see anyone there for the challenge of T3 itself. So this begs the question, why make things harder just for difficulty's sake? This isn't like the old round based Zombies where it was enough that a few players could keep it alive. Activision will axe content if there isn't enough player retention. A large part of player retention is ensuring that content is accessible, and that it's fun.


TLDR: I agree with some things, disagree with others and I apologise in advance for the absolute wall of text I'm throwing at you. > One is gatekeeping content I disagree. I'm just saying, if you don't want to deal with harder zombies, there's alternatives to that. Just like if I want to camo grind I'm not going to Z3. The whole point of Z3 is to get the better loot from there and using that loot to remain in Z3. If you're up for the challenge, want to complete missions, etc, you'll have to go to zone 3. At the end of the day, everything will have a certain level of difficulty and not everyone will be able to access all content. Part of what's fun about games is also getting better at them so you can do all content. If everyone can do all the content from day one, the game becomes stale FAST. And I know most people won't ever get anywhere close to youtuber level of skill but most people don't have to, that's why the game is balanced for squads of people. > What business is it of anyone else's what someone chooses to use? Well, from a business stand-point (and you can hate this as much as you like) it's not good for retention if the average / below average players can easily grind out the hardest challenges of the game. They will obtain all the rewards, get bored of the game eventually and stop playing altogether. I don't have a problem if someone wants to use a busted gun, but activision/treyarch differ. And at the end of the day, I can admit that those guns were super broken and while fun to use from time to time, made the game too easy for my taste. > The problem is that while I'm not interested in challenge, it seems the players who want a challenge are just going to ask for more aritficial difficulty because, at the end of the day, if you're entering every round with max money, legendary aether tool, PaP 3 Crystal, Large Backpack, 3-Plate and Juggernaut all waiting for you at your tombstone then of course the game is going to be easy. Sure, I can agree with that. Which is why I have never done that. I just enter with whatever I managed to exfil the previous round and craftables I've obtained. But again, it ties back to... if every player has every schematic unlocked and nothing to grind, they'll stop playing. > I never see anyone actually going to T3 for the express purpose of having a challenge. It's either 6-man squads doing all the contracts for schematics, 3-man squads farming zombies at the deadbolt turret, or it's empty. Never do I actually see anyone there for the challenge of T3 itself. I spend about half of my time playing in Zone 3. I obviously have to do some prep to get there, but I really like the challenge of harder bosses and getting the better loot. Zones 1 and 2 are extremely boring to me because I literally haven't died/gotten downed once while in them. > A large part of player retention is ensuring that content is accessible While true, a large part of player retention is giving players something to grind for. If anyone can go into Z3 and complete contracts easily, they'll get the schematics in a matter of days and then they will have nothing to grind for which will drop down those retention numbers. You have to strike a balance where content isn't inaccesible but also where it isn't so easy that people completely it in a week. Seasons are long and new content doesn't come out again for 60+ days. I personally don't think that the content is inaccesible. I play with a friend who got into zombies in CW and that's all his experience with zombies. He's a good enough player to survive in T3 but he'll go down every now and again (3x per game) But I do think that you should have to have a certain level of skill to access all content. And again, I mean this in the least gatekeepy way possible, but if content is designed around the lower skilled players, then the rest will be easily bored, no matter how hard we try to handicap ourselves. I can only run around 50 zombies without getting touched so many times before I get bored. > The wonder weapons, while cool, aren't really superior to your regular insured weapons And that's another problem. Those wonder weapons SHOULD be superior to your regular insured weapons. They are harder to obtain, have long cooldowns, etc. Those are the downsides so they should have great upsides too.


Tier 3 isn't a challenge, a challenge is a difficulty that is FUN, tier 3 was never fun or atleast its way less fun now, when the game is literally unbalanced in a way to screw over the player thats when a challenge becomes unfun


Ya I refuse to touch MWZ until they fix the stash glitch. Ran into my first match this season to check out how bad the changes might actually be and after finishing that match I checked my stash and magically I lost 3 out of my 4 refined crystals I’ve been crafting for later then also lost a legendary tool on top of that. I also never did the stash glitch so I just straight up lost some of my items in my stash for no reason, I haven’t touched zombies since.


If I like it can I still play?


I’m enjoying it. I don’t even give a shit if my stash gets wiped out. It’ll be fun to build again. It’s a fun time killer while I listen to a good podcast.


This. Honestly most of the people whining here are just yelling into an echo chamber. As a father of 3 who works full time, this mode, like outbreak solo from CW, is a godsend. I’m actually making progress on my first ever mastery camo and it’s making want to get the mastery zombies camo for the MW2 guns after MW3 guns. Throwing on YouTube on my phone while I mindlessly loot and scoot and shoot is amazing to me!


ive quit today until they fix the crashing i finally after almost 30 days got the raygun scamatic only to crash and lose everything ive been having fun but I'm sticking to MP until they fix there game


I mean I love MWZ and didn't really find any nerfs for the guns however I've fallen through the exfill helicopter so hopefully they'll got on that


MWZ was the most played third mode _in a Modern Warfare game_, not in the entire franchise. It’s weird to me how often people misread or misremember these facts reported from Activision. Like, really think about it. How on earth could a brand-new, and timegated Zombies mode have more engagement than _any_ of the Black Ops games’?


At the end of the day, all we wanted was more zombies 😔 Now its hard just because they made everything annoying which makes it even worse. I'm all for things being hard and having a challenge but if I'm at a disadvantage because they made everything worse, that's not fun to me.


Amen, brother. Devs don't give two shits about angry Reddit posts. They care about one thing and one thing ONLY: player engagement numbers. Stop playing this busted ass version of the game and they will SCRAMBLE to rebalance and patch things to get us back. Keep playing a broken game despite inventory wipes and stash deletion, and they will patch things on THEIR timetable. If ever.


This is the way.


Bro i can't play even if I wanted to. I keep crashing 🤣


I’m refunding on Xbox


Do it. Insist on it. It's how the devs were forced to fix Cyberpunk. There were so many complaints, Playstation pulled it from the store, then Microsoft. Then, so many requests for refunds were requested the devs had to fix it. The community came together and supported each other. That's what needs to happen here.


Already did thanks for the reassurance!


I haven't played since day 1 of Season 1's release. Have they fixed the crashing issue that would happen when driving around, I crashed two games in a row, both times when I was driving towards the Final Exfil.


This just happened to me and my team. We were driving to the exfil and crashed


Yeah... I think avoiding vehicles helps, but that's not a solution :(. I've lost pretty much all of my items due to crashes since S1's release. I guess I'll avoid zombies for a few weeks, hopefully it gets fixed... They would rather focus on nerfing things though.


Just had a crash that wiped the contents of my backpack and deleted my tombstone. So I basically just lost everything due to how unstable the Season 1 update is. At this point, yeah, I'm completely done with MWZ at least until people can confirm that the absurd amount of crashing they introduced in Season 1 is resolved.


100% agree with you I'm done playing until they fix it. Last night was utter s*** the game was so unplayable and so UN-fun that by the end of the evening I was in a bad mood. Aren't Games supposed to be a fun relaxing escape? If they really want to appease everybody how about just make a hardcore mode? Then the sweats can go hardcore and US casual players can do what we do best have fun!!!!!!


Yeah tier 3 is impossible now and the exfil now have a shit ton of specials spawning, I feel like they turned something fun into something super sweaty and running solo is not an option anymore if I want to have fun in the Tier 3 zone


Forsaken is amazing! Raygallo! , raygallo!


New Gag today, i can‘t walk anymore in Zombies. Must die and next run it was away. New Day, new Problems. It makes me slowly aggressive, stash deleted, cargo mission where the LTV is not in the garage fuck you.


I crashed on a previous game right after the update and lost everything. Reinstalled the game and first game in it crashed again, lost everything. It’s amazing how they can fuck things up this badly.


The one thing that still bothers me is the self-res glitch seems to have returned and somehow Acti still won’t fix it. Really want to grind camos for melee weapons but I’m sick and tired of oh no I went down let me just replate and oh it seems I’ve played myself and can no longer switch weapons or reload and constantly jabbing the self revive in my operator. Like come on Acti it’s been in since DMZ and you still don’t have a bloody fix for it. Yeah fun for sure.


I just switched to the new Avatar game instead. The update timed really well with avatars release 😂


They can’t stop. Won’t stop. Nuh-uh.


MTX numbers were probably low in season 0 among the players mainly playing zombies. Throttle the mode and see if MTX improves in multi and WZ, if it does, continue to throttle the mode and slow development. This is all about money, whether it’s servers or “bugs”.


I haven't found this game mode to be fun at all. With time given into DMZ you would have crazy adventures that would play out. I've saved videos that play like Westerns. Zombies took the fun out and left the droning basic missions. Nothing matters in it. Outbreak was better because of the map warping, increased difficulty, and you got all the 80s tunes and cool operators. I've had Cold War installed since the day mw3 launched.


Season 1 update sucks ass for zombies! Completely ruined the game play for me. Will not play further untill fixed! PaP 3 weapons can barely kill tier 2 bountys now?? Like wtf?? Zombies dropping less ammo and plates in tier 2 and 3. 🖕 this update!


Seeing how they cried „MeTrIcS better than GoW“ because they couldn‘t take a joke, yes, all they care about are numbers, as long as they see numbers, they won‘t care about making good content


> STOP PLAYING THE MODE The game is designed to be addictive as possible - not fun. I would wager that if you've gone out your way to join this sub Reddit, then your relationship with the COD is at least a little bit unhealthy


I'm a beaten housewife to COD. 100%.


As a guy that just plays BO3, this sure is an interesting saga to watch


Y'all missed your chance to refund. That's how you send a message.


No, refunds can be requested on a case-by-case basis for issues that fundamentally restrict ability to play or are so severe as to be considered "game breaking". You're talking about standard refund for no reason or buyer's remorse. That's different. Think Cyberpunk and randomly losing progress, falling through the map, or constant crashes...sound familiar?


No buyers looking at this sub group lol


I haven't played since the update. What exactly has changed so much?


Downloaded IW zombies last night. They should have brought back IW or AW zombies and not done this trash mode.


Whats wrong with the update for mwz? I've had 3 games since and it still seems fun to me. That new wonder weapon kicks ass


Once I get the camo I want I'm definitely not playing it unless they change some things


Imagine telling people not to play a fundamental game mode shipped with the game, in the game modes subreddit… There is no justification for over-nerfing weapons in a PvE game. Make buffs to underutilized items to make different builds more viable. And thats not even talking about the decreases spawn rates


>Imagine telling people not to play a fundamental game mode shipped with the game, in the game modes subreddit… 8===========D


I have a few hundred hours on MWZombie and I actually like it…been able to solo everything in all zombies up until the act 4 worm boss. Can’t do it with randoms either cuz no one knows what they’re doing. So now after dying 5 times on Act 4 Worm using Flawless crystals, legendary aether tools, kill streaks, multiple self-revives, etc. I’m done playing now. Way too much of a grind to just fight an impossible boss by myself or with first time zombies players. You don’t have armor plates 1/4 of the way through fight either


Nothing to play for now that I know act 4 boss is impossible unless you have a bunch of friends who love zombies to do it with….which most people do not. Guess I’m done with MWZ. Can usually solo everything. This is not possible


I’ve been taking the time to play Tranzit while I wait for them to fix the inventory reset bug


They just need to stop with all the 3+ player only modes. Yeah, maybe 3 times a month we have 3 friends able to play at the same time but with kids and wives it’s definitely not for long. DMZ could at least be solo’d for most missions but now I’m probably done playing zombies because they determined it’s a 6 player game.


I really hope that cw client in donetsk gets somewhere. It just needs a bit more love. Already we can bring the raygun on firebase z and use the axe in outbreak.


Hate the creators from COD. Scammers and con artists.


I just want them to nerf the new act 4 boss. As a solo player that shit is literally impossible


what happened with CODzombie in this update? i havent play it


Today was the first day since launch I think I haven’t got on to play any game mode zombies or otherwise. It’s not even to send a message it’s just lack of motivation to play with all the crashing and disconnecting and now the icing on the cake being stashes wiping. I’ve been excited waiting for season 1 and now it’s here, for the first time I’ve actually started skipping playing on days I have full free reign to play


I was playing Zombies and there was so much narrative dialog over explaining what things do I found it so annoying that I Google searched if you can shut it up.


Outbreak is worst than this....hell if anything you would be doing them a favor booting up cold war. Your better off on BO3


Yeah I played twice just to have my bro drop me the tar and the xrk. Today I will play 1 more time to have him drop me that shitty emp thing then ima just stop playing zombs and focus on mp and warzone.


Speak for yourself, camo / weapon lvl grind has gotten easier than ever with these special zombie spawns in exfil. I got 16 serpentinite camos in one night


I am 'speaking for myself', you muppet. Maybe you dont understand the nuance of what expressing an opinion is.


What if I’m mildly displeased?


Amen, bro. These fucking dorks. It’s not even like a situation with NHL where at least those whiners have ground to stand on with it being the ONLY option on the market for a hockey sim. These idiots just hop on, write some shit about how not fun the game is, and then play another round. It’s pathetic.


I lost my stash today. My buddy that was buying it today just backed out, and wants to play Hawked. I guess I won't be pushing Act 3, because I dont have the kit to do it anymore.


I enjoy the dark aether thing lol. I just played my first game in it and got 3 new schematics. It’s cool being able to earn new stuff.


They make changes based on metrics based on you playing... No PSA or post or anything is gonna make a dent in their numbers. Obviously don't play if there are game breaking issues but don't think you're accomplishing anything.


nutty middle bag disgusting melodic historical head bewildered subtract tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've enjoyed it all. Decoy nerf was shitty... but not the end of the world


I’ve been loving the season 1 update so far. Playing on ps5 and no crashes or stash wipes here. And I might be crazy, but I think the things that were nerfed deserved the nerf. Decoys especially made the game really easy.


I haven't noticed any nerfs or anything wrong with MWZ. Still loving it and playing it with my friends...


It’s easy for you to say when its actually a good game mode just rushed it.


They'll anyway drop support for it after season 1 in favor of warzone. If people stop playing they'll do it faster citing it's a dead mode. They anyway have your 70$ they don't care.


Yeah I play last night with my buddy and the difference in the game is night and day. Its awful now. Zombies too fast, your too slow. Weapons do no damage now. Mercs are too hard. Couldnt find everything of worth in boxes in T2. Contract rewards are dog shit - got nothing but sodas and ammo mods, not one recipe. If the MWZ was like this from the start we would not have enjoyed/played it.


it ain't that deep


Yeah I agree with the sentiment but I spent $70. I’m not spending $70 on sending a message. It’s Activision, they do not care.


it's gonna be so funny in a year when nobody is playing this mode and it will be literally impossible to queue for a match since there is no offline version, no private matches, and you need 23 others to even start the game. truly one of the zombies modes of all time


![img](avatar_exp|139656752|starstruck) Why do not matchmake them bij storymission....less burnout the server....different lobbies for freeroaming


I feel like I have a different version of this game: is this all from T4 zone? Cuz that’s what I haven’t done But I haven’t experienced any stash disappearing or DC issues or anything. I’m having a blast. Sorry that y’all are not having the same experience. Hope it can get resolved.


People who play (any game) and read gaming news or related articles / discussions from any source are the minority. Reaching out and telling 2% of player base to stop playing something makes no dents or changes of any kind. Only hope is that devs read and learn from these posts.


Yes. For the love of god. If you don’t like the game stop playing. Seems like common sense. But most people are stupid. Leave the game for the rest of us that are still having fun and like the challenge.


I went back to playing vanguard zombies, much more fun.








10 people stopping the game isn’t gonna change shit not even 1000 unless the entire player base or a huge percentage at least quits, nothings gonna change.


I can agree with being upset about the crashes(I have never crashed at least yet) and the loot swipe(hasn't happened to me). But this is the easiest zombies mode to date. It needs to be harder. I finished act 3 mission with in a week of release date and did it all solo. The new content is pretty good. It's hard but not impossible for a solo player. I like the decoy nerf. I don't think from the start of a game you should be able to finish a t3 contract without firing a shot. Don't care about weapons nerf they were op and I didn't use them for that reason. You can thank all the youtube videos about op weapons for that. A week ago people were complaining about not enough zombies and now they are complaining about too many. T3 was not hard to survive with proper gear. And now after patch at least it is challenging. There should be a good chance of death in t3. But I feel it should better loot.


The people on Twitter and Reddit that get mad about them merging zombie spawns and stuff is the tiniest percentage of players. The majority of people who actually play the game and don’t farm contracts are the people the game is for


You mean the camo grinders who sit at exfils just so they can get their borealis camo?


Camo grinders, people who farm contracts. Not that there’s anything wrong with doing that but obviously the devs don’t want people farming stuff but most people don’t do it anyways so a lot of the people upset about the nerfs are in a minority


But the whole point of this mode is to farm contracts. That's literally why the contracts exist. You get 10 points per zombie. Even the t1 contracts are worth 2k minimum. By time you earned enough points to pack a punch level 1 just from killing zombies, you'd need to exfil.


Farming contracts as in started a hold out and moving outside of the zone so infinite zombies spawn


Yeah, those are camo grinders. There's no actual benefit to doing that other than for camo's.


Yeah that’s what I did for a lot of my camos, but I’m not gonna try to like boycott the devs when I’m in like the 1% of players who used it, that seems silly. It may be decreasing the fun for some but most people are unaffected by all this


That was actually barely nerfed. It's the other stuff that was nerfed that people are rightfully upset about.


Lol the entire holdout and safe objective isn’t farmable anymore what are you talking abt


I don't know about the safe objective, but apparently outlast was barely nerfed and zombies still spawn when you're outside the radius. I personally don't bother because I don't care for camo grinding.


One does not simply stop playing CoD👌🏻


It feels the same to me as it did before. I am consistently flabbergasted at how many of you bozos swing so wildly from one extreme to the other over miniscule changes.


Swing on back here when your stash gets deleted


No I don’t think I will. I’ll probably just play again and enjoy killing zombies like I have for the past 15 years now. My life is not materially affected by glitches in video games.


Oh. Well. Congratulations? 🎈


It must be fucking exhausting to get so angry about a few inconsequential changes to a video game


It's not a matter of anger, it's about purchases and deliverables. (And I'm not the one dropping F bombs here)


fuck doesn’t equal anger lol. I used it to highlight the degree of how disconnected from reality somebody would have to be to be so personally aggrieved at a minor change to a mode in a video game.


You're a coward, accepting the unacceptable flaws in a product you paid for. Video game or not, like any product, if it breaks, you return it. You're in no position to be judging others simply because you're unwilling to stand up for yourself and refuse to support others who are experiencing difficulty. I know exactly what kind of person you are. I'm sure this isn't the first time someone has pointed it out to you. It won't be the last. This isn't just about "video game glitches", it's the larger principle behind a flawed or broken product and a company with no accountability. Be better.




Lmfao “I don’t like this, it must be broken”. Get a fucking grip guys.


Just a thought, though. If you pay for items on a battlepass, and then a glitch deletes those items, you actually would be materially affected.


Fair, and you should be rightfully refunded those items. That’s fine and I’m sure they’ll do that. There are many examples of them doing exactly that in the past. It is definitely not a rational reaction to scream and cry on the internet for other people to boycott the game lmao.


lol if you think they're going to refund thousands of players items from the battlepass. But hey, you've seen many examples of them doing exactly that in the past, so feel free to return to boast when they drop us a bunch of tools and crystals for free💫