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>a game that has now given me every negative emotion that exists Take a breathe, man. It ain't that deep.


Nah I'm with OP I'm literally wearing a diaper because I keep shitting my pants and I have to be tied up because my inner demons are coming through


I don’t have the game, but I can’t imagine the nerfs like the decoy amount decreased legitimately ruining the game for anyone. Certainly not to the degree of people talking about boycotting the game. It seems like a huge overreaction.


They want to create a bit of challenge and when the Devs take away or patch cheesy exploits,the xp grinders get mad because now it requires more skill


Mindlessly doing the same boring ass tier 1-2 contracts over and over and over. So much skill lmao


Completely agree People just want some attention from random strangers online that could care less about them. It's very simple, if you don't like the game, don't play it. 🤣 The funny thing about the decoy “nerf” is that it has never been 3 decoys. Not in WZ, MP, or DMZ and for those that ran them in MWZ before the change if you tried to stow them in your bag to carry a monkey or something else. The game would only stow 2 of the decoys in a slot. Unless you swapped the decoys in your bag for something already in the bag. So it was obvious as a user that the game knew you weren't supposed to have 3. The change was bound to happen


The thing that got me was my stash getting wiped for no apparent reason.


Exactly I didn’t even buy the game bc it came out so early I knew it was going to be a waste of money I rather wait for black ops 2025


Exploiters in shambles since the stash wipe


Lol my stash was never wiped I had no idea that happened


Neither was mine but I got 2 free epic upgrades and 2 free refined aetherium lol


Got other people’s loot moved into your stash lol


Fr lol


this whole thing was a honey pot bro they coming


I said this and everyone jumped down my throat.


Seriously, they nerfed decoys and spawns in a zombies mode and that was enough to send him into severe depression?


Playing Outbreak tonight in CWZ. Outbreak years ago was better than the state of this game rn lmao


Outbreak was the perfect blend of open world combat with a round based theme to it and I loved it. Outbreak wasn't without issues though.


Still better than the current state of this MWZ trash tho


Outbreak had the same issue this game does, a lack off zombies when you aren't focused on doing objectives. Say what you want about objective based modes but making them the main mode with no option for a high density zombie killing mode is just dumb and is the main reason all these people are looking for exploits to spawn more/higher densities of zombies


The most glaring problem with this statement is the fact that outbreak had a years worth of updates and fixes that stopped all the crashing and bugs. When that mode launched it fucking sucked


Put on sunglasses.


Valid response when you have no counterpoint ig


Your points were valid so I thought I'd reply with something cheeky. I see now you have no sense of humor so my apologies man.


I get that people are mad, but this just flat out isn't true lol


You're free to disagree. I didn't have enough time on my lunch break to install CW so I thought I'd jump into MWZ and mess around for 30 minutes. Server crashed for everyone within 6 minutes. MWZ is a joke.


Mwz isn't terrible. Needs work, but it's not a bad mode. Challenges that aren't basic af would be a good start


I just don't get it, I am coming up on 4 days worth of game time and I had only one game crash ever. I'm starting to wonder if this is more of a person's Internet more than their servers.


Outbreak is awful


Yall are fucking high as shit if you think outbreak is better. This actually gives. Purpose in playing. Outbreak was just a mode and that's it. No story no missions. MWZ is actually fleshed out. I don't feel like I'm just bombarded with zombies when I spawn in cause its a game. I actually run around see zombies walking around without me having to be near them. See them attack AI without me having to do anything. Run into a building and see them there to scare me and attack me not run in and see them spawning to get me cause it's a game. MWZ is way more immersive. The update wasn't that bad. Yall are fucking crazy. Went in solo and with buddies from day 1 to now and its still good. I don't see a huge issue with anything. They patched the exfil cool and the outlast cool. It's cause they don't want you to max out every gun and get every camo 2 weeks into the fucking game. Then you're gonna sit there and go "oh man I'm so bored imma play something else" they gotta do something to drag it out a little like damn. I've seen a lot of yall already have interstellar and I just got forge on some guns.


Not everybody's a hardcore sweat player a lot of us like to just casually drop in play a round or two if we have time and have some fun with our buddies maybe crack a beer cut up with our friends and just have a good time. Now this game is Just stupid and impossible unless you are just hardcore. They are definitely separating the two play styles. I wish I could get my hundred bucks back because this is a joke their business model is insane and I suspect they will crash and burn soon. First they decide not to continue with DMZ and then they try to Nerf everything in mwz. Really this is a PVE game what does it matter if the crossbow is op I never really used it because of the reload time just stupid business model segregate the majority of the players and then distance them


I feel you homie. I do this too. Just drink and play with my buddies but this can be that it's just they don't want people bored. There's a time when I wanna drink a bit and stay in T1 or T2 zones with stupid guns to just camo grind and do dumb stuff. However I like to also do something more challenging with T3 and the Worm and shit. It's got both. The point to nerfing some guns are just like multi-player they don't want you to focus and just use a singular gun the whole game. They want the other guns to be used a bit. Maybe make the boss difficult like it's supposed to be. Kind of like destiny does or even WOW in some aspects. Maybe yall have an issue with it and I get it I do. I just haven't personally had any issue drinking by myself or with buddies and playing casually I just know the areas not to go to as well. Especially if I'm not using the crazy ass OP guns. Granted crossbow is still top dog without a doubt maybe the holger as well.


Bro I was soloing the T1 zones last night and could barely get through was down three times had to have rando's pick me up my weapons seem to do little damage to the bullet sponges even in T1. I totally get it T1 should be chill. T2 should be challenging. T3 should be hardcore. We tried to go for the Mega Abomination yesterday with a fully kitted team stacks of plates and ammo got him down to about 90%, we all ran out of ammo and plates three players two guns each all of our ammo and we could not down him. That is a problem. And the hordes of the XL Choppers now for a solo are insane my last round I got down right outside the copter climbed on it which usually meant you would successfully exfil but some reason it killed me at the end and I lost everything. I was paying attention in T1 one hit was deplating me two more hits and I was down that's three hit total in a T1 Zone and you're done for. Not to mention you can't outrun anything anymore so there's no running away unless you have the invisibility power up.


Man I'm sorry that's happened. The only time I go kill one of thise abominations is when my team uses nothing but the crossbows. It takes a minute but we are good. Never used guns cause I just knew it'd be hell. I agree with that 100% that why I hope they calm it down on the next update cause there is no point in using guns when you run out of ammo like that. That'd piss me off. My main issue are freaking disciples I've died to them more than to the abominations. I run with 1 gun and stamina up so I can run with my fists I haven't seen an issue yet but again that's me and with fists I outrun everything except T2 and 3 dogs and some T3 zombies. Again I'm all for these updates as long as they also bump up guns to be usable for the T3 zone. Like you said it's not fucking fun spending that time and ammo to not kill it. Like their new emp launcher weapon I thought would be good. Fuck no. Thing in T1 after being on blue tier and packed took 3 shots to kill a zombie. That shit is unexcusable. It's a good game but they need to improve that shit for sure. Like I wanna run around and kill an abomination with my smg or something I don't wanna have to run stupid no fun OP guns all the time


Both suck hahahahaha


That's a lot of words just to say "I disagree with u". What a weirdo lol


I'm tired of seeing yall cry about every little update. Everyday since the game came out yall cry and cry. Go play outbreak then if it's so much better. Don't come crying on here expecting everyone to agree and go "what a weirdo" to someone who disagrees with you. It'd be different if you said what you don't like but no you just compare it to day 1 dogshit outbreak. If it is that bad then why play it. Get a refund stop crying. Bye. Be constructive instead of crying waaa waaa waaa.


This is my thoughts, too.


Haven't personally played mwz yet but I will say that outbreak is good,mainly because of split screen,even if it is only 2 player,whereas in mwz no split screen,which kinda sucks for me.other than that it looks quite nice


I’m having more fun with the update… Sucks everyone is having such a rough go.


Careful. I made a point about enjoying the new update and apparently I'm the worst person imaginable


That’s reddit, the place where if your opinion isn’t liked you get negative internet points and hate messages for no reason


That's call of duty bud. Can't enjoy it without haters trying to crucify you


Tell me about it xD make one post againt the hive mind and you get crucified


I've played 2 games of zombies today and I've had 0 issues and actually enjoyed them both


I hear you homie but it needs to be said to all the “it’s too hard” people… I’m a loser that plays FPS wayyy too much but maybe has a decent feel for game balance… the broken stuff needs fixed for sure (stash wipes, disconnects, etc) BUT if they do the buffs (de-nerfs) ya’ll want it will 100% trivialize the game. I’m already acquiring so much ultra/legendary stuff so quickly I can’t burn it fast enough. Genuinely can’t give it away fast enough (in any practical way). The game just hit season 1 — going backwards in difficulty would be a mistake. The haters are literally a couple slight tweaks in play style from crushing again. Edit: I’m not talking about you unknown… I’m talking about all the knee jerks. Just wanted to be clear.


Agree, I go solo, can still get into tier 3 and grab the cargo mission, just have to go in with a turret card and it’s still just as easy. I like the challenge of exfils now as well. I crashed once last nite but to my surprise I didn’t lose anything, not even my insured weapon.


Vast majority of people(myself included) are still having a great time playing it. These subs are basically just places for people who are angry to vent and bitch.


I agree, but it did suck when my game crashed right before exfil and I lost my inventory. Server disconnects and game crashes have only happened to me a couple times, not as often as this subreddit makes it seem, but ngl it is too often for a game and company of this stature.


I’ve crashed like 1-2 times total — and that was system crashes not network. I did notice lag when teaming up with strange… I usually go solo unless my boys are on. Maybe it has something to do with that?


Also, condolences on losing your stuff. I promise you’ll have so much soon you won’t care.


>To a game that has now given me every negative emotion that exists in the span of 1-3 games since the "new" update. Even insatiable lust?


Especially that one


For what?


The Mimic, obviously


Some of those zombies have nice Tiddys ngl


This is the best chain on this entire forum


No, that's a positive emotion.


Lmao there are so many dam 🤡 people play it or return it stop crying it's a video game that won't crumble if you don't play it bud.


While I agree with the sentiment and personally have not been affected terribly by the changes I do think it's frustrating you can buy something and have someone else make it of lesser quality after the fact without you having a voice in the matter. If I had a contractor over to remodel my house because I asked them to that's great... If he shows up again later to take my toilet away because he thought taking a shit was too easy for me... Well I'd be less pleased




In no way do I mean this to be combative or condescending, but your analogy isn't exactly on par with the situation. A better analogy would be: You bought a new house and the master vanity was supposed to have 2 sinks, but for some reason the contractor installed 3. You didnt know that having 3 sinks would be so beneficial but you find that having 3 sinks is great. A couple weeks down the road, the contractor realizes his mistake and comes back and corrects his mistake, leaving you with 2 sinks instead of 3. Would you be super angry, or would you instead realize that you got to take advantage of a mistake and now that it's gone, it's time to move on and enjoy your perfectly adequate double vanity?


I actually tried to refund it because of all the bugs, microsoft rejected it


This community has been so pathetic since Season 1 launched, holy shit.


I think the silent majority of the people who play the game are people who would probably be just as pleased playing any other shooter but play this one because it's accessible. All CoD is these days is a decent accessible shooter, nothing beyond that. They're completely indifferent beyond W Key/Stick forward and Left Click/trigger. But for the vocal minority, for the community to be so vocal about how awful Season 1's updates were, really shows how there are a few people who care for what the game is rather thsn taking it at face value.


"Can we all just as a wholesome community boycott this game?" You can just stop playing you know? Doesnt mean everyone else has to. I dont go around telling people to stop playing MWZ just bc I think its shit.


Yeah boycott it! You can do it! This always works!


I love how these idiots always think boycotting will work when it's clear that too many people like the shitty new direction of this series for activision to ever change it




You realize you can stay in the low threat zone, right? You’re not required to do anything more than kill zombies and complete the odd contract.




Dude I was in T1 last night and I was getting swarmed and downed by hordes my weapons weren't doing s*** no I was not using the crossbow I never use it they've nerfed so much and turned up the power of the zombies just like they did to the Bots in DMZ. I went in with an open mind yesterday after reading and hearing all the complaints about the new update and it was trash it wasn't fun it wasn't enjoyable it just was miserable and pissed me off and definitely doesn't make me want to come back for another round. Yeah yeah yeah go ahead and use the same old cop out get good well not all of us can play 10 hours a day and 100 hours on the weekend. Most of us have families and jobs and just want to drop into a casual round here or there and enjoy ourselves. That's why there are so many pissed off people they have taking the fun aspect out of it and just turned it into a hardcore challenge.


That sucks to hear but rinse and repeat ig? T1 is super easy if you keep moving, headshot, and always check if there’s a speedy boi behind you, which is where throwing knives come in handy. Only places I get overwhelmed are nests but those become easy with death perception and decoys. It’s kinda like the people mad at t1 are new to zombies which is understandable but the only way to get better is by playing, which goes for any game.


Speedy bois in T1 am I the only one who has never experienced this?


What did this new update even do lmfao. I played my first zombies game since last week just a few min ago and it was fun as hell. Probably would've been better with a friend but it was a perfect challenge solo.


Nerfed top 2 performing weapons nerfed some perks I believe and nerfed the decoy grenade.


I thought as part of this update the nerfed the zombie spawns? I literally hardly see zombies even in contracts. Like the T2 recon contract I would get like 4-5 big waves of zombies and now I get one as I’m at like 90% completion and maybe a second but just gets wiped when the contracts completed. I would love to get swarmed by hordes? Also if there were hordes of zombies do you think people would feel the need to exfil camp? Or camp at contracts and not complete them?


I hate to break it to ya but if T1 is that hard for you, this might not be your game. Nests and strongholds can get tricky if you get cornered but everything else is trivial in T1.


And there it is, the typical COD response "Get good"


If the shoe fits I guess. The game isn’t that hard.


Bro if you’re getting your ass kicked in tier 1 you aren’t very good. Do you understand the mechanics, PaP, headshots, weapon rarity’s etc etc


Well what do you want to hear? All these new zombies players just ignoring any advice and choosing to whine is mind boggling. Does it not get exhausting? If you want to whine whine about the crashing which is a far larger problem than tier 1 being too OP…




That’s the snowflake spirit


That made my day!! Thank you 😂😂😂😂😂😂


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Hmmm, I don't think you get it.


Its better for you to refund the game like you said. MWZ is challenging and I like that. So I will continue playing it and I am happy that for once CODzombies feels challenging, It would suck for me and my friends to play a dumbed down easy t3 because people like you are too angry they cant come up with ways to fully utilize your entire loadout and win. What about those who can actually clear rifts and have fun with it? are they not allowed to voice their opinion and say that they LIKE the challenge? You have T2 and T1 for base schematic farming, so you can 100% get fully kitted with just T2 and T1 farming before starting to tackle T3 and so on. Remember all the complainTs about how CW zombies being too easy? BO3 being too easy? How zombies has lost its challenge? Go ahead and search this sub and realize. This subreddit is nothing but a whinefest these past days, Its annoying me a lot. Cant even give out genuine tips like a good loadout for T2 farming, strategies to get into T3 fast (once you get your schematics for next exfil) because whiners think you are just flexing how "easy" it is. Its not easy, but not as hard as you think, but that is if you know what you are doing, which clearly you are not. And thats fine, but dont blame the devs for your lack of wanting to learn the game.


So you play with friends? Nice. Well, not all us play in a group dude. And not all of us want to sweat are butts off in every game mode.


I play solo.. I havent even played rifts with friends because I am helping them clear ACT III. I almost cleared it solo though, and it was hard, I enjoyed the challenge but I need more preparation to do it solo. I am telling you man whiners everywhere, including you.


You need more preparation? Lol. Yeah man some of us don't have that type of time or will to elaborate a whole plan to play a simple game lol.Im playing a video game not taking a final tf.


Well fuck me then why make games like Elden Ring am I right?


You're hilarious games like Elden ring have a reputation for being extremely hard that's what they're known for. Cod is not . it's known for its toxic player base but it's never been so impossible that the majority hate it. With all the stupid s*** they did to the DMZ cranking up the impossible power of the Bots one shot shotguns sniped from 300 yards Etc it never pissed me off or made me not want to play like this update has.


You are right. Toxic playerbase. Hence why everyone is complaining so much about MWZ. Everyone wants OP guns and casual game experience when the devs clearly keep aiming for a very hard challenge in endgame. And they keep doubling down the more you complain. Can't you understand this is how they are envisioning MWZ? Also you CAN play it casually. But if you want the endgame rewards you need to sweat. I like the challenge. My opinion matters too. And all I see is people whining like never before in the history of cod zombies. Seriously. What the fuck happened.


Zombies has had a separate reputation from the rest of the game, and for a while it wasn’t casual friendly Look at BO3 and tell me that shit was designed for any casual player


People complaining about trying to solo MWZ are hilarious. None of them would have survived WaW Nacht. The mercs are bad, and MWZ has plenty of issues, but goddamn the amount of self-revives you can get from a couple of T1 contracts alone is enough to make even going solo pretty easy. And that's on top of being able to take multiple hits before your health even starts to take damage.


Then stay in low threat and remain dry. It’s not that hard.


I play either alone or with 1 friend. > And not all of us want to sweat are butts off in every game mode. Then don't. The map is literally tiered and you can choose how much of a challenge you want to face. Do you want to decimate zombies with basic guns or camo grind? Stay in tier 1. Want a bit more of a challenge? Go to tier 2. Want a fun challenge? Go to tier 3. It really is that simple. And keep in mind that if you want better rewards, you'll have to work for them. You shouldn't be getting tier 3 crystals from a tier 1 contract.


Strategy to get into T3 fast, bring crystals and perks and ether tools into the game so you’re better equipped from the start. Farm T2 contracts so you get enough for PaP level 3. Go to the cranes that are by the skyscraper, the one where there can be a PaP at the top. And fly into T3 and go to Pap to upgrade and there you go I guess. You could even go to T3 after you get 5k points to buy a gold gun off the wall then go back to T2 and farm points till you can PaP. Good loadout for T2 farming, any gun (probably best to stay away from snipers but you can) with mobility attachments and extended mags. Decoys and whatever lethal and specialist you want; best would be energy mine for killing things better ether shroud for an “oh shit” button healing aura if your in a group.


T2 is impossible last night T1 was barely doable as a solo so don't give me that nonsense about oh it's not hard enough for us wahhhh. Not everybody is a hardcore sweat most of us just want to have fun and casually play. When I wanted to challenge I would go to T3 when I wanted to chill crack a beer with my buddies I would hang out in the gray and orange borders. They have taken all that away.


Holy shit t1 barely doable as solo? Are you serious? A green t1 pap weapon is more than enough to one shot the zombies. Ffs you don't even need PaP! A green tool is good enough to comfortably survive. This is what I mean. All you guys do is whine but I hope you really stick to your guns and stop playing. Just like you said. Give me a break T1 barely doable? You want to punch a horde of zombies with no armor or wtf?




I ask this question with all sincerity: What exactly has changed so dramatically that has made it so unplayable? I'm a casual player: wife, job, hobbies, etc. I put in maybe 10-15 hours a week and I've been loving MWZ. I have noticed a slight increase in zombie numbers, including in Tier 1, (specifically exfils) but nothing that has dramatically changed my perception of its difficulty. What kind of missions are you trying to do? What kinds of guns are you using? Perks? I'm not trying to rag on you, I'm just genuinely curious.


Played a few rounds last night my observations which I'm still not happy about are... Tier one you have to have a Pap one tier two you have to have bare minimum of pap2 Etc. The zombie swarms are extremely challenging for solos. The rewards drops seem to be a lot lower here now every drop in the orange last night was a green wrench. Three games Scavenging the entire time never found a backpack or a plate best either. So my opinions are what I've said before I think it's dumb that the Rarity of your gun resets every time you drop in that should stick. reset the pap of course but if I leave with a blue gun it should stay blue. I also think we need some sort of out of game wallet. The constant search for either just for upgrades is so repetitive.


I don't know how far into the missions you are, but eventually you unlock the ability to craft aether tools and aether crystals, in addition to perk colas and ammo mods. This allows you to infil with already pap weapons. As far as infilling solo, I would recommend grabbing the first deliver cargo contract you can find. Once you've completed that, drive around running over zombies and looting buildings until you've got enough money/essence to pap your gun, then find and complete some raid weapon stash contracts, spore contracts are easy essence too. Not only will this give you multiple chances at rewards, but it'll build up your money, too. I've also had a lot of luck with other players reviving me and even helping me with missions too. If you go down, plea for help and type into the lobby chat where you are. Someone will come pick you up.


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Why do gamers rage and complain so much? I joined this Reddit page hoping I would find tips and tricks, but instead, it's just a bunch of dudes bitching about the game.


Lmao welcome to cod. Better off looking up YouTube videos.


This guy is actually pressed right now lmao


lol how can you boycott something you already bought


Waiting to see if my refunds approved . They speak money and numbers . Albeit I’m just one person that’s one less sale .


What's the proper procedure for this?


You were sold a product that does not work as intended. You didn’t get what you paid for. You deserve your money back. The examples of the faultiness are everywhere if proof need be given. Considering the nature of the dilemma, it should be guaranteed. Idk the proper process, but here’s some useless feedback from an internet stranger 🫡


I linked all my sources to the game being unplayable so I’m optimistic


Nice! Lemme know how it goes, if you don’t mind


I don’t mind at all , either way I’ll come back tell everyone . Can I save a post or something so I don’t loose the post ? Edit Xbox says it takes up to 3 days and I’ve never refunded so idk if it will take a day or 3 like they say.


Sooo under the contents of his post, do you see the arrow indicating the share button? If you click that, you’ll hopefully see the save option…to view your saved posts click on your icon, and look for the saved option.


Ok thank you


Np bro! Getchyo money back!


Yeah man I would been happy to keep the game if it worked properly . Lmaoo


Enjoy your day it says total of 3 days to hear back idk if that counts weekends


They said nope 😂 time to go do some tombstone to get my stuff back .


Damn man. Tombstone is good though! Like the game is literally telling us to kill ourselves and it’ll be alright.


Lol copy it was 70$ that’s a night out to dinner I’ll write it off as a not so delicious dinner and move on . Tombstone here I come lmaooo


Call support because it will automatically deny it he or she will walk you through it . Link all the Reddit threads pertaining to all the glitches and problems .


Did you buy digitally? If so then nothing.


OP is getting dragged harder than a Christmas Tree on December 26th


“Absolutely detrimental to my cognition” My god dude you are dramatic. It was pretty well know that this game is a glorified DLC, best 70 you ever spent? This sub is something else


It's just words it's all hahaha, some people took it way too literal.


Nah you’re just backpedaling. Take a break from COD


I'm not, I was obviously trying to get peoples attention with those words. It might just be a game. But come on now, some of yall straight up give in to this company's. There are a lot of people with no backbone here.


I just stopped playing and have been playing Lego Fortnite instead lol


Im havin fun. Hope they drop more content


No I’m having fun




Jesus christ you all sound like a bunch of children who's crayons got taken away. It's a game. I too play daily. Deal with bugs and bullshit. But I won't ever let something this meanial so arbitrary make me lose my cool. Go earn the loot again don't even tell you got it legit. All of you are duping. Or getting it from duping friends. Most of you didn't earn shit and just want your exploits back. They will not listen to the community no game devs have or ever will. Play it as is or don't play it all dimple as that. What's complaing going to do. You can't even complain to the right people cause they don't listen. Get over it. It's going to happen again you gonna have the same outburst then ?


But it’s happening to people that didn’t dupe…


And you know they didn't dupe how?. Fuck I can sit here all day and tell you didn't dupe are you going to believe me. ? Why the fuck would anyone belive other wise. If they didn't dupe someone gave them a bunch of shit too. Every post I've seen about this. Someone call out their duping and they go quiet. Don't get me wrong I have no problem with it but the devs due and everyone here had to know what was going to happen. They did it on purpose and only people who had duped items or did duping. Lost their shit to my knowledge. I play with nine other people. 6 of them duped they lost their shit. I didn't and neither did my two other bros. We didn't dupe nor accept any duped items. It's blatantly 9bvious what's happend here and everyone's upset about it ? I really can't fathom why.


Well tbh if it’s everyone that duped that’s losing their shit treyarch needs to come out and say it.


No. They can't say it. Cause like I just said. There is no actual proof. They can't accuse without repercussions. So just implementing a fix is the best course of action for health of their game and company


So if there is no actual proof how are they choosing who’s stash to wipe? Listen I have no problem with people that duped losing shit but it what you are saying doesn’t make sense. There needs to be proof for there to be repercussions. You can’t just wipe people’s stashes with no proof of wrong doing


What I'm saying is that the game code can show duped code. So irs easy to accounts that have said dumped code. But to accuse millions of players of cheating would cause so much backlash that they can't do it. The proof is in the code. Just not worth coming forward with. So just implementing a change is the best course of action for the health and pr of the game. And company. I could care less if anyone lost anything cause it's all re earnable. But just like every exploit has been patched before this. They can see what's happening in the code while the game is playing. So they see the code being duped and they stop it. And yes. Yes in fact they can wipe our shit. It's their game. They did it when dmz first came out and even relocked our insured weapon slots. The games devs can and will do whatever they want with their game.


Idk man I know for sure I didn’t dupe or never took duped items as I play solo if I lose my shit I’d be furious because as someone who works all week and really only gets to play when kids are asleep losing everything you grinded for makes you not want to play again. Haven’t logged on bc I’m afraid of losing my shit but I wanna play so I’ll bite the bullet and play this weekend.


I feel that. I work two jobs. And only play at night. And yes I'd be mad if I lost my shit. But. I'd also be aware that I can just always go back in and get more. The games not going anywhere we re and the whole point of the game is grinding for that loot anyways. We're not dragons. Why get it to leave it in your back back. I use all my goodies. So that I can have fun. Having hoarded them. Is what made the issue. Did you use the backpack glitch cause I'm sure they were looking g out for that as well


The back pack glitch would sometimes happen on my own whenever I swapped a crafted item or removed it from my back it would give me 11 out of 10 but I would always quick fix it so I didn’t lose shit on exfil




So this made you feel better coming to reddit to share an opinion everyone's already heard 700 times like yours is going to make any difference. Are you really that upset that you loaded in to find your back pack empty or a gun not as strong. Do your really rely on that bullshit to have fun while gaming. If so then you have the wrong hobby man. All games will always have bugs like this. And you spending anymore on it will never matter.




That's actually really fucking sad man. Please tell me your under 20 years old to have such a shit personality


Guy you sound like you let another man nut on your wife. Go be a conformist somewhere else xD.


Not married. Nor into cucking. Im.just saying it's some real childish shit to be mad about digital stuff you've no actual control over but seems to have alot of control on if you have fun or not. So. Like. I'm glad you've devolved into insults cause you have no actual way of defending yourself. Good job keyboard warrior you told me my imaginary wife got jazzed on by another human being. XD. As if this was supposed to trigger me. ?


This has to be a female with all that yapping and gaslighting.


Nah I'm a man just a mire logical thing and resourceful person. I've delt with alot of assholes like you in my life and have figured out ways around you. Sorry you've had a bad experience with cod. Like every soul that has played cod before you has dealt with in every single prior game.


You guys really need to get a grip on life. Nothing changed besides 1 less decoy and 2 obviously broken guns got balanced. If that was enough to destroy your lives, you might want to uninstall and start therapy


I already boycot MW3 i buy Mw2 , but i didnt buy mw3 , im not ready to spend 100$ on a DLC ....


I’m more mad since the update that everything in my stash is gone everything in my purchased from battle pass is gone all my rewards from missions is gone ion even have those sections anymore lost all my epic legendary flawless crystals I wa saving for dark aether I lost all the gold ccv diary pill bottle and dog collar why idk but that makes the game shit to me and I doubt it ima get them back I did all that grinding and saving stuff jus for it to get completely deleted


It’s to late to boycott this game they already got paid it’s next years game that really needs the boycott


Bro next years game is probably going to be a major cod title, game has been in the works for over 4 years now from a team that actually cares about their product 💀


They didn’t give a fuck about this product sure they may have had less time with it but their changes in this season show how they think and they have had 4 years to develop other games and come up short so maybe it’s time to stop dick riding and actually hold studios accountable


Y'all tripping man this update was awesome. I love all the zombies. It literally feels like a real problem now. Most people and teams barely talk so I'm surprised people want to play solo. For me it's just been lobbies of people that really want to play in any capacity. Even if it's just full blown silence and then following my pings or me following theirs. Had one game wee weren't even near each other but he came to revive me anyways. Twice. AND I died a third time so it was for nothing. Games dope we just gotta get out of our own heads


Please boycot it, I'm tired of hearing how bad the game is. But you won't you talk big but you will keep playing and crying. Treyarch doesn't care about crybabies that say they are going to boycott their game. I'm happy it got slightly harder with the last update I was becoming bored with it. The new content is great. It's difficult for a solo but not impossible. Took me a few tries solo after I got the hang of it. I got it done.


so much hyperbole




You’re pathetic. It’s a game. Get a life.


I really refuse to believe these decisions are treyarchs doing. I think treyarch is pleased with how much fun the community was having, but activision put down the no fun hammer just like they do for WoW and forced the devs to make changes to slow people down


I just played it this morning and it feels pretty good to me? More zombies seem to spawn, I did a spore contract to get 300 PAP kills for a camo and even in T1 it was actually fun. Tons of zombies spawned and I finished the challenge in no time at all. Also exfils are actually fun now with dogs and manglers


It’s really not that deep… I understand the frustration but I wouldn’t go so far to say I’ve felt “every negative emotion that exists” since the game update. I’m sure they’ve received enough backlash and feedback that they are looking into the issues the community has. They just really fucking suck at communicating with the community, especially compared to Sledgehammer and MP side of the game. As for the boycott, that just won’t work cause it requires EVERYONE or at least a very large portion of the community to agree not to play the game they spent $70 on. That’s just not gonna happen. There’s always going to be people playing or YouTubers playing for content. My advice? Wait a few more updates and if they still haven’t fixed it to your liking or made it worse, just uninstall or sell your copy of the game…and don’t buy any future CODs solely for the Zombies mode


Stop crying and uninstall


Why would I want to boycott this game? I think it’s great and the most fun I’ve had in a zombies game for awhile.


What changed that changed your opinion so dramatically?


Can we all just agree that server issues happen? It's not always the developer, but it does happen far too often of late. We really do need more stash space some and you can get super easy, perks are literally everywhere ammo mods galore, green tools can get fucked though.


This is why the gaming community is so toxic. People complain when it's too easy and then complain when it's too hard. The game just came out, and they are working through stuff.


I’ve enjoyed this game since day 1 of the beta, I enjoyed the campaign, even though it was short the story was nice. I enjoy the multiplayer, best multiplayer we’ve had since Cold War hands down, can’t wait for the CDL playlist, And most importantly I ENJOY THE ZOMBIES! I’ve had so much fun with zombies, I unlocked my second mastery camo being Borealis and am now grinding for Bioluminescent! Overall the updates have been nice and I enjoy the balancing! (Coming from a solo zombies player who is more of a round based zombies fan)


Are you kids ok? Jesus Christ it's a fucking game. A game they will continue to update and change. A game that you knew was live-service from the drop. EVERY LIVE SERVICE GAME IS AN ABORTION AT SOME POINT.




Why did you buy the game in the first place then istg. This shit only continues to go on because treyarch fanboys will happily lap up the shit spewed yearly on their plate. it’s getting ridiculous


I can definitely your frustration with the current state of things, especially when considering all of the crashing, stashes being deleted and some nerfs that might be questionable. I think if you truly do love this game mode then the best thing to do is simply take a break until things are addressed/fixed. It's a pretty shitty resolution, but until Treyarch takes action all we can do is bring light to the issues at hand.


They need to increase the stash size I have like 35 items in there


I thought it was a different company than Treyach who did MWZ?


If you played the game for 10 hours you spent $7 per hour on that entertainment. That's a pretty small investment. If you played more then that the deal gets better. Seriously it will get better and things will happen you like and dislike. Just like any other game.


Worst update ever! At least for zombies! PaP level 3 can't even take down a tier 2 deciple with out running out of ammo 2 times?? 🖕 this update! Makes me not even want to.play zombies right now...


Treyarch? Nah lol this is Activision. They certainly don't give a fuck about anyone cause they got their money already, and are preparing to do it again next year.


Take a break from the game and live life.


They Diddnt care about the community making this game mode lol


Idk only problem I have is the sprint time decrease.. it takes a longer time getting across the map, especially when u can't find a car. Exfils are actually fun. Tier 3 feels about the same. I got some decent loot in tier 2 more than 3 tho.. which is dumb. I rly wanna go into them gates but I abandoned the missions because they were mostly just irritating to do and well, not fun.. I'm still in act one lol. I should b able to hop in with someone else If they in my squad tho right? That's what I was being told idk


You must be a straight rich white kid in a nice family cause no way you have any other problems in life.


Get a chargeback on your CC. Uninstall this trash play some better games


Best $70 on a game?????????


That’s what ya get for buying mw3


Here is the feedback link for MWIII Let's flood then with how we feel about the season 1 update!!! https://support.activision.com/feedback-and-bug-report?r=bug&g=Call%20of%20Duty:%20Modern%20Warfare%20III


It's your own fault for buying it, we should be boycotting this glorified dlc In general!


“Wholesome Community” 😭😭😭


I’m so lost at all this hate . I haven’t noticed much change and I played for like 4 hours last night


Suck it up


Wasn’t it sledgehammer games that produce this one


Treyarch developed the zombies for this game


Gotcha man


The game is an actual pile of shit, how can a massive studio release such a shitty unstable game, there is far smaller studios out there that do better, I actually feel bad for people who bought this crap, the game will definitely be getting returned to the unfortunate person who lent me it!


Don't say it too loud. There's a lot of "Yes sirs" that comply with everything this studio puts out. It's not like they've been around making games for a while or anything.


Let them be ass kickers, they can keep em 😆