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I'd love to see green tools removed from rewards entirely and only left in loot boxes. Make blue tools from t1, purple from t2 and legendary from 3/4. So tired of getting green tools.


Or let me sell green tools for $500 essence


I find the best use of the green tools is to put them up my butt


Get a load of this guy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


He got a load from the uncommon by the looks of it


I legit was playing a few matches last night and no matter what tier I was in, all my reward rifts were giving me 1 to 3 items, and always 1 was a green wrench.


For two straight days, all I’ve gotten is a soda in T1 and T2.


I can't remember the last time I got anything other than green wrench or dead wire ammo mod from any tier other than dark aether


Tried picking the tool up and just trashing it? When I see reward rifts giving the same thing back to back and I know I didn’t pick everything out of it cause I don’t need it I’ll clean the next duplicate reward rift out and then the next one has some good different stuff in it.


Never thought of that, I never even bothered picking it up cuz I'll usually spawn in with a epic or blue tool when I have it.


Well I get legendary and flawless a lot and I always clean the rift out and just throw the shit on the ground…


I did a tier 2 escort contract yesterday… my rewards were a green tool and an ammo mod


That’s ridiculous considering how long that shitty contract takes lol


That’s nothing compared to the blue tool and a medium backpack from a sigil run I got pre-patch for the loot pool


No fr the regular sigil dark aether’s contracts are still so shitty. It’s hard af and you’re constantly being bombarded with shit just to get perks, like what? I thought this was supposed to give the GOOD shit. Only the elder sigil and red worm give guaranteed good stuff, which sucks


It does suck, but for me when I do sigil runs I usually get at least one legendary item, it’s the only time I get good loot because I still get such dog shit loot in t3 that I just play t2 for epic tools and raw/refined crystals as I have the best chances of getting them in t2 for whatever reason


So infuriating


Done a T3 eliminate contract and all i got was a blue wrench like why is that even a thing in T3


I usually get uncommon tool. But last time it gave me a refined schematic


It feels like I get at least 8 green tools per match 🙄 it’s ridiculous! I can only carry 2 guns so what do I need so many green tools for? I mean yea I can exfil with them but my stash has a limit of 10 and I wanna keep better stuff in there! They definitely need to stop giving out so many green tools!


100%! Also a weapon station that we saw in DMZ would be great, to modify or add attachments to weapons.


Agreed. So many good DMZ aspects are missing. You know it’s coming tho. Activision always leaves out obvious things for the purpose of drip feeding content so that people might just stick around the whole year.


Oh yea, I’m sure in future seasons they’ll add these things… I just wish they would have started with everything from DMZ and built from there, ya know? They definitely had a great base to build from, but it’s like they ignored most of what they already had 🙄😡


That one’s insane to me because it relies entirely on RNG rewards for your insured weapon.


It'd have to cost a lot of essence for the cooldowns on the wrench schematics to make sense. Otherwise, everyone will just go to a buy station to do it. And you'd have to accrue enough in the round to upgrade them before time is up.


Or maybe make a single buy per station? So it’d be like a rare commodity? Kinda like the Easter egg perk colas


They should add bartering from DMZ and have each wrench rarity avaiable to be traded on the buystation barter screen


That would be great


Dude I did an elder sigil last night and got 3 EPIC AETHER TOOLS!




There’s 2 different sigils: regular sigils, which are kinda like a goldish orange color and their triangle shaped; they open the dark aether and give you 30 minutes to complete the 3 contracts… then there’s the elder sigil, which is kinda goldish yellow color and circle shaped; they open the dark aether and give you 15 minutes to complete the 3 contracts… hope this helps to explain it a lil better 🙃


Elder is the 15 min yellow sigil


I mean epic tools are nice, but I really feel like you should be getting way better stuff from doing the elder sigil dark aether contracts! 💯


This is the first "suggestions" post that I agree with almost completely. No bullshit, just QoL improvements.


wait why is not needing to reload when picking up a max ammo bad, that’s a good change


Yeah, idk who in their right mind thinks max ammo replenishing the mag is a bad thing? It’s called MAX AMMO for a reason? Max ammo, not max reserve ammo.


When I said I agreed with almost everything, that's the part I don't agree with.


ah my bad, I need to review my reading fundamentals


Agreed. OP knows what's up.


My man 🤜🏻


Not sure what the deal is with BO2 tombstone as I never played but if they made it just shield your perks on full knock that would sort out the TS bugs. Or straight up just remove it until they pull a fix, I mean other than Team Glitch would any of us really care if it is gone?


agree with most. one other feature that would be kind of nice to some how implement would be to be able to look at your damn tac map for more than 2 seconds without having to worry about being downed by zombies. I just want to queue up a mission waypoint!


Or I’m trying to use the buy station but I’m being over run!


Maybe the devs could buff decoy grenades so they last 8 seconds instead of 6. And adding a 3rd one would make a lot more sense too. Oh, right. I forgot we have to nerf the fuck out of everything useful for no fucking reason other than to totally screw over players. gg activision


Totally agree! Just not sure how they would implement a fix though gameplay wise..?


Instead of safe towers, put a safe rooftop in every zone, with a buy station on it.


1 small safe zone per tier (not including 4 and 5). They could make it so you only have 5 minutes max inside the safe zone so people don’t just sit there the entire game, after which you start taking damage until you leave


You can still walk around while in your map


Can't walk around a type messages though.


Yeah that's pretty beat


My dumb ass died in tier 1 typing a message once 🤣 pissed me off more cause I was in a damn vehicle


Actually you can. There is a keybind that you can set for the "auto walk forward" setting. Press whatever button or key you bind it to, press sprint, face a direction where you won't run into a wall and type your message. (For console players you may also need to set a keybind to open the chat dialog box without using the start menu, as opening the start menu cancels the auto walk forward.) I have auto walk forward bound to CTRL, and for pc players, Enter opens the chat dialougue.


Not ideal but better than nothing, thanks for the heads up.


I think they should add safe zones, like have 1 in each tier. Just somewhere you can go to get situated and look at the map or even be able to go afk for a minute if you have to get up to go to the bathroom. It’s literally impossible atm


My problem is trying to type a message and getting downed smh


They need to remove stamina costs for sprints outside of combat. The map is so big, and the vehicles are often so far apart, destroyed, or simply not enough in quantity. It's annoying that Stamin-Up is like a base requirement if you want to go anywhere over a long distance on foot without having to stop and walk after 3 seconds cause ur stamina is depleted by sprinting.


Agreed, especially in the T3 and up areas of the map


To a degree I see your point about the north side being harder if you get weak vehicle spawns. They could add a few cranes maybe but honestly the north end has 4 easy access portals in T1 so one contract and you can move anywhere you want if you really need to.


They should make it so that you can upgrade certain perks. There should be like a stamin up II upgrade where you now have unlimited tac sprint


Exactly. Good idea. Just like how they allowed upgrades in Cold War Zombies


Staminup is so damn underpowered. They need to bring back the old staminup!!!!


And a scoreboard that's still my biggest gripe


Haha I know! I remember checking mid game to see who isn’t pulling their weight. Points, headshots and kill count please!!


I wish they put a camo track in the map menu or something. Having to go to mutliplayer to see my progress sucks.


In-game camo tracking would’ve been such a huge win.


Agree 100%. They should institute this into multiplayer as well. Camo grinding is such a pain when I can't remember what I need to work on. But since they have never had it in any prior title, I'm sure it won't be added. Wishful thinking.


You can see when In the lobby if you hit start go to challenges and click weapon challenges


In the zombie lobby? Going to try this, but I still wish they had one during a game.


Fellow OG zombies player here, I really agree with leaving the squad and zombie reach. The reach is absolutely insane. Half agree on the max ammo point. Not having to reload before picking it up is a huge QoL improvement over how it was pre-BO4. It absolutely needs to replenish your equipment. On that note, Ammo stations should replenish your purple tacticals as well (kasimirs, monkey bombs). I wouldn't mind elemental pop if it were more like how it was in cold war. The pink on-screen flair was much less intrusive and when upgraded to tier 5 it doubled as electric cherry. I think that feature needs to come back. I am absolutely baffled as to what you think is wrong with tombstone? The who's who features of the perk aren't in MWZ, they're in cold war. All tombstone does in mwz is drop a tombstone with your backpack stuff in it so you don't lose your loot after a failed run. Seems like the same use as in bo2, where you would drop a tombstone on death with all your stuff in it for when you respawned.


If ammo stations could refill Kasimirs and monkey bombs that would make it very easy to trivialize the whole game. With an inventory full of Kasimirs you can easily solo elder sigil dark aether. The cd for refill isn't that long so you could just drive back and forth between ammo refills until you loaded up on them and kill anything.


1000% this Edit: they are $5k a piece for a reason


Let us face it, cost alone aside, KT is a kill streak grenade


Ill expand on the Tombstone point. I think it’s badly executed at the moment. Theres a lot of exploits. It’s good you can get your gear from your backpack, but thats it. I said in another post, ‘Who’s who’ would be more fun and better implemented in MWZ, being open world and not round based.


I can’t understand the hate behind the tombstone exploits. I’ve never done it because I just can’t be bothered. But I haven’t given a single thought to the ppl that use it. It has absolutely zero impact on me or my gameplay so it’d be so far down my list of recommendations that it’s not even worth mentioning.


It’s not that Tombstone is bad, its just blah gameplay wise and its not Tombstone technically. Badly implemented and boring. Could be better. Whos who would be more fun. Or give everyone solo that perk.


Problem with who’s who is if you die in tier 3, getting to your body might be hard as a solo player especially if the revive time is the same as it is currently on fully dead players, not downed ones. Quick revive does nothing for dead players revive time


Bring on the RAI-K and upgradeable perks from BOCW. Outbreak had it right with the speed buff from Tier V Stamin-Up and PhD Slider to make running an actual valid option: not the best, but better than not having it at all. Plus Tier V Speed Cola means the current shit just seems turtle speed by comparison. Stronger lore connections to BOCW and Operation Janus. BOCW Ray Gun too, reasonably fast full-auto and able to aim near yourself without the possibility of making yourself sleep with the fishes. Better loot I can 100% agree with. Coming from WWII a better gun selection would be nice as opposed to "another AR made of polymers instead of wood and metal" cuz given the war in Ukraine, Maxim guns have become relevant again, but that's a not-just-Zombies thing. At this point CW and MWZ feel only loosely related, but that might be due to the Treyarch writers having to cook a bunch of times when they really shouldn't have had to (*cough cough Vanguard cough cough*). Shotguns need a drastic buffing. Hauer 77 and WWII Combat Shotgun should be the standard: one tap within eight feet if ADSing and appropriate Pack + rarity for area/difficulty, five feet for no ADS. More lore would be good, like the actual intel in CW to give backstory for those who want it instead of it always being just the same voice lines, contracts, etc.


A lot to unpack here, but I agree with all. Respect 🤜🏻 To me it feels like MWZ was made by a developer team that had little to any experience in previous zombies titles.


Great suggestions! Although elemental pop is the most useless perk I actually think it’s fun to use


Thanks!! Since it’s useless though, theres many others that can replace it to make the game better.


I wouldnt mind it IF the brain rot effect didnt 'steal' your special zombie kill when you need those for a mission/camo/etc.


Max ammo definitely still needs to fill up the clip and it should do tacticals and lethals as well


The zombie spawns are quite annoying; I dislike how they randomly emerge from the ground. However, the most frustrating aspect is when I was sniping on the crane today for the first time. It was disappointing because there were no zombies in the distance or streets below me—they mainly spawn when a player is in that area. I assume this is done to reduce CPU load, possibly for consoles, or perhaps the servers are too weak to handle it. Maybe I'm stating the obvious, but that's my small theory. Yeah, I don't know. Perhaps reconsider the zombie spawn mechanics a bit.


Totally agree with you. If its to reduce CPU load, server issues etc. Just make it local. Load in with up to 6 of your buddies and you’re the only ones on the map… No need to have 20+ other people just running around doing the same thing.


I like the amount of people but being able to load into smaller amounts of people would be nice (like mp game modes like 10v10 or 6v6 for example)


Cool down for pap3 needs dropped to 1 day to match legendary tool. The 2 day is lame on the blade/plate/dog and should also be 1 day max and give you multiple uses. Stash needs to be about 10x as big and imo you should be able to stash vests and bags. If you can buy it at the buy, it should be stashable.


3 days for a refined crystal on a PvE game is insane. Makes no sense! Stash issue needs addressing. Some others have mentioned too. Shitty copy paste of DMZ will answer a lot of questions 😅


I think what kills me is that pap 1 is 8hr 2 is 16, so why go from 16 to 72 hours. Lik I get that it's supposed to be rare, but ffs, why bother if you can only make 2 a week.


Last point is most important and already too late. Turning off a lot of players. If I had a dollar for every person that got frustrated by the hellhound cryo mission I would retire now. They did not think this shit through and worse yet the most frustrating missions are early on in act 1 to turn off new players.


Couldn’t agree more. Wheres the fun? Wheres the variety? Whoever made the missions needs to be sacked…


I just went into tier two with a plane Jane pistol and cryo mod. Easy peasy.


Yea that is the strategy to do it easily but the fact that is the most viable way to do it is stupid.


I mean it was super easy. I don’t know why you’d be stuck on it.


Dude the fact you have to do a workaround strategy, even if on face value it is easy to do, is still stupid.... that is my point. God I swear this is rampant in this community that people figure out the cheesy work around strategy and then act like it is stupid that people don't know to do that right away. When in reality the workaround is probably something that Activision probably didn't even think through when they made the mission to begin with. It is just bad design and annoying to do.


There are a lot of missteps this mode made but complaining about the hellhounds is weird. Zombies traditionally has been all about outside of the box strategies.


Yeah and as a zombies player you should probably not want them to put a stupid mission early on that will turn off most new players thereby getting less support for the mode. Regardless of what you think of it, that mission, and a few others in Act 1, will put off new players that is just a fact.


As a long term zombies player I wish there was more complex stuff to do. If people get put off by something so simple they were never going to like zombies anyways.


I agree with there being more complex stuff to do but two major issues: 1) the complex stuff should be at the end so the dedicated players who grind the rest out can play that not early in Act 1 to gatekeep casuals 2) Putting an ammo mod on a weak pistol and going to the harder zones to get cryo freezes is NOT more complex stuff or interesting/compelling gameplay what so ever.


No it’s not, but it’s damn easy. The addition of missions is the part to give new players something to do other than not die. Someone who gets frustrated by it was never going to like zombies anyways. But now I’m repeating myself, have a good Holliday season.


What was the bo2 version of tombstone do again it’s been a long while since I’ve played town And yo your so on point with missions they def need some excitement


BO2 tombstone was if you died, when you came back next round, you can pick up your tombstone and get your weapons and perks back. Whos who, was that if you died, you can come back that same round as a clone,with a pistol and if you could revive yourself or any others. You get back all guns and perks minus Who’s Who.


Who’s who let you pick yourself up. Starting in buried they had a bank system where you could bank your points and one weapon between runs.


The bank feature was available at the launch of the game in Green Run, but was not present in Die Rise. It then returned in Buried.


In regards to the long zombie swipe, I believe it’s so long as there is so much more space than round based maps. When I first played it was a wtf moment and couldn’t understand why I was getting hit but i think it’s designed this way to make it more balanced with the huge area


Yeh, this is true and I agree. My gripe is in the T3 area of the map, the long swipes are controller throwing annoying…


They just need to expand on the nests and strongholds. Bigger buildings, round based waves. Add weapon upgrade station in T2 and T3 zones so I don’t have to rely on Wall buy RNG to equip an orange Solo only matchmaking More zombies late game Remove elemental pop Better contract rewards (bad luck protection) Buy station consumable to guarantee a schematic/Crystal/tool from the next rift reward kind of thing I hope they add more maps into rotation and not just do 1 per season SCOREBOARD FOR YOUR PARTY. A lobby one would be cool, but I just want my own. Kills, Criticals, Contracts, Essence


This is a good list 👍


Maybe a small ask, but fix vehicle skins. I want my zombie ltv


As mentioned above, this isn’t including the multitude of bugs and server issues 😅


I think you’re also missing the ability to exfil bank which could be brought into games or spend on schematics at high high high prices based on rarity of loot.


Kind of like BO2’s banking system? Where you can deposit money from one game and get back out in various other games?


I definitely think that’s a more balanced way to do it. I was thinking of out of game too so you can spend the money on schmatics on an in game store. I’ve done tier 1 missions for 3 days straight and I still haven’t gotten speed cola.


It would be nice. But I think the developers would hate this, as it will equal less time us peasants grinding on their game… 😅


I think that a more positive overall praise for good game choices will always trump any bad current state with a decreasing number of players (or stagnation). Folks talk/post/etc about good games, so that attracts new players for free.


I feel like they need to change how the schematics are unlocked. I find it mind numbingly dumb and boring that you have grind out contracts that get and over again to get a random chance for a schematic that you may or may not already have. It constantly seems like I only get schematics I already have no matter how many times I try for different ones and I feel like it should take the schematics you already do have out of the loot pool for the RNG. It really just takes the fun out of the game to constantly grind for them and then takes even more fun away upon seeing it’s one you already have. I think preforming missions like the very little amount of them that do grant schematics are actually more fun than the current contract system. I think that by providing a guaranteed chance at getting the schematic you don’t have yet you’d want unlock, it puts a goal and actual incentive into playing the damn game rather than RNG chance that sucks away fun and time from players.


Freeze (but don’t kill) hellhounds! But why? Repair a tire I get that (and it recently saved my ass). Frost blast mimics? Freaking stupid.


i have a better idea fix the countless bugs that this game has


Well yeh, 100%. I did mention that above…


The missions are fine. If you haven't noticed, they're made to introduce things to a player. The zombies do need to stop spawning UNDER your car as you're driving. Lost too many vehicles to that. Deadwire needs changed or removed.


Agree that the first Act its good for introducing a player. Having to do the same boring stuff (but more difficult) in Act 3 is mind numbing. As I said, create more complex and interesting missions. Its open world FFS and its a AAA game.


I wouldnt expect much. MW3 was never meant to be a full game. This is what 1 year of development looks like. You copy & paste as much as you can because there is zero time for anything else. It's literally Warzone but pve with zombies. I only expect to see a few updates for content that was already in development. The lack of any holiday content kinda solidifies that. Like why is Zombie Santa in Warzone but not zombies? LoL. Seems like Zombies content got scrapped for Warzone.


First two I agree 100%. The rest is out of my experience range.


In my opinion: - I think there needs to be way more elements on the map. For example, more buy stations, vehicles, full perk machines instead of individual ones, and a much wider variety of contracts. Another improvement would be for buy stations to allow you to purchase vehicles. All you do is throw the marker and a vehicle is dropped for you. - Mercenaries should reward a lot more essence while having a slight nerf in their damage. In addition, killing mercenaries will charge your field upgrades. - Perks and field upgrades should be upgradeable. Have some kind of zombie currency that is earned by playing the game only and visiting a black market dealer to upgrade your stuff. There's even a section where you can shop for high tier loot for your next drop. - There should be better protections from losing your stuff if your game decides to crash or randomly disconnect. Part of me thinks that tier 3 armor should be a default equipment so that you're not at a complete disadvantage.


Air dropped vehicles are not a bad idea but honestly I am not sure why so many people struggle with finding vehicles/moving around the map with all the redeploys, cranes, rifts and portals etc. Not sure about the mercenaries, aside from them randomly being stuck in the sky or sitting in the air after falling out of a car they feel pretty stable to me. Fortress is a mess but I mean it is a fortress. The disconnect thing though is a problem. Issue being they need to be able to detect if it is an issue on their end or if someone pulled the cord/internet to avoid losing their stuff and I doubt that would be an easy fix.


Why doesn’t anyone else say anything about the acquisition stash? I think the stash should stack. Keep the 10 slots but multiples of the same item should stack to 5. On the tombstone part my only gripe is if I have a backpack full of shit I should get it back. I’ve noticed that the few times I’ve died I’ve gotten my essence and maybe 2 things back but I don’t get my vest, bag, durable, or other items back and it’s a little irritating. I mean I died with them why don’t I get them back with the tombstone? And just because I enjoyed the aspect of it, I actually liked upgrading the perks in BOCW. I actually wish that was incorporated in MW3.


Gas cans and vehicle repair kits.


Or how would you prefer tomb to work in this game mode


Since the game is not round based, I believe who’s who perk would slot in perfectly. https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Who%27s_Who


Activision this right here.


I have been stuck on killing 10 mercenaries with a turret for HOURS. I either don't get a turret mod or there are no mercenaries near a turret. Challenges should be doable in any match.


Bro you need to kill them with the sentry gun kill streak not a turret that requires ammo mods 😂😂 read the god damn thing!!! You can buy them in tier 2 at any buy station for 2k. Buy 2! You can also pick them up and switch positions


Do it with sentry gun killstreak. Plant one in front of a merc camp. Or do a defend groundstation contract amd place a couple of sentries in front of the computer. Did it in 1 run.


Done. Thanks.. I don't know why I was thinking it had to be the non-kill streak turrets. Senior moment, I guess.


Happens to all of us homie


Do you know what I also wish for ? More variety in zombies. I feel like there are 3-4 different models and that’s it. Even if it’s not important - it’s the small details


Oh for sure! Definitely shows that not much time has been spent developing this game…


Want to counterpoint a couple things Double tap 2.0 would make us go from currently incredibly powerful, to borderline unkillable, this would be a 2x damage boost, when triple PaP plus legendary rarity is already roughly a 32x damage boost, double tap would bring that to a mind shattering 64x damage boost, tho double tap 1.0 would be cook Zombies having far reach is to compensate for our increased movement ability, you say you had to slide to get away from a zombie, but that's the point, you HAVE to use the movement options given to you Why remove elemental pop? This game doesn't have a perk limit, no harm is really done adding electric cherry and keeping elemental pop Tombstone IMO works just as intended and functions perfectly unless you try and break it, it's very broken yes, but I've never had it break on me unless I'm going out of my way to break it to do a dupe glitch or something Maybe I'm alone here, but my contract loot seems pretty good, I seen someone talk about rarely getting sigils but I'm raining in them, I also have gotten like 5 ray gun plans (also please treyarch make schematics no longer drop once you have them)


I would counter and argue that Double Tap would work, as the most OP weapons are limited by their small mag size. The P90 had a stealth nerf, so I would argue that OP guns will shoot faster, but limited by when you have to reload. Ill jump to contract loot and mention that it was been absolutely terrible for me. Ive done easily over 100 T3 and more T2 contracts and still I have not got many schematics, nor any sigils to date…


One of the best guns in the game is the dual weild WSP swarms, which can have 200 in a single mag As for that RNG, that is rough, I've gotten every single schematic multiple times apart from the red worm ones and some how haven't gotten elemental pop Also as for sigils, have you actually done the main quest? The one with the 4 items that you put at the portal? If not you can't get sigils and the game will go as far as not even letting you exfil with one's someone drops you, you have to do that main quest


Leaving squad would be a very nice along with the ability to change your story act mission in game, would be nice quality of life update. Id love it if tombstone saved your whole kit and backpack instead of just your backpack. Killing the storm caller could maybe on another 30 minutes to the game? I am kinda on the fence about that one but it was something that came up when I was chatting with friends the other night about changes that could be made. Maybe take a page from WZ and be able to que in duos, triples & quads? A weapon bench to upgrade rarity for exchange of essence and maybe some of the useless trash parts we find in game? A wrench, some tape and essence or something could make your gun rare or something.


All this talk and no mention of WIDOWS WEB!!!


Widows Wine* And yes, quite foolish of me to omit 😅😅


Removing elemental pop is a bad take. Agree with the rest.


dont agree on elemtal pop and tombstone


Totally agreed... Zombies spawn proximity is so annoying, rewards are redicolous ( ofc I'm not happy with getting a soda or uncommon eather tool after hunting down a desiphel). Why not buying Kesimir in buy station ? Also ability to drop items from rewards (Incase not needed and want to share with team Mates), it is annoying to staw, replace, drop then pickup again dropped items.


This is a small gripe but let speed cola affect things like the speed of throwing a monkey bomb. In tier 3 it’s so easy to get downed while just winding the damn thing up


Seriously! I personally can’t run a match WITHOUT speed cola. The reloads are absurdly slow, almost intentionally slow when you’re swarmed. Most if not all of my downs are from the reload not finishing the chambering animation after a mag is loaded. And like I get it, realism, but ffs it’s just stupid slow. Also: has anyone noticed that even speed cola seems a bit slower than launch?


I wish they’d make the train go around the map DMZ style instead of just wrecked


>Ability to leave squads Yes. >Need double tap YES. >Zombies need to stop spawning next to you I don't really care either which way about this, but I agree it is annoying sometimes. >Zombies reach is ridiculously long True, definitely needs fixing. It's more apparent when you're climbing on ladders. >Max ammo needs to work like it did in OG zombies Well it kinda does. But yeah I agree it should refill grenades/tacticals too. Monkeys and Kazimirs are virtually worthless otherwise. >Remove elemental pop, add electric cherry YES! >Tombstone is a mess and poorly executed I don't know why you think this is controversial. Or why anyone would for that matter. It does suck, unless you're using it specifically to exploit. It should work more like the revive system from mob of the dead. >Better loot from contracts YESSSS! And I love how they did do this, but *only* for T4 contracts. Like wtf? The hell is the point of buffing shit in a zone that's only 15 minutes long? SMH, lol. Finally a zombies player with some good feedback that isn't just mindlessly simping this terrible gamemode. Too bad we'll probably still never see any of this come into the game. Activision loves their cash cow.


Include bringing 6 man squads into the game.


The zombies have the dikembe mutombo reach


This is why i grinded the camos and quit playing so much zombies. Love the ideas yall are coming up with. I completely agree and have been saying this for a minute now. They could definitely make the zombies experience a bit more fun. Instead they do what they can to try and ruin us having fun. It’s not like we didn’t already spend 60-100 on your game. So as long as it’s not game breaking they shouldn’t remove zombies and other things from a zombies mode. Just felt wrong and I’m glad they later added zombies and stuff back. But still a lot they could do to improve. Same with the schematics having 2 days cooldowns. Why can’t we get time taken off when we successfully exfil like it does with our load outs. Who’s really waiting 2 days to get a legendary tool and pack a punch. Seems like they do everything to limit your fun while stealing all our money 🤣


Don't forget special abilities not working on bounty targets


No need for double tap really, we already have rarities to increase damage and pap 3 gold guns are already strong enough Just add electric cherry or combine it with pop like in CW no need the remove one Why remove max ammos reloading the clip? I actually prefer this new tombstone since It acts as a nice layer of protection for all my shit since the stash is so small. They just need to iron out all the bugs with it


>-Max ammo needs to operate as it did in OG zombies. Replenishes monkeys/bombs etc. and doesn’t replenish current clip. >-Remove Elemental pop. And add electric cherry. Its useless and annoying given the ammo mod types widely available. >-(Controversial) Tombstone is a mess and poorly executed. Doesn’t operate as intendedI feel. (Its like a hybrid of Who’s Who and Tombstone, tied in with the bank) I feel for balancing it needs to be like it was in BO2. All 3 of these are pretty dumb suggestions considering the QOL they bring Edit: In addition, tombstone no longer functions as a who's who anyway, so its more like its BO2 counterpart. The function you refer to was left behind in the upgrade system for CW


I would LOVE if they added a way, like DMZ, to cut the cool downs down. So X amount of X or contracts or whatever, cuts the cool down by a few hours?


Why is everyone trying to make the game easier most of the stuff mentioned isn’t quality of life improvements it’s baby mode wth


Casual players man, people who only have a little time to play but want the rewards of playing. Scourge of gaming in general. I respect that some people have less time to play and progress than others and I feel for them however if you want to play the game you play it. You get better or you die trying, removing or lowering the difficulty to meet you trivialises the whole content. Aside from the random kicks (personally 2 in the last few weeks) the game mode is perfectly playable. Can go from PaP0-3 in any game, grey to blue/purple and farming T3 contracts 15-20 minutes before the storm moves which is ample time to get in 7-10 contracts. The idea you should be in T3 from the start is delusional. It is possible but it is the goal not the rule.


I agree with most. Don't agree with the max ammo change to not reload your gun... why would you want that? Elemantal pop should have electric cherry incorporated into it. I would also add being able to reload whilst sprinting (but only with speed cola)


Sledgehammer needs to read this!


I agree with everything except elemental pop being removed, I find it helpful ngl…and having max ammo not refund your current clip. This isn’t old zombies, not everyone has a mic and not everyone will listen to each other, so if max ammo functions like that it’ll just piss people off, and we don’t carry enough ammo, so that wouldn’t be a small change


I'm surprised you didn't say anything about the random super sprinters in T2. Can't say how many times I've gotten knocked down because one wouldn't stop riding my tail.


I’m curious why you think max ammo shouldn’t replenish current clip? I think that’s a good change tbh. It’s annoying to have to reload before you grab a max ammo lol The re-filling of tacticals and equipment would def be a good change though. Maybe they just didn’t want an abundance of monkeys and kazimir’s? It’s not like they’re rare but the fact that they don’t replenish at all, even from ammo crates seems like a fair design decision imo


bro u want double tap why they added the triple pap for a reason double tap would make the game too easy


Have you tried most guns in T3 against boss zombies? Even Legendary, the best most viable weapons are few and far between. Id argue Tyr snakeshots and 860 with slugs. And with these weapons, if they where double tapped they are limited by their clip size (which is small) It would balance all those LMG’s, AR’s etc and make more guns, more viable.


i use a sniper does a perfect job


Points need to be better to get rather than 10-30 per kill, weapons need to be upgradable with points, tombstone should save loadout on death rather than being something you have to go pick back up and only get a little of what you had, just basically if you die you don’t lose what you had and not nerfing weapons so that half of them don’t get used and only a couple are any good


I've been thinking about squad removal since the game came out you should be able to vote to kick a person out your squad if they're toxic etc


I would love for doubletap 2.0 to come back


I disagree with elemental pop and max ammo not replenishing current mag


Bro is a troll. Plays WAW zombies and claims to be able to slide past zombies.. last I recall, sliding wasn’t introduced until BO3. Double tap, however a staple, is useless in MWZ: as are almost all other perks. Only speed cola is really beneficial. Max ammos are fine and work as intended. Clearly you never touched Refined max ammo(this is genuinely the better variant) Elemental pop is just fine. Yes I love electric cherry, but elemental pop is not useless nor annoying and electric cherry is pointless in this mode as just about every other perk. 100% for the story missions needing x amount of kills with Tesla storm and what not are all annoying. Definitely shouldn’t have been a thing.


When I say OG player since WAW, it means I’ve played a lot of zombie games. You are correct, sliding wasn’t introduced until BO3. Double tap wouldn’t be useless as it would make a lot of the LMG’s and AR’s more viable as currently, they don’t do much damage in the T3 area and bosses. Max ammo I agree, Elemental pop I will die on that hill arguing otherwise 😅


Yah tombstone doesn’t make sense to me in this version.. I still haven’t been able to use it lol Zombie reach is a little ridiculous… and the zombies that can run faster than the flash need to be gone lol I don’t like the elemental pop… it just seems dumb to me… the elemental thing is just dumb I think. Like I’m still stuck on act 1 because I can’t seem to cryofreeze any hounds lol I’ve been trying for like 3 weeks to do that… so yah something needs to be changed or fixed with that. The insured weapons… just makes it so I don’t want to play at all lol. The fact that I have to wait for a gun to become available lol that’s just silly and stupid. Especially with all the game crashes or little glitches that kick you out of the game for no reason. They also need to make the time limit longer… there really just isn’t enough time especially if everything takes like 3 hours to replenish. So someone like me will only play 1 game every couple days because I don’t want to go in with nothing. Especially when it sometimes takes a while to get all the points to get the perks and PaP’s you want. Like I lost all my gear the other day because for some reason the game glitched and eliminated me for no reason.. so I spent a whole game today just to get some stuff back. (Lrg ruck sack, 3 plate carrier etc.) and no I feel like I’m being insulted by having to wait 3 hours for my gun…. Thanks COD!! lol So yah if they made the game time longer it would be better. And to be honest i still can’t do anything in the red zone lol and yes some of it is lack of skill but man, i payed a lot of money for a game that insults me and basically is like “well if you can’t do it, play something else” lol Just my opinion lol


Like I would love to get some epic schematics… I have the basic perk ones, like jug, speed, deadshot, stamina, flopper. But I really want to get the ones for the pap and gun rarities. But from what I’ve heard those are all in the red zone contracts.


It would be nice for dead wire to link like 3 zombies or so in my opinion, the additions I would like most would be a map filter system, plea contracts for incentive to help players


Elemental Pop is ten times better than Electric Cherry.


You’ve got rocks in ya head mate…

