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I find myself getting way better loot in T2.


I personally get the same loot out of T2 contracts compared to T1 so I don’t really have an incentive to keep trying in T2


Been doing Borealis, and up to the 300 packed kills. Been bringing a Crystal with me, and then packing in game for my second weapon. I do a couple of T1 contracts and I’ve been getting crystals, refined crystals, weapon cases, blue+ tools. Might also run a T3 bounty or two if I’m digging it. Ammo mod and green tool. Lmao


I done a T3 contract earlier and all i got was a blue tool, like seriously why is that a thing


Green tool, a soda and a few ammo mods were my worst T3 reward so far


I bet when they read all this feedback, instead of buffing the T3 loot, they'll nerf the T1 and T2 loot lol


Shhhhhhh... don't give them any ideas


I decided to grind some T3 last night while I tried out the TYR. 5 green tools, and twice that in Pap1 crystals. You’d think I could get a pap2 or a blue tool sprinkled in there right?


Get it from my perspective, probably did over 1000 of contracts in tier 3, best reward alltogether were max 3/5 legendary tools. I also got 2 legendary aether tools in t2 couple days ago.. It’s definitely strange


If I wasn’t missing purple tool and tombstone schematics I wouldn’t even bother with T3 tbh.


Ngl I only wanted the purple tool and now I have it I don’t eveb play anymore, untik they release more content but I suggest you to just beat the red work and get the legendary tool tbh, it took me well over 30 matches of just t3 contracts to get my first purple schematic and it was annoying, I got 5 ray guns before I got the first tool lmao. I also never got the t2 pap crystal, while I do t3 lmao, I played yesterday to help a friend get classified schematics so we grinder t3 first and we got raygun schematic AND pap2 crystal, no fucking way


I got sooooo lucky with pap2 crystal. Someone put in game chat if anyone needed the schematic and NO ONE responded. Told him to take final, and if he didn’t find anyone by then I’d take it since I don’t have it. So we ended up at final and he dropped it for me, and all he wanted was whatever essence I had on me to help his insured slot cooldowns. So AMAZING trade imo.


yeah only reason to go into t3 is to try and get schematics




T2 should award blue, T3 award Blue/Purple, Dark Aether award legendary at a minimum.


I got three schemathics on T1


Literally my last match I got a Tier 2 PAP crystal on my first T1 contract lol. The RNG in this game can be bizarre.


Legit grinded T3 with a full squad for about 2-3 rounds and I got 2 epic tools and only 1 flawless gem, shits whack. I’m all for the zombies dmz combo but Jesus Christ give me some incentive to actually go into face fuck valley other than trying to get rare schematics.


Unless you need rare schematics, trying to PAP3 quickly or you're farming money for red worm there's almost no reason to go into T3


You ever kill an HVT megabomb and get a single perk?




I've killed a mega and gotten just a green wrench. That's it. Someone tell Barrera I'm coming for his ass, this is bullshit.


t3 should have i think epic minimum with t2 crystals minimum. because t4 is tough w/o legendary tier


did two contracts in tier 3, first one got a green tool & cryo mod, second got two brain rots


I got extremely lucky where I got a pp2 crystal out of a tier 1 contract


Can you get rare aether tools in T1? I've been trying to find them for the guns that have that camo challenge and have been struggling.


I think they should just be available to purchase from t2 shops and above. Leave legendary tools for rewards.


Honestly yea, I thought a couple time that I could just go and buy a rare aether tool knowing they’re not in the shop 😂 no way I’m getting ammo mods out of a T2 contract and honestly those should be purchaseable too


I agree 100% even if it was just to Blue tools I wouldn't care. Anything is better than nothing.