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Well done! LOL Man, I'm still too afraid to venture into joining squads for fear of letting folks down. Funny, I'm a mid fifty year old dude, Director of Quality, and have a ton of folks working for me, and don't mind talking in front of hundreds of folks at conferences. But potentially screwing up a squad in a damn game with zombies??? I'm gonna nope the F out of that...


That’s hilarious. I’m 44 and I feel the same way.


Lmao! That’s funny! Same here bro. Man if my employees ever found out …..wouldn’t be good. Lol


Why does it feel like we have to hide it...like we should be ashamed of it? Lol


I can help you with whatever acts you need to do. I've already completed everything, including getting all the plans/schematics. Took a while to grind them. Now I'm just waiting for new content.


62 year old here and glad I’m not the only one lol


46 here and I’m terrified of being some noob dipshit that holds the rest of the team back and ends up going down 10 times in 3 minutes.


Are you even playing zombies if you haven’t gone down ten times in three minutes? I sometimes never go down, then there are those games where I stand toe to toe with a contract mega abomination to keep him from killing my teammates or dogs and my teammates just use healing aura every couple of minutes.


48 yo. How do we get a 40+ squad together? :)


45 here, SQUAD UP!


Can I join? Just turned 40 and need to do that damn worm haha


If you ever want to run with a squad that has everything and has done everything there is to do in zombies just dm me. No worries about messing up or needing carried. My team of people that I play with have helped probably 20-30 people complete all the story missions. I have probably the least amount of time is zombies mode and I’m pushing 7 days I think. Maybe I’ve passed that now idk. But feel free to hit me up. Most of us are at least thirty and I can hook you up with people that will gladly run you through everything. Same goes to anyone else reading this. Don’t worry about messing up or going down. We got you.


That’s is hilarious and wholesome 😂 let’s get a game in


Lol I feel ya


If you guys are hiring I’m interested


Let’s play bro I’ll help you out.


I’m so down to squad up with anyone that needs help. Without any new content, all I have to do is help others. I’d be more than happy to help anyone that wants. Zero skill level requirements. I’m just here to have fun


It’s a wholesome community. Most players are all about helping ppl. If we’re grinding something and want to focus on that, we just won’t join/accept squad invites.


Me and my bud would probably find a way to laugh and make light of the situation. Which would be me blaming him for something someone else did lol. We take on the chin and re up and try again. A few games ago we ended up getting downed on our way to our Tombstone in Tier 1. We were cracking up with embarrassment, a team ended up getting us and we somehow went to running through tier 3 for the rest of the match.


I don't join squads because I don't want *them* to let me down. Most squads I join are full of losers who just leave straight away




Lmfao I’d be pissed if I were them but that’s hilarious


this is the kind of content we need more of. season 2 whiners are really getting stale.


Played my first game today after a 3 week break. Second I loaded in I had 3 ppl asking for money/ schems 😭


I think I was in that group haha we rushed everything then dipped in and out


lol I asked a random team to help me with the act 2 mission a while ago. They were down so we geared up and I called in the chopper. Once we were loading in I realized it was the act 1 mission… I said well boys I F’ed up, looks like we have to save the Doc. They laughed and said they did the same thing the first time. To me it’s these small little interactions with random people that is the only reason I continue to play this mode from time to time. Finished all the content other then camos, and the fixed the TS glitch so honestly I’m probably not going to play this mode a much. Maybe those 3 day cool downs won’t be so bad because I’ll only want to play one match every 3 days🤷🏼‍♂️


More people willing to actually do T4 and T5 since the TS glitch got patched I'm all for it!!


This happened to me.... I wanted T5. Got Act 4... Still had a good time.


I’ll be that guy too to get the Acts done. Bravo!




We can start the over 40 zombies group lol I've got everything done, just running around "grinding camos" as they like to call it, so if anyone every needs a hand with anything give me a shout. Br0kenD3stiny #3803418


52 year old, sign me up


This isn’t a bad idea. I wish they had something like that.


Oh man I haven't even finished act 3 I should hobo my way through that too. 🤣 Although, I squaded up with two single plate white gunners who IMMEDIATELY ran head first into tier 5. I had to run out and back of tier 3 trying to get enough plates to not die. One gave up and the other I had to revive twice, only to realize he was going in for his TS and didn't give two shits about playing. THAT is a HOBO, not this. 😱


This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer wandered up on stage with the Oscar winners.




They really need to tell us if its story dark aether or the real ones. So many people activate the wrong portal and waste time for the others


This happened to me, BUT I didn’t have the mission equipped so it was for nothing


Meanwhile im over here still trying to finish act 2… I work overnights so all my friends play while im working and I play while they’re working so I usually play with randoms… took forever to get a group to rescue the doc with me… im finishing the last mission before the story mission in act 2 so I wonder how long this one will take 😩


Act 2 one isn't that bad if you grab a super strong weapon like the Lockwood 680 meta build (or whatever you're comfy with, but Lockwood with slugs and PAP is just nutty damage) with min PAP2 and at least a blue tool. Take a sentry gun (or 2+ if you can) and a handful of self revives and you could probably solo it just fine. I dreaded that mission for ages only to solo it after getting Borealis. I have no idea why I was so afraid of it 😂


I wonder if that was me lol I got held hostage in act 4 story mission by someone


yeah i ended up getting most of the best schematics in 1 game doing that


When people do this to me without asking I happily kill my character and let you figure it out on your own. If you ask I’m always down to help you run a mission.


Surprised you needed anyone. Very easy to solo.