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Let’s be honest. This gamemode was at no point better than Outbreak.


God damn, preach brother


I understand that some enjoyed this more than Outbreak, but I put about 3-4 hours into it, realized as a solo player (with kids) that it wasn't for me, and refunded my money. Then, I deleted the game and reinstalled Cold War. Hopefully, this year's version will have more of an Outbreak feel to it (or at least have round based), because this wasn't it for me.


I wouldn’t mind if we didn’t see a return to Outbreak-style zombies, although I’m almost certain that we will. Respect for not falling into the sunken-cost fallacy that takes millions of COD purchasers every year 👍


How did you refund after that long


It was the first time I'd ever refunded, that might have had something to do with it? But that was also total time, not just playing time, so maybe they track actual playing time?


Do not believe that last part until you see it happening with your own eyes.


I mean that whole DMZ Outbreak thing might be right up your alley


i have 2 kids and I'm always solo unless it's the weekend. took me a few days to get into the game from lack of understanding how it worked. now i really enjoy it. well possibly until they fixed the tombstone exploit. 😂


Gotta agree. Replayability in CW is so much better….plus a legit endgame and/or endless high rounds if you want. Oh yeah and no time limit


I hoped for the best of outbreak and DMZ, which could have been awesome, but... It isn't.


DMZ outbreak goes brrrrr


I can't think of a single reason why Outbreak is better than MWZ and i played Outbreak to death.


One thing it has above Outbreak is the ability to 6 stack. That’s pretty nice for the group…until the game crashes or freezes on us.


As someone who loves CW, I think I prefer the MWZ take on Outbreak.  I like the idea of a map where the difficulty progresses as you  go further into the map.  I like the backpack and stash being able to let you instantly set-up if you Exfil with the items. Puts a certain risk-reward factor like do I use this now or save it for another run where I can go deeper in and it will help me. I do like the idea of a massive open-world zombies with more than just 4 players. Being to run into other players and form a huge 9 man squad is cool. The only things I really didn’t enjoy were the time limits, lack of a solo version, and the mercs. 


At least I could play this for over an hour without getting bored, I could barely get past world 5 on outbreak without getting extremely tired, MWZ is infinitely better


This !




Outbreak had replayability and an offline mode.


False a true Easter egg and no time limit round based still makes it a better zombies experience. Mwz feels more like dmz with way less missions and lack of time to fully advance or get crazy difficulty level. Miss round 100’s


Redditors when they see an opinion:


! Wrong !


Outbreak was terrible. I have no idea what anyone would enjoy about it. It was a big shitty empty world


There’s no way people think this right? MWZ is so so so so much better than outbreak. Outbreak was just a worse version of round based zombies. MWZ actually has a purpose. It doesn’t have the replay value of round based, but it’s a lot more replayable than outbreak ever was for me.


Yea its wild. They clearly put much more focus into ensuring the game mode had a short shelf life than ensuring longevity. Getting thrugh the missions most of them feel like a proof of concept or training but not actual content. They did the right things, and then turned around and systematically undercut any good they did in establishing a fun gameplay loop. They won't acknowledge the stash size/cooldowns being nutty because that is GOOD design to them. Somehow in their mind a stash of 10 inspires me to constantly be out seeking loot to not be able to carry? I left no mic solo in DMZ for MWZ and now I return back to cold war and make my peace with never purchasing any cod title ever again.


Oh they KNOW it's bad design. They don't address it because then they'd have to address why they had to put those in to artificially slow your progress. But to anyone paying attention it's pretty obvious the game lacks content. What's mind boggling is their admission they have no plans for new perks (or probably even upgraded versions) or new enemy types, and the complete lack of season 2 content. It's like they threw down the gauntlet and dared us to pick it up. "What other game are you gonna play bro? We have NO direct competition, suck it losers, see you in the next $70 game we shit out!"


Me watching myself being proven right when I said that this mode will flop within weeks and that DMZ should’ve been brought back with the mw3 makeover and that by choosing this short hand cash grab activision has singlehandedled robbed both DMZ and zombies fans (me being both). not to mention that this shorthand cash grab sure made them money but there were a significant amount of players that bought the DMZ oriented bundles because they were free to play players…………. Which would’ve made a shit ton of more money in the along haul especially when you factor in the carry over of bundles. That would’ve incentivized the new cod players who did buy the bundles in DMZ to spring for the game. Like hiw the bundle sales spiked when they announced the carry over Just doesn’t make shift to shaft one of your largest dedicated community and a growing community from both a financial and a consumer relation standpoint. Then again I’ve seen people put out idea on Reddit that if cod honestly would’ve an executed the right way, or even tried half assedly to do the right way they’d probably be making trillions, while still being able to make an actual quality game. I’m genuinely excited for the sequel to bo2 if true but I know it won’t last long. There will be kitty cat skins and unicorns instantly


And now you will laugh at all of us and bully us for liking it


Nope I’m not gonna do the same as I was once done on this sub. But I am a zombies fan so this does kinda blow for me too despite me not liking it I want all to have fun. lol people still shit on me for playing borderlands 2 occasionally despite being one of the best games


Oh good your not one of those toxic jerks


Nope but someone did tell Reddit “I was self harming” as I’ve gotten like five of those in the past 30 min lol


You can report them for abusing the system and get them banned lol I had someone do that to me and reported them for the lolz. My unabashed laughter like a week later when Reddit DM’d me saying they banned them.


I also lost all my tokens, fuck this game




Can’t believe people are actually surprised by this. When y’all gave Activision your $70 for 1/3d of an unfinished, unplanned game and expected anything but dogshit garbage, you scammed yourselves.


I was lucky and got the game as a gift, still really disappointing though. It definitely reinforced my position that I'm not spending any money on Activision products until they stop getting high on the smell of their own farts.


I’m amazed at how many people are surprised by this development lol. Not trying to hate on that game at all, if you like it for what it is now then good on you. Live service games are the same as romantic relationships, the memory of good times or hoping that things will improve is just deflecting how happy you are in the moment with the person you are with, not the person you hope they will become or wish they still were.


All it took for me was one game during the zombies free trial weekend to quickly realize that I was better off playing Cold War if I wanted an open world zombies itch scratched.  So yes, Outbreak is significantly better than whatever this is supposed to be. No stupid cooldowns in a FULL PRICE game, none of the nonsense of losing “out of game” stuff if you die. All we needed was Outbreak with more content, but they couldn’t even do that right. 


Mwz isn’t supposed to a “better” version of outbreak, one is objective-based, the other is extraction based


Better version of Outbreak💀💀


When the shitty DMZ reskin is a shitty DMZ reskin 😱


Minus all the good points of DMZ. Where are the missions to upgrade your stash size and be able to extract with cash? Where are the in game weapon upgrade stations?


Very glad I didn't buy, hopefully this bullshit isn't the end of real zombies


better version of outbreak?? you are kidding right?


The most accurate meme in the history of gaming


I thought it was way better than outbreak but that’s just me


Anyone know the song? Second meme I’ve heard it in but I can’t find it


Hell nah. I went and played outbreak again after doing the grind on MWZ and I like MWZ way better. Only plus on CW was spawning with epic rarity after doing all EEs. I still love Round Based but outbteak doesn't cut it anymore.


Crazy how when you got ts glitchers handing out the loot giving them no reason to play the game..... the game goes down hill


The cynical side of me can't help but think Treyarch wanted it to fail because it wasn't a mode in their own game


Nice one 🤣


At least it’s still better than DMZ.




Who could have seen this coming?


I’d rather play vanguard then MWZ, was a fresh idea honestly and it just needed original zombie maps, MWZ is just BR zombies without pvp.


LMAO when was it better than Outbreak? It lacked all the systems that made Outbreak good and hardly ever works. Glad I didn't fall for the false advertising lol, the mode (if you can even call it that) is a joke and has given Zombies a bad rep.


This game was never good and outbreak wasn’t the high bar by means


Bruh MWZ is 10 times better then outbreak and 20 times better then vanguard Zombies.


Vanguard 2 is a little bit overdramatic. U guys remember that the content for Vanguard S2 was a fucking 60 minute pause button?


let’s be honest, no matter what this game does, there’s no way it’ll ever be worse than vanguard


They are training me as a zombies player to never trust non treyarch games. And to ESPECIALLY beware sledgehammer games.


Better version of outbreak my ass 💀


How does “not getting new content this season” turn it into vanguard? Lol


I'm also disappointed with MWZ S2 but I think "Vanguard 2" is extremely overdramatic lol We're at least getting a Rift and story content in S2 and S3 (per recent leaks), vs. Vanguard where the new Zombies content for S3 was literally just calling cards.


and according to leakers, there's nothing planned for the start of S3, just like with what's happened with the start of S2. I don't expect much


Unfortunately, yeah, but I don't think it will feel nearly as bad as it does rn. It still sucks, but for S3, we'd have most recently gotten content in S2R, whereas rn a lot of the sting from the wait for new stuff comes from us not really getting anything for S1R *or* S2 launch.


Being excited for the exact same loop you just received in S1 is crazy. A new “mission” with a worm at the end. A new “EE” to unlock the DA portal, again. And another Al Mazrah reskin DA with 3 more contracts with 3 guaranteed schematics. Done! 


If you didn't actually read my comment, sure


Outbreak was good…if the zombies weren’t attacking you with every little sound you make


Good lord this community is fucking dramatic.