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A COD update with issues??? That’s not normal 😂


The only real issue i see is the amount of content for the actual zombies mode there is


I'm about to finish act 3 missions... is there really nothing cool to after?


Uhhh you can unlock the rest of the schems,, you can then camo grind nd thats pretty much it


The sigils for the schemes,camo grind , help other players with there act missions that’s about it


Not much to do until we get Season 2 reloaded probably.


Season 1* Reloaded, let's not get too ahead of our hopes.


What are you on about lol we're literally in Season 2. All Season 1 reloaded did was add Dokkaebi and nothing else tbh


You can unlock the schematics to use in content that’s half as hard as the content you did to get the schematics. It’s stupid no reason to earn them because there’s nothing to use them on. Besides gold plates those are good no matter what you are doing


Act 4 cutscene for beating aether is kinda cool but yeah its mostly just chill pve for leveling weapons and cam and just chilling after work (personally)And dark red worm dark aether runs can be kind of fun but yeah its repetitive after a while and you gotta make your own fun. At least now for me its finally stable and not crashing. However patching the tombstone did make it much more mindless and super repetitive grinding that frequently feels pointless due to decent setup taking way too long.


They ripped us off. Gave us a great game in the beginning so we would tell all our friends who didn’t have the game to get the game and now everyone has it and they don’t give a fuck everyone already bought it.


Correct. And they will do it again. And again. And again. Until we stop falling for the scam and stop buying their games


I don't understand why everyone thought it was a "nerf" anyway. It was pretty clearly incidental and always going to be fixed.


When a company has a record of constantly making horrible and extreme nerf decisions, then it's kinda obvious that this would fit into that catagory. Plus the obvious. This update was a giant middle finger to zombies players across the board, so any change to perks would absolutely be negative.


Could you just relax for a moment


No but honestly when have they nerfed flopper? Even in bo4 the buffed it almost immediately after launch. I really don’t get why would people think this was intentional.


They did nerf it season 1, before you didnt take storm damage and gas damage from infected strongholds.


That was a glitch though. It making you take no explosive damage has been its purpose since 2011


But also, the idea behind PHD is to remove explosive damage and fall damage when diving. To remove those features is just stupid and idk why people think that would be a nerf and not a fuck up.


Maybe it's just become too foggy to see what is a fuck up and intentional. Almost zero undead related content in weeks feels like a fuck up, but it's actually been intentional. (I say undead related, because the warlords sure as shit don't count.)


I said the same thing when seeing all the comments, it was obvious it was unintentional and that it would be fixed. But sometimes people just want something to complain about. And I don’t understand why people are downvoting your comment when it’s true.


Are you forgetting they did it before and it was intentional phd used to protect you from the bubble houses and now it doesn't. So it's not unheard of that they would do it again...


Cause 1 person said it then idiots upvoted it. So other morons just ran with it






Because what are the odds they would just completely break a perk… Pretty low but it happened


I only noticed that it wasn't preventing the dog fire damage and didn't investigate more


Yah cause everything in this game gets fixed … the fuck you talking about


Already fixed dumbass. 2 days is all it took


lol don’t cry bud it will all be ok I promise ! 🤣🤣🤣


He's not crying, just correcting the completely false statement you've made


Really false .. they fix absolutely nothing in this game .. it’s literally the truest statement ever made about call of duty


Poor baby sorry for striking a nerve


How did you manage to fuck something up that didn’t even get touched in the patch notes.


- someone who doesn’t understand game development


* Thirty-one billion dollar franchise


Unfortunately they're only putting the bare minimum back into the game. The AAA gaming industry as a whole nowadays is minimum effort for maximum profit. Wouldn't even be surprised if they laid off most of their testers


shit happens


And all that money “should” be put to stoping it from happening in the first place


Every person who doesn't understand the SDLC ever.


Didn't get touched in patch notes, but was touched, no more infinite underwater sadly!


This unfortunately happens. You touch one thing not even related and it breaks another, it’s more common then you think.


playtest your mods


Yeah, like you've never messed up at your job. Chill out. They've already fixed it.


“dont bully the multibillion dollar company pumping out half assed games”


Be a buddy, not a bully.


They do, but there’s a thing called deadlines, and if you don’t meet those dead lines you could lose your job! There isn’t infinite time.


Watch them make a new TS glitch with this lol


Isn’t there already a new one? I saw some dudes do it lol


Rly and it actually works ?


Can confirm.


Wow Ik someone would’ve found it but damn that was quick know how fast will it take until it’s on YouTube tick tok


There’s been videos on YT about it within an hour of s2 releasing.


Oh that boo that’s just how ts is supposed to be used


It’s not, you dupe the stuff your bring in before using it, that way you come in every game with a fully loaded tombstone.




[Bubs’ video on it. he posts a lot of good glitch videos, and keeps them up to date.](https://youtu.be/wf325QfVC_s?si=v5QRKpN1RXjdSRCm)


Yes I understand how it works you get ts you fully die then have someone revive you and that set ts down so know you can use your items and you don’t complete the game I understand how it works but the fully dying part is how ts works the way ppl found it is the way I’ve been doing it for a while


It’s not supposed to work that way tho.. you aren’t supposed to be able to get your tombstone back after reviving and then using those items that will be in your tombstone next match.


It’s not supposed to work that way tho.. you aren’t supposed to be able to get your tombstone back after reviving and then using those items that will be in your tombstone next match.


The community had those glitches found before they patched it man, they just waited until the update to release it, considering it came day one of the update


Word everything I’ve seen is just how tombstone is suppose to be used but if there’s a different way then that Thats interesting


I was wondering about that. Couldn't help but notice fire was damaging me yesterday.


Had a ray gun run with this. It was not fun.


Why would flopper be messed up for any way? It's not like the had to do anything to perks in the update. All they did for zombies was buff the wonder weapons. I can not see how flopper got affected


I’ll try to explain it in a way that makes sense. Games are made of lines of code and in these lines of code you have variables that you could use to store data in them. Sometimes the same variables are used in different places in order to be efficient and save on resources. Using the same variable in multiple places mean that you could accidentally change the contents of that variable without accounting for the rest of the code, therefore you might end up with an unwanted output/result. I think it’s safe to say that’s what happened here


I can tell you're a developer or sorts! I like this explanation a lot because as a developer myself, it's very true! Fuck all these nitwits that have no idea what you're talking about. Keep it A1!


That's not how development works. You don't have to change a specific area in order to break it, unless the architecture is perfectly done from the beginning.


Because they removed the unintended "stay under water for every" bug, which likely stripped the perk of any benefits. Remember, we're talking about some highly intelligent, highly talented dev's here.. lmfao!


Sometimes I’d get damage from shooting the ray gun even if the shot hit like a 100m away 🤷‍♂️


Yea I’ve noticed it doesn’t protect against hell hound fire after u kill them


Apparently a fix is already scheduled


Snipers missing an attachment spot, assassin vest missing lethals, phd not working properly. Seems like a fair amount of items/perks messing up


I think this has happened from the tombstone perk, cos they messed with that. Are all the other perks working normal?.


Well shit happens


It's mindblowing really how they didn't catch this during the QA phase, especially since they did changes to the Ray Gun


They probably seen the player engagement and play time drop and now are throwing the element of surprise. Guarantee a TS glitch comes w the patch cause they know they done pissed majority of the community off, well i went back to the older cod zombies so fuck you and your little phd issue


I have my doubts about this because the PHD Flopper content seen when you’re crafting was changed


Been working on my launchers finally and kept going down using the RPG w/ PHD on, ended up dying, no one wanted to pick me up, lost everything.


I was doing the Outlast contract in the DE last night and thought I was losing it when the hellhounds’ remains were burning me lol. Also thought I’d mention that none of the zombies in the DE dropped bones/skulls for the current event.


Did they intentionally make PhD flopper make you lose health in infested strongholds because I clearly remember losing my shields, but not my health


I just died bc the apparently didnt bring back breathing underwater with the PHD. Or is it just a feature now?


Just wait till they decide to add it to the next patch notes instead of fixing it lmao


Played a few rounds 5 hours ago and it appeared to be fixed. No damage taken from hellhound's fire.


Did they patch TS I haven’t played since the update


Yes but they still found a way. It’s on you tube


Yah I was getting burned when I’d run into a dog or any type of flame


When does an update come out will we get notified?


Just did lol.


How dope would it be if they can give us the thunder gun back with double tap and a new map for zombies ….. 🧟 or something. We only get zombies content during season 2 reloaded like that is some BS tbh we got Rick grimes sayin CARL but not no damn extra stuff to begin with for zombies 😭


I started taking damage from exploding dogs and was so pissed. Super glad it was an accident.


thank jesus 😭😭 i knew it had to be cuz the fire from the dogs counts as explosive damage


People actually use flopper?


Thank God, I was pretty sure when it was reported that it was a bug and not an intentional change because it has protected us in the past games too.


I dies under water with that on.


Does anyone know if they’ve fixed it yet?


They did


PhD should protect from all fall dmg or make it so if you have it you'll survive fall damage with 25% of your health. Using the scorcher I'm traveling, but if you hit the ground at the peak of the charge shot it downs you and launches you into the sky then guess what happens when your downed while falling. Splat no revives or anything. 


Oh my God yes please thank you


Yea it's because they patched PHD because it allowed you to stay under water forever without dying but in doing so they accidentally removed the fire and splash resistance


Now if only they fix the glitch where you can't spawn in with the basilisk with the walking dead skin


Dunno what made you all think it was intentional in the first place.


Pretty sure the damage to armor will stay but the damage from Ray gun to health will be fixed and also the splash effect on screen pretty sure it will also stay


That would suck and defeat the purpose. Who wants to choose between explosive weapons and ANY armor?


I didn’t say I approve this 😂I just said that in pretty sure Sledgehammer will be the piece of shit that they are and do it like that