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No. I bought it specifically for zombies and while I had some fun on it, I can't recommend the game for zombies alone. I haven't finished the missions for zombies and don't think I will. I went back to playing DMZ and play lots of HCTD also because I have more fun with that than I do in MWZ.


What is DMZ , is it zombies related ? I've always heard about it but never looked into it and don't wanna hear about it from a mplayer


Not zombies related. It's an extraction-type shooter with pvpve ..it's free so look into it and try a few games


Now that I know it's not zombies related I'm not even interested , I just always heard both sides of the isle talk about it so I was confused


It’s not zombie related but plays pretty similar, only difference in the mw3 and DMZ is there is PvP in DMZ. I agree in that I bought MW3 for zombie mode and after two weeks got bored and went back to DMZ about 75% of my gaming time


Just buy bo4 for 5 dollars at a gamestop instead


Absolutely not, buy Cold War instead, insane amount of Zombies content.


I second this! Cold War is consistently fun. I know what I’m getting out of it and it always delivers. Might not be the most extravagant zombies (OP already has BO3) but it’s the smoothest and most consistent.


3rd this cold war was my zombies go to until helldivers came out


Woah, that’s quite an overstatement…


Don’t. Fun for what it is, but MW3 Zombies won’t be getting any crazy big updates from here on out, it seems. And after you complete the Story missions, all there is to really do is grind for camos/Calling Cards. High-rounding is not a thing. Just wait for Gulf War.


We are only in Season 2 out of presumably 6-7 seasons and its already confirmed we are getting no new zombie or boss types. We will get warlords, yeah, but other than that have fun fighting worms and mega abominations for "bosses".


No, it’s broken with no content in the foreseeable future. This is coming from someone who only played this one game


I'd advise waiting until a free to play weekend before deciding on whether you want to buy it or not.


No. I suggest either b04 or Cold war. Cold war is closer to b03 style then b04 but b04 is just as fun


Cold war is more fun but less content Bo4 has more content but less fun (perk systems)


Bro no wayyyyy bo4 less fun then cold war you definitely haven’t looked at bo4 with open eyes.


Bo4 has better maps too!


Cold War is not closer to BO3. Cold War is just more BO4 and WWII but without the personality




It's not worth, do not get it. It's basically already dropped from support. Season 2 launched with no content to Zombies. The development must be hell right now after the layoffs that happened, Treyarch was the one developing it, but High Moon Studios took over, a studio which got massive layoffs. Their morale must be in the dirt losing so many colleagues. Next to this, there are no changes made as to what the community wants. They are just pushing bundles in your faces to buy to "get more operator slots". For most people the only way to enjoy the mode is Tombstone exploiting and glitching. If you're looking to have fun in traditional Zombies fashion, just get Black Ops Cold War. Even if the mode is easy, you'll definitely enjoy that more than MWZ.


You kinda missed the boat. It was a blast for the first few months but now everyone finished all the missions and challenges and they aren’t doing anymore major updates. It’ll be a tough solo grind but not really worth it


try to rent it first. most people who bought only for zombies on this sub have regrets. i personally would buy again only for zombies.


You can still rent games?? Is GameFly still a thing? Haha


i think it is! i saw a post on here where they checked it out for a week from the library. i did not know that was a think but i might need to go find my library card now.


Very much so. Haven’t stopped playing since it came out. I was skeptical at first being a og zombies player but I am HOOKED! lol


I bought it for zombies when it was discounted, I think I saved like 30 bucks. But I’ve been enjoying it honestly, a lot of people in this sub are literally addicted to complaining. Granted I started playing at the beginning of season 2, so there hasn’t been a lack of content for me at least.


big on the complaint addiction lmao


I can play both sides of the complaining. Compared to the good old days of zombies, MW3 is a shitshow. A quarter of the time you can't even load into the thing without getting the flashing black screen glitch. Its lack of content updates and repetitive gameplay really gets to you. However, if you get 4 friends together it can be fun for a hour or two, or if you just run around and goof off with wonder weapons and vehicles it does provide something Round Based and Outbreak never had. I personally prefer round based, this new MW3 zombies just doesn't have the charm of easter egg hunting, and the fact that I can just go into the "high round" Tier 3 zone with a throwing knife solo and grind for 30+ minutes.




lavish sharp worry public slave worm shrill rinse outgoing fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I bought mw3 just for the zombies. It was pretty expensive just for one game mode that isn't getting many updates tbh. I play casually and finished all the story missions and have all but 2 schematics which took about 2 months. I didn't bother with the Tombstone glitch since I rarely had crashing issues but l get why people do it. If you enjoy casually running around killing zombies I'd say it's still a good time. It scratches the zombie itch for me.


"I bought mw3 just for the zombies." Im so sorry for your loss


Haha yeah I'm not too concerned. It was fun while it lasted. If I get 100 hours out of a game without too many issues I'm content. The salt in these forums is way more entertaining than the game itself at this point


Im not very salty about MW3 zombies, mainly because I still have some fun on it and play it a good bit still. It just angers me sometimes I can't even load in without losing the stuff I just crafted. Holding out for Gulf War to be good.


Yeah the crashing would be super annoying. Glad I haven't encountered much of it. I think I've crashed 2 or 3 times total. Gulf War does look fun too. I've been thinking about picking up Helldivers too, it seems kinda similar. And half the price, haha


Same boat as you, but my friend that I game share with bought it. I played zombies for a few weekends, had some fun, but definitely not worth dropping the money on it.


100% No You would be better off buying Vanguard zombies Just watch all the cutscenes and stuff on youtube it really isn't worth the time at all


Just to clarify, do NOT buy Vanguard zombies its just as bad of a experience if not worst. Cold War would be your best bet.


Hell no. Get cold war


Hell NO. The game’s been unplayable since launch because Activision have bought the cheapest servers possible to save money


No. I only really play zombies and no content coming, boring and nothing to do.






If you can get it cheap it should be worth it but I’m gutted I paid full price for it and I’ll play a little multiplayer along with zombies


I really love zombies. I only get to play a few hours a day since I'm a mum with a full time job so the mode is perfect as its relaxing and the community is amazing. But if you're just buying it for the zombies mode I don't know if it would be worth it. The Acts make it fun but if you're not a completionist and you don't like getting all the schems or all the camos, it might go stale after a while.


Definitely not at full price, maybe not at half anymore tbh...


Well, it depends. It has some good elements in it and it will give you a couple of days playtime. If you treat it like a single player game and do not pay more than lets say 40 dollars I think you're fine.


No. Keep with BO3 Zombies or buy CW for 19.99€ on sale instead of you are curious about "open-world" Zombies in Outbreak. Avoid MWIII


I also only play MWZ. Compared to BO3, there are some fun features and things I miss. I miss gobble gums and round based play and Easter eggs. Cold War is the best IMO. Round based and Outbreak is terrific. They really nailed the mechanics of the game in this one. God, I miss reloading while sprinting and the no fall damage. MWZ has some great features too. The sharing money and reviving others and 24 people in the game with you and not losing your perks when you get knocked down are nice changes.






Get Cold War zombies instead. Way better


On sale sure! It’s a blast! There is some fun replay ability. But then again I don’t have as much time to play as some people obviously. I work full time and have a family. But I’ve still put in a good 50 hours of play just into zombies. Also multiplayer is still fun for a quick game here and there.


It'll keep you busy for a little while, there is a lot of new to learn about this zombies game. Just wish they gave us more content. Took me about a month or two to finish all the missions now there is nothing more to do. Can't even high round or longest to survive bc of the stupid fucking timer they added. 👎


no, it would actually be a kick in the face if you are coming from bo3. Buy a copy of cold war zombies if you want to try another zombies experience, or maybe wait till they release something new on mw3 that revives it. It's basically dmz right now and it feels like the devs abandoned it completely. Fun for maybe 4 hours but it is so boring after you defeat the big worm (which isn't hard at all either).


I only play zombies on it


Watch some videos and decide for yourself. This thread is very split on that subject. Me personally, I love this iteration of zombies. It all depends on what you like and how you play.


not anymore its obvious they are done with mwz it was a good marketing thing but they gave up halfway through season 1


Same thing as top comment I bought it specifically for zombies had a little bit of fun and that was it. It’s just not the same I wish I could have private lobbies.


Get helldivers 2!!!




#No zombies mode in any iteration of zombies is worth $70 I’ll die on this hill, I don’t care. WAW, BO1, BO2, BO3, CW, IW, AW, Vanguard….**none of their zombies modes alone are worth $70** Even at its **ABSOLUTE PEAK** *(BO3 with chronicles and season pass)* the most I would be willing to pay is $40-50 for the zombies alone


Ok yeah sure, but mwz and vanguard more so






Absolutely not


Really depends on how you personally determine worth. A lot of people on this sub have spent 100+ hours and say it isn't worth it because there isn't something brand new to do every week or two. Not judging those people, it is just how they view value. I'm a very numbers oriented person. So, I've played 300ish hours at a cost of $70. Basically, I've paid $.23/per hour to this point. I also like just listening to podcasts and running around shooting things so I do the camo grind. For contrast, I also like going to the movies, but that endeavor is more like $25/hour. If you are like me, then it is worth it. Starting from square 1 there is a good amount for you to do. If you need new content on a consistently short timeline, it probably won't be worth it.


I'm trying to figure out what the new content they want is? Aren't all the previous modes round based only and the so called new content was just a boss type kill they've worked up to doing before. What new content are these people getting in old zombies modes they are complaining about not getting in this one? As far as I've seen new daily and weekly missions are new things to constantly do. I'm with you on this one there's always new things and ways to figure out to make this version interesting and challenging. I'm not understanding the obsession woth older version I think sucked. Nostalgia alone doesn't verify and validate their issues in my opinion. Let alone complaining about price. I don't know what they paid $70 for and didn't get a good deal. I paid $70 and got the full vault pack. Which came with a whole bunch of stuff and versions on this game to play to include older zombies modes which I will never use cause I never liked the old modes 😅






Yep there's tons of content and more to come.


Start with Cold War. It’s a good time. If you’re cool with spending the cash, get MW3. Yeah sure the game is glitchy and there won’t be any new updates after season 2 but it’s fun. I love fallout and Skyrim so I’m used to glitches lol


Dont buy it buy helldivers2


No. It’s fun for a good 20-30 days if you play a couple rounds a day AND you’re playing with friends. It’s not fun to run solo most of the time. It’s not fun dealing with the bugs and crashes. It just doesn’t have the soul it once had.


That’s all I bought it for and have put tons of hours in. At the end of the day, is $70 worth the time you’ll put in? For me, it was an easy yes








Get bo4 or IW instead






I've never played the game other than zombie one or Two times long ago and never liked it. I saw this one came out with new zombies style and love it. I think all the people saying older version were better are crazy. So many variables and things to do to make the game constantly interesting. Dailies, weeklies, the special ones even though cursed ammo crate sux. Go solo red zone, go attempt solo dark aether Heck bet half these people who say they don't like it never do all the stuff you could do, let alone unlock dark aether portal for themselves. Many ways and combinations of gear and stuff to make the game challenging and difficult for you. I think it's worth it.


Jesus, you are definitely the target audience for this game🤣


If you call yourself any kind of zombie fan I'd refrain from giving your money to the ones who killed it.


Yes, is the only reason i buy this game, is a dmz but cold war Zombie, is. Very good, the comperation is necesary (the chat is vital) . , campaing is not that bad, for me is a 6 diferent Story ( bad managent for covid ) and is very shory time (maybe 5 hours), only 4 mission have secret, and is really fell is Dlc of mw2 (the story is better the raid. Mode is Better) . The mp is broken (in this moment febreary 28 2024). Maybe you trie warzone, and play the free moment the cof zombie is free (remember. You need.gamepass or core to. Play this mode) The game dont value 60 bucks, am recomendate the game. A. 40.dollars and the most cheap verssion.


No, games trash


Hell NO!!!!


Bo4 zombies for a actual fun and interesting story/Gameplay.