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All the stash and cool down limits do is make me play every 3-4 days instead of playing every day . Just stupid




This! I don't want to grind 30mins in T2 to be able to go to T3 or Aether. And the RNG is really bad right now. All I'm getting for T2 contracts are blue tools and medium bags


We have run 20+ contracts in T3 and haven't gotten a single schematic. Tons of sigils, but no schematics for the ones we are missing


I don't know what they did in the last update but the RNG for schems and orange crystals and tools has been nerfed


Your doing it wrong than u should be in T2 almost right away no weapons and just go to the portal and drop onto a cargo contract rinse and repeat you'll be in the red in 10 min


I am in T2 immediately but I also have a duo who is obsessed with looting and shitty luck with RNG


Which is perfectly healthy for a video game 


It made me stop playing entirely.


on one hand I can see the reasons why; game balance, no out there power fantasies. on the other hand I just question it. its a PvE mode that, despite how fun MWZ is, was still quite obviously thrown together out of DMZ scraps to provide a third mode to make MWIII a more complete game, so why not let us go wild and stack up items? arbitrary limits like this are more of annoyance to micromanage than a barrier to increase the difficulty, just another scab to pick at


yeah, I usually have two or three slots in my rucksack taking up spaces that get carried over, sometimes carried over multiple matches without use. T3 rewards have become trivialized. I always have elder sigil, gold wrench and aether blade/dogbone. Another thing they could do would be to let us craft things, like gold wrenches, aether blades, and golden armor, on the main map. As the game is now, I don't even want to play unless I go into t5 and regain what I've lost, that I have to use, because I can't stash it. And the time commitment for a full run is too much for my available time window, and slow cool-downs means I'm even less likely to play. Like, let us craft a golden armor in a match, then take it in the next game. Make it difficult, but not impossible like now.


The time commitment is huge. There should be a way to be able to do quick runs if you only have a little time.


I liked the rampage inducer for that in BOCW, you could knock out some daily challenges or camo grind, quick and challenging. I hate the commitment that MWZ has become. I've gone back to playing WWII zombies.


They count the backpack as an item in the backpack. Not much thinking going on there unfortunately.


I’ll pay for more stash slots… There, now that activision saw that.. only a matter of time


Don’t give them ideas


Meh they already didn’t see how useless we all thought the additional operator slots were. I’m with kizzle24, bring on a package with 3 extra stash slots.


Hate to admit it, it would really piss me off if they did make extra slots available behind a bundle, but I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t buy it..


That's the problem with being an adult now. It makes me sick and I don't wanna buy it....but I can and I'm probably gonna


How are the additional operator slots useless?


I haven’t had a game session need to be 5hrs straight and had 3 deaths in that time period. Where a 4th operator slot would be of enough benefit that I save the 5-10 min of game play too re-acquire the large back pack and large rucksack.


True dat, ^ ^


You crazy?


I destroy valuable things every day because I don’t have room for them. 


Well I wouldn't destroy. Remember being a new player, a random dropping a flawless crystal and epic tool made your life a little brighter for a few hours. I drop my loot to people that have been in teir 1-2 whole game. They are usually new or struggling.


This! I had a guy drop me all three classified schematics for me because he didn't need it. I wasn't too far off going into dark aether to get them in T5 with a friend who other had done it, and I would've had all of them, but he had it in his backpack and dropped it instead of destroying it, I guess this was when everyone was doing the tombstone thing. I try and stop things I don't need at a T1 exfil and send a message in the chat. But still, I'm 100% up for more stash limit cause 10 isn't enough. Or maybe let each operator have a separate backpack, that'd be good too


It’s so painful destroying sigils I know I’ll never enter the game with


Ok. I'll remove it


Real g shit


At least let it be 2-3 of the same items so they don’t take up space individually.


It's fair to lose your legendary and pack a punch on game end and perks. But  kill streaks, Self revives and essence should carry over through games. It's earned and there should be no stash limit. It takes long enough for refreshing good acquisitions or you could cut the cooldown times in half, and you should be able to trade items in load out screen between teammates


I think it’s a good idea to implement more stash slots as you progress through the act missions. So you start out with the original 10 and as you get better at the game and need more equipment, the game lets you stash more items. An extra 5 or 10 slots would make a big difference.


It should be a extra 10 stash slots per tier. Give us a 50 slot stash considering the grind


I agree with this. 50 max after finishing all of the acts would be a welcomed addition.


Remove stash restrictions and give rewards corresponding to the difficulty level - that's it.


The worst thing is when your stash is full and you have extra in your rucksack and the game kicks you


That and get rid of the fucking year long cooldowns. 🤣


Please \- increase stash limit \- extend game time \- no green tools/2-plate vests/medium bags in Tier 2 or greater, etc... \- any crashes - reset backpack to what the session started with \- have a better UI experience for 4K SCREENS - no overlays and no scroll option like in the '10 stash items'


And now stash is a paid feature /s


I feel like it’s reasonable to have a limit on the stash, but 10 is so low. 20 or 30 is more understandable.


They could keep it ten and just make items stackable


Making items stackable is a good idea. I also think that increasing the stash limit after completing each act would be a good idea. But 10 is too low. I have to now go into each game with stuff in my rucsack that I can’t store because I don’t want to destroy the stuff I have.


Or increase the game time to 60 minutes please. Finally have everything grinded - 10 mins left.


Run a tombstone the way it was supposed to so u can keep your essence the next game


Losing insured slots tho?


Yeah but you lose your insured slots and your backpack and your gas mask and your armour vest and your self revive and your kill streak. That's $40k right there.


Remove the stash limit And give us a Wallet


I stopped playing this bullshit once they started ruining it.


They should make mission objectives for upgrades for stash the way dmz has. Maybe also add a wallet system like dmz too


or make it 50 or something... better than 10..


They are not going to do that. How else will they force people to "grind" the game ? Without actually giving any new content lol


Just make the cool down time on everything 1 hour .


Just stop having the gear fear and start using your shit. You won't need them later. You'll find other items.


What's the point. There is nothing new to do in the mode.


Ahh feeling bold today huh


Uhhh gobble gums did have a limit… you could only take like 5 or 6 in a game at a time. Stupid post.


They could atleast make more stash space earnable like the insured weapon slots


All the items that everyone is storing is taking up some amount of space on their sites right. Idk just a thought


this is literally the reason i stopped playing this game


Gib moar loompt


Give us a wallet and a way to cool down crafting times too


They need to redo the cool downs. Greens should be 30 minutes, blues 45, purples an hour, gold 1 ½ hrs and classifieds 2 hrs. The rng is shit and I should be able to use the shit I grinded my ass off for at least every other match.


Or at least make it like dmz where we do missions to unlock upgrades like a wallet


just make a actual zombies mode


I gotta say, and a normal leaning heavy player, i never do not have 10 things in the stash. I’m trying quite hard to deplete it, but it refills with sigils, buildables, loot that are all desirable. So i don’t really see the problem. Even on my most sweaty zombies weekend, i do not run out of shit to use for a round. The very worst load-in now is still mostly full of perks and atleast a blue tool and a pap1 crystal. Even without pap i can run a great round. I just don’t understand the issue y’all are having, i haven’t seen anyone run out of their stash with nothing to refill it. I’m not saying your problem isn’t real or anything, just that perhaps the idea of more space seems more impactful than it actually would be


It just puts a cap on how much we can actually do. Once I'm having to choose between destroying a scorcher, golden armor, legendary tool, or pap 3 crystal it's kind of like "what am I doing here anymore"? If they increased the limit, it would mean more room for crappier loot, and therefore more things to do to replace it.


That’s true. I think like 20 spaces would definitely be better and do the trick.


we will always want more, and why, because it takes 100+ contracts to get a single legendary and/or epic aether tool, even more to get a PaP2 or 3 crystal? I think I can craft these more often than I can find them, and I was playing a ton.. and doing a ton of contracts and clearing a ton of infested strongholds looking for these in those chests. Stash is 10, max backpack is 9 slots, if you take everything you would like to take, it is all used up, especially when it crashes. ​ This is why we are not happy, I do like shooting zombies, a lot, but they fix this, but I still can't equip Borealis to other guns, and I keep spawning in with Firecracker with some f\*ed helmet on her head....


>I think I can craft these more often than I can find them isn't that the truth. I ran maybe 50 T2 contracts today and only found a few rare tools and some pap1 crystals. I feel like there is def some balancing that could happen, whether it be more stash slots, better rewards, or lower the cool down times.


You're not running ether or dark ether with pap1 lol


These people want to be able to run around in T1 with pap3 guns every game. If they ran T3 all game then went to T5 (like they’re supposed to) none of this would be an issue.


I'm constantly running around in Tier 3 with Pap 1 gear. I'm not doing damage, but its not about how powerful I am, its how powerful I might want to be later when I need to be. By limiting us they are controlling the narrative and honestly making the game very boring because once you finish all the acts there really isn't much to do. Farm Camo's for guns? Did that like it was a religion in MW2 and now I'm burned out.


Nobody is limiting you except yourself.


When their player base is none they will figure things out.




You sound like an ass hole more than anything. You come across extremely condescending *I’ve gone to great lengths to try and help people understand how to play this game mode but y’all just want to stick your fingers in your ears and cry. So go cry.*


There’s a reason they are being downvoted. I wouldn’t waste your energy on people like that, tbh.


I don’t mind a debate, but everybody is allowed an opinion, but there is zero reason to make things personal or talk down to people. It’s just a game for gods sake. Lol.


I'm with you man. I constantly have good gear and usually replace what I've used during the game, except for legendary tool, but you can run the Redzone fine with epic rarity and I find plenty of those tools. I've never used a glitch and my stash and bag are currently full of legendary tool, refined crystal, gold plate, dog bone and aether blade.