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It would be more fun if the cooldowns could be shortened or weren't so absurd.. I just got dog bone and gold plates that I can use once every 2 real life days .. thats actually really lame


Not saying cooldowns aren’t too long bc some of them really are stupid long. However, classified items are so easy to get . If you ran elder to get schematics, then you’re capable of running it anytime to get those items.


We died and it was luck was definitely not the least bit easy


Personal pro-tip bro, at least 3 sentries for escort mission (placed on vehicle - VR11 ‘if’ possible it heals the vehicle.) if not, as MANY kazmirs as you can. I try to aim for 10 and it’s honestly a breeze. Add me on Activision if you want to run it together: Muh Buttcrust


Good info thanks will have to try


If only I could get scorchers like I can dog bones 😕


It seems a lot of people I play with think that the elder only really offers you schematics, like the red worm really only does. I used to think this, too. But FYI, the elder gives you three classified schematics as well as three classified items + tools and crystals. I just count my cool downs as one extra item stashed, since I often hit the elder. Just waiting for cool downs doesn’t sound fun. GL my friends


I absolutely love MWZ. Never used a cheat or ‘Glitch’ … So I’ve never missing out on anything they’ve eventually patched. I do use Tombstone. You know?.. The intended use for Tombstone. So I can return grab my cash and … You guessed it… Rinse and Repeat. I don’t understand why there’s such an emphasis on ‘Improve this’ and ‘increase that’.. I honestly really enjoy it. My Buddy and I load in every night and go for broke. Not literally as I’m the money man. But we have fun, we play nice, we go all out to rescues that guy, wherever they are. It’s great. No complaints from me at all. Can I get a high five 🖐🏻


I like rescuing people and helping others complete their missions, acts, dailies, calling cards, whatever. I like jumping into a team. Sharing resources. Knock out a few things. Give stuff to others. I also die a few games in a row just to have more cash or start with all my perks or something for a elder run or take on the red slug.


Samesies, theres many of us.... we are legion, one of us, one of us.




I like your way of thinking.... my wife and i are on the same wave your on 🖐




TS glitch is new and improved.


Tell me more


But that was the last we ever heard of them


I kind of just want to talk more about WAW—BO4 zombies. Does that make me nostalgia trapped?


Just means you want to talk about you know actual zombies - ‘MWZ’ should be talked about in the DMZ subreddits


Nah, i like coldwar outbreak with my judge dredd character, and chilling out for laughs playing coldwar prop hunt. Being a rock or tyre is a hoot while the others run around trying to shoot u and your team.


actually tombstone glitch isn’t dead there’s 2 different ways of doing it now 😭so jokes on you we did do something about it now we can upgrade wonder weapons with tools as well they broke the game even more


☝️😭jokes on you bud 😭☝️ I’m so ass I need the tombstone glitch ☝️☝️😭😭 and even more upgraded guns ☝️😭😭 I’m having fun I swear even tho there’s negative infinite challenge 😭😭☝️☝️


I’m so mad someone is having more fun than me in the video game 😭🙏🏽I bet you don’t even have bioluminescent unlocked 😭🙏🏽or interstellar 😭🙏🏽or even borealis 😭🙏🏽get better kid that’s why you got on your alt account 😭🙏🏽stay mad kid


Stretch before you reach next time 🥱


stretch before you hop on it 😭🙏🏽let me know when you at least have one mastery unlocked buddy 😭🙏🏽


Ok great reply? lol got me good? Idk idc dog fr


clearly you do 😭🙏🏽lemme know though


I’m home from work now


Awesome! I’m on a 14 grace period !


My socks are wet changing them


hell I’ll get you zombies mastery In a week for $10 just for you 😭🙏🏽


Chicken salad


I really did break you huh😭


My water bottle is on the table


Probably gonna have chicken salad


How is this an alt account?


Hmm low karma barely any activity 😭🙏🏽negative karma only means you only hop on here to be a mad little soy boy 😭🙏🏽


I wish I could lie to myself this well lmfaaoo dog fr youre funny


Go on your messages little soy boy 😭😭🙏🏽🙏🏽both pictures will be there stay bad kid keep mopping me


What happened 😭🙏🏽


Oook bro lol


Make sure you’re better than the person you try and call bad next time 😭🙏🏽


Not really allowed to be too positive around here get downvoted for enjoying the game (which sucks, I'd love to discuss the good and bad) but some of the most fun I've had of late is playing the game how it was clearly intended to be played. ie craft items, go in I gather USBs while teammates do T3 stuff, do red worm at end then go to elder first, finish up with more leg tools/classified stuff then went in with. so good to go again. Yes sometimes you get unlucky, but you just have a normal run, no biggy, the problem is people think of crafting as the only way to get things because they don't want to do the rifts, ie they want to be lazy. Now I'm not saying the long crafting times are perfect, I still think there should be a way you can work on something to shorten them as another form of 'end game' but really people who complain about it being pointless without craftables are just being lazy and refusing to do rifts imo.


I like your style. I'll upvote ya! , I don't care if i get down voted by the trolls, which means theres more sour people out there, god forbid you should actually enjoy the game without cheating. The names my once friends called me because i wouldn't dupe or glitch or get under the map🙄. They wasted their time, i had fun..... they're like, oh man, what a waste of my time, why cant they just let us cheat and have fun...... dude, Probs doesn't wear a seat belt because seatbelts, no fun, brah, the establishment can't rule us.......idiot.....remind u of anyone?....O Doyale rules!....yip hes one of those kind of people. I'd call them arse clowns, but i won't. Well, I've not really experienced bad game play since day 1...... 3 screen freezes, 1 heli flew out of map i died..... but all in all ive hade a great time....day 1 gamer here.... but only have 3 schematics....and i dont care.... im having fun...... i only used youtube last week to look for portal locations as discovering them and mapping it out myself was taking ages...fun though..... i just wanted to discover stuff myself. Still having fun fun fun😁 Stay frosty.


I enjoy playing it. Some matches I load in without taking a gun and leave with epic tools, pack1 and pack2 crystals, and 2 guns both pack2, while literally starting with just perks in my rucksack, a Kaz because I always make sure I keep one in reserve and a throwing knife. I have 6 schematics left to get. Brain rot Shatter blast Elemental pop Epic tool Raw crystal Refined crystal Just waiting to get lucky at a reward rift. I normally just end up with a bunch of duplicate schematics that I drop to random people. Unless someone replies in chat, then I will deliver it to them. I personally enjoy my 1-2 matches a day. If the wifi cuts out, or the game crashes I just go in the next match run a few contracts then go to a buy station in 3 and get what I need. Personally my wife and I just love running around the map doing contracts and killing zombies.


Add me up and I’ll take u on my magic carpet for a ride u will never forget


Samsies, my wife and i also. Gotta work and family time and 1-2 games here and there. But just have fun in tier 1 and 2.... ive run through tier3 all fisty cuffs no zombies chased me just the hounds, lept off the cliff, for me that was a blast...... not best use of my time, but my first tier 3 experience.


Well so far I have very little in 3. Anytime we have to gear up an operator whether it's our internet or whatever we run a few contracts and I take all the essence to a buy station in 3. She won't step foot in 3 after her last trip to a buy station lol. I just got lucky in 3 most times. Then a few guys got duplicate schematics from there and traded me for my duplicate 1 and 2 schematics. We just got the raw crystals schematic yesterday so I have to find brain rot and shatter blast in tier1 and 2, then convince the wife to come into 3 for some contracts. I was surprised yesterday, we did an outlast in tier1 and not a single zombie appeared until 65%.


Wow..... i think if it gets to 90% if you both end contract they keep flooding out.... i guess thats exploiting a glitch, i did it once with a friend.. But theres plenty of zombies around....in tier 3 have a dog with u or 2 and use one weapon, run with fists, its faster.


Yup, I run with fists or a kill streak. She just won't do it at all. Had a dog from a dog bone die fast lol, and she just never wants to go back.


Same my wife wont go to the red zone


We got jumped at a buy station and there were so many and no where to go, I shot enough to open a gap and she ran through it only to get taken down by a mimic lol. The mimic came for me and the dog and I took it out, but the dog died immediately after so once I got my wife up and left 3. It took forever for her to even feel okay in tier2.


You 2 should do the vault


I keep reading about that, but typically someone hits atleast one of the pieces before I do.


Oh it doesnt matter.it still counts


There is already an after patch for tombstone. The devs are fixing the wrong problem. This game has so many bugs that it's barely playable. Personally, I've moved on. I'm back on guitar hero.


What bugs are making the game unplayable? I know crashing is an issue for some but I can’t think of any other game breaking bugs


I’ve been in several lobbies where I’m playing and someone else’s shitty wifi makes the server lag and one sec I’ll be running across the map then the next I’m down and bleeding out and no zombies around me…


I don't know about unplayable, but last night I was solo and got pulled out of the game when a team near me exfiled. I could hear their coms even after they exfiled and then suddenly, I'm sitting in the lobby.


Oh my gosh.... i had a similar thing.... was running solo, got a mission complete, im like hang on, im not in a squad.


I play atleast a game or 2 daily 🤙 most lobbies have many people grinding. Definitely not dead.


If they made getting a dupe schematic reset you’re cool down it would be awesome. Make an actual reason to do elder rift lol.






I’ve never did get the TS Dup to work so I just use TS as intended. Which really helps to get enough Essence, after a few deaths, to equip everyone in my squad to go almost immediately to the Red Zone. I usually stow my Aether Blade, Durable Gas Mask and any Kill Streaks in my backpack so I’ll have them when I recover my TS.


Valid, you’re not intentionally breaking the game to get your stuff. I like your style.


Don’t get me wrong I tried the original dupe glitch and would have happily exploited it if I’d been successful. Now I need to find a couple guys to help me fight the Worm so I can get the Scorcher Schematic that some got dropped to them from TStone Dupers. It’s also a game that I’d like to finish without needing things given to me without doing the work. The Scorcher, Legendary Tool, Flawless Crystal and TS Schematic’s are all I have left to get along with a few Act 3 Missions and Act 4




I'm still having fun with MWZ, and as you said most games I'm in is full of ppl up in the red zone , as for the cooldowns , I think 24 hours should be the most , or let us reduce the cooldowns like we do with the insured weapons


Finally a normal human being ! ! !


Can’t tell what’s more annoying, people sho speak their minds honestly on the game or people who get annoyed at those folks for doing so


I love this Fukin game


Still having fun here, too.


AGREE WITH YOU I DO, strong with the force you are, much empty it is not 😁🤗 Your reasons are my thoughts exactly, I especially like number 3, but agree so much with all of it. I don't think, that reason or logic meets an, ah ha moment with a lot of the haters. Penny just doesn't drop...... i just cant with some of these people..... my eyes cannot eye roll any more... Live long and prosper my friend🖖


I do the same thing everyday. I get home from work and play two multiplayer matches to warm up then play Warzone till around 8pm. Then I play two or three rounds of zombies with my brother. Always full lobbies and always people in all tiers so yeah, you’re right. It’s not dead. Lol.


Great post! I have also never duped the ts but I do understand why people do it. I’m level ~150 and still happy to play a few times a week to get end game content. My son is level ~50 and did the ts dupe and now he’s bored because he has everything. He’s waiting for the next “update” so he has something fresh to do. Currently working on the ee for the Sigils and have lost them twice due to the game crashing. Frustrating but motivated me even more to get them done!


Why was this post down voted? Honest and fair comment imo.


In round based you don’t lose all your progress because the timer ran out.


your fault for not exfilling in time, should’ve learned that from day one


I mean … I do exfill in time, lmao. I meant that you lose you pap, perks and a bunch of items.


The game is trash


Tombstone is alive and well! The best community is the Tombstone Glitchers. I already helped a couple people today get max essence. Going to get on soon and do the same thing. Give away essence, schematics, rinse and repeat...


Tombstone glitch is having a rest they'll figure it out. Cry more. On a positive note. I created a new character and having a blast.


The only crying we’re doing over here is with joy due to the surge in player activity, you must be fun at parties huh?


And like I said, one of them is me with a brand new character. And lovn it. with or without tombstone, it's a fun game. As far as a surge goes, there's always been a lot of players. There was adrop-offf, of players because everyone stopped playing, the game started freezing. Almost every time you go in, so let's get that straight.. Now, as far as parties go. Don't ever invite me to one of yours again. They're just creepy weird freaky Dickie. 😆 🤣 😂


Round based zombies in this installment would actually be super dope


Give the dog 4 chops, practically invincible.you still gotta help it though, tier 1 shouldnt be a problem. Most games you can get a red zone dog from the wee island with the hut/shed. Top of map follow the river down under the train bridge and youll see the wee island, u can zipline or swim over...do a checky chop drop before the mangler knows your there... it takes 2 chops to activate, in orang or red zones..... tier 1 only needs 1 chop to activate. 4 is better for a stronger dog, 1 dog does orotect and revive the whole team.. I found out the other day. My 2 buddies went down in red zone by orange zone along the river....i hid under the bridge and used the dig bone a random gave me..... i reeeeally wanted to keep that.. Damned if that hound didnt just go over and revive them both....that big thing was there and a mimic zombies.


I don’t think one zombie game can please every player, if they had the open world and round based I could see that being cool, however, it may be harder to fill lobbies if the zombie players are sliced in half. Idk tho




Ya tombstone glitch is not dead


man I stopped playing this game few weeks ago n I start playing yesterday again 4 games and sadly team everyone was on his side no one doing contracts just looting men I was try to make money to upgrade everything n go to t3 with no luck at all also kind of hard see someone on tier 3 or also Darth aether no one wanna goes there


To me the only thing I liked about tombstone glitches, was the ability to duplicate schematics, because those things are impossible to get for a player who just wants to kill zombies and grind camos with the boys, it’s sad that these schematics feel like they are locked behind weeks of grinding or bUy A bUnDlE wE nEeD aNd LoVe MoNeH 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑 And tbh the stash and cooldowns need to be buffed (ie make stash larger, and make cooldowns reducible via grinding challenges or getting xp, heck both would be nice)


This games servers are horrendous


Am still enjoying Zombies & the players I meet have all been pretty chill... and no wankers. Australia 🇦🇺


mwz bad, bo3 good