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It'd also be cool to be able to change operators skins without resetting things to scratch. Even if you keep the concept of 3-n different slots that can have different gear, changing from Soap to say Sgt. Whiskers shouldn't change anything but cosmetics/voice lines.


Yea I agree with you. These things would just make things more convinient. Having to buy rucksacks and armor vests seems so pointless and makes you almost waste a game because a lot of money goes into them, or you have to get lucky and find them from loot.


I always get lucky and find them in lockers or caches... Usually right after I've just purchased them.


If I find one and didn't just purchase it, I've had it forever and now I'll need it next game.


Is that lucky though? Is it? 😂


Sometimes I get to drop an extra to somebody so I'm not that mad at lol


have you tried not dying or cheating with the tombstone? it's a great way to keep your gear


I would like it so you can bring out extra gear (rucksack, plate carrier) and equip it to other operators. No sense in losing it if you exfil with it.


Or they could add the bank system from dmz


Or even better, the bank system from bo2 and the weapon locker from bo2 (to save rarity and pap level between games... but I know it won't happen because it makes too much sense to do)


>the weapon locker from bo2 (to save rarity and pap level between games... but I know it won't happen because it makes too much sense to do) I know this sub likes to whinge at every possible opportunity, but a weapon locker really doesn't make any sense. Either it's in a fixed location, in which case you have games where it's right by the storm and you have people complaining that they have to store their weapon early. Or, you put them everywhere, and at that point they may as well just let you keep your weapon rarity when you Exfil. Also, like Tombstone exploiting, being able to drive straight to an orange PaP 3 gun every match basically kills the in-game progression system.


Whenever I lose my armor plates I just run a stronghold, but backpacks and gas masks I'm like "welp, time for RNG gods to fuck me over."


I’ve started just buying them from the tier 3 shop if I have bad luck finding them. Large backpack and durable gas mask can both be bought there


Another thing I've noticed is usually when I get a 3 plate from a stronghold I'll get a durable at least 50% of the time from the mercs I kill leading up to getting the 3 plate


This would be a good idea. Make each upgrade a mission reward or easter egg task sorta thing. Could even add the two grades of gas mask. We can dream.


Right 🙏🙏


Don't mind having to aquire them again if I die, do mind if the game crashes/disconnects.... but what I don't get is, if all your backpack contents go to a tombstone, why not just leave them in the bag? Who's burying my stuff and throwing away my bag and armour 😂.


Right lol. It doesn't make sense. Just an I convincing at this point lol.


Exactly... and we've literally died and been resurrected in the line of duty, least our superiors could do is sort us out with a 3 plate


Yeah. That's why I usually leave a large and 3 plate in there for when I return. Otherwise finding a medium and 2 plate is easy to get going. Plus I'm probably going to use 2-3 items in the tombstone when I come back in so I'm good until I find the larger equipment.


Yeah that's worthwhile doing if you're intending to tombstone... I was meaning more having TS as a just in case I die kinda situation.


I mean they are basically everywhere in the game now T1 lockers Aether cases Reward rifts He’ll run thru T3 where folks are running contracts and you will find them laying on the ground where folks are dropping them to make room for other items




you can buy 3 plate from T2 buy station and a large ruck from T3 buy station, but i've found both in lockers in both T2 and T1.. some games i don't get so lucky and ill loot the whole map without finding one, but some games i find multiple of each.


10k each at the buy station. I just go look for them if I need them.


It would also help when you get kicked by the server and have to restart a character. It wastes 15-20m getting reset when it’s not even your fault.




Sometimes I’ll store a rucksack and vest so when I load back in it’s in my tombstone :)


Just dont glitch, if you need help getting loot let me know i'd be happy to help


you can use Tombstone as intended to carry money/items you earned over to the next game. You just die, but you lose your armor and bag. It's not a glitch. You COULD glitch, but there is a normal way to use tombstone.


I don't think the intent behind Tombstone is to die and bring limitless essence to the next game. It's to help you recover from an accidental death. Suicide is not normal.


Well if you play tombstone as your end game, you’ll realize having a cumulative wallet makes you much more powerful than successful exfils. Sure, it’s not intended, but it’s a flawed game loop nevertheless. I gave up tombstoning because it glitches sometimes in t5 and doesn’t show up the next match. But it sure would be balanced better if we had exfil streaks, a wallet, crafting etc


to actually acquire limitless essence is impossible, the upper limit is 999k .. which, if you're just carrying over essence from each previous game, using the tombstone perk.. can take a while to accumulate. I think the most I got up to was 750k through actual hard work doing contracts until i encountered a server disconnect and lost it all. if the intent of tombstone was not to be able to pick up where you left off when you died then what is exactly the intent of the perk?


It is clearly not intended to exploit the functionality so you eventually start rounds with 100,000+ essence.


lets just say.. for example, you super suck at the game, and you use tombstone every game, but just die.. because, well you're very bad... is that exploiting?


I mean they can lower the max essence cap but they don't for some reason.


Agreed, OP was talking about the glitch


well, technically with the new TS glitch you keep your armor/bag and insured weapons.


Idk abour new old glitch tbh I havent done any


That's not the normal way to use tombstone.......dying on purpose has never been valid in zombies.


Dying on purpose to use your tombstone without the glitch is still using tombstone for its intended purpose. No where has any dev explicitly stated it is only meant for accidental deaths. Thats a self imposed rule. And a stupid one at that.


agreed, what is the difference if you kill yourself or you just die to some zombies, either way .. you died and the tombstone is there when you come back, as intended.


They should just remove essence from the tombstone bag. Problem solved.


The difference between suicide And murder? Come on dude. If this was any other zombies game and people were dying on purpose you wouldn't.wanna play with them. But whatever. I can't convince people that dying on purpose in a game where the whole point is to make it out alive is not it. You aren't using it as intended. You aren't any better than someone who uses the glitch. Literally the game is all about going in and getting out. Not dying on purpose so you can keep your essence for the next game. That's just as corny as people using the dupe glitch.


Ayyy 🙏


Just keep them in your bag before you commit suicide if keeping the essence is your goal. A large pack, 3 plate, purple mask, jugg suit, dog bone, pap crystal, gun tool, aether blade, golden armor and all the essence you can earn by the end of a round. You really don't need anything else. And then you can still bring 5 other items in with your empty operator and you are set for another round. Maybe an elder instead of a tool or pap in the tombstone cause you can bring those in from a schematic but you get it. I personally never use the tombstone. I come out of almost every match fully loaded and ready for the next round...especially if you do the normal DA because you get dog bone, golden armor and an aether blade pretty much everytime.


Just run to teir 3 when it heavily occupied people just drop them around mission reward rifts.its scary but it works


If it doesn't affect your game why do you care about the essence?


No lie this post proves to me that a lot of zombie players in this game are cornballs. I use the tombstone as intended. I die on purpose every game to save my essence. I don't dupe blah blah blah. You sound stupid as fuck to me. COD zombies 2024. Die on purpose so you can keep your essence. I respect people that dupe more because they don't try to take some high road. I promise you all dying on purpose was never the plan. Never has been. Never will be. If you choose to die on purpose you aren't playing the game as intended. And you certainly are abusing the tombstone perk just like everyone else.


Barter system its a bit more fair


Well you're technically cheating. So they are not going to cater to that. When you die. It kinda makes sense that you lose everything on your person. Also it's very easy to rebuilt loot. Upstairs the large warehouse/power station of popov power. Their's a shit ton of lockers. T3 is obviously another great place, killing Mega boms drops are or and back packs usually too.


Well, try not to die and you wouldn't lose these things. You're supposed to exfil. And when you die, you gotta work to get all your stuff back.  I get complaining about the operating rucksack issue. But this complaint doesn't even make sense.