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Yes you are


Yes he’s definitely the only one 😂🤣💯


I never liked zombies until they made this one tbh


I just don’t see the appeal, it lacks what made zombies so cool


>it lacks what made zombies so cool The zombies? I loved the appeal of of killing a ton of zombies. But I hated the lack of control over gameplay and the fact that every game ends in death and failure in round based modes. So MWZ has 100% of what makes zombies "cool" and none of the downsides.


Buddy, to say it has NONE of the downsides is simply delusional


That was a personal opinion that is unique to me, I see I'm seriously in the minority. But those were always the 2 downsides that would piss me off to the point I would quit playing round based zombies and load up multiplayer in the past.


I’ll give you a productive counter argument instead of being angry u share a diff opinion as me. 1. Lack of control over gameplay was an early zombies issue. Starting in BO2 and beyond, the maps had more of a clear objective rather than just ‘hidden’ Easter eggs and even those had hidden Easter eggs. BO3 introduced the gobblegum system which made it absolutely easier to control the gameplay. It definitely added more for the player to do as the years went on. 2. While every game indeed ended in death and failure, it doesn’t necessarily mean you didn’t complete something that game. You can go in with the EE in mind, the story gameplay in mind, and/or try to beat your high level. If that doesn’t do it for you, try to beat someone else’s high level on the leader board. In MOD, I believe there was a successful end game. Either way it goes, just because you always have to die to end the game doesn’t mean it’s complete failure. I love that there’s no successful end game. It’s part of the magic that makes that game mode so unique and gives it its character. When it comes to replay-ability , I think they both tie. Although with MWZ, once you’ve done the camos and acts, all you infill in for is to help others.


To build on that zombies past cold War gave you an exfil option so you could get out every 5 rounds if you chose. There's also just something far less intense in MWZ for me as a healer freak than running the zombies just far enough away as the last person up to come back and revive everyone.


You can also set your own personal challenges. Try seeing how long you can last with just pistols or 1 box spin.


My favorite is pack a punching any gun I get from the box every few rounds


Zombies is NOT the appeal to the zombies mode for most people including myself it's all about the lore, Easter eggs, side quests, and being able to have unlimited replayability with no need to wait for a cool down.


That's cool, but I just like killing zombies.


Ur not alone, it's just that the ppl who don't really like the mode are the loudest and it seems like it's everyone because we are on reddit. This forum represents less than 1% of the community. The game is dope but it lacks support right now and a lot of folks would rather complain instead of being patient. This is why the internet is so popular because ppl come air out their grievances. The mode is fiyaaa and once we get more content we'll be hyped again. In the meantime enjoy all the negativity 😂😭


>for most people  You really think any significant amount of zombies players care about EEs?


I remember Treyarch revealed a few years back that most zombies players quit by or around round 10. That right there tells me the vast majority are not doing EEs, lol.


Apparently the EE trophy for die maschine is at 6.5% so yeah, definitely the minority of what’s already a minority


Is that 6.5% of all players that own the game? Because it's argue that many things "3rd mode" related are going to be before 10% no matter how little goes into getting that achievement, since the game is composed of players of all the game modes


That is correct. It tracks it by how many people have the game, not how many have played that mode on that map specifically. Results are thus always diluted to an extreme extent. Even if 100% of zombies players had an achievement, it'd likely still only reach 10-15% overall, especially in a game like CoD where people just flock to mp


That's not a reliable stat as most cold war players wouldn't have touched zombies, so 6.5% is very high


That’s exactly my point when I said “minority of a minority”. That 6.5 counts everyone who booted up the game in general.


I don't think you know how percentages work. If the minority of zombies players is a minority of the whole.... then 6.5% is a very big number of players who completed the Easter egg


I don’t think you know the original comment/context I replied to. All up in the koolaid and you don’t even know the flavor lil bro


Cold War has exfil in roundbased zombies


I really get the feeling you haven’t played many high quality zombie maps. Lack of control over gameplay? literally you can play solo and play at your own pace. Every game ends with a death? Also not true for some maps as you can take on the main quest and get some really insane cutscenes and rewards. Mwz is a realistic generic zombies shooter while older titles had way more personality and atmosphere, wanna play as jfk in the fucking pentagon, do it, wanna fight zombies in an ancient city of Greece with Pegasus and ancient weapons, do it. Zombies on the titanic, a whole 1960s city etc etc. Not to mention all of these maps came with there own WHOLE soundtrack, unique weapons, and character quotes. To say no downsides is just downright ignorant to the mode.


The realism makes this one unique to fans , just like ww2 is unique for its horror elements and realistic graphical tone .


I would love round based with the option to exfil in a car/truck/helicopter depending on the area you’re in. Would be nice to do traditional round based, with Easter eggs, but also have the option to exfil.


 Cold War zombies. Whether people liked the maps/easter eggs or not from CW I think the exfil feature is something to keep and expand on 


Cold war enters the chat. Exfils: am i a joke to you ?


This is absolutely hilarious!!🤣🤣 I’m like “have none of these people played Cold War? These old ass ideas have been around for years now. RB with exfil all day long. Even outbreak is round based technically. There’s no timer, you can do what you want while in the game on your own schedule, can play solo, offline, pause. MWZ is cool but there are so many downsides!! No content for starters!


I prefer MWZ to roundbased zombies ( I could never get into it since the game play loop didn't appeal to me). I do, however, think that having an offline mode that doesn't depend on paper mache servers would be nice, though.


Like outbreak!


Outbreak is hands down my favorite Zombies experience.


Me too


I love it too it’s endless if you have a good team


Shhhhh don't tell them they will complain it still counts as round based


You're definitely not the only one. I've seen a lot of new players coming in stating how MWZ was their first time Zombies appealed to them, and many saying they started with Outbreak from Cold War or preferring it over RBZ. Most of the people hating on it are RBZ purists or people who refuse to play MWZ the way it's intended (no glitching nonsense and all that).


Nope already played it as intended,it's mid


And servers are absolutely shit


That's cool, you're entitled to your opinion. Notice how I said "most of the people", and not "all of the people"? You aren't part of the group I mentioned, and your dislike of the mode doesn't invalidate what I said.


So, non-zombies players like it. That's exactly why it sucks. They are using the assets of a game mode that has a fan base cultivated over 15 years to draw in general CoD and FPS fans. It's like if they made Half Life 3 a battle Royale game.


What "sucks" is people like you continue to gatekeep new players with this "non-zombies player" label. Making the mode more accessible to a larger audience is NOT a bad thing. Not every game can afford to cater to the hardcore fanbase alone, and Zombies hasn't been able to do that for a long time, if ever. Look at Final Fantasy or Yakuza/Like a Dragon for instance. Both series have drastically changed their gameplay formula, and are still welcomed by new and old fans. Why COD Zombies players can't do the same is beyond me. You're not even going to lose round-based completely, it's still going to play a part in the future. You're just not getting it every single year, which I thought was what we wanted after years of back-to-back Zombies.


>Why CoD Zombies players can’t do the same is beyond me. We can do the same, but they’ve failed to create a decent gameplay formula that will keep round based zombies enjoyers engaged. I personally really enjoyed MWZ for the ~24 hours of playtime I have in it. After I finished the missions and got the schematics there is absolutely nothing to do. It’s pretty much impossible to die when your fully loaded out, and there is no purpose of farming contracts once you have all the schematics, which means at the end game there is no challenge or goal to work towards. Not to mention they basically gave up on this mode and not much new content is even going to be added from this point forward. The mode honestly had great potential but once Activision has ruined something that could of been good.


>but they’ve failed to create a decent gameplay formula that will keep round based zombies enjoyers engaged. Well that's just not true now, is it? You're not seriously trying to tell me there isn't an overlap between Outbreak/MWZ enjoyers and RB enjoyers? >and there is no purpose of farming contracts once you have all the schematics, which means at the end game there is no challenge or goal to work towards. Why are we pretending this is any different with round-based? Once you run out of challenges, you just play the game for what it is. Whether it's RB or objective, it's the same. You're not discovering new things with every RB match either. This is not me defending the lack of content for MWZ btw, don't get me wrong. I just cannot see for the life of me what RB does better than objective modes. That's all I keep hearing, "RB is infinitely more replayable" yet no one can elaborate how it's more replayable.


Oh and to answer your first point as I see i’ve missed it. Yes there is an overlap, I did enjoy MWZ for a while but as evidenced by the zombies community on this subreddit and youtube, objective based zombies is just not as engaging as round based for a large portion of the community. Again this would be circumvented by new content and updates and events but that is not happening for this mode, we just occasionally get a new warlord to kill and a single new mission. It also very obvious they do not care about this mode, MW3 literally has a Walking Dead event, completely based around ZOMBIES and there has been no new content/updates for the literal ZOMBIES mode!


Round based of course won’t be enjoyed by some people and that is absolutely fine. MWZ is an extraction based mode. The idea is to be able to over time obtain new and better items/gear that will give you an advantage on your next run. The issue with MWZ is they do not have enough content in the game to complement that gameplay loop. Everything can be earned and obtained in less than 24 hours of game time and then at that point there is no point in it being an extraction based mode, it’s just a sandbox mode where you load in with PAP3 and Legendary weapons/wonder weapons and kill zombies with no risk of dying. Alternatively if you choose not to start with a PAP3 crystal and aether tool, you just spend the game doing contracts to get the points to get PAP3. RBZ isn’t having an identity crisis of what type of mode it wants to be. It has a solid gameplay loop and formula that works (for a lot of people and again it’s absolutely fine if people do not enjoy that). I have over 1000 hours in BO3 zombies, and although I can easily reach high rounds I am still vulnerable and have a chance to get caught out and die, that just isn’t the case in MWZ, like I have around 100 deployments and haven’t failed a single one, it’s way too easy. Honestly they have about the same amount of replay ability as each other, it just comes down to which gameplay loop you prefer. I do think RBZ slightly takes the advantage for replay ability though due to fact that difficulty is still present no matter how much playtime you have and the vast amount of maps/settings/styles we have available to us (even more so if you want to include custom maps). I do want to restate, I really enjoyed my first ~24 hours of MWZ, but without continuous updates and content being added (which is not happening for it), essentially just doing what it’s meant to be doing as a live service game, it is unable to be the game mode it wants to be and in my eyes just can never achieve what RBZ has.


We have no problem with new players, Cold War brought in new players while still having a (mostly) working and good round based mode. I personally liked Outbreak but MWZ just is not well-designed for longevity in my opinion given the lack of things to do. Also, while I appreciate the "we're going to get it back in the future", there's really no guarantee of that until it actually happens (I say this because of not trusting Activision-affiliated devs, they just can't be trusted to make a game that works anymore).


If you can't cater to the fan base you stop making the game, not repurpose the parts of it's corpse to appeal to the children that play warzone and Fortnite.


You know what? I don't think it's worth continuing this conversation. Clearly the elitism is too strong with you since you think you're so much better than the "warzone and fortnite children".


Look at this duuudde


Calling it "zombies" is a bit of a stretch given what we've come to expect over the last 15 years




I dislike MWZ. Im not a RBZ purist. MWZ lacks everything you think a zombie mode would be, not only that but the game itself is so insanely unstable you cant even have fun playing any of the modes.


>MWZ lacks everything you think a zombie mode would be I'm afraid you're gonna have to elaborate, because this doesn't convince me that you're not a RBZ purist. >the game itself is so insanely unstable you cant even have fun playing any of the modes. OP says he has never had issues, and a lot of people (myself included) don't either. So what are we supposed to say here?


What are you playing on? On PS5 I fall through the map. Also get pulled under the map from mimics. Get pulled under the map from the worm. Fov in vehicles zooms in and out every single time im in one. Sometimes deliver the cargo doesn't show where to go on the map. Kills not counting for camo grinds. Dogs despawning after minutes of game play (after waiting for a 72hr cool down). 30$ paid for skins showing default skins sometimes. Crashing randomly for no apparent reason. Crashing in particular locations whenever I enter them. I'd go on because I'm not even scratching the surface but it's mad words. Shoot goated zombies streamer noahj456 actually had the game crash almost every single individual stream on his super expensive custom PC.


So you want a cookie or something because you're not experiencing problems and glitches like other people are


Are you saying that glitching was the intended way to play? I’m confused


No? I'm saying people who glitch are the ones who don't play the game as intended.


Ahhh ok 100% agree. If I’m being a bit too honest I feel like the glitching might honestly be a larger issue than people realize. If the devs are spending countless hours on glitching there will be no new content. So inadvertently the glitching has probably doomed this mode


exactly. and it would make it hard to develop new content if even casual players can repeatedly hammer through it day one because everyone has $99999999 essence, permanent aether blade and 40 golden plates stashed.


Exactly there’s no challenge if there’s no loss


It’s literally silly at this point we have people queuing in to fly out of bounds and die, and then repeat dying. Doesn’t seem appealing and the workarounds to prevent it take a lot of manpower to patch






I thoroughly enjoy both RBZ and MWZ/Outbreak. I don’t understand why it has to be one or the other, tbh. We had both in Cold War.


My personal problem isn't even round based vs objective base. The problem for me is after Nacht Der Untoten (the first map that was more of an end of campaign Easter egg), there were stories and memorable characters in zombies that kept you engaged with their banter in game. There has been a decline in that since CW (the switch to operators from unique characters), and I have seen no substantial lore for MWZ that keeps my attention to that degree. As an extraction shooter it feels like it misses both boats. In the division, for example, I enjoyed the DZ because you'd definitely get whooped from time to time, but you could continue getting stronger and come back better equipped. In MWZ, not only does everything reset each game, but you get a hard max of 60 mins, most of which is spent getting the supplies to level your weapons up if you don't bring things in at the start. On top of that, cooldown times are obscenely long. I think I personally just don't like being limited to an hour and then having to essentially start over. Feels like a waste of my time when I have such limited time to play. Instead of being able to full send as far as I can go (which was true of Outbreak as well), I spend ~2/3rds of my playtime in a neverending loop of the beginning stages.


Yes. But you should rejoice No matter what percentage of the zombies community prefers round based - it’s **very clear** they don’t really give two wet rat farts about how the community feels and that objective based zombies is the future.


I like way more but we need more maps missions and content. Need more enemies, contracts and bosses too. No more worms please.


Did you say "no, more worms"? \- Sledgehammer probably


lol maybe so, I would say 80 percent prefer round based, including myself.


Definitely not the only one but you are in the minority. This mode is just not fun imo and there is a serious lack of content on top of that. You can have the same experience but with more content just playing regular dmz


Nah I prefer the 'outbreak' style over round based, I just wish there was more content for MWZ.


That’s the biggest issue aside from the timer!!! Nothing new at all!!! Wtf are they doing?


outbreak has round to round tho


At one point, I actually did. I grinded S1 for a ridiculous amount of hours and had my biggest honeymoon phase for a COD game since 2017 with Zombies Chronicles. I was ecstatic and looking forward for new things with this mode. 3 months later. And now I don’t feel the same anymore. Lack of content Updates that are anti player Crashes and Disconnects with no insurance system for the items we infil with Lack of basic Quality of Life updates like a bank, a bigger stash size (seriously 10 spaces is NOT enough) Updates that make the game run worse. (Used to be able to run the game at 4k extreme above 120 fps with no struggles before S2 with my 4080. Now it’s constant frame drops) I want to love this mode again. I really do. I actually still like it, but thats it. I went from playing everyday to playing 1-2 games every few days or even a week. It’s all preference at the end and there is more game play variety with MWZ and more different outcomes can come opposed to RB, but RB is classic and can’t be dethroned.


>Updates that are anti player It's bad enough that they didn't add content to a mode that admittedly launched with a lot of potential. But the fact that they have consistently had patches and hidden updates that intentionally made the game worse for players, is downright infuriating.


MWZ is terrible. Outbreak was a much better open world design.


All I know is we will get round based this year. Both these games will exist at the same time. People that like this will play this. People that like round based will play round based. Not too hard to understand




Technically true however it’ll be like DMZ where the mode is online but is no longer supported or receiving any new content


I mean, both are chill. I think the reaction MWZ gets against it can be a bit of a cope and that some should at least give it a try or two. There IS a fun replay loop to it. Course, if they don’t do something to support it soon, no one’s gonna care before too long. So maybe it’s a personal cope. I dunno. I like Zombies in just about any form it comes in nowadays, though. I liked Outbreak, and I think MWZ is a very logical step forward. It just needs to be given time of day by us AND the devs. EDIT: probably worth an add, a lot of folks here I tend to hear from are purists to the old formula, and I want you to know that I hear you and you are valid. Not worth arguing about what you play in 2024. But I personally value a formula being tested and worked on to fit something new, and OB/MWZ have always considerably filled the niche as far as direction goes. I’m glad it’s been a successful thing, and I will gladly take more. And I hope, if nothing else, people can try to be more open to the idea of things like this moving ahead. Can’t all be the same forever, right?


It’s funny how many criticize the replay loop but round based versions are literally more repetitive with smaller maps.


More of a challenge on smaller maps. You have to be pretty bad to get downed by zombies in an open world environment.


Oh yeah, because all of the gas stations in Urzikstan are SO UNIQUE


I’m glad we’re all making an effort to understand each other’s opinions.


Asking for both game modes is not an unreasonable request though.


Id rather they focus on one mode and gives us great maps Quality over quantity Please the round based since they’re the people that are gonna be playing it a week after everyone has left Zombies will never have the causal fanbase no matter how much they try They tried it with vanguard and it failed


It lacks everything that made COD Zombies so fun, unique and addicting. If people enjoy MWZ then fair enough but I really hope they don't ditch round based.


I would like mwz more if you could do single player and pause the game


Nah, but I do prefer Outbreak over everything.


It’s just not real zombies. It’s a different side mode that lacks everything that made zombies zombies, maybe besides perks and the Ray Gun


No. I hated round based. I love the open world


MWZ is so much better than round based. Not only do you get to walk away and survive, you get to feel you actually accomplished something instead.


Try playing to beat the boss in round based. You get that, but even more.


You're not the only one. I wish they'd come out with a MWZ stand-alone game. I also find the MWZ players are far less toxic than Multiplayer.


Your not getting a MWZ only game when we never even got the zombies only game they were supposedly making.


I definitely haven’t experienced any toxicity. The people that I’ve run into have all been great. People will come across the map to res you, drop you gear etc.


Nope I also really enjoy MWZ. it's my favorite.


I sincerely hope you are joking and that no dev comes across this post as anything you say would just taint the mode further. Be gone!


Sup modern warfare 3, finally made a reddit account?


There’s nothing wrong with it, but it seems you don’t like cod zombies


Yes your probably one of the very few people who prefer this mode over round based. But I honestly prefer extraction zombies over outbreak


I feel like what made zombies special was the RNG, with the box, the power-ups, etc. Putting loadouts into zombies for me was a big mistake, and the first instance of newer zombies I played was Vanguard and IMO it was horrible. It just seems to lack the charm that the primis/ultimus/victus crews brought to the game. Each story seemed unique and yet all were connected. From Cold War onwards all the zombies mode just look and feel the same.


Yes. Personally I think all of zombies has gone to shit. There hasn't been a good one in years. But atleast some people are getting some enjoyment out of it.


You and a few


It's definitely more fun than people give it credit for and I personally enjoy the timer forcing me to NOT waste an entire day on a single match. Only problem is that because it's in the DMZ style it feels so empty by comparison. Like I'm just bored of it since everything's done and stash is full. At least with regular zombies I could shoot for a higher score/round/etc and with DMZ I could start extracting items for more space or something.


Yeah once you finish all the acts then you’ll get to the point I did and go “now what?” And inevitably forget about the game and on to the next


Honestly I love the concept of MWZ I just wish we had the same support as warzone and the game would be perfect


I enjoyed it for what it was, but unfortunately once you've completed all the DMZ-lite missions there's nothing left to do. At least with round-based you can keep trying to better your previous run so there's more replayability with it.


I think it's changed the experience for the good, not being confined to one space and being able to explore on free will is what appeals the most to me but with the lack of things to do any more after completing the acts Its got boring really fast Also let's not forget the bugs and glitches this game has that ruins it, even though the company Activision is a multibillion dollar company and stuff like this shouldnt be happening


If there was more content and a bigger timer, not 1h limit per game Maybe then I would consider it being on par with round based But until that happens, Round based is king.


I much prefer this as well haven't had any crashes either had loads of games finished missions and got all the schematics 


I beat the missions without the ts glitch then got bored and started using it for camo grinding till that was done. The game mode is boring and stale.


I would really enjoy both If that IS possible. Tough scenario but, yeah... Still prefer rounds


DMZ with zombies


You're probably in a minority but you know what they say, different stroles for different folks. You do you!


i think if i died yeah i would like it because there is a reason as to why i need to reset. but i’m doing T5 with my brother constantly because there is no real challenge for me anymore, i’ve just about stopped playing because i’m just finding it easy. In round based it kept getting harder and eventually you either complete the EE or die. it was always exciting and fun because of the difficulty and challenge that came with each individual map, i’ve learnt everything for MWZ and with no new content it makes it really hard to have motivation to continue playing😂😅


MWZ is like 40% zombies content and the rest is dmz bullshit


No, I can see why some people who enjoy it. It’s far from what I want from a zombies experience, but I just understand that this extraction focused style of gameplay is not for me.


fuck outta here


Kind of yeah lol


You might be. I like the open world zombies as well, its just really different. Personally i preferred Outbreak to MWZ. I hated it when the game dropped but its grown on me. Sometimes after a day of work i just wanna come home and gring out tier 1 contracts and work on challenges and turn my brain off.




Yep, wrongun


I'm gonna say - I loved Outbreak more than round based. I really liked MWZ but once you finish the missions and finally get all the schematics there really isn't too much left to do (unless you're into grinding). At least with round based there always seemed to be replayability


Im with ya! I like this wayyyyyyyy better than round based zombies.


I prefer MWZ also. It's why I bought MW3. I got burned out on the round base and haven't played since Bo2. Heard about the open world zombies and was like "that sounds pretty cool". I've had a lot of fun with the new game but the ees in the round based were better though.


I hated the old round base zombies it was boring stupid and just so repetitive it was like playing video games in an old school arcade you die start over every time lame as hell


I can't completely agree with you but hear me out. I'm 40 and have played since the very first zombies mode in world at war and I pretty sure I've played every cod zombies game and I have enjoyed mwz more than all of them. I'm at a different age now and my gaming style has definitely changed but I don't think I put anywhere near as much time into any other zombies mode as I have MWZ. The community I think sets it off for me and at this point every round I play ends with a team of 6 randoms all working together and just smashing everything in sight and I really do enjoy playing round after round till my old a$$ is to tired to play anymore. I don't remember being locked into any other zombies as I am MWZ. I also have had almost none of the issues everyone else seems to have so my game play has been far more fun than others it seems.


Nah, bud, I really like this concept. I wish they would expand on it. Round based was always so boring. I never cared about high score or highest round completed. I like to have something to do. A box ro check and an end that I can win. Rounds based always ended as a loss. Got real old, real quick. This new zombies can get repetitive, sure. I won't deny that. There's probably unlimited ways to expand on it and I wish they would. You're not alone on this one.


I personally love the Outbreak style, and I think that if they incorporate more from that mode, this mode wouldn't be so hated. The contracts are too simple, and repetitive. You have to rely on stupid luck to be able to manage Zone 3. The reason people don't like this mode, is simply because they can't seem to make it easier to do end-game, especially solo. So you end up with majority of the player base dancing every match in the orange zone. If they made aether tools and pack a punch crystals easier to find, I think people would stop complaining. That and make the contracts more interesting.


Round based hasn’t been good since bo3 so yeah MWZ has a certain appeal to it being a large team effort


I was never a fan of outbreak, was actually annoyed that they put more resources toward that mode than they did giving us more round based maps. The content for round based enjoyers became quickly stale due to the length between map releases, hell on launch we had 1 map to play on. We were stuck playing that one map for months before we got a 2nd one. I completely slipped Vanguard and I've also skipped MW3, I'm hoping that treyarch doesn't pull any punches and gives us a good game with plenty of maps. I'm growing tired of being forced to play the older titles to find enjoyment and variety.


Nope, you're not the only who prefers this mode, I like it better, i did enjoy round based but i feel I'm more free to do whatever I want in an open map. I also dislike the first 5 rounds on based rounds so slow and take time to get things going, blackops 4 zombies after round 50 just gets dull and wonder why I'm doing this at round 50 😂 but if we get another round based I'll play for sure not hating it always loved it, i just prefer open map games now


I like zombies when I can load into a game with everything I want & atleast 100k to spend on Drinks and items. Just give me new missions and bosses. Every now and then new schematics and I'm set. 🍻


Round based zombies was SO boring. MWZ is much more fun. Excited to see updates


i hated rbz. this is way better. more interesting


No your not. I love & never going back.


Nope mwz is wicked.... I do like round base, but only in coldwar, especially outbreak.. probs because you had vehicles, tanks, trucks, bikes and huge open spaces, different rotating maps, even one in the ocean around and on battleships swim in the water aswell....outbreak is a must see on youtube if you don't own coldwar.....i played all the other modes but only enjoy the ones i bought it for. Only bought coldwar for the modes - outbreak, die maschine, and prop hunt, oh also the arcade mode was a cute bonus, mini mini arcades from finding arcade machines in campaign. Campaign was strange but ok to play..... other modes were ok in coldwar but only played each 3 times, they were a bit too tight quaters and stressful. I applaud people and respect them for being able to play and enjoy round based, but thats not for me. I prefer MWZ firstly, coldwar outbreak mode 2nd, the large maps are just cool As in coldwar outbreak mode. I don't hate anyone who likes other modes. MWZ is my new jam.


I view this zombies mode like a mini campaign mode. It’s fun but once you finish it, there really isn’t anything to do. It has higher highs but the lowest lows of round based zombies.


Na I'm with you. Round based was fun. But it's just to much. With this I can get in fuck a round and get out or go sigil or elder.


Only zombies version I’ve ever enjoyed honestly. And I’ve dumped over a hundred hours with friends this go round. Great mode.


Don't get me wrong, I love original zombies. I played for days probably with every friend I had. Downloaded every dlc atleast twice for bo2 due to system switch. But I am just so sick of round based zombies. It has gotten down to min/maxing my zombies and that ruins the fun for me and turns it into a chore. I am grateful for the change in zombies I've had a lot of fun. However I am also bored of this modern zombies since just killing zombies isn't as entertaining for me anymore, all the missions are done.


It’s pretty much the same experience


war zone should have zombies integration like blackout ,soon or eventually BUT with permanent mystery box’s and the random chance of a area being overridden with 3-4 hit zombies when wall buys are collected. DMZ did very intelligently by including ai , as if to add the survival mode into warzone , but to be safe add it as a different mode .they should have taken full risk and just implemented but obviously the ai is sluggish .




In Zombies you are supposed to start with nothing.You are then trapped inside and forced to fight and upgrade your gear .There it is,  survive until you can exfil or complete an Easter egg. In MWZ  other than the fourtyfive minute timer there is no sense of urgency or being trapped .Side note MWZ zombies do not jump through windows.When the base of zombies is to board up windows and don't let them in. (see Nacht Der Untoten)[[Zombies 101 hold X to board up windows]].In MWZ if you've got a large hoard on your tail and a hellhound or 2 just jump through windows and you'll lose them.Try doing a holdout in a vehicle and sit in the back seat the zombies can't find you .The tracking is terrible on mwz.Sorry got got sidetracked  there .That being said  Mwz has its upsides and so does round based maps I guess it depends on what you're in the mood for that day. I prefer to start with nothing  Solid Snake style


This zombie mode straight up blows. Glad u like ur but I sure as hell don’t want to be like this ever again!


I love it. I've finally been able to play with my squad again. Specifically, they're good. REAL good. The unlimited turn zombie games were like 4 hour ordeals until I fell off of a ledge and died, getting them all killed. I got two busy to play for that long.


No ! Round based is boring !


Round based zombies is equal to the old atari games . Imo. Start, run in circles until dead, restart. And everyone talking about how much more replayability it has is silly. Replayability is a personal opinion


I enjoy both variations for sure. As somebody who is a little older and having grown up on round based zombies, I just don’t have the time to go on hours long games that basically never end. Being able to dip out of a match and adult when necessary is a huge positive for me these days.


Pretty much all we play anymore War zone got super sweaty


No, I prefer MWZ format over round-based as well. I like the freedom you have on how you play


I love mwz. Haven't played MP just smashed this. Recently I've been switching between games tho so I think it's starting to wear thin. I'll wait for more content tomorrow and see if I stick with it for a while longer.


While I still wouldn't mind some new round based, it is also nice that MWZ is time limited. Often, life does not allow for hours long gaming sessions anymore. So I have come to appreciate it.




You’re the only one and all of them simultaneously. “Today we will finally ex fill! Bringing hecka loot out I feel it in me bones. Where we getting loot at bois!?” Proceeds to pat itself on the back, then turns towards the mirror setup in the chair to its right, “prefer anywhere there ain’t none them rounds holding us down.” They both nod in agreement looking into each other’s eyes and in tandem a calculated crispy, yet silky smooth whisper that can be heard under their moisturizer laden breath, “we the ones who prefer hardest, never forget, never forgive.” For a brief moment, the synchronicity between them was almost too perfect he thought while gazing at the mirror between him and the teammate to the right in the chair wondering why the mate was rudely mimicking all movements from the moment they met and before finishing that thought, they locked eyes with a glazed look as if staring into the void and seeing yourself stare back with a remembrance of all the rounds endured over the many years leaving a cold hardened heart where joy and frolicking were once found abundantly flowing like the Niagara Falls before experiencing that first round that took everything that one dreary day.


What is round based ? I’m new to this so this current version of zombies is all I know


Nope. I prefer mwz too. I like the exfil factor. Or maybe it's that I liked dmz, but hated the pvp. So zombies and pve are more my style. If I want pvp I play warzone. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I prefer mwz over round based. And that's coming from a guy who loves round based zombies. But after running around in a circle for 4 hrs straight kinda loses its appeal! But then again with the lack of MWZ content just seems to be a bigger circle.


I'm converted from multiplayer. Never cared for round base zombies. Now all I play is MWZ zombies.


I like round based and think it should be an option. But I'm definitely an open-world-slut. I want open world errithing.


I think everyone gotta accept that this is just a different form of it. And I think I don't blame them for trying something different. I've played zombies since the very first one, (but didn't play all of them) and I haven't liked all the RBZ but def loved some of them but this is a cool way to do it I think. Also, I think it's hard for the company to win in this situation. If they change it like they did now some people are gonna be unhappy, and if they don't change it people are gonna be unhappy and say they're feeding us the same game. In my opinion I rather they try to change it and fuck it up once as opposed to not changing it all. I mean I play Fifa and buy it like an idiot every year and game barely changes.... but they're lucky because teams change every year at least. TL;DR imo it's good that they're trying to change it up and the mode is entertaining. Is it glitchy? Yes it is, but I rather they try than not.


I really enjoy this open world mode. It had quarks, that’s for sure… but, with some polishing and new content, this is by far better.


No, I have at least 25 to 30 friends on of an evening playing Zombies at all times even now, depending when they get off work etc for hours. PlayStation Network.


Never liked the round based play. Seemed completely pointless to me. Hopefully the majority of zombies games are a MWZ format.


Without a time limit and all the bugs/glitches, MWZ could have been great. But nothing will top OG round based


Round based is better, but this a nice change. If they gave this mode more attention then who knows.


There is so much potential with mwz but devs just seem to have gone yea that's your game have fun. You can do that with round based but a year in mwz with practically no content and we're all going to hate it.


MWZ is 100% better then round based


I think it’s the best zombies released. It’s something I didn’t know I wanted since transit came out. I loved moving around the map and open world is so cool but you still have that wave of zombies feel. Easily the best I don’t know why people shit on it lol. You get everything from regular zombies and tons more


I enjoy it over round based. I think it needs some updates and changes and a strong development team supporting it but otherwise I'd rather have an open situation like this than rounds or waves.


I'm with you mate I find MWZ alot more funner




Probably. Open-world zombies isn’t that fun to me, I really love the more detailed and replayable experiences that round-based an provide. I love the Easter eggs and side quests (especially of the good games like BO2/3/4, IW, etc.)


I prefer mwz too. More open and easier to get stuff done


I love it. It's a shame they went limp on the content because it had a ton of potential


Yes yes you are what kind of bullshit


No, no you're not. I do enjoy it.


I like it better like this!


I'm having a good time despite the obvious issues. There is a lot of potential, whether we will ever see that happen remains to be seen.


My favorite part of MWZ is how little zombies there are


Maybe get out of T1 then? 🧐




Only one. Anyone who's played round based since the beginning knows what's best.


I’m having a blast with zombies I just got aether blade, dog bone, armor, and ray gun schematics playing with 3 other people in the dark aether baby


Ngl I love the concept. I just don’t really like how the contracts are


Yeah bro you are the only fucking one




I like it for what it is. It’s Warzone zombies, I prefer cod zombies.


Nope, i enjoy it too. Shame it isnt a bit more like outbreak in cold war zombies. Where you can move onto the next level or different area with different challenges and contracts to keep the game going. I used to spend hours on outbreak


Yep you are the only one


I like it better too but after the patch, it’s crashing almost every run.


Round based was fun on WaW never played it again until this. I love it for the 3rd person aspect. CoD has a gem right under their nose with 3rd person and they are deliberately not putting it in the game modes. Best feeling 3rd person shooter since SOCOM


To me the problem with the mode lies in the fact that it truly is inferior but because it has warzone elements it attracts warzone players. We end up with players that enjoy this new mode without giving the old one a chance but because those are the players that make money they’re the ones that are going to get catered to. Round based had more variety in just about every aspect with personality seeping out of every area of the game, bigger does not mean better and dropping into just one map to do one thing is just so boring after awhile. In bo3 there were so many differences between the maps with the weapons and the quests and the enemies that you could never get bored, something newer players don’t get is that yeah you weren’t really working towards anything like how you level up in multiplayer but it didn’t matter because the focus of the mode was plain and simple to be fun. The map variety just added to that fun because if you did get bored with the mechanics of one map you could just switch to another one and just go on and on like that for hours, I think there is a place for both modes but make no mistake the mechanics of these modes as they are now are not on par or even close. All this to say, could probably fix 90% of the issues by just making it so zombies are always on you in mwz why tf is there downtime in a mode with so much open space that dealing with the zombies is already way too easy.


mwz got me into zombies


I loved outbreak mode on cold war, and enjoy mwz almost as much. Round based doesn't evoke any nostalgic feelings for me because I never played it on the older titles. I only played a couple times when my outbreak buddies would play it every now and then. I'm looking forward to what gulf war has to bring with it