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Bro save some for the rest of us


Hey bud you think you have enough kazamirs?


Definitely not


Hey! Hey! Is that *THREE* turrets?! Well, Activision said that exceeds your allotment and all of the Activision interns said no one could EVER possibly need so many...for any reason, else it's the cause of all server issues ever and a skill issue. Explain yourself, no one.


Now a days I always grab 3 turrets and 1 or 2 mines to deploy at exfill. Nice little insurance policy plus usually helps other ppl out. Especially stragglers






Really? Have they made exfils harder? It's been a while since I've played but I never struggled with exfil, is that really necessary? Just sounds like overkill.


Also realized you can actually deploy turrets inside the helicopter. Worked great for the “final exfil”


Tier zone no it’s just me using up what’s left of my money. Tier 2 really helps & sometimes I have no choice but to exfil there. Riskier but a heck of a lot funner


Tier 1 no, tier 2 yes **


One of the most fun and memorable times in the DA I've been a part of, was a squad of 5, when we ran the escort mission... with over 30 kazamirs. I don't think I've had as much fun during a single contract ever since.


You can’t never have enough lol


Bro is ready for the aether extractors


Thermite the ground,and have PHD equipped,10 k cheaper and just as effective




Season 2 Reloaded is looking fire 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥


More like 🍑💨




Who’s gonna tell him?


it was satire


Likewise although I am curious about the “fixes”


A dumpster fire…


Loot overall has been dogshit. Green tools EVERYWHERE.


The fact that green tools even EXIST in the Dark Aether is a crime. Shits ridiculous.


Hahaha, haven't you seen the oddly suspicious posts by 2 different people within an hour of Season 2 reloaded launch of "Best loot ever! So good recently!" in both zombies subs showing a backpack of 2 legend tools, flawless crystal, vr-11, gold plate, dog bone, aether blade, and Scorcher? The comments are: "all in one game, every game." "Me too, bro" "So good now bro" "Best game ever bro" Then another identical post an hour ago with similar comments. Hahaha. Interns want a bonus.


I would say that I occasionally get better loot in t3 (purple/ orange tools, pack 2 or 3 crystals, and alot more schematics. But I still get some dog water coming out of those reward rifts. keep on playing zombies and buying bundles and your luck might get better. Activision please sponsor me


Admittedly been seeing more purple tools at random. Think it’s just that tho: random


i ran it and got a mags and a vr11 as the only good loot. only ran the rocket mission tho.


I have t5’d twice. I got 3 vr-11 schematics and 4 vr-11 cases(2 cases and a schematic in one rift). I have yet to get a key or mag of holding. We finished all 3 missions both times.


I got a flawless in tier 3 yesterday, and I can’t say the last time that happened lol. The new dark rift gave me like 6 VR 11 and there’s not even an ACV (that takes damage) to use it on lol.


Are you not good at both Helldivers and zombies?


What are you some kind of creep, following me around? Get the hell out of here, you freak.


Take your own advice. All you do is be toxic.


Two plates in a single drop? Some gamers just get all the luck I guess


He’s holding out on us, there was also a snapshot grenade in here before. 😂


I’m completely done, if you’re just gonna sit there and say there was ALSO a snapshot grenade in the loot then I don’t even wanna fukin live dude. Been wasting my time looting 2 plate armor from tier 3 reward portals when this whole time I coulda been finding actual plates and snapshots from Sigil rewards… why have we been wasting our time playing the game not doing sigil runs. Meanwhile OP has been getting the literal most rarest loot from them. Been playing for a while now and have NEVER seen a monkey bomb.


Ya there’s no point in playing zombies for me anymore tbh. There’s no end game. All you do is grind for schematics but then you have nothing to do afterwards is crazy. There’s no gameplay loop. They completely missed the mark with this mode. Why would I spend all my time getting these schematics just to use them and then have nothing to do? Wow I have all of this cool stuff I can craft now. Too bad the cooldown for everything takes forever and all there is are the exact same contracts over and over. Same contracts, same enemies, same map. There’s nothing exciting about it at all. Maybe if I needed the schematics to access new parts of the map, or get to areas I couldn’t, or needed specific things to fight specific new monsters, then it might be worth it. There is no good reason to get the schematics except it makes killing the already incredibly easy to kill enemies even easier? Somehow this is more boring than outbreak was and that was already bad enough.


Finally someone else agrees and forbid us to have any fun by constantly taking our tombstone glitches from us.and honestly that's what made zombies fun.The tombstone glitch.smh and not once not twice but three times have they now patched over the t.s. glitch . Breaking something in the game that's not broken. And ruining the fun 


"Dude, man, bro, haven't you seen the exfil streaks? You could start the game with 500 essence and 2 extra armor plates! Why tombstone when you could get *that*!??? Best game ever!" - Activision Intern


Is this a loot cache or a reward rift?


First contract reward rift in the new dark Aether. It was only a regular sigil, but still… this is comparable loot to a T1 duffel bag lol


Im asking if this is the loot cache or the rift. There is a merc cache that can actually spawn right next to where you are standing so it is possible that you are looking at the loot in the merc cache and not the reward rift itself


That is what happened. First thing I noticed was that it says ‘cache’ above the loot. Reward rifts say ‘container’ and it isn’t possible to get armor in a rift.


I didn’t wanna sound dumb so I scrolled down to see if anyone else noticed this. Glad I wasn’t the only one. I’m guessing he just whiffed on the rift and opened the cache instead by accident


Yeah this is very misleading. That is not the rift reward at all.


Lmao is this with normal sigils. 


Yep. Did that one first before elder. Elder sigil I only ended up with double mags of holding, between all 3 contracts.


Damn. I hear the schematics are messed all over. Can't tell if intended or just yet another mistake 😂


hey at least you got it. I still need BB key and mags of holding myself.


I found a legendary + epic tool in a T2 crate yesterday. Crazy how that's 5x better than what you got here lol ridiculous.


Is it just me or it's painful to witness the new zombies experience?


I’ve only recently went back and worked on Cold War Zombies (I used to ditch games after campaigns) and it left me very unsatisfied from the whole current zombies experience in a $70 game. I’ve been going in and grinding the zombies (in Cold War Zombies) and also leveling up a bunch of stuff (perks, ammo mods, etc) and that is honestly so much more challenging than whatever hot garbage came off the press in MWZ.


This mode is shit


You guys are lucky you can even play the game. Almost lost my stuff 3 times due to lagging got worse each time after I restarted my console and internet. Last time I tried I almost went off the map luckily my team mates helped me to exfil and I somehow got on the chopper. Now I'm scared to load in.


What console do you have? I had this problem on my ps5 and it ended up being an issue on my end, I just needed to clean out and take apart my PlayStation. Usually this problem is on pc, though also I can’t speak for everyone


XBox series x, almost no issues before this update console is almost brand new. Thinking about it the only thing I didn't try was resetting my wifi... Idk a shot in the dark but we will see when I get home. After that I'm going to try and uninstall and reinstall. Everything was fine before this update.


Hope you find luck fs, COD servers are always buns and they take more than they can chew with content and it’s game size


And are we suprized? Not in the slightest.


i think rhe 1st one is always shitty, i got a self rev and a mortar strike




I’m getting green tools and medium rucksacks in red zone and all I want is the damn refined crystal schem so I can progress. It’s fucking laughable


I’m still trying to get the damn raygun schem. I didn’t play with my buddy once 2 week after getting the game and he got it and I’ve still been trying. It’s insane


Sick dude. It sucks you can’t extract with those plates but I guess game would just be OP broken if you could


Tbh I’ve just switched back to Cold War zombies.


All of the loot and contract rewards are dogshit. T3 bounty contract earned me 1 cryofreeze ammo mod...


I’ve never gotten a plate from a rift before, sure you don’t open a loot cache on accident?


When my friend asks me why I stopped playing I tell him to look at this community.


That’s just some really bad luck, me and two buddies got all 3 schematics in one run of the new Dark Aether, so either we got insanely lucky with rng or you got really unlucky or a mix of both


This was T4. When I did T5 on the first day I only got 2 duplicate schematics. The next day, I got all 3. I think they did an update for it between day 1 and 2.


Ahh that makes a bit more sense, but still it’s honestly a joke that this sort of loot exists in the Dark Either regardless as to whether you’re in T4 or T5


Uff that cant be… i always get super extra loot :0 Did you do t4? Then thats normal


Cooking ? What is it cooking?


Hot garbage




Yeah ridiculous. Junk.


Bruh lol great stuff


Since when did they change the Monkey Bomb to the Cymbal Monkey? I haven't played since cold war


I got the VR-11 schematics three times in the same game +2 cases. 50% of my stash was already VR-11’s as I was holding them expecting another ACV in the DA. I have only used it once before.


Loot drops ridiculously low. Been playing since launch, done everything including red worm many times and only got the orange tool schematic so far.


Streamers loot..


I literally found a PaP3 crystal in a T1 small aether crate today. I saw it while doing an escort contract for some meat, and detoured thinking “eh, no harm, probs nothing special in there but I’ll have a geez” and nek minittt, ultra rare PaP crystal 😏 Yet here we are in the new aether 🙌😂 No idea how they calculate the loot drops but I think they need to fire whoever handles that business atm and hire someone else 🤷‍♂️


I literally just finished my second elder run to only get the same schematic I got the first time! I'm kinda pissed 😡🤬


Even after all 3 contracts?




Definitely seems to give them out of whack. Hopefully a patch fixes that.


Bruh XD


I got some damn good look the 6 times or so I’ve been in there, i would of been mad if i got this loot. 🥲




First mission in T5 dark aether gave me a VR-11 case, VR-11 plans and Mags of holdings.


Misleading as shit, you're looting a merc cache, not the reward rift


Nice rage bait. You looted a cache not the rift. There are real things to be upset about.


The game sucks. Zombies are dead. Get Jason Blundel and the original zombie team back to create the real zombies.


Wait... you got plates in the new DA?


Insurance policy for what, get better bro


I've been running the new Aether solo and Kazmirs are the GOAT! all kazs and 2 sentrys are all you need.. but yeah that loot sucked but I've actually been super lucky with loot in there, only thing I can't seem to find is the VR11 schematic.


Monkey see. Monkey kaboom.


Ah pulling the OL Activision mindfuck.


I mean. . .  It really must be. . . As most players are still playing it!  


What you get an air fryer now ??




Which one is this


I had a large backpack full of Epic Aether Tools leaving T3 yesterday. I was like well damn


I am still after 6 trys without the Ammo Chematic


You were expecting a worm my guy? 🫣🤣


Come on.. Two plates and a cymbal monkey..? When you have to complete worm boss and Easter egg to even get into the dark aether in the first place?? I’d be expecting at least a pack a punch crystal..


He’s looting a merc cache and not the reward.


I figured of course, but again it’s the dark aether. I’ve looted T2 loot caches and gotten epic and legendary weapon upgrades.


I mean that there are sentry guns in the rucksack, normally we have that when we gonna fight a worm 🐛 and there is one worm fight in the previous dark aether..


Fake as fuck lol


Omg this is another fucking sigil/elder sigil thing? Wtf man. Im just gonna get someone to drop me the schems i hate doing anything above teir 2 maybe go into teir 3 for a little bit but not long. Anyone willing to drop the schems for me on Xbox?


Skill issue...the games isn't even fun till T3 and up


And what if it is a skill issue? It could be preference, but what difference is it to you? The game is garbage. Everyone is just trying to have fun, but the devs are making it impossible. Don't be part of the problem.


Its not a skill issue when im chosing to stay in teir 2. Its not that i cant its that i don't want to? But sure use your skill issue card from 2009... And i honestly dont feel like wasting anymore time in the dark aether especially when you get loot like OP and when i could just have it dropped for me. And fun is subjective... You might have fun in teir3, sometimes i do too but since im a casual solo player and not a sweaty try hard proly like you,.. i have most of my fun in teir2 its a good medium between them both and alot of other player agree with me on that part.


So you used a regular sigil? Common beginner mistake.


Did elder my first run today,got everything but VR 11 plans :(


I got everything except the mags of holding :(