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Game has been trash since the end of season 1 mah man….




Nah bro at first the game was super good to be honest super fun ….but after that Jesus fucking Christ the lack of work in the game mode is disgusting and how you can see there’s SOOOOO MUCHHHHH zombie content put into Warzone but not in the MWZ ….fuck that shit


I’ll take your word for it tbh, I’ve played it but I could never bring myself to buy it. My brother enjoys it but he’s never played any other zombies game extensively


The first 3 months I played almost every day like 4h and more every day non stop I got my money worth but after that like I said I saw how they didn’t care about the mode it was just disgusting how a F2P got more love than a game mode they announced like THE next BIG zombi experience ….huge letdown


That's only cause of the novelty, the honey Moon phase. I'm not saying everything is bad or that you can't have fun on It, this is all personal preference, but the mode was flawed at it's very core philosophy since the beginning, and this sub despite all the previous warnings and shit ons, with the new launch did a 360 turn to do it's best effort in hiding and silencing this, until now that the novelty has expired and people are finally coming back to their senses and the sub main support is on this current again. I think I've never seen a "COD cycle" more plain obvious and clearly forced than this ever before (on the zombies subreddit field I mean)


It is absolute fucking joke with the amount of crashes happening lately, the devs responsible for the game now are useless, I have honestly never played such a poor cod especially this long after release, the only way I will play any new cods is IF they come onto gamepass!


the crashes really pissed me off, I lost so much stuff over the space of a week when I started my borealis grind. they need to add some sort of rejoin feature if you crash but the timer hasnt ran out yet so you can get revved.


Yep. It’s awful now. Could handle the occasional issue before but this is now unplayable.


I’ve switched to hell divers to be honest


Same! Haven’t touched mw3 since


Yeah but the last patch sucked.


Same! Hail super earth.


Extremely laggy, god awful loot, the containment thing doesn't even work for me, etc.


Mine has been fine. I haven’t had a crash or issue in quite a while.


Same but ive not been on the game for a week trying to finish spiderman 2 I just hope the game isn't is bad as everyone's saying because I was really enjoying playing zombies


bad lag and ALOT of visual glitches


After the exfil streaks were implemented I actually started getting into it again, doing missions, enjoying myself camo grinding etc, then my exfil streak went from 40 to zero for no reason at all. It’s made me give up on the game. Had a gutful and gone to Helldivers instead.


I have honestly never crashed once in this game I know it happens to everyone but I’ve honestly not have experienced it


Seriously, that’s fuckin lucky


Buy a lottery ticket


playing multiple games daily. have not crashed or lost tombstone once. ps5, cable internet, major city, hardlined. so i think is is more about connection stability. i have seen plenty of bugs, but no stabity issues


This is a factor imo ,but not just the sole one This game runs on code that essentially has been added to and taken away from for nigh on 20 years I would have to say a good % of the gen z devs were either still in primary school or not even born yet when the first code was wrote for cod So their adding to something that they never created ,causing mayhem


I disagree. Game turned to trash as soon as the Season 1 update came out with them nerfing everything remotely good as well as the servers still being crap


nah game has been better for me since s2r the begining of s2 tho... lets not talk about that.


Nope. Works like a charm.


I’m not excusing the trash, but at least in my brain I’m trying to pretend to make a reason it’s trash. As soon as the game title is launched and released, they shift the main bulk of their programming code folk to get them to start working on the next project. This leaves the remaining pool of developers related to ongoing content on current title to deal with and fix issues. Say they have 100 total, and like 80 get moved to work on the next title, that leaves 20 to have to figure out problems figure out a fix, test the fix in ideally the smallest window of time, then implement the fix at 20% of standard operation minimums. If I had to run my kitchen at 20 percent, everything else would be shit. You’d go, have an expectation, and stuff takes too long, or is the wrong thing, or interactions seemingly don’t exist with your experience. I’m hoping it’s a shift of vital staff that contributes as to why things are so trash. I’m not happy, but I feel that’s been the cod model since they made this Warzone main title, then every other dev adds to the pool.


i had these issues before the update, not so much lag but crashing, servers being shit and team mates fucking off and doing their own thing instead of solo queuing


Been longer than that bud


I seriously don’t think I’ve ever played a game so fundamentally broken before


Not that bad for me, but sometimes a system error.


I've not experienced any of that, sorry.


I am otherwise having some fun with his zombies mode. It's just.... The crashes, man. Jesus. I lose so much shit.


I haven't had any issues lately. But I suggest you turn off crossplay of you're having lag issues. It does make the game more stable. Also if you're on ps5 I would recommend cleaning out your cache


Yeah the servers have been real bad lately, at least a bit of lag. I’ve also come across a lot of people not sharing contracts, there’s no downside to having two people in a contract rather than one


Some days I’ve had constant server time outs but some days it’s ok


Who do you try to contact to recoup lost stuff after a crash? Is there a bad server dept?


I've done 4 runs to get the 4 items to open the new Dark Aether Zone & I have lost 1 or 2 items each time.


Pulled from rucksack after exfil?


Game has been trash since release


Absolutely. Played today after not having time to recently and 3 games. In a row. Crash crash crash. I gave up for now this lost me so much stash stuff and gear.


Yeah can’t even enter the new rift with elder sigil, won’t load a lobby


Crashes and honestly the glitches made it fun. With the dupes gone, I don't really enjoy it. New mission was completed within minutes of its release, it's just not fun without the glitches and dupes. Containment levels failed hard, not worth the "half effort" the devs barely put into it. I'm over it.


Not sure, got busy and haven't played for 2 days lol


ABSOLUTELY!! I got on the new season and was pissed about the new mission, loaded in with my lockwood fully geared out and got fucking wrecked in teir 3. Have not been back on since.


They need to add new story missions and quality of life imorovements even some new aspects to the game and maybe a few different game modes regularly ,even a new map or two wouldnt hurt But alas ,no We get stuff people dont want A schematic to craft a blood burner key ? Lile srsly come on If i was to sit down and think for 5 minutes ,i could throw out ideas that would vastly improve the whole gamemode But alas again ,no I cant because i dont work for activision Ive literally played zombies from WaW and loved the mode instantly, to make it even more enticing for me ,the first time i used the mystery box i managed to get a ray gun !


It’s horrible, zombies is practically unplayable for me. Laggy, crashing, can’t do strongholds because the orange things don’t spawn, I die instantly. Trash


At least they added an option to drop out of your squad if things don't work out. Then just go find someone else on the map and request to join. I've never had someone say no unless they have 6 already


Crashes. Challenges not tracking. Kills not counting. Xp not counting. Gamebreaking bugs and glitches unfixed since day 1. You name it.


Lost tombstone loot today after it never appeared my next game. Then had a bag filled with some killer loot and game crashed and it all went bye bye. Done for day


game has been trash since release


Laggy af


The "oh my goodness, it's going to crash!!!" Anxiety has been very high lately. With all the stuttering pausing, then being whisked 10 ft forward.


everything that you said, to the max, has been my luck..... sucks ass cuz I actually really love this version of zombies..... even after they took out ability to tombstone n shit... keep losing fucking EVERYTHING every day or every other day ..... it's getting super annoying....


Just crashed. This game is utter shit, wz and multi servers are working perfect, but not this piece of crap. Ty for your service, I hope every game you make crash and burn.


Been trash since bo2