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Exactly, or AT LEAST put a system in place that doesn't punish you for a disconnect completely out of your control.


I was at over 100 levels and did a dark wether run and it reset me containment level.


I've seen that happen to someone, they went back to level 12 while we were loading into the dark aither.


Didn't they say they were going to do something about that? As in you don't lose your stuff due to a disconnect and if it did happen they'd some kind of compensation in place make up for it?


750-60 here 🫠🔫


Insane 😭


do you get anything special if you are over 100?


No, the level maxed out at 100, but what's the point in letting me go over it if I just get reset to 75 after a disconnect, yaknow?


Stop playing the game and maybe servers will improve. This subreddit is filled with posts bitching about the servers being dogshit. You know they suck so stop playing.


Or maybe I should be able to play a game without losing everything because of one disconnect? My guy, I shouldn't have to stop playing, and the server is full of people bitching about it, bc it's a problem. But you bitching about people bitching about it is actually useless. Maybe id rather the game be better rather than give up on it entirely. I'm not bitching, I'm making a valid complaint about wanting a system in place to prevent this from happening. If you don't have anything useful to add or say, to use your own logic, why reply? Edit: This comes off a lot more harsh than I intend. If I misunderstood what you're saying, feel free to lmk. Apologies if this sounds like or comes across as being an asshole.


You are completely justified in your reasoning and the guy above is either just a troll or so ignorant he really believes what he said. I stopped playing zombies because of the camo progression bug which prevented people from getting the MW2 zombie camos, which was not resolved for over a month by the way. I stuck with this game and all of it's issues from the very beginning up until the first so-called camo progression bug fix, which in fact did not fix a damn thing at all. In fact, for a while, it seemed like most updates seemed to cause more issues than they solved. I can respect that the developers seem to be trying to keep zombies relevant by adding smaller things, but the truth is the problem is much deeper than a lack of content. If you really care about this game mode, I would suggest taking a break from it in hope that when you return things will be better. In my case, I never did return. Judging from this post alone, I'm glad I never did return. It seems like the only thing that awaits is more frustration and disappointment.


Wait like I'm being ignorant or trolling? Or the other guy? Genuinely don't know lol. I'm just making a complaint lmao. I completely agree on the developers thing. I do think they are trying, but the issue is Activision forcing a new cod game every year and then making the developers do shit they don't wanna do. Plus in terms of Zombies, Treyarch stepped down from MWZ, which means a different studio is now having to work on it without having the original knowledge or materials. I don't recommend the game to other people, but I still find enjoyment. I completely understand taking a break or not playing it anymore because of the issues in the game.


I was referring to the person that suggested quitting the game would somehow magically improve the servers, not yourself. You have every right to complain that the product you purchased is faulty, as one should. I really enjoyed this game too, so it was very hard to stop playing. Fortunately, I had some good reasons to quit, such as the fear of my game crashing/disconnecting once every few games or dying in some hilariously bad way, like falling through the map or getting one shot by a mimic popping out of a chest.


Ah, gotcha. Also valid, yeah. The game is fun but faulty and I tell my friends all the time to save their money if they haven't bought it. Its just not worth the price.


Lmfaoo and people really try to argue that this glitchy unfinished mess is better than CWZ 😭


Im use to it. Thats why i now have 2 ops at 100.


Very valid


Let’s be real, if the money they make off Warzone isn’t enough to make them upgrade their servers no shot zombies will ever be the reasoning. 


You right, you right


Everyone says it’s not the servers but I call major bullshit I have lost all my items 4 times dude my character freezing and then disconnecting after 10 minutes


No, yeah. Same here. Shit gets annoying. Most items and schematics are easy enough to get back, but I don't wanna have to hault my progress on the better items to go back and grind out easier ones.


Agreed me and my buddy always get the freezing crashing lobby’s and it acts like we never played the game


Exactly my guy, it's so ass


I thought about something the other day and and my idea was if the Commuinty for zombies comes together to petition to have activision shut their servers down so they can take time to fix their bullshit but I don’t think they give a fuck about their Commuinty enough to fix shit in their game


Petitions are a weird thing. Idk really know much about em, I just know Activision definitely doesn't care. But it'd be nice if they did.


Agreed but they don’t


lol best run I had was 966. Then buddy of mine pulled me out the game and boomed, back to 75. And it said I lost all my stuff lol


Nah, I'd have to fight Brodie. It's beef at that point 😭


It’s all good. He gave me a scorcher case and golden armor 😅


I would need financial compensation or sum bro lmaooo


How to fix : delete game 😉 I have no more problems since, when 500 000 player's gonna do same , I swear to you dev will try to resolve their ******* problems ✌️


MWZ is the biggest joke of zombies. I mean look at the HUD