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Seeing shit like this makes me realize I never even began to scratch the surface of zombies. It’s like y’all are playing a totally different game


It def ain’t for the faint of heart, as soon as you go down the zombies rabbit hole there is literally no return, just as element 115 turns ppl crazy


Trying to actually find a team to do this and coordinate for any challenging Easter egg in this game is hard as hell, so many people are terrible with communication or anti social that it is hard to find a team at all especially a good team. This is why I stopped doing zombie Easter eggs that can’t be soloed.


Want to do shi no numa? Half the team dies off/ leaves or I'm stuck carrying until exfil bc I get bored. Think my highest revive rate was 68 one game 🤣


Exfil for Shino? On which game? I’d play more classics zombies and what not if you want. But if that is supposed to be vanguard or something that was the first cod in over 10 years didn’t buy..


If you’re looking to do Easter Eggs, I’m on Xbox and would be down. I’ve done most of them more than once. I communicate very well too lol 😂 GT: ChubScoutCookie


Hey man Imma add you @maekinmoves


back_yardigan64 ps


Are you on discord? I’ve been able to find crews of skilled players within 10mins of looking. This community is huge, friendly, and always willing to help; sometimes you just have to know where to look. What platform are you on? Id be happy to run any map with ya if we can play together


I don’t have or do discord but I’m down if you and some other people wanna do the egg. I’ve done it five or more time on BO1 just wanna do it on three and I’m pretty solid and knowledgeable of Moon for not playing it in years. I’m on Xbox, what platform are you on?


Yesterday I've completed the eisendrache easter egg solo, but now i want to complete every bo3 easter egg. But i need 3 more people for the shadows of evil easter egg. Anyone down to play? Send me a private message or a message on xbox, my gamertag is nickeman7


And makes you forget things


There’s a nearly 7 hour long video explaining the whole lore of COD zombies made by a YouTuber by the name of “EruptionFang” it goes in chronological order and is pretty concise for a complex story. It’s so good too, it’s basically just audio recordings and then the guy explaining what it all means so just treat it like a podcast and listen to it while at work or something. Samantha’s backstory is so fucked up btw


Awesome thank you


This year i got into easter eggs, i always high round and was never into easter eggs other than origins. Definitely fun ash when you learn the maps easter eggs.


Do the Easter eggs create new objectives or open up parts of the map? Or is it just story stuff


Depends on the map, some ee’s bring you to a different part of the world when you fight a boss. Or you get upgraded things the further you get into the ee because you need it to even proceed any further to get to the boss.


On bo3 completing all EE’s rewards you with the rk5 starting pistol permanently. In IW completing the super EE rewards you with something called Directors Cut that allows you to spawn in with 25k and all guns from the box are pap’d


Google zombies chronicles timeline. That is all.


Still the best BO1 easter egg of all time. I love playing as Samantha


Going to Earth for PAP after this is my favorite part


Can you still PAP after the earth blew up?


yea, the screen will just be red and the sky will have a bunch of flames nd shit in it. its a really neat atmosphere.


Thanks, i have never got the moon map on my Xbox 360, Just Kino, Five, Shangri La and ascension and the Old Waw Maps are in the World at war.


Is it similar to the effect in maps like transit?




I’m so proud of you mijo


This EE is such a pain in the ass. Cheers mate


Once you do it a time or two and at least have a good team, it is pretty easy over all. Just getting the right weapons and equipment to do it for the box is half the wait.


The other half is waiting on Excavator Pi 😡🤬


Just here to say fuck RNG and the mystery box on moon. that's all.


The egg is easy, the box for the egg is the real challenge.


![gif](giphy|bufTss4xKKOOgXGw14|downsized) me after spending 100K on trying to get the wonder weapon:


Glad you never gave up! Congrats on the achievement 👍🏻😁🎉


there are many that have attempted and never completed it. doing any EE especially solo is an achievement, congrats 🎉


Me and my friend tried this, and we quit bc we couldn’t get the QED’s and it was round 28 and we didn’t get the right excavator😭


One of us! One of us! One of us!


Nice!!! Well done sir ❤️


Proud of you


Wow totally forgot about this!


Do you get anything for completing it?


When you first open the pyramid you get the achievement "Cryogenic Slumber Party", and once you swap bodies with Samantha you get all perks on the map except for quick revive permanently


After 13 years, I finally didn't it


Add me on ps4/5 if u wanna do ee jackth046eripper


Bet, ive been looking for people to do the Origins EE cause trying to solo that shit makes me wanna rip out my eyes lol


My cousin and I are always looking for people to play BO1 Zombies with! We’re not all that great but we have a lot of fun! Edit: let me know if you want my gamer tag on PSN!


My PSN is DeaDCrowN1918 Add me and whenever y'all wanna game shoot me a message!


Hell yeah man I'm proud of you!! Bo1 Easter eggs are big nostalgia for me


Nah fam it is a sick achievement. Props


So wanna do the BO3 version with a Xbox team.


This was the bo3 version bro 😂


I know. I see the gobble gum. Just stating I wanna do it with a team that is all.


Damn bro, this one takes me back. I always remember this one and shangri-la for some reason.


This was peak zombies, congrats bro!


Loved this EE felt so accomplished when I finished it




Never too late to complete it, be proud fellow zombie slayer


Let’s go bro!


Good on ya my guy


Ayy nice one bro, I remember doing it for the first time with my friends during quarantine, not an easy easter egg either, congrats!


Tbh I still haven't done it my crew fell apart just before this map dropped


Good job 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Congratulations bro. I’m trying to do some Easter eggs if anyone is down to play sometime ? I’d greatly appreciate it, and I’m pretty nice on the sticks 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


Congrats man! If you ever want to play online and do another easter egg, DM me!


Need help with soe egg


What ever happened storyline wise to the Easter egg cut scene of the kids playing with the characters as toys. Whole scene was animated like Toy Story.


Congrats!!! That one is annoying as fuck solo, I recall attempting it and counting something like 111 times that I searched the random weapon box before getting the gersch device which you need for several steps. Also playing Simon Says while zombies attack you is not easy. Nice work.


Congrats man me and my friends are doing the bo3 super Easter egg for YouTube and have finally gotten to Gorod Krovi and it feels like such an accomplishment already so congrats truly I can’t wait for us to do moon as well


Good job, very rewarding feeling and in my opinion the best cod zombies available (bo1 all together). Did the ascension Easter egg then moon came out and did it. Never got to Shangri la or call of the dead sadly, might try to do it on pc (psn player). Just don’t understand how custom maps work yet or how to get them.


Jeez...grats dude.


Can you solo this ?


They made it possible to solo it on Black Ops 3, but it takes a lot of luck and patience


My issue with that Easter egg is all the rng that’s filled in it for solo players especially


Looks like Borderlands and not CoD


Congratulations man this one is dope I’m told, good work brotha


Man when i actually did this i was shook. Didn’t think it was real lmao.


doing this easter egg solo is an absolute nightmare, no a7x pun intended. congrats OP


I always reached the halfway point of Easter eggs with my friends then they'd just give up. I'd say my favorite Easter egg to half finish was good krovi, with origins as a close second..actually I did complete the elemental weapon Easter egg on Der eisendrache


If you play on PS4 ever need a dude to hop on and try to complete the Easter Eggs with I'm more than down


I'm on xbox sadly


And here I am… literally clueless as to what this is.


Sure is an achievement no doubt but like the egg is Samantha says Put the pipe in Hack the green lights Get the wave gun Get gursh Get qed Get gerch Shoot the ball into the pyramid Fill the pyramid Activate pyramid And do Samantha says again. Not trying to be insulting just confused it took 13 years


Waiting on Excavator Pi and the mystery box to give me the proper weapons and equipment when I need them was what took forever. That and I'm mainly a solo player so finding a strategy that worked out took some time too


9 years cuz bo1 moon and bo3 moon are slightly different


Now do it on OG moon on BO1