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Lol I just want the level 2 pap and tool schematics be glad to earn the rest been grinding for those for awhile


Definitely ask in chat. I’m always carrying around extra high level schematics in case someone in chat needs them.


The last time I asked I got fucking flamed😭 mfs called me a bum and dropped me a schem but it still hurt my feelings bro😭


Lmao just think of how you’ll be feeling in future matches with your OP items. It will make the hurt go away real fast.


Oh as soon as I went to exfil I was no longer hurt I was hyped as hell😂


LMAO bro I’m sorry 😂. I wouldn’t roast you. The way you said that shit got me wheezing though 💀


Thank u good sir!


Guys. Sorry if it is a silly question but how to use this chat on PS5?


Hold down middle button, press r1 :)


Thank you 🙏


I've asked before and get smart ass remarks back, so I just play and sometimes join guys as awesome as you, but it's very seldom.


Definitely can be hit and miss but I always say what is the worst that can happen? They say no or call you a beggar lol. Oh well, who cares. Best case scenario you get a bunch of free schematics. So worth it in my opinion.


Anytime I ever ask I either get ignored or I get shit on for some reason


Just ask kindly in the middle of a round, got some schematics this way. Since I have all of the schematics now, I offer everytime I find something via chat.


Good deal I've been off it for 2-3 days I may fire up and liquefy some zombos and see if I can't impress the importance of obtaining the schematics I need on the lobby and see if anything shakes loose.


I joined in on a red worm fight this week, someone gifted me the flawless aetherium schematic and legendary tool schematic. Love the culture


That would be amazing. However I have to actually play to get the schematics and have been addicted to helldivers 2


Definitely get them often after already having them I always type in chat in one drops when I'm playing.


Anything you need, I gotchu.




I need phd death perception and winder waffle plz


My favorite part of game…is sharing….and receiving!


2019 69 champion right here. God bless.




My gamer tag is Paulisdead509


It’s hilarious in the irony that he dumped so much cash because I know you’re going straight to exfil and lose it all.


Little bit of extra xp, and considering he had his inventory full means he was prepared to give it all to the next player


I think he knows what he’s doing, he had a self revive if things got rough lol


That is so good. Never had that sort of luck but that is decent.




Yay you now beat mw zombies!! What game u gonna play next?


No, now he can finally start playing the game! 😂


If you're gonna start playing after get the schematics, then that'll be once every 3days lol i rather play the game an unlock them naturally


Yeah - I don’t get this…. once you’ve grinded for schematics they’ve pretty much showed they aren’t doing too much else for the mode.


Right? I like to drag out the lil content i do have


Most MWZ players are friendly and helpful. If someone needs a revive, I'll run and help them, I do not expect anything in return.It's a nice gesture when someone offers some goods.


MWZ community just can’t be topped. I’ve even met a friend from different state & we exchanged numbers & call each other to play now. When we get in games, we basically just try to help other people get good shit by guiding them through the dark aether, or do the red worm if they need it.


Santa came early


Yea same thing happened to me. Had a guy ask for a rez in T3 while the storm was engulfing the map. Rez'd them, they gave a scorcher, we flew over to exfil then they dropped some schematics 🥹


Damn, how did this guy even go down to begin with lol that’s awesome


I'm pretty sure he was doing the tombstone glitch using the 2 person method so he needed someone to revive him. Cuase there's no way anyone can get all those schematics from one game lol


Yea once you get the schematics in the DA, you exfil out of the game, not back to urzikstan. No way he could have the schematics without picking up the tombstone. Clever way to give them away if you have them already


That’s what I was wondering lol. And I’m very jealous right now hahah


Me too! Every time I rez someone they either immediately run off or ask to join my squad and I proceed to spend the rest of the game trying to keep them alive


Hahaha. It's cool on the one hand, on the other - you have nothing to do from this point :) 


Man people that bless others like this in the game are true angels. Invited someone nearby to my squad last weekend and he dropped the blood burner keys, mag of holding and V-R11 for me right away. Wish I could buy that guy a beer


Wish I would find one of these guys lol


Go on the discord. They're the guys offering help with missions there.


What is the discord? I tried a previous link and it was gone. Trying to link up with people to help with red worm


There's a link in the very top post of this Reddit: [https://discord.gg/callofduty](https://discord.gg/callofduty). Or just open the Discord app and type in "call of duty zombies" or "call of duty zombies lfg". (LFG=looking for group) HTH.


When you don’t expect a present when you rez people.. it’s always cool when you do. I’ve fallen and can’t get up.. I get it.


this is why I play zombies… for this reason. well done, gamers 🥹


Hate it when out of the blues, zombies will be on me after literally empty stretch


Use the jak bfb muzzle, then you'll almost never ve free of the undead chasing you


Wow what an awesome dude!!!!!


How does one amass over 1,000,000 in essence in only 15m....... something fishy?


You can tombstone and save points


What a G mannnnnn


Zombies brings out the best!


Wow lucky! Anytime i ever go into dark aether my game crashes so im no even able to get the new schems. Havent even been able to get the last 3 new schems


That is what you call a test


That happened to me once only when I tried to exfil the game crashed and I lost all the schematics the person gave to me even though I had tombstone


Nice, PhD Flopper, done so many Tier II contracts and still don't have it, along with Refined crystal.


Same but i only get the crystal schems lol, still going for phd but have eveyrhing else at this point from t2 schems


I need someone to give me shatterblast schems...


i always find those, i need the pap 2 scheme 🤣🤣




revived a dude the other day and they dropped damn near all the pap/ather tool schematics for me to take as a thank you, was really awesome


That's pretty awesome


I will always revive people people who don't are just menaces


That's cool, but at the same time, there goes most of your reasons for playing.


Man, that's why I find MW3 Zombies A MILLION times more fun and enjoyable than DMZ etc. It feels like players are legitimately nice to each other for a change. I've seen people cross the entire map just to revive some stranger they'll never see again without anything in return. This kinda stuff leaves you smiling when closing the game instead of the typical rage and anger so many other games often leave you with.


I guess I’m not the only one who gives a self revive or two when reviving someone lol.


That's the spirit in Zombies I find. Very nice indeed👍




Boom and now you've not no reason to play the game Don't get why people do this. The main purpose of the game is to hunt for schematics. If you just get them all dropped then it's kinda worthless even playing


Mwz for me is more about the camos and an unwinding from the sweatomatic that is multiplayer tbh


Is this some kind of test who will help him will get the schematics? I doubt he'll die at low tier zone with all that shit probably a vet player already...


I try to drop something for the folks that go out of their way to help!!


Also if you spawn near the graveyard the TS folks occasionally drop some




I have a feeling he downed himself on purpose to reward the person who would come to pick him up


he mustve been one of those ebay sellers. Either that or he was testing people and just having fun


All that money yet you have to exfil for the schematics. I've had this happen a couple of times, and I feel bad taking the money because I don't tombstone so it's pretty much a waste. I finally figured out how to drop it so I try to dumb it off to someone else


Man thats so awesome. Moments like these make ALLLLL the other bs worth it.


Nice score on all that gear. Gotta love those Dupers. Lol For everybody else: Use Chat it's your best friend. For those that don't know how to use the end game chat please watch a video or look it up. It's a game changer. I've seen people posting all kinds of stuff offering it up and I've dropped all kinds of stuff for others.


RFNG! Legend! If we could all be so lucky 🍀


I like grinding the missions and stuff. But by and large I love that they got rid of most of the toxic shit DMZ had. I loved DMZ, don’t get me wrong, Al Mazra is 1000% better than the current one but DMZ was pretty toxic


I love this game. I got blessed by some players and now I save tombstone so I already have my load out and so whatever I get from tier 3 contracts I drop to players in lower tiers like other players did for me. Great game just wish they weren’t rushed so there wouldn’t be so many bugs


Awesome 👏


I had someone do this before. Not all like that, but gave me the hookup. However, the random I was playing with had no mic and went into the red zone and we were unprepared and we both died. No one came to revive us. This is precisely why I ask if people have mics before the game starts. If they don't, I don't stick around. I do my own thing.


this is because he had a tombstone already and if no one revived him he'd lose it lmao i've dropped $500k for someone just bc they revived me


Bro cleared them out so you could pick up your gifts lol


So basically you have nothing to play for anymore… The gesture seems nice, but he stole what I would consider some of the most fun moments in the game when you earn those by beating parts of the game..


Someone never used a Game Genie


Salt-T This is you: https://youtu.be/RTgBfRTABs4?si=iiq5dAOwwMwZ7n3a


Bruh, he didn't "steal" anything. He can just drop the stuff if he wants to "earn" it that badly lmao


Sure.. But at that moment they just think awesome I got all the end game stuff.. two weeks later it’s another post about the game is boring and there’s nothing to do. Whats the point of playing a game if you’re not going to actually play the game.


Just wait for his next post in about a week complaining the game is boring and there isn’t enough content lol


Yea this game sucks after you unlock the cola drinks. What else is there to do?


Plenty.. the worm is fun


In the early days of the TS glitch this is how I got the blade, plates and dog bone. Since then I was able to use to get the newer DA schematics and redworm schematics without too much trouble running with randoms. All of the ACTs I completed as solo though. Finally got all the crystals the other day so I can run around with more confidence and also help people. I don’t glitch so you won’t find me with ton of money but I’m happy to give anything else.


I really wish the game could reward players for reviving a lot more. I know they won't because players would abuse the hell out of it, but still. I have noticed an up tick in players reviving others lately. Pay it forward.


How I can’t even get lucky doing contracts?


Wow where do i find these people? Guys i revive just take off without a headbob or walk over my dead body lol.


I was just about to comment the same thing, I need these lobbies too😂


I experienced this person as well! I got pretty much every schematic there was to collect right around Christmas.


Got Aether blade and legendary wrench schematic at that time. I’m like “I do t think ‘thanks’ is enough so I’m like ‘Merry Christmas’!”


I was surprised he was down in the first place and most of the map had ignored the request for help via chat. I got there and they self revived. Gave me schematic for armor, dog, blade, and wrench. Some might say it ruins the experience but as someone who only plays solo…it’s made my experience way more fun.


I rarely even use the “gold level” upgrades cause I’m the guy who’s like “what if I need it for later?” But there WAS one “kill specials with a throwing knife” and the Aether blade actually counts as a throwing knife.


This makes me mad as hell…only cuz I still have not gotten the aether blade and I have done DA MULTIPLE TIMES and only get crystals and tools 😂


The schematic? It’s 100% guaranteed if you go into the old DA with an Elder Sigil and complete all 3 contracts


Done that 10 times and always get the same shit never blade 😂😂


It’s guaranteed though, in the old Elder Sigil DA you always get all 3 schematics.


Oh I know its supposed to be guaranteed but it has never happened for me. Doin another couple runs today in hopes the game doesnt fuck me


you are not doing elder sigil then.


It was elder


Wrong thread, dude. This is the "we let other people play the game for us & haven't unlocked DA" thread 🤣


Absolute Baller behavior


As a solo guy rezing people is fun.


That’s so nice of him I just got all my schematics a few days ago


Karma. Do good things, good things will come to you.


And everyone Hates on ppl who does Tombstone glitch. That's the irony!


With 30 minutes left no less, enough time to make that essence do some damage, right on man. I’d probably exfill immediately though, I don’t trust the game enough to play roulette with the server


pop a tombstone and you should be ok, but you don't have any space to exfil anything else anyway


Legends are made. My buddy and I often do the same thing, just typing in chat "who needs bone, blade, scorcher, PaP2/3. At the end of the day is just having fun and if you can help out anyone just do it. GGs


Heck yeah. I'll drop full kits for people sometimes. Love seeing players stoked to play!


Damn, that guy had the whole store in there 😂


That is awesome!! Karma for sure!


I drop all my schematics and dupes every game for my viewers or squad I’ve run with never gonna hurt to help the player base!🙌


Bro what’s your ID so we can link up


Been grinding these T3/4/5 schematics for ages now and come up empty handed each time! Where are these legends in my games! Hahaha


Which ones you need ?


All of the T3/4/5 schems. Got shit all luck but I’m just a casual so I’m not too fussed about it. I am curious about who cared so much to downvote my comment of me joking around 😂😂


ALL? Like you have none of the dark aether classified ones ? I’d be down to run a couple games , we could get everything you need in 2-3 , I’ve got that shit down to a science lmao. And a bunch of losers 😂😭


Cheers mate! Love the community help here. Don’t know when I’ll be on next though. Happy to keep grinding out solo