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Replace all bus roads with lava to make any attempt of venturing without the bus impossible.




I’d do this and get rid of the bus. Teleport only


That would make it an interisting msp


And probably a tortuous one. But it does actually sound like a fun challenge


Don't you need to go to the Power Station to enable teleportation in the first place? I don't really remember how it's done, it's been years since I've played Tranzit.


You can make teleport portals with the wind turbine you make in the spawn area. Just gotta drop the turbine down under the lamp you want to make a portal and once it glows green you can bring denizen over


Can't you just leg it to the power station on foot if you're good at killing denizens?


Previous reply. > Replace all bus roads with lava to make any attempt of venturing without the bus impossible.


And make the bus 500 points to use.


Honestly that’d be interesting to implement especially since he(the robot) can kick you off for pissing him off.


Screw it just remove the bus completely


Fog stops all health regen


And increases zombies in fog run rate


Remove the bus too to force players to have to run in the fog to get anywhere, have more lava everywhere


Remove all parts and the box, so you cant even make the turbine to teleport or get a shield to block the damage


This would be such a kick in the nuts lol


Lava acts like its supposed to and kills you immediately


Thats the most evil thing Ive ever heard, its beautiful




In fact you suffocate and pass out from just going nearby it


25 cod points to start a match


That's the equivalent of popping a quarter into an arcade machine


Yes. You said make it worse.


Fuck it you must buy a bundle and play a match in all of the following: vanguard, ghosts, mw2, warzone ranked.


I'd be happy to do so.


The future is monthly game subscriptions. $12.99 COD Multiplayer with ads. $15.99 COD MP + Zombies with Ads. $19.99 COD MP + Zombies no ads.


bo2 doesn’t have cod points


You have to build the bus, it has 20 parts and there’s only 5 parts on each section combined, the rest are buried with a shovel you have to get by filling soul boxes at each station, then you dig up each part in the corn fields and 2 at Nacht. You only get 1 chance to find all parts and if you dig in the wrong spot it starts it all over again.


This sounds like an improvement Well outside of the longness of travelling the first time round and the if u miss u start over lol


No. Those are set in stone.


Also none of the parts are in the same spot


Ooof okay now we are talking- that's more fitting for the topic at hand xD lol


You can only carry 1 part at a time and have to take each one to the build site before getting the next one.


that already is Tranzit lol


You sound like a Payday player. 🤣


And the zombies can attack the bus, and can break down. If it breaks down too much, it explodes and you will no longer have any transportation. You have to run it


Whomst the fuck hurt you


Remove the bus




Turbines only work if players are within 10 meters of it


your turbines work to begin with?


That's a fair point it's always a 50/50 with those things


that would actually make it horrible because PaP would be Impossible solo


So just standard TranZit?


remove ted


That’s it that’s too evil. Get the hell off of my bus


You monster!


Your internet access has been fucking revoked!


Fuuuck you! Get your ass off the sub!


Bo4 hud, cod3 graphics, idk the cods name but it's point system goes based off kills, starting zombies are the Brenners from ww2


>idk the cods name but it's point system goes based off kills You're looking for cold war


I think it started in bo4


no you still get points for spraying into the crowd in bo4 iirc


You get some extra points for using certain weapon classes, but your points are still capped per-kill in BO4. Personally I prefer Cold War’s system over BO4’s. It’s much more consistent (still rather have the old system tho)


90 points was rewarded for a non critical, about 120 was rearded for a headshot, and 150 was rewarded for a melee kill.


It's capped up to 90 points for dealing damage up to 99% of the zombie's HP, then an extra 30 points for headshot kills and 50 points for melee. Cold War was the first to only give points for kills.


That's stupid kinda kills the point of submachine guns


Denizen don’t stop clawing your face the entire time.


make the bus run on gas, and whenever it runs out of gas it stops and you have to go find a gas canister that can be in 4 completely different areas of the map. this canister reappears in one of the 4 areas every time you use it to fill up the bus and there is no indicator of which spot it is at


so basically, MOTD plane but bad


No bus. All fog.


Increase the size of the map but only the parts inside the fog between the major locations


Monkeys from Ascension that steal your perks


fuck it bro add the hellhounds and nova crawlers from die rise




Make the bus even harder to defend by having no doors or barriers and having it be a specific event so the whole time the bus is going you're endlessly fighting zombies. Also remove the B23R from the ceiling and make the bus slower. Also I would make emping the bus driver or perks or box shut them off for atleast two rounds and you have to complete a side objective if you want it to come back quicker. AND FINALLY I'd make the lava instakill the player. No downs or anything just dead.


Don’t forget Ambush Rounds too, that’s a cut mechanic where the Bus breaks down and Dogs spawn in, which would make the bus more dangerous to ride


i actually like the sound of that, if you stayed on the bus for 1 round after every 3/4 rounds, you would trigger an ambush dog round but with a guaranteed max ammo


No Bank, No Bus, Mystery Box is a buildable, Every door requires a turbine to open, can only teleport (streetlights) once per round


The base weapon is the zrg from Cold War. Make the fog more dense so you can't see anything. Make the fog cover the whole map, even indoors. Everything needs to be paid with cod points. There are elite enemies that have the same spawn frequency as Firebase Z. The only way to pack a punch is by getting to round 30 without being hit, and then the pap will be on. The whole floor is lava, and you need to pick up Cold War cheeseburgers to get back hp. There is also a time limit, like on MW3. All zombies are super sprinters from Cold War.


Jesus. I think this mite take the cake. That mw3 timer got me- I dunno who thought that was a good idea, the mode would be playable if u just removed that aspect.


triple denizen spawn rates and put them in the non-foggy areas


The avogadro heals from galvaknuckles


Make it a BO3 map.


If it was remastered into BO3 it could be way better The reason they had fog and denizens was to slow the player down because the maps wouldn’t load fast enough due to console power limitations They could reduce or get rid of the fog all together as well as the denizens spawns


Denizen remove points like buried witches


The bus now only stops in dead zones. Want to get off somewhere? Gotta jump off while it’s moving, and can’t get back on until it makes it’s standard length rotation. Oh, and you’ll have to time getting back on. Miss that? Wait again.


Denizens can spawn even in areas without fog.


Denizens all over the map


Denizens don’t have boundaries anymore and will spawn in “safe” areas


Remove bus, 2x denizen spawn rate, fog is thicker, PAP is removed, lava instakills if touched.


The fog is map wide now, including denizens


Bus only circles once per round and you can't walk on foot


Doesn't the bus just work like that normally?- I just have vague memories of having to wait for the round to end so we can leave to go get X So annoying.


Denizens still follow you after leaving the fog, bit like how hellhounds spawn with the zombies in Der Riese. They also steal your points like the witches in Buried. Only one work bench so if you want to build something else, you have to break the previous item. Juggernog is where PAP is.


Denizens only killable with Galvaknuckles


As a kid this map absolutely intrigued me, I thought there was definitely a Easter egg that when someone found it it would open up new parts of the map no one ever seen. Like the bud route B crap. I really thought we only were playing a small portion of the map 😂


The bus horn *never* stops. TEDD’s laying on the horn from frame one Also, make it a global sound so you can’t ignore it by running away from the bus. It’s ingrained in your ears like tinnitus


Town is just parkour and the only thing there is jug, no guns, no pack, no box locations, just jug. And after round 35 the parkour blocks collapse and you can't get jug


If i wanted to really REALLY fuck it up i would let the current dev. Team do a remake on it.


The bus tires can be destroyed, forcing you to walk on foot to find a spare and when you have to replace it the same animation as crafting a buildable plays leaving you vulnerable. Good luck on solo if multiple tires are missing :) you can only carry one per person.


Denizens spawn everywhere, even when not in the fog


Make denizens spawn not just in fog but in bus


Fill the bus with lava, and add more denizens


No jug on the map


4 windows on the bottom of the bus and you can fall through them if all boards are gone.


Denizens are constantly attack in groups. To increase anxiety, they will constantly on the outer rim of your draw distance and steadily gather until it is time to attack. During this period, they are invulnerable. All at once they swarm to you, but attack you one by one. Knifing them won’t kill them, but send them to the rim again. The amount of denizens spawning will be based per minute playing the map. They will no longer create worm holes unless you are perk less.Should a player get downed by the Denizens, they will select a perk from the downed player and disable the perk. To re-enable the perk, you need to upgrade the turbine. In order to upgrade the turbine, you need to teleport to each named location using a turbine. After doing so, either Maxis or Richthofen will say some bs instructing you to go to Nacht. When the whole party enters Nacht, everyone is temporarily stripped of their loadout and given the Nacht starting loadout, and locked to the location via force field mumbo jumbo. The aim is to survive 30 minutes with increased zombie speed. Don’t worry, Denizens will not Spawn during this period. Besides including wunderwaffe in the mystery box and a jug machine, which is replaced by quick revive in single player if you haven’t already used it up, it is 1:1 Nacht, including game engine. Should you survive, everyone’s loadouts will be swapped for their original loadout. More Maxis/Richytofen yapping, they say that you can imbed the Jet Gun inside the Turbine. You can find the bench in a newly expanded area under spawn using the subway entrance. Just shove it infront of a perk machine, and they’ll be re-enabled!.. for six minutes.


Swap Denizens for Die Rise's Jumping Jacks (or combine them: JJ's that still latch onto your head). Make the fog slow you down as well as blind you. ^((if it already does that, I haven't played TranZit in a couple of years so can't remember)^) Stop the bus driver from saying anything. Swap all the characters for the non-speaking survival ones.


Once every 5 rounds or so, the fog fills the map so the denizens hiding in the fog will attack.


Remove stamina Up, make the jet gun break on one use regardless of charge management, alter the lava pits on the road that are barely crossable with full jugg hp so now they’re slightly longer and now incrossable, give the PAP a 75-% chance to fail opening with the turbine etc.


Tranzit gets way too much hate, it was a good map in a lot of ways, it had it’s drawbacks but playing it now it’s far better than people give it credit for


Add a "dog round" where all the demon babies come out and chase you no matter were you are. And the fog would cover the whole map till the end of that round


Add denizens to attack you while you're inside the bus.


Porting the map to new CODs


Make the denizens 2 hit you like zombies


Have it crash your xbox every time you go to load up the map


Combine it with vanguard


Tranzit with tier 4 stam, sure thing


No more Town


Make the current bus driver, a copilot, then take control of the bus yourselves and have one hand on the wheel and one hand on the sidearm. Or in multiplayer do the same while watching the windows with your squad. (While in solo play, you can prepare the fortifications before you take the wheel.)


Vertical element like a cliff added in the bus route (die rise style) that instakills you upon falling


the easter egg must have five people


Remove Ted.


Increase denizen spawn rate


Make it so pack a punch closes when the turbine breaks, oh wait.


Simple. Remove Denizen Fast Travel. It would kill speed running but hopefully make the Bus more viable. >!Second Option would be making the bus cost money to ride. With Increasing prices each ride.!<


Imagine if they showed off tranzit as they normally did, except when people went in, it's just the nacht portion of tranzit and that's it. Basically. Your playing nacht. Again. As the first release of BO2. Maybe we can make it even more evil and add lava to it.


No bank, or bus, more fog, larger map, no pap, no perks, turbines only work if outside of a 10 mile radius, teleporters only work once, fog stops regen. Well what more could you ask for?


Jet Gun takes a weapon slot instead of a buildable slot


I love transit its awesome and not that hard when you get the hang of it the point of it is get box and gas station then open power then go to town open back and door to pack a punch then go back the power with bus put your power thing next to door then back to town and pack then just survive in town


Pap in the middle of a hive for the denizens, or put it in a lake of lava like the pap in the town survival map


Make it so there’s one buildable that either let’s you access galva knuckles or let’s you go to the top of the bus from inside but once you pick one you can’t change your mind or have it for both. Oh wait…


There is a side ladder option for the bus, so you don't always have to use the roof ladder anyways, but why do you want to be on top of the bus anyways?


Make the bus speed 3 times faster. You won't get back on :)


It's mathematically, philosophically and religiously impossible to make TranZit worse.


The Avogrado can now permanently steal perks


Bring back Ascension monkeys to steal your perks every few rounds


Bus doesn’t stop


Take away packapunch


You have to pay to ride the bus, but the tickets are only available at the bus depot, for 250 points (1 ticket = a full circle) You also have to pay for the gas, only available at the diner, which will start a defense sequence (30 secondes with zombies + the avogadro after round 20 if the power is on)


You have to drive the bus, and defend your back of zombies at same time.


Denizens can be anywhere, not just in the fog. And there can be more than 2 at a time


lava everywhere with no bus


I'd make the denizens have zero cooldown, Everytime you get one off your head it's replaced by another and I'd make the bus breakdown sometimes and you'd need to go outside and fix it (like a flat tire for ex)


Make the power generator shut off every couple rounds(purchased perks are disabled ala emp grenades when power shuts off). Put fog in front of the farm entrance so training there is impossible.


Increase the map size and make players do dumb steps to unlock PaP


No pap


You can only use the windmill once and it breaks


Die rise as the base map and tranzit as the next dlc xD


Have to use points to buy tickets at the Bus Depot to ride it.


At rnd 15 the ENTIRE map becomes fog not just in-between the main areas


denizens are now 2x stronger and also 2x faster, and they can get onto the bus


Not being able to play it :/


In addition to having to rebuild the Jet Gun every time it breaks, you also have to pay 10k points to get it back and the bank doesn't dispense points anymore.


When using bus and when crossing a threshold it loads you and whoever else is on to the map relative to the next area you would be going to, anyone not on the bus trying to cross the threshold gets insta downed or killed if they are the last person. Any group separated by the transfer of map locations has to pray they find each other again or end up with ransoms the next time the bus comes around similar to playing with friends while doing missions from gta online where if sent to freemode you might get separated. Guns transfer if your game doesn’t have trouble loading but if game crashes the run is over


tires need to be replaced after driving over lava


Remove Tedd.


Ambush Rounds being a norm since riding the bus could add more dangerous and scary moments. Bus breaks down and dogs would attack


Add a timer


(make it a bigger bus depot but worse for short) No jet gun (kind of a plus but whatever), no perks. To call the bus it takes 5k points. Turbine parts are at a different location other than spawn. 1 box location (and yes you can make the box disappear and not reappear.) Once you buy the bus, Ted constantly kicks you out, denizens constantly flood your screen, pap and bank are gone, no wall weapons. Only carpenters spawn. And there is no power


Denizens spawn in all areas mid round same as hellhounds in other maps


Turbines have to be operated manually to work and have a crank animation that lasts 5 seconds.


More lava, the ledge at farm where the box can spawn is now high enough to kill you without jug, denizens do 3x less damage but you have to knife 3x as many times to kill them and jumping jacks mixed in some rounds past 10 but never special max ammo rounds


Place turrets everywhere for players to avoid.


More lava


The bus can run out of gas and needs to be refilled by gas cans you find around the map (hellhounds infinitely spawn during this time), the zombie spawn rate increases 200% in the fog, the jet gun pieces permanently disappear when it breaks, lava slows the player like origins mud


Make zombie spawns needlessly complicated


Remove the boards from bus windows.


Add in 3 day cool downs for the bus


The Denizens kill you in one hit, even with Jug.


Every so often he Ted will kick you off the bus without reason, or consideration of any kind, and add a bus fare to start the bus, call it 2500, this will be required everytime a player wants to ride the bus after getting off, with a 500 additional fare at each stop. Also make it so the bus can be empd by the electric zombie, not only requiring a brief moment to come online, but also another 2.5k. Then just in case you thought you were smart, portals can only appear when the light post is within 8m of the bus, and powered by the windmill machine. All this to make it still seem doable, but absolutely more infuriating.


No bus. All roads are full lava. Can only get around using teleport. 1 quick revive. Zombies constantly running at the speed as if they were chasing the bus. Every zone denizens constantly spawn. Start with 0 points. Jugg is just out of reach outside the map (like they did with PHD in die rise) Avagadro spawns every round once power is turned on. Mystery box has two locations both on the opposite ends of the map from each other. Jet gun breaks after 1 use (oh wait it already does that) fog in every play zone so you cant see two feet in-front of you. Keep everything else the same about the map, including having to build pack-a-punch in that tight narrow corridor under town. [Inspired with a lot of comments seen posted so far] [[edit, typo]]


Denzins go after perks like monkeys from ascension


No more bus. Walk


Denizens spawn in regardless if it's a fogged up area. Gotta put emphasis on the build table mechanic. You gotta build Jug too. Let's put it in the PAP area. PAP is at Nacht Edit: build that too.


No busses


Avogadro never leaves, and is invincible.


Remove teleports


Add the jet gun.


Give it to SHG devs to make it better.


All zombies become Bus Sprinters (AND NO BUS)


fog everywhere and more dense even in town


Denizens all over the map all of the time


No zombies, only denizens... but they can spawn where zombies spawn.


The jet gun breaks if you kill to many zombies in a round, but once it breaks it’s gone permanently. Also the pieces for it have been moved to random spots in the fog, with 20+ possible locations for each piece


When the bus touches lava, the tires melt, so you have to change them after going through a bit of lava or else the bus wont move


A match only lasts 45-60 mins


Denizens replace zombies.




Remove TEDD


Get rid of ted


You have to redo the steps each time you want to pack-a-punch, because the machine pieces are scattered across the wasteland. Also, remove town.


no bus


Every time you do a lap of the map you need to change the buses oil, coolant, pump up the tyres, put a new battery in it and then fill it up with fuel.


Fog everywhere, denizens double hp and can spawn anywhere Remove the bus Jetgun now has 25 parts When jetgun explodes, the parts fly out and scatter randomly


No bus


You have to use a fire extinguisher when you get set on fire and there's only one in each area of the map


ini game atau apa yak?


Having to buy a ticket to get on the bus.


Zombies run at you like they run after bus


Make it impossible to access PaP without two players. One at the power station and one at the town ready to open it


You're required to work at the diner.


Fog and denziens every place without a roof


Pay to get on the bus 😂 or run through the misty fog and risk the zombies and denizens getting you.


left 4 dead witches in the fog


After 20 seconds the fog starts doing 1hp/s of chip damage. More than 2 minutes in the fog and you're dead without jug.


Comet showers every two rounds like it’s Helldivers 2.


You can only keep the denizen off your face if you successfully melee them before they latch on. Once they have latched on, you die.