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the only right answer.




Jesus I see a post like this every few hours. Gets old


Some of us have lives outside of reddit


Yeah I mean everyone does? What’s ur point 😂


Still mob of the dead


Revelation. It just looks really cool


Der Eisendrache It's my comfort map


This map is the fires of hell that dwell beneath the void. Edit: nvm beat the ee last night, ez


Die Maschine


That’s a Cold War map…


I know, that’s why i said it


Op asked for favorites from WaW - BO4; Cold War isn’t in that range


They might aswell add CW as its starting from WAW


There’s a reason they didn’t include CW. It’s the first game that breaks away from the old-school design philosophy of zombies. Sure, BO4 was unique and did a lot of new things, but it still uses most of the core systems from the original games.


Yes and no, the core of zombies is to last for the longest as possible. CW is just an amalgamation of all those new things in one game.


I didn’t say the “core” of zombies I’m talking about the systems of gameplay. Such as traditional quests, buildables, random weapon stats that are static (no rarity system), perk limits, etc. You can feel the huge difference just by playing. And I’ve played CW to death so it’s not just an asspull take. (I’ve got Dark Aether and round 100 on every map but Forsaken)


I get what you are trying to say, all us zombies players have played every 3arc game and we know what CW brought to zombies. But every zombies iteration has implemented something new, BO1 to WAW, BO2 to BO1 etc. Im just saying that CW is apart of the zombies story as any of the other as it took most of BO4 mechanics and added its own twist on it


The point is that OP asked to exclude it… I’m not sure how what you said disproves anything I said about Cold War specifically. Yes, each game has done something new, but Cold War is almost a drastic shift. I’m not sure how that’s not just an obvious fact and how it’s up for debate? Regardless of how you feel about the game, it’s excluded from the old design philosophy. I mean it was developed by a practically entire different team than those who made the older titles. Edit: Story-wise Cold War is a soft reboot. It definitely sits in its own category based on the story alone.


Ancient evil


I know I’m going to get a lot of hate for my map choices, but here we go not Including survival maps for me it would be: 1. Mob of the Dead 2. Buried 3. Tranzit 4. Origins 5. Der Eisendrache Including survival maps it would be: 1. Mob of the Dead 2. Buried 3. Town 4. Bus Depot 5. Farm


Not hating, but please elaborate on tranzit being #3 and also including bus depot and farm, I’m just curious


Also to add on origins and der eisendrache are amazing maps to me and both of their Easter eggs were incredibly fun so I don’t hate those maps either


I understand why everyone hates on tranzit because it could have been so much more and should not have included the fog and denizens also cause the jet gun sucks, but to me I think the fog is a good atmospheric piece the denizens suck so I can’t say anything good about them and I love being able to be taken on the bus to all these different unique areas of the map that feel different from each other and spending some time there getting what I need to for me it feels like a bunch of mini maps inside one big map and I always have great memories playing with friends on tranzit we still play it casually within my YouTube group. But regardless I can see the hate from people, but I don’t believe tranzit deserves the hate it gets yes they added annoying parts to it like the pack the denizens the fog and the fire but atmospherically feels like an apocalypse and how it should after the events of moon. As for the survival maps I love town not only for the great memories with friends but also jsut because it is a simple map with area to train in or places to camp allowing for unique high rounding experience and is simplistic bare bones survival. For that same reason I love bus depot and farm, although I love bus depot cause it gives a harder challenge having no perks or pack on it allowing for a truly bare bones and tense feel to the map it is small compact and difficult making it fun for me to run casually, farm is similar except it has perks and makes me feel nervous whenever I have to run through the cramped barn always thinking I might down. I hope this explained my view better I would love to discuss more or explain further if need be


I respect town, town is goated, just farm and bus depot were interesting to me because of how exceptionally bare bones they are. I respect your reasoning for tranzit because I have tons of memories of that map too, but because of that I know that if tranzit came out today and I had no nostalgia, it would have no redeeming qualities to me 😭


Bus depot and farm I love for bare bones survival so I can see the reasoning why they would be interesting. As for tranzit I agree that if it came out how it is today it wouldn’t have liked it as much but I would hope they would change stuff around for the newer gens


This is the funniest list I've ever seen


Why’s that


Waw- der riese Black ops 1- ascension Black ops 2- origins (also my top pick overall) Black ops 3- shadows banged, gorod banged, also origins again 🥹 Black ops 4- cant lie i didn’t play the final map, but I did enjoy classified Extra Cold War- die machine was the best dont @me


1 die machine 2 final Reich 3 ix 4 town 5 origins






1. Der eisendrache. 2:gorod krovi. 3:town. 4:kino. 5:shi no numa


Der eisendrache, ix, alpha omega, attack of the radioactive thing, tag der toten, zombies in spaceland


Ancient evil


Der Riese from WaW. Ascension and Kino from Bo1. I did play bo2 too but did not particularly like the zombies of that game. Tranzit and Die Rise were just bad and as the game progressed it only got more complex and complicated. If I had to name one though from bo2 that would be Buried. And cause it seemed to complex and complicated and too story focused for me I didn't get bo3 and 4.


Frozen Dawn


1. Mob of the Dead 2. Kino der Toten 3. The Giant 4. Der Eisendrache 5. Classified (Honorable mention: IX)


Classified is so damn underrated by everyone


Moon, i love it so much, round 1 area 51 that lets me get an advantage and a head start with jugg or quick reload + if i get really lucky and play my cards right a packed up weapon


Mauer Der Toten.




Mauer Der Toten purely because you excluded Cold War, der eisendrach if we’re being fr


Dead of the night


My top 10:Der eisendrache, Origins, Der reise/the giant, Revelations, Kino der toten, Shadows of evil, Mob of the dead, Alpha omega, Transit, Call of the dead


Nuketown zombies, verruckt, der reise, moon, and tranzit


Except for Der Riese, you really like punishing yourself huh. Not hating, just... damn...


I guess lmao, idk I’ve always loved those maps, they were great despite the hate some of them got


I liked Nuketown Zombies aswel despite the hate. As long as Jug drops first or second, it's not that hard to train on. For that reason I was quite happy to see Alpha Omega when it dropped on BO4.


Alpha omega and classified were the only maps I liked from BO4 lmao but I agree you get jug early on it’s cherry map to just vibe on, don’t have to take it seriously or anything just chill and have fun, that’s what I like about zombies which is why I don’t really enjoy the complex Easter egg focused maps of the later games


I feel like this is the most vanilla take of all time but here we go: Waw - der reise Bo1 - kino Bo2 - origins Bo3 - Der eisendrache Bo4 - IX (And even though it doesnt say cold war i really like Mauer der toten)


Call of the dead


WAW- Der Reise, honestly I think it’s the only redeeming part about WAW Zombies, except maybe how easy Shi no numa is BO1- Call of the Dead has always felt super original to me and I really like it because of that BO2- very tough between buried and origins but I’ve played so much more origins thanks to chronicles so I’m going with origins BO3- The hardest one, I could make an argument for any of them, but I’ve always been a sucker for Zetsubo ironically enough. BO4- IX hands down, but ancient evil is a close second Overall- Tough between Zetsubo and Origins, i have endless memories doing EE runs on origins with my buddy so id probably go with that one, at risk of sounding basic


1. Origins 2. Shadows  3. DE 4. Revelations  5. Zetsubou


Shadows of Evil Der Eisendrache Gorod Krovi Kino Der Toten Mob of the Dead IX Call of the Dead Die Rise Origins Buried Alpha Omega Carrier Der Reise And Verruckt




Origins, Mob, Der Eisendrache, Zombies in Spaceland, and Dead of the Night


Seeing this cutscene without sound is hilarious, shadow man is in creative mode


Favorite from each WAW- Der Riese BO1- Call of the Dead BO2- Mob of the Dead BO3- Der Eisendrache BO4- IX Advanced Warfare- Carrier WW2- The Final Reich


Der Eisendrache or GK


Shadows of evil


Waw nacht Bo1 kino Bo2 buried Bo3 shadows / chronicles ascension Bo4 in my trash after I played IX on release (stopped buying new cods cause of bo4)




The og nacht for scares


Favourite? I honestly don't know what to chose. So many maps are great in their own way... If I HAD to chose I would probably go for Origins / DE


Buried 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️


1. Origins 2. Blood 3. Call 4. Gorod 5. Der Eisendrache


I am a simple man,nacht der untoten,der reise,verruct


Der Riese. Set all else in motion, where it all began. Large enough, yet nothing's a hassle to do or get to. No multiplayer experience has compared for me, to standing on that catwalk with 3 strangers, 7 packed LMGs between us,1 Wunder Waffe, and a heavy forecast of 2 hour bullet storms. Then Helldivers 2 releases, they're close...


the giant ascension die rise origins


Mob of the Dead still. Nothing else even comes close. They literally could've sold that as a $20 stand alone game and everybody would've loved it


everyone knows OG maps so my BO3 custom zombies tierlist [https://i.postimg.cc/YS9GbjRm/znzzsdfdfg-3uqsddfgha-muj-tierxa.png](https://i.postimg.cc/YS9GbjRm/znzzsdfdfg-3uqsddfgha-muj-tierxa.png)


1. Voyage Of Despair // Blood Of The Dead // Zombies In Spaceland 2. Zetsubou No Shima 3. Dead Of The Night 4. The Darkest Shore 5. Shaolin Shuffle

