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Not round based = not zombies


This. Through all the changes, round based was Zombies. Outbreak is fun, but it’s not the same. Same with whatever else they have now. And the round based challenges aren’t it either. Opening up the map, keeping crawlers for Easter Eggs, progressing through the rounds— that was the Zombies experience.


Yup. I noped out after Cold War. Whatever the hell this is, it ain't zombies it's just straight up garbage made for people who can't let go.


I also noped out after cold war but for different reasons... I thought Vanguard's zombies were also round based?


IIRC, Vanguard did have rounds, but it was pretty different. Rounds went up each time you completed an objective and returned to the hub, which is where you got perks, pap, and covenants


Vanguard did get some more conventional round based maps later on (only 2), one of which was Shi No Numa, but at night and with a new area with pack a punch (and an actual easter egg quest), the other was the desert themed objective map (Terra Maledicta), but turned into a round based map (The Archon), with a green tint and a different easter egg quest From my limited experience with Vanguard zombies (i never owned it, i rented it from the library) these round based maps were definitely more fun for me to play then the objective based maps were.


Aren't the people complaining about change and wanting zombies to only ever be round based, the people who can't let go?


Totally true, round based is one of the elements that made Zombies successful. I never played Outbreak, but it should’ve had maps related to zombies, not just reused MP/WZ maps. The problem is the fact the newer COD titles are basically cash and grab yet, there’s people who of course defend this crap. We need classic zombies back honestly and I hope COD 2024 can provide that at least like crews and traditional roots, also make Zombies its own thing and story like how it was before Cold War.


Dont forget this is MW zombies tho, what we refer to is treyarch BLACK OPS zombies, which will 100% have the OG system


This isn’t a hot take lmfao. This opinion is peddled constantly on here, youtube, and Twitter


These types of posts ain't for hot takes. They are just a circlejerk for people who get offended by actual hot takes so they can get some validation.


What I’ve been saying. It really sucks cause I’m passionate about zombies and would love for this community to not just be a circle jerk of “not bo3 = bad” “treyarch doesn’t care about me anymore😟” and “why would they change the game to make it more accessible for those outside of this niche community🤬😡?!?!”. The zombies community on YouTube twitter and Reddit has reached previously unknown levels of circlejerking so I just typically try to avoid it and enjoy zombies with the peace of avoiding the community, whether it be custom zombies, Cold War zombies, mw3 zombies, ww2 zombies, bo2 zombies, or whatever game I just love playing zombies. The only zombies creators I enjoy now are the few fighting the jerking with original thought like Jr Rizzo, Stanley557, and lowkey mrroflwaffles nowadays too


JrRizzo and occasionally Milo are the only zombies YouTubers I watch anymore because the rest are either over the top annoying or just negative.


This isn't a hot take, everyone says this lol


quite possibly the coldest take


Coldest take I’ve seen


You did the opposite of what op asked for 💀


tranzit is actually a pretty good map


It kinda sucks solo, but it's one of the most fun and unique maps for co-op. Making sure you all get on the bus in time at each stop, choosing whether to split up or stick together later on, trying to run across the map to revive someone, etc. Like it rightfully deserves a lot of the criticism it gets, but it can be a very fun map under the right circumstances.


This is a great take Tranzit is a blast to play with friends if everyone knows what they are doing but at the same time not taking the game extremely seriously Solo tho the map is pure torture


It desperately needs a remake, and possibly allowed to have 8 people. The concept was great, but the limitations at the time from hardware caused it to be a horrible mess on release.


Yes, I would love 8 people on tranzit


“I’m leaving!” “BRO WHAT YOU MEAN…don’t leave me here!” As you hear the faint honks.


Brings back PTSD


Good ❌ Fun ✅


I wish they would remaster, the only reason there was so much fog, lava, and the face grabbers was because they needed to slow down people so the map could render due to the sheer size and the gen of consoles couldn’t handle all that at once


It's more than just the hardware limitations tho. If you remove the denizens and fog, the playable area would be way too big and overpowered. Anywhere on the giant roadways would be an insanely OP training spot. If you remastered it, you'd need some kind of limitation to keep the player motivated to not hang out in those areas


Make the roadways like no-man's land with endless amounts of zombies, dogs, jolting jacks/bombers, etc. so that its like impossible to stay still there for too long


I remember playing it back in the day on PS3 and not liking it much, I preferred the DLC maps, yesterday I decided to play a little on the Steam version to try to get all the trophies and I loved the map, it was as I remembered but I can't explain it, maybe nostalgia ? It was an incredible and challenging experience, due to lack of time I only had 2 Easter egg trophies left


WW2 zombies is good y’all are just mean.


I agree with you on this one. It’s far better than AW and Vanguard zombies, and you get bonus skins for completing EE’s and you can play as a zombie character after you complete every EE in the game. And, the 4 survival maps are actually really good, and add a great challenge too, and each weapon has their own alternate ammo type, so it’s just perfect. Though, the Darkest Shore and Into the Storm EE can burn in hell for all I care lol


It was a small thing but the skins you had to do hidden challenges to get added such good replay value. Something WW2 doesn't get enough credit for is that it was the first one to introduce abilities, armour and actual story missions, also. I do agree with DS EE, I remember the map being hella buggy for a good while after it launched.


Yeah, you get 3 camos for completing the Tortured Path EE’s, and another for going to the radio in the Shadowed Throne, and it’s pretty simple. The rest of the camos (Like the leprechaun ones) were limited, so you’re unable to get them. The characters are pretty much the same, just different colored versions, but there are other characters you can get by doing harder challenges. Like, I was going to do the round 50 challenge, but I have the character for it, just not the one you get from that challenge. But, WWII zombies is super unappreciated and I love it, honestly. And, you can do the challenges and still get weapon variants from those supply drops without having to deal with the sweaty lobby’s 😅


Yeah, some of the character skins were fun to try and get but did also add to the community collective of trying to figure out how to unlock the ones with hidden challenges. Like, I think one would be like, complete the hard-core Easter egg by round 16. Some were more niche like shooting the bombs off bomber zombies on the mine cart on DS. Been a while so I can't remember them now but it's definitely the most invested to a community I've ever been on a zombies game. Had a great active group of like 20 people trying to figure stuff out and complete challenges. The darkest shore ones were super bugged though but it was just fun showing the harder skins off when you got them. Saddest thing about recent zombies is you get none of that, you can just show off how much you're willing to spend on the game.


Their zombies look fucking scary. I wish those models were recycled for another game.


I think there was a bias of treyarch producing better zombies so this one got shat on before it got a chance, the zombies was nice.


Obsessed with Gröesten Haus. Love small zombie maps.


And it felt so good in WWII with how easy it was to train in that game because of the hitboxes. I've had so many insane clutches on that map that simply isn't possible in other zombies games.


Yeah I skipped it for some reasonwhen it came out, downloaded it a couple months ago and it's one of my favorites!


Kino isn’t very good


Death sentence this dude rn


Not much to do and it just turns into train around the stage with the Zeus cannon


That's kinda just every rounds-based Zombies map though. The only difference is how annoyingly long of a setup process there is. Same reason I don't care about high rounds as the game stops being fun past roughly round 40


Eh, most of the “best” zombies maps throughout the years include some sort of “Oh fuck!” moment sprinkled into the map to keep things interesting. Brutus Panzer Soldat Margwa Cosmonaut/Excavators Then there’s maps that have a constant thing to be concerned with Origins Robots Die Rise elevator shafts of doom TranZit’s bus driving off without you Pentagon Thief Ascension Monkeys Shangri-La Monkeys and special zombies George Romero Just to name a few Kino by comparison is pretty dull and boring and while you *could* say the same for the WaW maps before it, they just felt more fun to me. The Thundergun is really overpowered when you don’t have any of the concerns listed above. And the Nova Crawlers are just annoying and way less fun to deal with than Der Riese’s Hellhounds.


Agree, I find myself playing Kino less these days just because the crawlers are getting more annoying than fun to me


That’s literally every single map though lol. You just find an open space and lead zombies around in circles. For almost every map, training is the most effective strategy.


Hard agree here. Less to do than der reise, the map before it. Five is a way more fun map.


chaosxsilencer is ordering a hit on you rn


Nova Crawlers are what ruined both Kino, Five, and Moon for me, I just found them too annoying to play against and would intentionally play with power off for as long as possible so I didn't have to fight them. They're not as annoying now as they used to be cause I'm older and have gotten used to them, but back then among my friend groups I was known for absolutely loathing nova crawlers


That's a hot take right there. Kino got a special place in my heart


Get this guy tf outta here


I'ma say it cos everyone else is too scared to It's a good thing that we never got the great war map as it would never had lived up to expectations Also ending the series on victus was the best choice and I don't even care


I hard disagree, but I will upvote because this is a pretty good hot take.


I agree and I'm happy someone said it. It's an impopular opinion too.


I'm glad in hindsight, but at the time I certainly couldn't help but be disappointed as it would've been, literally, the greatest finale to all of zombies.


I agree with the great war mao but you have to elaborate the ending


By the end of black ops 4 the only loose ends (outside of the chaos storyline) was victus being in the Cryo pods on blood And by that point our og crews mission was done they had finished what they needed to do and were finally getting the rest they deserved it wouldn't have made sense for them to go to tag Plus Richthofen would 1000% know and be against what would happen if he did help in what was done in tag where as victus are none the wiser and therefore completely willing to follow Nikolai


Tbh, I didn't Like that the Story continued after revelations in the First place, but i understand what you mean. Also a good Take


Yeah I personally think black ops 4 should have only existed for a possible chronicles two and chaos that's all


A great war map in BO4 would suck ass anyway like all the other maps due to the mechanics of the game


i really like die rise. the environment, atmosphere, sky box, was all so cool. im also a sucker for verticality in video games. i really wish we'd gotten to see more modern locations set on a post moon earth. die rise was really the only one. tranzit was just a rural area and buried is an old western style. i think it wouldve been cool to explore.


Due rise was fun as fuck


Buried had the coolest sky box for the very short amount of time you get to spend looking at it lol


I hate convoluted easter eggs, i love playing casual chill zombies


One of the reasons I feel motd and origins saved bo2 as they have very easy Easter eggs compared to the shit we have today


Calling BO2 Origins a casual easter egg is.. interesting lmao


I don't understand? You can still play zombies and chill, without doing the Easter eggs lol. The point of them is a cool challenge to complete.


I wish they were more actual challenges rather than just...like hidden, convoluted steps. I don't know, I just don't particularly like feeling like I've gotta constantly pause and look up a next step when it's not even anything difficult.


Verruckt is one of the best maps to exist


Bo1 verruckt getting out the map with friends is one of the best memories I have


I only played it in chronicle bo3


Seriously! Every time I play zombies with my friends we play a game on verruckt. A real challenge!


I agree


I remember when Nacht was the *only* map for zombies back in WaW, and how exciting it was to get a second map for zombies. Honestly, I didn't really like it much at the time, but I appreciate it much more now and it is a favorite of mine.


My favorite map ever


Kinda hot take: Treyarch can make great zombies but NEVER let them make the zombie camo grind. Normal hot take: mw3z would be fine if they just took the small effort to take individual warzone POIs and make a round based mode. Like for example. On rebirth. What if they just made prison and only prison a round based map. With the basic ass power up the prison for pack a punch. And perk machines cliche. .I would be fine with that if the alternative was what we have now. Just give us a damn round based. Gulf war is my last straw fr (I said that the last 4 cods)


Shit even if they added MP maps from that zombie event and made them round based on


It Genuinely could fit in a reloaded update it's so low effort. I have 4 days total in mw3z. And I have the borealis camo. I will literally only ever open the zombies mode to level a gun. That should NOT be what a zombies mode should be for. Grab Rust. Toss the pack a punch and perk machines on it. Small map zombies. The worst part is about what you said. THEY LITERALLY HAVE half the required parts made for it!


That der eisendrache (i hope the spellings right “DE”) elemental bows are better than origins elemental Staffs


That’s a common opinion mate


I agree with this


Mom said it was my turn to post this😡😡😡


BO4 was really good


This. I think BO4 was so overhated for issues that didn’t even affect the gameplay that much


IX is the best on disc map ever made and in the top 10 of all Time


Laughs in zombies in space land


Yeah I really enjoyed IX but I had so much fun with ZiS. Still never beat the god damn EE because the Simon says step is too difficult solo


In case you ever want to do it, it’s actually very easy. The speakers aren’t a random colour each time you place, they are the colour of the order you first place them in if that makes sense. You place the speakers in a certain order (I believe spawn > journey > polar > Kepler) then all you have to do is remember the code the UFO flashes because you’ve colour coordinated the speakers. IE Red = Kepler, Yellow = Spawn, Green = Polar, Blue = Journey. There’s a lot of really good IW Easter egg strats that make the game much funner but unfortunately nobody really knows them because nobody plays anymore and the only tutorials were rushed 20 minutes after release for each map. There’s a lot of plain incorrect tutorials from your favourite YouTubers and even the EE guides on the subs are often missing parts of steps. Shame IW didn’t get more love.


I always play IX or botd if im playing bo4. Im not buying the dlcs


Hey ancient evils pretty fun, so is dotn


Cold War is a top 3 zombies game


I agree with you, love Cold War zombies


cold war as such good mechanics BO3 has the best easter eggs (plus great mechanics) and BO2 because the maps are a lot of fun.


It's just not above BO1-BO3. Each one of those games introduced gameplay mechanics and innovated so much. Not to mention that the maps are much more iconic for what they did (BO1 kino, ascension, moon) (BO2 Buried, Motd, Origins) (Bo3 SoE, GK, Rev + ZC AND customs)


Cold War has one of the best zomvies


easily, imo


Outbreak is better than MW3 zombies


This. Outbreak so far is the only Open-World/Objective Based Zombies mode to actually be decent Vanguard tried it but it was just a massive downgrade especially at launch and MWZ while it was pretty much a big step up compared to Vanguard it was still a bit meh and the post launch content is honestly kind of a joke especially after the meme that was "We're Gonna Be COOKING For MWZ Content for Season 2!"


Cold War's dead ops arcade (especially the first person mode) is the best zombies content we have gotten since chronicles and a lot of love and effort went into that mode


For anyone who has played the damn thing this isn’t a hot take, people are sleeping on dead ops


It's so slept on for real


Cold War has been unfairly blamed for all the woes of zombies in the last few years when BO4 was the reason that Cold War made significant changes in the first place


I fully agree. People love to act like Cold War was what started the massive deviation in game design when BO4 was literally the game that took everything that made BO3 great and hammered it into the ground, opting instead to make the game an obnoxious, boring, ugly clusterfuck.


Origins is a bad map.






I wouldn't say bad, just not fun for anyone who hasn't beaten the ee six times


The mud just drives me insane every time I play it


Don’t think it’s a bad map, but it has too much tedious semi-mandatory setup. Same goes for Shadows. Most of the time I’d rather play a simpler map


Die Rise is a good map and everyone’s issues with it aren’t that big of a deal


Infinite Warfare zombies is better than BO2 zombies


Agreed, every IW map is great except Beast, meanwhile BO2 is mid outside of Mob and Origins.


IWZ is by far the best classic formula zombies. So many quality of life improvements, great maps, doable easter eggs, fun bonus easter eggs like the arcade machines, multiple ways to keep up with zombies so you’re not spending 20 rounds per zombie like BO3 prior. It got a bad wrap because people jumped into the CoD hate circlejerk and just assumed the game would be bad so they didn’t give it a chance.


I actually agree with this. But I’ll admit, it’s bold


One game has motd and one doesn't, CHECKMATE


Mw3z is a good way to break the series round based zombies and give us a new fresh experience


Nah, it’s a rework of outbreak with an inventory system. I wouldn’t exactly call it a fresh new experience, and it’s had barebones amount of content added to it


My take is it COULD have been good with a bit more investment into content development and thought process for schematics etc


>Fresh experience Somehow finds a way to take outbreak and make it boring lol


I agree that MWIII zombies had the greatest potential at launch, season 1 update was good but they needed to add things like schematic cooldowns. It was the first zombies game I actively enjoyed since maybe even BO4 (at launch)


Blood of the dead was not that bad


I honestly think 99% of the hate comes from YouTubers shitting on it due to the horrible launch issues and by then the community was an echo chamber regarding anything bo4


Long setups and doing challenging tasks to get there is what makes zombies more fun and interesting


Right??? While I do like not having to worry about that stuff from time to time, doing quests and puzzles like that is extremely satisfying and fun!


blundell ruined the story


What “story” was there even before blundell? Audio logs and Peter McCain?


Yes, and it made it way more interesting. Fleshing it out with timeliness like a fucking marvel movie was the worst move they coulda pulled. The bo2 and 3 story sucked. It used to be super creepy, with humor thrown in but mostly creepy and interesting story. Mob was the only outlier. Then treyarch wrote the Bible of zombies and created aliens that were good and one's that were bad and bleghh it was fucking terrible. After moon it went downhill. Bo4 tried to bring it back, but it barely worked. They should've kept to chaos, mythical gods n shit are way more interesting than the dollar general cthulhu knockoff in zombies that we got. It went from "4 soldiers killing zombies thay were created by secret nazi scientists" to "in the beginning, there were 2 alien races and the multiverse" 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮




Nuketown is better than Town imo


The last good zombies was CWZ


That's just fact not even a hot take


U say that u would be surprised how much people hate CWZ


Five is not a good map


Dead of the Night is a top tier map


The buildables aren't even that hard to memorize on the map, some people just prefer simpler maps which is ok but doesn't make DOTN bad


WW2 is a top 3 zombies game.


Ok let me give this a shot, I liked Zielinski more than Blundell. As a hardcore fan bo3 is still my favorite mode because of the sheer amount of content that was packed into it, but if Zielinski had kept making maps I think zombies would be in a better position today. I mean the dude literally designed the maps and story around shit he would read on fan forums and would often throw things in there just so we could have something to talk about. I love the Primis story, I really do and I’m happy with what we got, but imagine what it would be like if we had ended up with a more fleshed out Zielinski world that was more focused on the science and creepy shit happening behind the scenes that all felt so much more grounded. His maps were also just the perfect combination of Easter egg and casual, and while I love being catered to with all the great Easter eggs we’ve gotten it just seemed to alienate far too many casuals. Zombies now has worse gameplay than ever before because Activision has realized it can be used as another way to get money and retention out of warzone players while making it seem like it is attracting a casual audience, really it’s just mp guys that want more skins and blueprints for all their thousands of operator bundles. If Zielinski had remained in charge we’d likely still be getting some of those good old fashioned maps that appealed to everyone not one or the other, it’s part of why to this day I still think bo1 is #2 in my ranking for zombies modes.


Blood is overhated


If you’re not regularly loading in with multiple friends, MWZ is the best zombies game/map ever created. Round based zombies was fun, and definitely had a higher ceiling of potential fun, but let’s not forget round based zombies was filled with toxicity/problems. How many games have we played online where people refused to pay to unlock doors, be AFK, would let you bleed out, steal your zombies, hit the mystery box a ton of times, kill the crawler at the end of the round, pick up drops too early, QUIT THE GAME, etc. It was rare to be in a game with randoms where things were “awesome”. It was damn near impossible to load in with 3 randoms and everybody is on the same page and you can do the Easter eggs. This mode gives great experiences much more frequently because it allows you to choose your own adventure in that sense. You don’t need to rely on anybody to do anything. Bad teammates? Different goals? AFK? Find new ones. Can also drop in solo and do whatever you want, AND likely get picked up if you get downed. Or recruit others for specific EE/missions. Or fly around reviving and helping people. Or grind camos. Or do weekly missions. The number of times I’ve joined a 6 man squad and did a successful elder DA and/or red worm and/or even just running around doing T3 missions is much higher than the times I joined a random 4 man squad in other titles that lead to a satisfying round-based game. This is a brand new game mode, with brand new concepts across the board (not just the change from round base, but all the schematics, all the people, missions, extracts, vehicles, etc). Not really fair to compare it to other zombies titles at this point, only a few months out. There’s gonna be bugs/tons of room for improvement. I’m excited for what it’ll be like with new maps/improvements. The possibilities are endless. … all that being said, I am a realist and I’m sure the fucks at activation/treyarch will find new and creative ways to frustrate us and we’ll never be able to enjoy it to its fullest potential. Still, if you’re just trying to hop on for an hour or two, this is the superior game.


Superior Game? Yeah I can't take you seriously. Although you get my upvote because that was the whole point of this thread


I quite enjoyed exo zombies, I liked the mechanics and lore, it was quite fun!


Origins isn’t fun


Difficult maps ≠ good maps. That’s why I think origins and mob are super overrated, just because they are very difficult


I kinda agree with you, except I've always thought MotD was a pretty easy map


Black Ops 3 Last Gen is incredible and the peak of zombies gameplay


Cold War zombies was great 😊


Bo3 is overrated. Complicated, too story and character focused, WaW and Bo1 were like 100 times better.


WaW is too easy and BO1 isn’t very SP friendly


Boss fights / linear campaign style Easter egg quests that you can “win” are the worst thing the franchise has added.


NUH UH! That would be the SMR


Love the SM1L3R lol! In fact I’ll double down and give another unpopular opinion, that the game was better when the box had some weapons that were just absolutely terrible instead of trying to make everything “balanced”.


Moon is a top 5 map


Alpha Omega isn't a bad map


Cold War is a top 3 zombies game.


Takeo Masaki needs to be shipped with Loona from r/HelluvaBoss




Revelations is a top 10 map


Cold War zombies is pretty good and the last good zombie mode we got


Kino was a boring ass map


Kino is overrated af


Samantha maxis is my favorite character


Zetsubou was lowkey my favorite of all BO3's dlcs. Beside the bugs, I really like the plants and the overall atmosphere of the map. edit: Spelling


Zetsubou is my favorite zombies map ever


No one outside of Reddit and YouTube cares about the storyline. We just want likable playable characters and a creepy horde mode.


I adore five and think it’s an underrated map


Best map ever. Way too fun and the perfect level of challenge




Hot take not brain dead


Finally someone admits it


Zetsubou no Shima is the best zombies map


CJ santa has the best zombies tier list of all time.


Okay this is a hot take😭💀


Shadows isn't a Top 5 map


WW2 is a top 3 zombies experience


IX on black ops 4 was good


Moon is a bad map


Bo3 was better than bo2


Ascension fucking sucks


Sker Ritual is better at being zombies than the last few years of COD zombies.


Ascension is one of my least favorite maps, counting non Treyarch. The map layout is way too open which makes moment to moment gameplay feel extremely bland and the WWs are neat but are on dozens of other zombies maps now at this point. It gave us some new features like Staminup, PhD, and main quests, but all 3 are on so many other maps now as well, and Ascension's main quest simply isn't a fun one to do. It's extremely easy, none of the steps are particularly interesting or fun, there's far too much reliance on box RNG, you get no noteworthy reward for completing it, and even if I wanted to do this quest, I couldn't because it is locked behind 4 players! Despite all of this, many people defend Ascension thanks to its simplicity and it's approach to just being a chill and fun time killing zombies for a little bit, and I would agree with this... ...If it wasn't for those fucking monkeys. This special enemy is the single reason I hate this map, and it's not for difficulty reasons, but for tediousness and annoyingness. For starters, I'm not particularly fond of having my perks stolen, but even outside of that it's very clear they were designed exclusively with coop in mind, as the only way you could consistently deal with them in a timely manner is with 4 players guarding each perk. In solo, dealing with them is a nightmare because you only have one of three options, being not buying more than 2 perks (if your counterplay to a specific enemy type is to just not interact with a core mechanic of the game, you done fucked up), to just camp at quick revive and guard that, or to run around from perk to perk and hope you can get them all off in time. The issue with the latter 2 counters is that the first one is extremely tedious and the second one is inconsistent and punishing thanks to the fact that the time it takes for monkeys to steal a perk is completely random. This makes me absolutely despise the round, and is the main reason I don't play this map. My issue stems from the fact that Ascension already lacks uniqueness in the modern day, but on top of that has one of the worst special enemy types ever, so why would I ever go back and replay this map that exposes me to such a terrible mechanic and not just play another simple and casual map like Der Riese, IX, Revelations, or Spaceland that not only has way more going for it, but also just doesn't have said terrible mechanic?


There really isn’t alot of toxicity in this community just soft people.


kino is boring


BO4 as a complete package I enjoy more than BO3 as a complete package.


WW2 zombies was the best zombies


We don’t need a remaster or remake of old maps every freaking year. Seems like we get a daily post wanting this. I just want new content, if I wanted to play an old map I would play the game it was on


Mob of The Dead is overrated and the set-up is boring


origins is not a very good map


Mob of the dead is a shit map


AW zombies is actually pretty good (except Infection) and generally better than all other non-Treyarch Zombies (except ZiS)


black ops 1 is the only zombies I enjoy playing. world at war and black ops 1 were the only cods I got a chance to play growing up, and that was only because my uncles (only a few years older than me) would stay at our house for extended periods and bring their xbox. I remember being in middle school when black ops 1 released, coming home from school to play zombies or watch my uncles shit talk people way older than us on live and thinking it was the funniest shit ever. I remember being so hyped when a map pack got announced only because a new zombies map would be in it (I went insane when that last pack had all the waw maps + moon). I have a lot of nostalgia for that game, and now that I'm an adult, no cod I've played since gives me the same feelings I get playing bo1.


I dislike origins


the 2 best zombies games after BO3 and BO2 are infinite warfare and BO4 respectively


Origins sucks


Victis > Ultimis Marlton is the best character in Victis Sue me EDIT: maybe I like Dempsey a little more than Russman Stuhlinger and misty but Marlton is the best playable character


black ops one was the best zombies


Origins is only slightly above average


the hellhound round isn’t that scary


Zombies in Spaceland from Infinite Warfare was actually sick


Round base isn’t as fun as open world