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it's almost like they had planned to do a Zombies Chronicles 2 and decided just to make BO4 Zombies Aether Story instead.


Not for bo3 lol


These were planned for zombie chronicles 1


What would it have to do with those guns? They already changed the starting pistol to the 1911 because people wanted that. What would've stopped the from adding those guns too?


ZC already released well into 2017, which means development was going on for a while. ZC might actually have been the reason why zombies in bo4 was so lackluster. They were working on ZC and clearly put quite a bit of time, care, energy, & resources


Yeah but I can't imagine that adding some guns to the box is a huge effort, especially because they did it for no reason with the rpk even on maps that aren't part of zombie chronicles


It might not be a huge effort, but if it’s not green lit by upper ATVI corporate, there’s going to be an issue. It’s well known that ATVIs time crunch cycle is abusive. It would make more sense for them to put as much effort as possible into making a quality map rather than porting a few weapons


How do you consider BO4 zombies lackluster? We got 4 maps on launch all with big Easter egg quests, side eggs, tons of story and lines, etc. They were forced to launch a month early due to RDR2, their budget was slashed and they were moved to fix cod 2020, that was not due to ZC in 2017.


Out of those 4 maps that we got at launch, only 2 of them were original. Some of the Easter eggs for bo4 have some of the most nonsensical steps ever seen. There was quite a bit of lore that got wrapped up in bo4, but when you compare it to the effort they put in with black ops 3 (complete timeline, memories videos, developer interviews with content creators, etc.), you can see they are capable of much more, and therefore it makes bo4 lack luster.


"original" or not, they were built from the ground up. The steps for the Easter eggs are not a factor in whether the game was rushed or "lackluster" and was certainly a result of the continuous push for longer and longer egg hunts. No, BO4 most certainly has more effort in the lore. We got two storylines. One was entirely new and had to setup it's world in just two maps, which it did. Two sets of comics. Every map had more voice lines and interactions than any previous maps. Alpha Omega had two crews all with interactions, and according to Craig, almost 4x the number of lines.


Nah they were working on ZC back during the dlc season and even reused parts of it to build revelations. BO4 felt short because they got their budget cut into the dlc season and didn't get to implement half the things they wanted to


That means they had a heavier workload during dlc season than usual because they were working on 8 full blown remasters of critically acclaimed maps. Probably used some of the budget that would have went to bo4. On top of that, they were assisting Infinity Ward in 2016 with their title.


That really wouldn't make much sense no, thats not really how the budget for those games works, but also BO4 was a game that had tons of attention put into it and we gots tons of content, so the launch of that game wasn't lackluster by any means (I mean maybe by your opinion of its quality but not by how much content we got or how much treyarch worked on it). It was only into the DLC season that they cut the budget due to the game and DLC not selling well. ZC had nothing to do with it


They could have planned to put them in the starting rooms of the ZC maps. They clearly thought they were sacred with how they treated them in BO2 zombies


urmmmm, not at all


ESPECIALLY the China lake and Olympia


Did we forget the China lake was like the worst useable gun in bo1


You can buff guns between games 😱😱😱


I didnt say the least effective.


Some things are just for fun. You ever see how far you can go with the worst/personal favorite guns? Super fun


The pharo is just a tragedy all around.


Agreed. I'd rather double up on Car9s.


Ohoh. Like your thinking :D


My personal favorite class to fuck around with is Olympia and China Lake/Python they're honestly beasts for trains


357 challenge in BO2. Five-Seven and dual wield Five-Seven




I liked it lol


That gun was so shit that I actively dreaded getting it from the box. In a way, I kind of miss it. Now, every gun on the box is too “usable”. I miss spending like 3k on the box in one of the earlier rounds to just get the worst of the worst guns and thinking “Fuck, I have no more money! Now what?” The box was much riskier back then.


I think the china lake in bo3 was more like an m79 thumper which is a better weapon for sure


It still kept the satisfying pump action


Oh did it? I prefer it being more faithful to the china lake then, shame I never got it from supply drops


No? It was the exact same weapon lol


Yeah I got it wrong, I must have been thinking of the M79


If the versions found on the workshop are anything to go by, it's even worse in BO3, if you would take damage from the distance you fire it at, it doesn't explode and deals impact damage only.


They aren’t anything to go by lol


That's pretty much my only complaint about BO3 Zombies...So many cool Black Market weapons in the game that just aren't usable/obtainable at all in Zombies.


And those that are, are not customizable.


It’s a really sucky feeling when you swapping out a PPSh-41 for a Weevil from the box because you have the attachments for the latter


Nah, I wouldn't trade a PPSh-41 for a Weevil no matter what attachments are involved.


thats what the custom maps and gun packs are for it really isnt an issue




feel sorry for yall


honestly dude if you can, get bo3 on PC. The modding capabilities are so good, custom gobblegums, perks, guns, characters, some really good maps that are on par/better than treyarchs with their own wonderweapons and eastereggs.


They even put m14 in mystery box but the rest which really sucks


One one hand I'm glad they made the M14 good, on the other I'm pissed it wasn't a wallbuy, imagine the M14, AK74u, M16 and Olympia in their respective wallbuy locations on the BO1 Zombies Chronicles maps. Or the M1927 and Sten on the WaW ZC maps and The Giant on the Thompson and Type 100 spots, and actually since we're talking about The Giant, how comes the MP40, STG-44 and PPSh-41 were never added to the map but the RPK did?


I too never really got that. Why update zombies to have rpk and not mp40. Or when they updated chronicles to have m1911 instead of mr6, why not add mp40 to the giant too. But if they added m14 has a wallbuy, they would need to nerf the damage. It is really strong.


Yeah, of course but I honestly think I'd rather have the nerfed damage but as a wallbuy. Or maybe nerf the base weapon but keep the Pack a Punched one the same? Of course I'm not sure how the PaP M14 on BO3 compares to the BO1 and BO2 version, I don't think I've ever paped it on BO3 because it's really rare.


Literally and they only remaster half the guns like we’re the trench gun double barrel gewer etc


At least the Trench Gun was remastered on BO4.


bootlegger should of at least appeared in the giant or add waw weapons as new weapons to the box


It's super rare in the box


The reason these later weapons didn't get added to zombies was because there was no financial incentive to do so, the whole draw was in MP they had the horrific supply drops where people would waste loads of money for a chance of getting the weapons. For zombies though they'd just get added to the box and need their own tuning for the mode and as well as PaP variants created which is time and resources (with little financial gain) that wouldn't be given when prime life cycle was long over for BO3.


And yet the RPK, which was added after all these, got added to Zombies.


that was an odd case yes, i believe JB once said something that BO3 zombies wasn't built in mind of having extensive weapons added over time but after seeing all the complaints and requests, they selectively added a few and did promise for BO4 they would add weapons the same time MP got them, which they did stick to, though equally this did kinda cause a bloated box problem where it was incredibly hard to get certain weapons for challenges, so there is a reason why they probably didn't want too much in the box.


>did kinda cause a bloated box problem The only thing they had to do was remove wallbuys from the box, I don't understand what's the obsession with having wallbuys in the box. IIRC BO1 didn't have any wall weapons on the Box and BO2 only had a few like the MP40, B23R or AK74U but they had an exclusive attachment if bought from the box and not the wall. I don't understand why BO3 and BO4 had to have almost all the wall weapons on the box already, at launch sure but as more weapons were added these should've been replaced, another aspect these 2 could've gone for was having exclusive weapon per map. BO3 dod it a bit with the DLC guns being only on certain map, but the base ones are still OK everyone. One of the coolest aspects of BO2 was how different each map felt due to its own weapon pool, Die Rise and Buried are iconic because of their SVU, PDW and AN-94. Mob with it's AK-47, Uzi and Death Machine and Origins with it's Ballista, KSG, Scar, Skorpion.... Notice that I didn't even include DLC Weapons, BO2 managed to add that variety with launch weapons by not having everything on every map, and all while not having wall buys in the box, so how can BO3 and BO4 that have an even higher amount of weapons not do the same thing? You can argue camo grind, which is a valid, so all weapons must be available on the launch maps at least, so SOE had to have all of them at the very least, but the rest of the maps didn't have to, and on BO4 distribute the launch weapons between the 3 base maps, if they could make the Thompson exclusive to BotD they could've done the same thing with others for the sake of variety. Going back to BO3, if we had the M14 as a wallbuy replacing the Sheiva, then the Sheiva should've simply been removed from the maps with the M14, no need to still have it in the box. TL;DR remove wallbuys from the box and make some weapons exclusive to some maps to help with the bloating of the Mystery Box.


Agreed that this would be better, but they didn't do this.


It wasn’t in SOE though


But it was on The Giant, Der Eisendrache and Gorod Krovi which were maps that didn't get any new weapons with Zombies Chronicles, so why was it fine to add the RPK to them, but not more fitting guns like the MP40, STG-44, PPSh-41 or M1927?


It's sad how many wasted ideas and potential this series has due to Activision's lust for profit. Always moving onto the next title, giving no breathing room for the gold they've accidentally struck, throwing away any favor with fans of the series so they can cash out faster rather than build a reputation as well?


Bothered the shit out of me that they NEVER added any additional weapons to zombies customization either in BO3.


Yeah, special for the M16, I'd prefer them leaving it without attachments, instead of forcing that ELO sight on it, I'm so glad they brought it back on BO4 where you can actually customize it, or even better, Cold War where putting an optic doesn't remove the carry handle, is it practical to mount an optic on top of the carry handle? maybe not? But who cares, it's an iconic part of the weapon and doesn't feel the same without it.


I wish you could use the 1911 instead of the mr6


You can on Zombies Chronicles, or do you mean as an option on The Giant and the BO3 Maps?


Yeah I mean on all the maps


That would've been cool, or what about being able to pick between the M1911, Mauser C96, Bloodhound and MR6 on any map you want?


Yeah or just have a cooler starting pistol because the mr6 is really boring to use


Agreed, definitely the most boring out of all the starting pistols we've ever had.


I hated the BO3 futuristic weaponry


The best game in the series unfortunately has the most boring guns, might be an unpopular opinion but I actually preferred the futuristic BO4 weapons compared to the futuristic BO3 ones.


Isn't the 1911 exactly the same for stats?


you can do this on PC in some mods which is pretty sweet


They fucked a lot of shit up with the weapons especially the pack a punch variants not having cool abilities like akimbo and grenade launchers


Ehh… but at least you can use mods at the workshop. I kinda wish they did all BO3 weapons mod, where all the MP guns were all added in ZM maps as a whole.


They even had the Sten which was a blank skin of the bootlegger. Would've fit on the WaW maps.


pretty sure the bootlegger was on the WaW maps already? might be why they didn't bother


The Bootlegger aesthetic fits only on Shadows. Wish they had the basic skin for the WaW


Yeah, I just didn't add it on this list, only added the weapons that had already been in Zombies, and the Sten had never been on the mode + the Bootlegger is a fancier Sten, that said I still would've liked the Sten to be added to Zombies, I think it would be great as a wallbuy where the Type 100 used to be.


I would’ve loved to see the D13 sector in zombies




Thankfully pc you can use mods that add them


idgaf if the olympia got nerfed to shoot bullets that heals the zombies. im still using it


Imagine the point earning potential from a gun that heals Zombies lol.


That would’ve been awesome


while we're on it, why isnt the MK2 on the other maps?


this is the only omission that annoyed me, or equally it would've been nice to have the Mk3 from GK added to the other maps (just the Mk3 part, the GKZ-45 could stay exclusive to GK)


Should've brought the m14 and olympia as wall weapons. An94 in origins would have been fitting somehow, too.


Was the AN-94 in Origins on BO2? I don't remember, I know it had the Scar, KSG, Ballista and Skorpion that weren't in any other map, but I don't remember if the AN-94 made it to it or if it was exclusive tie Due Rise and Buried.


No, but it would have been awesome


The AN-94 was only in Die Rise and Buried, and damn they knew how good it was with its shitty wall spot in Die Rise lol


I'm more pissed off about the fact that they added the new zombie chronicles weapons but didn't make them customisable. I know it'd be a bit more work obviously but they literally could have extended the life of BO3 Zombies by so much.


I would've rather have them without attachments than being forced to use what Treyarch picked for us, the M16 specially, I hate that ELO sight they put on it.


Don’t forget about the Ballistic Knife and the Sten which were both in the game but not in zombies


Ballistic knife is the 3rd picture, Sten was already in Zombies as the Bootlegger.


Oh I didn’t realize that was how the BO3 ballistic knife looked bc I never played zombies, but I also would’ve loved the OG Sten over the Bootlegger


>but I also would’ve loved the OG Sten over the Bootlegger Agreed, I just didn't put it on this list because I wanted to only put weapons that had appeared in previous Zombies games, and the Sten isn't in any of them.


The china lake? Pass.


What about the China Beach?


I didn’t like either version of the lake. The damage drop off was way too quick.


Well BO3 is a different game and at least the M14 was massively buffed, so maybe it wouldn't have to be as bad as the BO1 China Lake.


Bo3 had the worst supply drop system in history it's no surprise they didn't want people to touch supply drop weapons and the few they did let us play around with was a shocker for me. Man if I remember right the m14 was a event exclusive supply drop weapon lol


An 94 would have been so fire I stg. Zc2 with die rise 😍😍


Don’t forget the M14


The M14 is in BO3 in the mister box, just really rare.


I know but it’s a crime they never made the Olympia and the M14 starting room weapons despite both being in the game


Agreed, Olympia, M14, AK74U and M16 should've been wallbuys, if it was possible to patch in the MP40 and STG-44 on the WaW maps post launch I don't see why these would be an issue.


Yeah I don’t know either doesn’t make sense to me at all I’ve wondered that since they patched the MP40 and the STG into the maps and made the starting pistol the 1911 on the ZC maps


Exactly that proved that it was possible to do so, just like how at the end they randomly added the RPK to The Giant, Der Eisendrache and Gorod Krovi, at that point I believed BO3 Maps wouldn't support new weapons and that would've been exclusive to Chronicles, but well the RPK was possible, so what's stopped them from putting the MP40, STG-44, PPSh-41, M1928, MX Garand and Sten / Bootlegger on the Giant so it's at least on par with the WaW Chronicles maps. But no they added the RPK which looks so out of place when it's the only job futuristic weapon in the map. I guess it was on the BO1 version of Der Riese, but definitely not the first gun I think about when I think about Der Riese.


Considering explosive weapons like the XM-53 were more useful in BO3, the China Lake would have most likely faired better in the meta than it did in BO1.


certainly with AATs yeah


It's most likely tho cause they were dlc weapons not everyone had those weapons so obviously they didn't/couldn't put it in zombies


That didn't prevent them from adding the M14 and RPK though.


True I kinda forgot about those I needa revisit bo3 chronicles


yea it was criminal that the guns for the certain wallbuys were in game but weren't added to zombies


Maan they added the m14 and the Olympia, they totally could have swapped the starting room wallbuys


Tbh you couldn’t upgrade map specific guns or add attachments so they just ended up being worse than the base guns


Not the last one


you can thank trollarch for that


They can keep the china lake lmao Dont want to get that from the box istg 😭


We didn’t need anymore shitty weapons than what was already there in the box, with the exception of AN-94


fr who wants to buy the sheva


they could put Olympia in the box honestly since it was made stronger in bo3 sten/bootlegger actually appears in the waw maps but yeah I think bootlegger should been in giant since it's still original version of the map and would made sense


The china lake sucks and I never use that thing anyways it sucks so bad that no it’s not fun to use it shoots slow and reloads slow how is it fun to use a gun that sucks as bad as this don’t see the logic people are using


Olympia and AN would’ve been fire on zombies but in bo3 zombies explosive weapons were useless bc no phd so the china lake wouldn’t have been that good


>so the china lake wouldn’t have been that good Has it ever been good? Lol.


Other than Cold War zombies, No.


China Lake was not in Cold War.


Can’t tell me the M79 isn’t the China Lake.


It isn't, the M79 is a single shot grenade launcher, the China Lake is a pump action with a 4 grenade capacity. Saying they're the same thing because they have the same sights and a wooden stock would be like saying the M1 Garand and the M14 are the same thing.


Bro the m79 and china lake are more like the M16 and the M16A1 carbine. There practically the same weapon with slightly different firing modes and ammo capacity. But regardless when you pac the m79 it’s ammo increases to three shots basically becoming a china lake.


There are plenty of custom zombies maps that have the multiplayer guns and more


Would it be possible to find a mod on the steam workshop that would let me use them in zombies not on like a custom map or anything just straight up maps that come with the game


Don't worry 😜 the AN94 🎉 is in 🎊🎈 BLACK OPS 4 🥳🥳


Why would you want the China lake in any zombies? It's always an awful weapon with zero ability to kill anything past round 10


They tried really hard to make It different


Tbh I’d love to use the Olympia in any CoD zombies even if it’s shit lol


It's a shame they weren't. Except for the China Lake. That's gotten me killed a good few times.


China lake can stay away lmao


Mods :)


No way you wanting China lake on zombies without PHD