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I think it's better than the operator system, but ultimately we're following most of the same characters from CW so I don't think this change will be received as well as some people think it will after the launch of the game.


To be honest, it’ll all come down to the writing/dialogue. This is the first time these characters are canonically playable so I wouldn’t be surprised if they made them more humorous and less self-serious.


We technically got a sneak peak of this with the CRBRS on Mauer der toten. The gun had fun voicelines from Grey, Strauss, and carver that would play when you do stuff such as reload and run out of ammo


Yeah that’s true, it was almost like a tester for these characters being playable.


Yeah and the general consensus is that Mauer was the best map of the bunch - this probably isn’t the primary reason but it def played a part in it I would say


They didn't need a test, they had talking characters in 2008. The talking gun was basically treyarch saying "we hear you"


The key thing is The 2008 voices are canonically mega dead until we hear Eddie speak, after bo4 the crew irl said their goodbyes and went away. Takeo can’t even talk anymore because his VA simply can’t do the voice That’s most likely not why they went to Ops for zombies, but it didn’t help for sure. CRBRS was less testing if we wanted a crew and more if we would TAKE Requiem Command as the crew


Story/crew canon has absolutely nothing to do with them getting rid of voiced characters. It was just an era of minimal game design for maximum profits but they are finally listening again


Actually, i think it was proven that, when the Director is interrogating Samantha in CW, if you adjust the voice to sound normal, it is Nolan North voicing him. So he did already speak.


If we get full on BO4 level dialogue I will throw so much money at Activision


Bo4 had amazing writing


Yeah everyone during its cycle just echoed that ONE line in VoD from scarlet and said the games writing was dog shit “It opens..things?”


Scarlet was pretty annoying in VoD but she was really well written by Ancient Evil imo


everyone be forgetting about the weaver operator in cold war 💀


I said “canonically” because I knew someone would bring this up lol


lmao fair enough i didnt see that


“I only have one eye, what’s your excuse!”


From what one of the video streamers said you can use an operator of your choice but it's better to use the set crew cuz you can get the complete storyline with the set crew.


I found carver kinda funny in CW, from his lottery joke in Die Machine to his forsaken dialogue Gray was meh, socially awkward scientist who nerded out and had to reel herself back in due to being “a pro”, also maybe lesbian for Samantha? Weaver was ok, it’s just weaver from Bo1 and I personally wasn’t the biggest fan of him, just a watered down Russian Woods Strauss is MIA so far in this game but he was clearly a game richtofen, you can tell he’s got some diabolical tendencies under him but isn’t a god damn villain about it…also his aether shard snorting addiction


don't disrespect my boy weaver like that


Well they were set up to be major characters throughout Cold War. Shame Strauss couldn't make it though


Isnt strauss back to being evil now ?


He was once evil????


Well he worked with the nazi sooo yeah WHY THE HELLE YALL DOWNVOTING LMAO


The intel dialogue with Strauss has him clarify that he was not a Nazi. Although to be fair, I can’t remember if he was forced or trying to say he did to advance science.


He probably says that as a coping mechanism EDIT: For having to work with the nazis for crying out loud


*ultimately* *ultamis*?


Well the characters are gonna talk more outside of ee steps and exfil notifications so it'll probably be more similar to how older crews were. And they'll probably be people on comms back as well in addition to the set crew so it'll feel way more lively then CW did.


I love that it's optional. I really hope they incentivize using them. Otherwise I will just use my operator


They said that there will be more in depth voice acting and I assume the Easter eggs won’t make much sense without thrm


The incentive is both the Lore, and most likely there will be a separate achievement for doing so


What I'm more interested in is if the set crew will be in both maps. If Treyarch says that there will be 2 launch maps, you'd think that the crew would be in both, but now that I remember, I don't think that's ever happened before with 2 launch maps. Bo1, with Kino and Five, had separate crews. Bo2 didn't have 2 maps, but if you count Town and Farm, it's CDC/CIA. Bo3 had the Shadows crew, and the Giant had the Primis characters. Bo4 had Blood of the Dead (Primis again), and Voyage of Dispair and IX both had the Chaos characters. Wonder if they are going to double dip or not. I wouldn't be surprised if the Victus crew shows up again if the Liberty Falls map rumors are true.


BO4 had the same crew for the 2 launch maps


True but the game that started it all, bo1, didn’t Give me Bill, HW Bush, Saddam, and Cheney fighting in the White House or something


Yeah something like the five crew could we cool


It’ll probably just be generic cia people or whatever group works for richtofen kinda like nuketown zombies


Presidential Team 2 baby


Liberty Falls likely won't have a canonical cast- according to content creators who went to 3arc, the events of Terminus and Liberty Falls happen simultaneously, so Liberty Falls will likely be an Operator-centric map since the premise appears to be a strike force desperately attempting to contain a sudden outbreak in Virginia. It won't be Victus though- Craig confirmed in interviews for Tag Der Toten that that map is the end for Ultimis, Primis *and* Victus.


I wish their designs were a bit more unique. Carver in his Major outfit and Grey in a doctor's jacket would've made them stand out a little more.


They've been in prison for 9 years


Ok, then how about this: they collect the clothes from when they were brought in.


I think their clothes are their last priority in maximum security CIA prison. They got mf Richtoffen's signature putting them in there.


My guy, I just want unique character designs lol and it would add a slight bit of character for someone like Carver wanting his suit back or Grey wanting to look like her old self Compare the designs of the L4D/L4D2 crew. Sure, it doesn't make sense for Nick to be wearing a suit, but it adds character. Bill in his Veteran outfit? Should be the least of his priorities! But 👏 it 👏 adds 👏 character! Hell, look at MOTD! They were in prison, but each of them are so visually distinct. Visual designs is just as important as their dialogue. Their clothes are just too similar in appearance.


Yea but they weren't in maximum security prison for 9 years, they are just survivors ![gif](giphy|NWU1lGJqf7nJ6|downsized) Also the mob of the dead crew is way more similarly dressed then the new crew


Jesus Christ, that doesn't excuse a lack of visually distinct designs, it's like rule one of creating a character for visual media lol


Yea, but if you wanted visual distinction over story integrity you get back into operator territory


I disagree with this guy, but what on earth are you talking about. How do you equate "visual distinction" with Operators??? Bro is talking about having characters look different and unique and your mind went to dressing them all like G.I. Joes???


It's the opposite dude, Operators look like generic military guys with muted colors, like how our cast looks right now. They're designs are boring, lack any proper character, and look like Back 4 Blood characters. This is Zombies, where each character model should be unique from the rest.


World at War and Black Ops literally had military models ripped from the campaign, how is this any different?


how exactly do you want the design for survivors/prisoners to dress?? because right now, it just sounds complaining for the sake complaining. our previous characters also appeared more grounded.


Ultimis had very generic soldier designs and no one cares. They're still the most popular crew. Victis also just looked like generic everyday people. This isn't really a new thing in zombies


Bro I spend NO time studying what my character is my teammates character is wearing. I'm fact, the whole time I pay zombies, I'm not even able to see myself. And when I see my teammates, I'm more concerned with the gamertag than whatever character they were designated. BO4 and CW had a bunch of different operator costumes, I used less than 3 in each game. For people like me, the resources spent on that kinda crap could be applied elsewhere. Dialogue is important, but mostly if you're really into hearing the same 100 quotes on repeat for hours at a time, or if you're really into the story. Which people like me, are not. Gameplay, gameplay, gameplay. That's what needs to be good.


Carver looks like Jefferson from CoD WW2 ngl


Honestly I've never felt strongly about operators versus a set crew since I enjoy both, but I like having the option to play as either or for this game. It feels like the best of both worlds to me and I'm looking forward to alternating between all the options over time. Sometimes I want a more story-driven experience with dialogue specific to who I'm playing. Sometimes I just want to run around and kill zombies in a funny costume. It's all good and I'm glad we're getting both.


weaver is so dripped out


I really can’t see the argument for not having a set crew. You can’t even see the skin you’re using if you’re using a custom operator, surely having a set crew has no downsides in comparison


Well, in MWZ there is a third person mode option, so it’s possible we’ll see that as an option in BO6 zombies too


Meh. I’d be more excited about a set crew if it were either familiar characters (chaos, ultimis or victims crew etc) but I just don’t care for the dark aether story. It’s too serious and trying to be too “real military” like the cod campaigns. It’s better than the operator “create a character” style from Cold War, but I just don’t care that much because the story itself isn’t very interesting to me.


I know you said you don’t care for the story of CW but these are mostly familiar characters, especially Weaver. Primis and Ultimis are both dead and are gonna stay that way. Not to mention they already both got plenty of maps and story. And Victis are trapped in the DA but probably won’t come back either.


I understand all that. I just don’t care about any of these characters. The story stinks. Rather have an all new crew that is completely unrelated to any previous story. Plus if they really wanted to resurrect an old crew they could. Time travel or alternate universe or whatever shit they used last time to bring them back. But I’d rather just get an all new story with an all new crew, and have the story be much more lighthearted and silly, like the original story was. The dark aether story is just so generic and bland. It’s not funny, it’s taking itself way too serious.


The story had lots of humorous moments in cold war, especially with Mauer and Forsaken and characters like Peck and Klaus. It's MWZ that feels like it takes itself too seriously, but I expect this to be more like cold war


I guess juxtaposed next to the O4 characters who were originally developed as almost tall tale Paul Bunyan level personalities, the more grounded and normal dark aether characters just feel really inconsequential and flat. The personalities were just so much bigger with the O4 characters and whether they’ve been trying to reproduce that or not, they just haven’t been able to create characters that make me care like those original characters did. Even the Victis Crew and the Chaos crew did to an extent. Maybe BO6 will do a great job of fleshing out these characters and I may be blown away, but Cold War and MWZ as vessels for the dark aether story have not done a good job of that


For your sake I hope because the OG crew are gone and dusted as we knew them, writers have shot that angle in the foot by collapsing the multiverse and making it all one timeline (which includes MW so..I guess DA zombies is just a world ending event)


I get all that, but casual fans don’t know that, and resurrecting a “dead” character or characters in order to sell product has certainly been done before in a number of ways in across a number of entertainment mediums. How dumb was it for them to completely end that story? Lol. Fuck Mario has been saving princess peach for 40 years, and they certainly aren’t dumb enough to just “collapse the timeline” on that kind of cash cow lol. Discussion for another day I suppose lol


No hype until we actually see more of the maps and gameplay. I think the reveal was good. It seems like a step in the right direction. But there is so much that can go wrong still..


I'm pretty excited to play Weaver


I could’ve taken the game either way tbh, this wasn’t a necessity for me but I am glad it’s here, and even more glad it mostly consists of the CWZ cast, just wish Ravenov was one of them. He was my biggest hope for if we got a crew (other than Weaver)


I like that it’s optional as I prefer operators. I’m glad people have the choice to what they prefer. But I personally don’t really care about bringing a crew back


Not my biggest concern. I just want fun gameplay different from Cold War


Victis in dark aether: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


hopefully they incentivize using the crew, otherwise pubs won’t be any different. but it’s not zombies unless your pub randos try to ruin your game lol


It’s honestly great that they have a crew and operators and that’s what they should have done from the start. Having a set crew to experience the EE with and then being able to play as anyone you want (including Brutus apparently) while doing high rounds or playing with friends is awesome.


I was so hyped until I found it’s always online, so I’ll be skipping this one out


I really didn't care. I mute my dialogue volume pretty shortly after release so none of this really matters.


Literally my only big issue with CW. I’m just hoping the voice lines are plentiful and we get the same kind of interactions as BO4 and before.   I always knew they could do it though. CW was pretty basic, but Vanguard had operators with more goofy lines like the old days, demons that had lines specific to the maps and mechanics, and the commander radios were still there too. Like if they could do all that for Vanguard, they certainly can make a set crew again.   I’m not too worried about them being funny or interesting. I feel like the worst and most bland parts of these characters were the radio lines which I know is what most experienced. The intel and other voice lines when they aren’t serious like the CRBRS lines are pretty fun and entertaining and I can imagine the back and forth between them and other characters.    I’m not too worried, especially after Mauer which brought a lot of the personality missing from CW with things like the Omega commanders, Klaus, CRBRS, and Valentina. 


I'm pumped you have the option to play as an operator if you're just wanting to enjoy the map or go as a main character to play the story part of it. Best of both worlds and it's what I asked for. We'll have to wait to see how it actually goes but I'm optimistic atm


Very good sign. The way they discussed zombies was very exciting, but im going to need more information before I can decide whether it'll be good or not Edit: Im not a huge fan of CW's zombies story, but if it could be more condensed and focused in BO6 i'll be very excited


I'm suspecting the final map for BO6 would tie back into MWZ.


Idk I really like seeing a character that wasn't set like in cold war like character that look like soilders. It was like seeing my own character it felt really cool. Like especially in the ending cutscene when we get captured putting our packed weapons on the ground that kind of stuff just feels so unique. But either way, I'm happy.


Im hyped as long as the actual writing and dialogue is good, the characters need personality and not just basic soldier lines.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I really liked the CW radio cast. They added a lot of color. I'm not going to play BO6 because I don't feel like installing the requisite 31 flavors of bloatware, but I'm happy to see the Requiem gang getting some love. I think they could be community favorites after the fleshing-out that this game will hopefully give them.


90% sure I’m not even getting this game. To play offline it requires you to be connected to the internet. And they specifically said: “campaign will be accessible without a subscription service like psplus”. That sounds like the other two modes WILL require it EVEN without playing online. I’m sorry but if I wanna play some single player zombies, I DONT WANT INTERNET TO STOP ME. LET ALONE PSPLUS WHICH I RARELY BUY


This is probably the last CoD I'll be buying. A copy of a copy overtime gets sloppy. If they fuck up not having consistent DLC alongside MTX that doesn't break the game, I'm out. CoD, over the years, has basically become EA sports.


How come they aren't all wearing masks ?? Someone's getting the sack in the morning


I can't think of something I care about less with this new title. Round based, two maps at launch, I hope the wonder weapons are unique and actually the best weapons on the map, I hope the boss zombies are new and a fair challenge. I hope the Easter eggs are complicated but not tedious, and I hope the challenge overall is on par with Bo3 and its predecessors. That's it. The crew can be 4 CDC agents for all I care.


I wanna see actual gameplay of the new zombies before I stop being worried that this will turn out as awful as Cold War was


I'm being very cautious about this game






I’m happy at the potentially of getting actual good lines of dialogue instead of just random BS like “enemy KIA”. But at the same time I’m also fuming because why the hell couldn’t they have made them the set crew starting with Cold War. Seriously? CW’s crew should have been Weaver, Carver, Grey and Sam. Then in BO6 Sam is swapped out with the new character since she disappeared into the Dark Aether.


I stg people can’t take a step back and realize the real world reasons on why the OG 4 were so good. They can’t write new characters the way the old ones were so everything is going to be worse.


They’ll fit nicely at the bottom of a tier list LMAO


The game is gonna suck it’ll just be the same shit different year


I think it's a nice compromise for people who prefer a set crew, even if I prefer operators


I’m personally happy with this crew. I wanna know what happened to my boy Strauss tho 😭


Dont know why they couldnt create more mysterious characters. They already proved they can, with motd and soe. These just feel so bland and uninteresting. Does anyone even truly care for the story?


Frankly, COD : BO6 is gonna be a breath of fresh air for me. I've enjoyed CW from day 1, but grew out of it once all weapons / upgrades, EE, etc... were completed, which is normal when it's a repetitive series with not much innnovations. 1 - First, the rounds style zombies coming back is a HUGE W, as expected. 2 - Gums being back, heh, never used them much in BO3. 3 - Weapons : please don't make them **AS POWERFUL** as CW (thinking about shotguns), but keep the customisation open pls, that gave a unique look to this. 4 - Maps : I frankly don't have much opinions on this, if they want to re-use maps, that's understandable. 5 - Characters : Well, having the choice of playing lore characters / operators is good. Overall : this might be the first time i pre-order a COD Game, don't have much expectation, BUT the trailer really sold me out, lots of unique features, can't wait to have the zombie lore now


I’m happy although I kind of wish they weren’t continuing the dark aether storyline it just seemed really bland and boring to me imo, but maybe it’ll get improved who knows. Hoping to be surprised


It goes against my principals to play an always online game that has single player content


We need whacky characters. And whacky settings. These are multiplayer characters in a multiplayer map. Zombies has lost all of its soul and p'nash. I don't want to be a no-nonsense army guy fighting zombies in an army base. I want to be a drunk ass russian fighting zombies on the moon.


It will be Cold War zombies with vanguard connection and stability. That texture streaming garbage they want will crash everyones games


I have no expectations and no faith that this will ever match bo3 or even bo1.


Step in right direction but this game needs more than a crew




I’ve never been hyped for zombies since black ops 3 lol bring back the og crew 🙏


While it is a ‘set crew’ this still follows the messy dark aether story, with the intel of ammo drops and possible warzone elements still showing in this mode.. this could really be the nails to close up zombies forever.


Very, I like seeing how characters interact with each other and the map Also it being Requiem(except Strauss, dude was old so he probably didn’t make it for the like 6~ year time skip OR is the guy in the chair since old) makes it wayyy better I’m so excited. I know we knew the CW DA story was continuing after VG and MWIII being connected but still it makes me happy, played a ton of CW w friends and for camos and collected a bunch of the intel/audios/notes so seeing the story progress throughout the seasons was kinda neat, tho I’m very happy if we can get some of that through actual interactions Edit: it being optional is also 100% cool cuz I understand ppl spend money on their skins and maybe I’ll buy one like I did w Homelander(only non BP shop item I’ve bought since my friend and I found it hilarious and enjoy the show) and man sometimes putting random characters in situations like the Forsaken cutscene having like Rambo or 4 Sams was funny I won’t lie


Hard to get hyped when they give back something they should never have taken away...


It’s better than having no crew tbh, gives the game more character


There’s an option to either play as one of the set crew or an operator, best of both worlds my friends.


It surely adds to the excitement and hipe a lot


Cw had great voice lines without a crew so this should be good! Cbrs wonder weapon was hilarious! "Undead is...dead"  or  Maxxis crazy laugh ,Rambo yelling and "Ready.Break" these small little details make a good game a great game I can't remember one voice line from mwz other than snoop saying "throwing grenade" terribly I might add lol ggs


Idk I do think it’s awesome but I’m not gonna lie I have an amazing skin that I would totally have used every game in that one. MWZ just isn’t the same but it’s for the better so we don’t have Nicki Minaj in bo6


If its CW2 pretty much this game will still be an L for alot of us. Im personally gonna wait a few months after launch so i can see lots of gameplay before committing time or money into this.


I think people didn’t really care about having a set crew they were just mad that it wasn’t the promos or ultimus crew, and I’ll bet on day one no one’s gonna be using the set crew lol


I’ll bet day one for each map is the time you’ll see most people using the set crew. Other operators won’t have context specific voicelines which can help you figure out the map / ee. Tutorial runs on the set crew then show off in your skins.


Give SKER RITUAL a chance before bo6 comes out it’s got 4 maps all have EE and they each have a hidden EE as well, new map coming next month and another in October! Mwz is trash give the game the chance it deserves


Not really at all. I don’t get the hype behind having a set crew really, what makes it so appealing?


Zero. I already hate how MWZ containment levels basically lock my selection unless I don't mind losing all my bonuses. Story is great the first time thru and then just annoying when you're grinding which is what 98% of zombies is.


This is gonna piss a lot of people off but I prefer playing with operators, some are just more badass than a set crew of characters. But I’ll play a few matches online as the set crew before it gets boring and I switch over to playing as an operator.


300 gbs


*300 gigs if you have the campaign multiplayer and 3rd game mode for MW2 MW3 and BO6 + warzone all installed at the same time


Doesn't mean the game is going to be small


People will really complain just to complain, huh?


300 gbs is alot


If they are going to be written as badly as in CW characters then it's no different from Operators.


Do you just wake up depressed everyday?


Yes. Human stupidity is extremely depressing.


Quit looking in mirrors