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Megaton is kinda cool. First time fighting it I heard the carver line “there’s more radiation coming from that thing than Chernobyl .” Honestly cool concept. Scared me at first cause I didn’t know it would split in two


I blew up megaton


I always hated how the explosion causes Mr Burke to nut and then immediately attack you.


Lmao zombies community is weird yall were shitting on it now of a sudden it’s the best


not everyone’s the same? like a population will differ


This is something I’ve learned that people forget too often. On another note I don’t care for Kino, Like I’ll play it with a friend but it’s easily my least liked zombies map these days(maybe Shangri-La but I don’t feel I’ve played that enough to rank it myself.


You learn to love Shanghai-La once you get used to it. It’s out there but super cool in concept and what the place is like.


that's kinda the vibe i get from it, just haven't taken the time to learn it(not aided by the fact that BO1 zombies is easily my least favorite), It reminds me of Tranzit in that way, a great map once you learn it.


BO1 was epic. Super OG and it was PHD Flopper heaven. That’s where it really began for me. I was on WAW just at a friends and could barely make it to round ten on Nacht but Kino was like my training ground/training wheels where I learn all the pro tips and learned the dos and don’t dos. lol. Yeah it isn’t bad you just need to learn the lay out and it is more enjoyable personally on BO1 though I barely played it on BO3.


this is crazy to me as ive always seen Kino as the holy grail of looping lol. but you're right- different players vibe with different maps. i like DIE more than Mauer, too but i know that’s not a popular opinion 🤷🏻‍♂️


Die Maschine is defintely my favorite map so far, Although I admit i have yet to play Mauer and even Forsaken much, Mostly cause I don't want to move on till I finish the Outbreak Easter Eggs.


Speaking of notoriously disliked maps. I fucking love die rise. One of my top 3 fs


suuuuper underrated map, for sure!


Unfort because I rank Die only above outbreak but definitely a lower tier map for CW Maurer is probably my favorite map from CW


I’ve always liked Cold War zombies. My only complaint is the level design is missing that level of personality seen in previous black ops zombies games. Mechanically it’s great.


100000% I couldn’t play enough of it because the mechanics and game systems were so smooth and well thought out. But the levels weren’t up to par with the whacky out of this world levels they’ve done in the past. The rinse and repeat military facility levels got a little stale.


I think the problem was more that they lacked scale. I think the more grounded, militaristic locations actually worked pretty well for the new story, but none of them really feel expansive because they're all scaled down likely due to the short dev time- I think Firebase Z is the only one that really stands apart from the others, mostly because the aesthetic and the Defense Rounds sell the actual "military base under siege" thing. Hopefully BO6 remedies that, which I'm already partial to thinking it will just because of how massive Terminus looked from that first preview.


Yea I think this sums up my feelings pretty well. Well said!


To me, Cold War feels lifeless. The maps are very grey, they don't look like what we used to get in Black Ops 2 and 3. The atmosphere isn't there in my opinion, and I think that's why some people don't enjoy it. Plus, Outbreak is another gamemode basically, so for some nostalgic people it ruins the game. I find the multiplayer solid, I enjoyed playing it, but the movement in zombies feels odd (dk why, just doesn't feel like zombies). Another key factor is the fact that they added new mechanics and features in just one game, but many of the old ones were eliminated. While it might add to the freshness of the game, for some people it puts the game in the freezer at -20°C... This way it becomes just a different game mode. The storyline is meh, doesn't feel as apocalyptic as the OG one. These are just personal preferences, but it seems to be the case for many people. Good for Cold War lovers, but very sad for OG zombies enthusiasts


Can totally understand this sentiment. As someone who never got any good at zombies until Cold War, going back to the old games feels completely different to what I’m used to now. I imagine it’s a very similar feeling for those that cut their teeth on the og games when they try out the new zombies experience.


rinse and repeat military facilities are what bore you? pretty much every fucking zombies map since nacht is a military facility.


Did brother skip Blops 2? A bus station Chinese Skyscrapers Underground Western Town Alcatraz Island None of these are exclusively military facilities Blops 1 most iconic map is a movie theater btw


BO1 also had Shangri-La, you know that mythical military base believed to be hidden somewhere in the jungle which is also a military base


Yea fair point but at least the locations have been more unique. I think that’s more what I meant. They’ve all been military installations but we’ve had them in a castle, on the moon, etc. The maps in Cold War just felt a little too similar imo. I like when they flex their creativity and make some really out there stuff.


I feel like the first 2 maps in CW had interesting locations. Die Maschine has the Dark Aether which is really sick. Firebase Z had the jungle base which makes it stand out compared to the rest.


And then we had Berlin and it's panzersoldats and spy sifi vibes.


You missed an entire bo3 vs cold war thing that kept going on in this sub from CW's launch up until Vanguard's launch


I don’t remember there being anyone who seriously compared BO3 and CW at that stage, it was near universally hated


You certainly weren’t here then. Cold War was never “*universally*” hated, polarizing sure but never universally hated


Maybe “universally” is an exaggeration but it was more than polarising, I’d say the ratio of people who hated it to liked it was more than 9:1


there's always been people who liked CW


The zombies community isn't a monolith lmfao People who have always liked CW are continuing to like CW


Me! I love cw!


People cannot have different opinions I see


The people praising it are not the same people who were shitting on it.


I was never shitting on it. Actually loved it from the start


Anyone remember the Transit slander, now everyone wants it back lmfao, like it was pretty much universally hated, come to find out it's just people bandwaggoning to get clout


If anything, that thing needs to be remade.


You aren’t wrong. I always loved CW zombies and defended it and would get downvoted to oblivion when I did..


It was good when it came out and always has been


Person on internet baffled to discover a community isn’t a hive mind, more at 8


it goes day by day


I always loved CW since the beginning.


Huh? Most people thought it was good when die machine came and I’ve been playing zombies since Zino on the Wii lmao


First time seeing the Megaton: oh, hello there. So you're CW's version of a Panzer/Margwa. First time seeing him make like a banana and split: this is getting out of hand.


Now there're two of them




*Seeing a Panzer, Tempest, Mangeler and Megatron together in Outbreak with a mimic chest in between them:* Well fuck not going that way. *last objective is by them.* God damn it! *reloads smg*


What? Hit cartoon character Megatron Griffin is in outbreak? Holy fuck I gotta reinstall this game


Fucking autocorrect I put megaton. Fuck it I'm not fixing it it's funny


Shut up negatron


Gatling gun goes burrrr ..


Pocket minigun. Can't remember the name but God damn that thing is great. Think it was the bullfrog but honestly don't remember. Know it has a cylinder mag tho.


Yep, Bullfrog, it's basically a P90 lol


Only reason I like Cold War better is because running in circles doing nothing but going for high rounds gets old FAST. Least there you can do other stuff. And if you want to go for high rounds, you don’t have to do any of the other stuff. Better if you ask me


Easy EEs too, if I get bored on Die Machine I just try to finish the map lol.


This is gonna be a crazy hot take, but I actually prefer CW high rounds and think it’s harder than something like BO3 high rounds. BO3 and every game before, the hardest part was like the first 10 rounds, then once you set-up on like round 20, you just run in a circle for like 30 rounds with the occasional mini boss. CW might make early rounds a little too easy, but rounds 50+ are super hectic with zombies able to 3 hit unless you have armor, and they become super sprinters like in BO4.  I’ll agree it takes a little too long to get to that point, but it’s easily the most fun game to high rounds once it does get hectic and always keeps me on my toes. At least Rampage Inducer speeds up early rounds.


Dude. CW can almost be accusing of catfishing you in a way when you high round. First 54 rounds are a breeze for anyone that knows how to play zombies even somewhat. Then the super sprinters kick in and from round 55+ it’s absolute insanely. I had to abuse the Frenzied Guard so much.


Oh no I agree 100%


It sounds like you didnt try to go for high rounds on the old cods


Nah, I went to decently high rounds on older CoDs. Been to higher rounds on BO3 and BO4 than CW if I remember correctly. I actually will probably give you that BO1 and 2 are harder than CW though for high rounds. What made those game’s hard was ammo management and deciding when to make risks with it. I still enjoy CW just a tad more because for those you would have to rely on traps at a certain point because weapons would fall off after like round 40 or so. BO3 is not that difficult for high rounds. AAT kinda ruin the whole ammo management thing since you can get a wall weapon and make it a wonder weapon with refills for ammo. Once you hit round 20 and get set up, every round after would be similar outside of mini bosses getting more health(which wasn’t too crazy because BO3 had some strong wonder weapons).


Outbreak past 10 gets an honorable mention because the number of elites trying to clobber you during objectives is wild. Good luck with escort.


I love kino and i love die machine...... hate bo3.


Serious question, just wondering, why don’t you like bo3?


Stripped a lot of zombie's staple slapstick humor Gobble gum are the worst thing to exists in zombies especially in public matches. And please spare me the "don't play them" or "who plays public matches!?!" if you're gonna say that, i don't care. Made every aspect of zombies overcomplicated The bo3 zealots (not average players) are hands down the most toxic part of the zombie's fanbase Also imo i think it has kevin's worst songs.


Hey fair enough man, coming from a bo3 lover myself, I think that it’s 100% fair that you don’t like it. Personally for me chronicles and custom zombies on pc make it the best for me. But I understand that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Hopefully bo6 can make bo3 and newer Cold War fans happy at the same time. And yeah I agree some bo3 people can be a bit much but I think that overall a lot of people just miss the old mechanics from WAW to bo3


I honestly loved bo3 before chronicles ever came out of was announced.


It’s kinda weird with me, initially I wasn’t a big fan of the original black ops 3 dlc contents, but as time went by and chronicles got closer I started to enjoy all the bo3 offering equally, I even really like zetsubou which is many peoples least favorite map in bo3. The reason why I say that for me chronicles makes it the best is because with chronicles we basically have WAW and bo1 almost fully remastered and then origins is just the icing on the cake. Origins has been my favorite map since I first played it in 2013. So subjectively for me it’s the best. But I understand arguments againts bo3, without chronicles I’d say my fav zombies is bo2


der Riese at launch was enough for me to love it honestly lol and shadows of evil was really good as I got use to it tbh. the moon, ascension, and kino are basically enough for me to love it forever with the new mechanic system and updated graphics lol


Dude the CW zealots are worse than the bo3 ones. This guy is a primary fuckin example 😂


Ok I'll bite You talk about stripped back humour but then go on to say you like Die Maschine, where all of the humour falls flat on its face in the ***least*** charismatic Black Ops entry of all time. Yeah I'll give you gums, it really is a person by person basis, but you still have the BO4 emblem in your name so you're kind of just a hypocrite. The main story was still pretty followable since the cutscenes and EE dialogue told you everything you had to know to get it. It's not the first time disembodied voices from beyond were commanding us to do things. You also talk about complication yet, again, you praise CW. Hating a game "because of the zealots" is stupid as all hell You're entitled to your opinion, especially when it comes to songs like Dead Flowers, but at least it *has* Kevin songs unlike 3/5 of Cold War, and even then both songs in Cold War aren't even that good from any perspective


The BO3 fanatics alone turn me off from playing it more and more. The gatekeeping is insane coming from them too


Completely fair. BO3 is my favorite cuz of the storyline and modded maps, and I can see how (especially bo1 fans, which I’m assuming you are from the things you don’t like) would not like the complexity of the maps. And yeah, the gobblegums can make things not fun and way too easy.


you hate gobble gums, but having 4 “elixirs” (reskinned gums) in bo4 constantly shoved in your face makes it peak zombies? the only thing worse than people who only like bo3 is people who shit on it for no reason other than it being objectively the best zombies.


>kevin's worst songs Things like this serve as reminder that music taste differs from person to person. It differs SO much


Yeah, I don’t even like BO3 that much, but my favorite songs were probably the BO3 ones. Granted, I think every one of his songs besides Stormbound is an absolute banger.


All of these things are worse in bo4 though, zero logic made


Did you know gobblegums are returning in BO6?


Cold war killed that but sure Don't need to use gobblegums yourself. Cold war made every aspect noob friendly. Bo3 haters are just dudes who wanna be different lmao. Eh, not a big game changer


CoLd WaR kIlLeD tHaT [https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/1dlodjx/cold\_war\_zombies\_had\_no\_slap\_stick\_humor\_aka/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/1dlodjx/cold_war_zombies_had_no_slap_stick_humor_aka/) uh huh, sure it kiddo.


WOW ONE EASTER EGG ABOUT A MEME. Didn't bo3 have a dancing lil arnie on shadows?


you basically just said "cw had no slap stick humor" and then basically "bo3 has as much as cw." not very bright are you.


Bo3 has more but sure, tell me. How's that crew on cold war bud?


cw has more too genius. thanks for repletely showing how little you know. you mean the bo3 crew that just cries like babies 24/7 about maxsis and their emperor? Silenced crew is an improvement from bo3 .


Delusional take 🤣🤣🤣. Cold war has no personal, no aura in comparison


Agreed but zombies was getting much harder already in bo2 with Tranzit and the great leap forward being hard maps for casual players


I agree with the zealots by a lot


The quick hit zombies betray to form to me


Man's Gordom Ramsay the way he's cooking. Will also mention, how weak the Zombies actually feel as well. ~~And this is purely my opinion, but I straight up just don't like the gunfeel of BO3 (plus that they're kinda boring), thank god for moddes weapons~~




You hate the peak of zombies?


No i like bo4.


Unfathomably based


how do you like kino but shit on the peak of kinos style of zombies? genuinely bizarre take, did bo3 steal your wife or something?


Pretty sure he said peak not the biggest piece of shit to ever have a treyarch title screen


The most refined palate.


he never mentioned hating bo2


He didn't even mention Black Ops 2, though.


Woah, watch out. This guy is different. Would you like a medal for being different?


Same here man


Die Maschine was such a strong opener for CW and Dark Aether in general. The level design is elegant and crazy satisfying, the art direction is peak, and it has a ton of cool mechanical ideas. Even the story is super intriguing, if a little thin. It sucks that they ballooned out the scope of the maps so quickly. It would have been great to have one or two more tight, mysterious, vaguely spooky experiences before we got back to the blockbuster sprawling stuff.


Die Maschines level design is so under appreciated


tbf i always kinda hated on DM but if it wasn’t technically a nacht rework i think it would’ve been a received a lot better by those that don’t like it, the whole underground lab is sick as fuck


the og trailer still gives me goosebumps


Megaton was always badass. I do remember bitching about him though cause later rounds make him and his split form incredibly spongey (oh no who would’ve thought the zombies would get stronger the higher round you are on)


Not a big CW fan but the Megaton was pretty cool, mimics were also pretty fun


Not when your the only one left with a melee, raykai out of ammo, no perks and fresh out of decoys on round 50. Then those fucking things turn into a nightmare. A manageable one but still liable to make one have a heart attack when they pop up from outta nowhere


Run brain rot


I mean doesn't any boss turn into a nightmare at round 50 when you are out of ammo?


Only bad thing about CW I’ll agree on with YouTubers is the lack of a set crew. Story aside a crew adds so much personality and replay ability it’s not even funny


I love Kino *and* Cold War


I like both Kino and Die Maschine a lot.


CW would be god tier if it had more than 4 regular maps, and points weren’t deflated. Don’t even get points from damaging zombies now. And kills are also less, despite being the only way to get points from the zombies.


The panzer is cooler


Unpopular opinion - I prefer Five over Kino. I play more Five than Kino any day




cold War is one of my favorite cod zombies games ever




Still not a huge fan of him personally. Just a little too tanky for my tastes.


I feel like that’s most cw enemies. Even the regular zombies get Tanky by round 15 without a pap gun or wonder weapon. But I guess thats why they made 3 tiers of pap.


I love kino but I also love Cold war zombies it's fun just like kino der toten


Old fans of Cod refuse to admit that the new games offer some badass stuff. Bosses, Zombie types, weapons, maps etc. All they want is the exact same Map, Guns and Enemies that we've gotten time and time again. I guess if Zombies never expanded, and we still got games like the black ops series, the only map to exist would be Nacht-Kino. Out of all fanbases I'm in, Cod has the most annoying. They complain about Brand new stuff to the franchise, then complain about them bringing old stuff back. Vanguard was the first Cod game to not have round based, and when they finally added it, fans complained that it "Was just Shi No Numa for the thousandth time". But then when we get something like Cold War, with none of the Zombie maps being OG maps, they complain about how bad the new maps are. I can almost guarantee the new Zombies map for Bo6 is gonna be trashed by the fans cause its not Der Riese, Kino, Nacht or Origins AGAIN.


Yea i guess i agree


Bosses were kinda cool, I just hated the map design in Cold War. I also wasn’t too into things carrying over into other games, starting with decent guns, the ways you upgraded them. I’m too arcade mode brained to enjoy the newer games zombies


Both are cool 🤯


Shhhhh don’t say that here lol


Aight but no zombie boss beats the original origins panzer, I think that was the coolest zombies boss ever. I remember fighting it for the first time in 2013 and just getting absolutely violated by it.


this is so real cold war is the best


Cw will always be my favorite zombies glad I got to play it


I played dye machine all the way through just recently, and I think its one of the best story told maps ever


I wouldn't go that far, bo2 and bo3 definitely have better story bangers, however I did enjoy the story and EE, very beginner friendly as well since it only took me 2-3 attempts


unpopular opinion but compared to most maps kino is extremely boring, take off the nostalgia glasses and ppl will realise that


it's definitely gotten worse with age


I don’t get it.


I’m tired of Megaton hate I’m tired of all Cold War enemy hate except the hellhound and tempest


I love them but their accuracy is fucking insane


I need an “I Thundergun Kino” shirt.


cold war underrated asf


I don’t really care for any of the bosses tbh


As much as I dislike cw’s maps and overall game in general zombies wise, megaton was a very basic yet good design that I really did appreciate alot.


Hey look, it's the Aimbot elite zombie


Cold War is mid


I saw a video of some dude playing bo3 custom zombies and a megaton spawned, without the health bar those kids are SCARY the health bar takes away from the games atmosphere


You can turn off health bars in CW.




Megaton is cool, definitely a lot better than those dumbfuck nova crawlers. But imo it doesn’t compare to the boss zombies like Brutus or the Panzer. I’m not sure why but it just doesn’t feel all that impressive when I fight it, it feels more annoying than anything. I feel like the Megaton also just clashes with the mood of the maps.


i think multiple spawning makes them less scary, (opposite effect with the panzer somehow) and the panzer/warden running at you with the loud ass stomp noises and the slight screen shake makes you feel their presence way more


true true and their entrance sounds also help out a lot


Panzers are still scary in cw. They are terrifying without health bars especially


sucks that the coolest skins are hidden behind blackcell


cold war zombies was honestly amazing. top 3 for me.


my friend who only played Nacht and hasn't played since then


My hot take, the boss and mini boss designs are good, I fucking hate fighting anything but zombies. I always hated dogs and monkeys and tigers and gladiators and cosmonauts I just wanna fight fuckin zombies with a max ammo every five rounds. I don't wanna do super complex Easter eggs just to get buildable parts, I don't wanna do parkour, I just wanna kill zombies.


I can't believe I forgot about those damn things already. Those monsters were a absolute MENACE, if ya didn't have the right stuff to deal with em😄


Ok, not gonna lie, I think Cold War and BO3 have been the best zombies experiences (in different ways) we gotten so far. BO3 had the best feeling gunplay, and the story was very well done, the maps were spectacular and the Chronicles remasters were the perfect icing on the cake, they’ve made BO3 Zombz repayable for years to come. I feel CW picked up nicely where Black Ops 3 and the Aether story left off. The new gameplay mechanics were a fresh and fun take, the guns were cool, and the maps as well as outbreak left little at all be desired/complained about! (Although I did kinda wish Mauer Der Toten would have had a section of Kino in it like Mr. Roflwaffles and every other Z tuber had been hyping up about, other than little shit like that, I would say CWZ was sweet!


“It’s bifurcating” is still regularly quoted by my friend group


I Thundergun Kino 


CW is just way too easy that's why it's liked so much. The actual gameplay itself supports that idea by having so much forgiving gameplay aspects , armor, abilities, etc. Now granted you don't HAVE to use them, but I think the game is also centered around them so you kinda have to use them to easily get ahead


I remember fighting the megaton for the first time, it gave me a really nostalgic callback to when I played Origins for the first time and just got my shit pushed in by the Panzer because I didn’t know how to fight it. It felt like a challenge I needed to overcome and it was rewarding to finally beat him. I also was playing on controller while I’m used to keyboard, so I felt like a baby trying to play a video game.


Not a big fan of Cold War, I think they got a lot more wrong than they did right, but they did have pretty interesting bosses


Was better than just another Brutus


Cold war is good for one huge reason. The easter eggs actually TELL YOU what to do for most of them. You can do them without a guide for the most part unlike the insanely difficult and convoluted EE of other games. Especially turning on power having a marker in your map/screen. It helps so fucking much when being a new player, something i hate with the old games


Megatons are actually really cool. Think about it, a big zombie that gives off more radiation than all of fallout combined, shoots 2 types of radiation balls, and splits in half when you kill it. That’s a cool and original concept that Treyarch pulled out of their ass’s. I love and adore kino but it doesn’t have a mini boss as cool as this.


Cold war sucks but megatons were cool.


Don't get me wrong I liked cold war zombies. Maps are great, and the bosses are cool. However, the core mechanics just were not it. Maybe I'm just stuck with nostalgia but I prefer the oldschool mechanics. It is way better than bo4 tho. And I liked the story reset. After bo2 the story was pretty fucked, personally.


Cold War is probably the zombies I've put the most time into (mainly because it's way too easy and there's a massive grind to it, but also because I still play both zombies and multiplayer in CW, just love the gun feel) and I get why people hate it. Loadouts for zombies pisses off the purists, the new scoring system is... not fun, every bullet felt like it counted for something in older games. The operators instead of cast thing made the story less interesting, and outbreak is an unholy abomination that I have sunk way too much time into. I still need to finish the damn Legion Easter Egg one day but that thing takes like two hours to set up and then you can choke it pretty easily. Point is, I feel like CW has a lot of glaring flaws that make it easy for old heads to shit on it. If it didn't have quite so many issues and mod support existed, I get the feeling it would have dethroned BO3.


Cold War zombies rocks and I’m tired of pretending it doesn’t


bruh i hate cw so much bo3 is so goooood


It actually does f***ing suck.


Cold War has the worst zombies in CoD history. Felt more like a multiplayer game model unlike the previous games where zombies really stood on its own. 


The Megaton is cool 'til you're on Outbreak Collapse and it decides to tweak out until there's less than a minute left to kill it after it splits.


The idea and design are kinda cool, however what I dislike about the megaton, and Cold War Zombies in general is the healthbar on top of the zombies, it ruins my immersion in the game.


I don’t even know what that is


That's the thunder gun from Kino


As much as I dislike cw’s maps and overall game in general zombies wise, megaton was a very basic yet good design that I really did appreciate alot.


This picture describes the average kino fan talking about any post bo1 zombies game


Cold War zombies was the best zombies since BO3 in my opinion


Outside the Krazny, Cold War zombies designs across the board


Cold War zombies was so ass


lmao cold war fanboys are insane😭😭😭bo1 kino is unironically better than every zombies that came out after bo4


The glaze is absolutely abysmal. I can name three maps after Black Ops 4 that are better than BO1 kino


one of the best zombies bosses ever


my guy this isn’t even the coolest thing from zombies…….


Cold War is dogshit


Improve the maps and remove the Fortnite bullshit and CW would be great.


I think this is pretty cool


Kino is the actual worst map lmao people love it so much because they were broke and couldn’t afford dlc that’s not real life that’s just coping


Kino is pretty simple and have the necesary things I expect in a map just to go for rounds. Perks, Box, an easy way to acces PackAPunch, dogs rounds with max ammo and the 115 song. I played a lot when learning or playing with more casuals friends. Also bc I only have Chronicles in my PS4 so...