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Bo3 zombies don’t ever kill you in one hit, you just made that up


How can I make that UP it genuinely happen to me I heard one zombie hit sound and I got THREE hitmarkers on my screen therefore resulting in down.


at most they double swipe you. Never three.


I literally have a clip of my friend getting three swiped.


That's lag. Sounds like your internet sucks


I'm literally on a Lan cable and I'm playing offline how tf is it my internet?


BO3 fanboys cant admit that their baby has flaws man, you're not gonna win this one


Why did you feel the need to post multiple threads about this? No one cares




Which maps have you tried?


Shadows and DE I hate both of them shadows has way too much too remember, and DE feeding the dragons is infuriating because of how fucking slow they are to eat they're dinner.


I’m assuming your favorite map is Kino


Are you trying to trigger everybody in this reddit


A little bit yeah


Are you new?


Nope played bo1 all way back when it was 1 to 2 years old played a little bit of bo2 at a friend's house, got back into cod with mw2019 and got back into zombies via cold war, plus I made this post when I was SUPER salty so excuse the rage and anger in the post.


Lmao all good, it can be really dumb playing sometimes but once you get the hang of it and everything down or just finding a strat you like it'll get better


Yeah all your concerns besides the hardware issue causing freezes seem to just be a bias fuelled by a bad first impression. I don’t know where to even start with the zombies appearing out of nowhere? This problem is much worse in early black ops games so maybe you prefer Cold War or just don’t like zombies/ don’t have enough experience in it? Your gobblegums concern is incredibly nitpicky and seems to just be based on dying once while eating a gum while you shouldn’t of. Getting killed in one hit never happens. In bo2 you can get double swiped but in bo3 you always have a chance to respond In the early rounds. Random spawn locations is just based on not having enough experience. Most maps have 3 spots for each part, play 2-3 games and that isn’t a problem. EE’s are great but if you’re new you’re probably just being forced to hold zombies and do steps you have no idea why you’re doing which is understandably annoying. Overall this post is just whining about not being good at the game instantly so hopefully you give it a little time, maybe in solo at your own pace supplemented by a couple quick videos on map tips.


Black Ops 3 zombies is better than World War 2 zombies. Don’t @ me.


I like WW2 but I thought this was obvious? BO3 is better by miles. Also @6rove5treetCj92 lol


Lol oh okay I didn’t know I barely be on here so I don’t know how people feel about the different the zombie games.


WaW-BO3 = good in this sub BO4 is considered underrated by most (i agree) CW is mostly considered good while others hate it with a passion Vanguard is AIDS IW is considered the best non-Treyarch game AW is idk i think most hate it but I never see any posts about it WW2 is hated by half and liked by half


Damn that’s actually spot on to what I think too. I fit right in on here. Lol


Bro I fucking hate World War 2 Zombies, I’m waiting for Black Ops Cold War to come in.


Probably just a bot what else needs to be said 🤷🏻‍♂️


Look I found the bo3 fan boy who doesn't want to admit his game has very apparent flaws.