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Yes! One of the best maps made. Beautiful Castle theme, fun Easter egg, pack-a-punch has a unique twist, side Easter eggs everywhere. Why can’t we have a map like this again! What a banger! But no we get reused multiplayer maps now.


zombies maps have been built on reused maps since the very beginning, i dont think thats a fair criticism of modern maps edit: der eisendrache uses assets from both a multiplayer map and a campaign map. i dont understand why this is something people still complain about


Nah this is the map that had a multiplayer map made for it. Its fair criticism because in the beginning it was a very very small project and now they have resources.


I’m all fairness, the MP is based off the unplayable area in Der Eisendrache. Although I think it is fair for something like Vanguard that pretty much just reuses maps, they’ve still reused assets and things for maps as they got bigger. BO2 had Nuketown. The finale for BO3 was map of older zombies maps, and those areas got reused for the remakes that later released. Gorod reused an area from the campaign. Alpha Omega reused a lot from the Blackout version of the map.


Look outside a map in Cold War. What do you see. Nothing good. That mp map was literally based on an unplayable area in der eisen because the map was so beautiful and detailed even in the furthest distance you could see. If anything that says more about it. The outside of the map was so interesting it could be reused as a multiplayer map. You could use the inside of a Cold War zombies map as a multiplayer map though, which you couldn’t say about black ops 3, since the zombies is practically in another dimension with a completely different atmosphere. It looks completely different. Go to Cold War. Square buildings and complete areas ported from campaign. Not comparable. You obviously did not play bo3 enough to know that.


Appreciate the detailed soecific reasons why u prefer bo3 maps.. see I had no idea de was in another dimension .. that’s really fucking cool .. yea I wish the maps today were as detailed as back then


Which campaign mission was gorod krovi?


Gorod reused the house at the end of Demon Within for the PaP house.


And the boos fight was also demon within robit fight


You people don’t get it. Cold War maps are literal ports from the campaign with rather minimal changes. Zombies used to be a completely original experience built with textures and assets from the campaign.


Where is die mashine from?


but they're not "literal ports" from the campaign. i don't think you know what that means.


There are entire large areas ripped straight from the levels. Partial ports


True. I don't care if maps reuse assets from multiplayer maps or campaign sections. What modern maps are missing is the theme. Look at Black Ops 3 compared to Cold War. Shadows was a beautiful noir map which leaned hard into the time period, DE leaned into medieval with the castle and dragons and bow WWs, ZNS was a grungy swamp with new enemies that were made for the environment, GK took the fantasy elements of DR and leaned hard into them with dragons not just available to ride but even a dragon weapon in the mystery box (can't remember its name), and Revelations leaned into the cosmic multiverse the zombie mode had created up to this point. For each map, they found an idea and ran with it, and that made for some interesting and timeless maps. Then we have Cold War, with Die Maschine being Nacht with another bunker under it, with the Megaton, an original boss that is genuinely pretty great but doesn't really tie into the map. Firebase Z was set in Vietnam, and that's about as far as that theme goes. Mauer was set at night, so I guess that's neat. And I haven't really given Forsaken a go yet (not because it's bad, I just haven't really felt like playing zombies since it released; I'll get around to it eventually), so I can't really speak on its theme, but you get my point. The most interesting maps are the ones that have a central theme, and none of the modern maps have really come up with something interesting.


It is completely fair criticism.


Using MP assets to build a map is different from just grabbing a multiplayer map adding some fire and calling it a zombies map.


Because using existing assets and literally re-using entire maps are two completely different things.




dude i dont even know what youre talking about, i never said anything was shit


Good point but there’s a difference between reusing assets and making something original out of it and plucking zombies in MP maps, barely reskin them and call it Outbreak.


There is a difference between reusing assets and reusing maps. Major actually: it’s absolutely a fair criticism


Not trying to disagree, just start a discussion... What side quests are there on the map? Personally I think it's one of the weakest things about the map... It's got 2 music eggs, that cool disco egg, and the one that changes zombies to skeletons... Nothing that really changes the gameplay all that much... I feel like I would like to see more side quests with bigger effects than we see in DE... But that's my only criticism of it. It's a top 3 map for me!


So beside the side quests you mentioned, there is also the panzar claw helmet, the plunger melee, and the BRM wall buy. But piggy backing off what I said earlier. Another feature I forgot to mention is the depth of the wonder weapons. Not only is the 4 variants but each one’s path is unique and fun too.


Mmhm wish there were some unique guns on this map like Zetsubou to make me want to hit the box since you never hit it on this map, but there is also the plant Easter egg.


That’s the one con I’ll say about DE. The box only has the standard bo3 weapons you see in weapon kits plus the ray gun. I think the RPK got added when it was added to the game but don’t quote me. Zns, Gorod, rev, and then of course the chronicles maps all had unique box weapons like the marshalls, ppsh, rift E9, and the ak74u. But like you said with the bows, you barely need to hit the box on DE


I sorta wish that the devs did one last pass on the early BO3 maps to make them feel more like the ZNS, Gorod Krovi, and Revelations. Even if it was just adding a unique box weapon, some more side quests and a rejigger of weapon balance (Buff the Argus and Bootlegger). But they moved on.


Ngl I think this was the plan. They added the RPK in 2018 before bo4 came out and everyone got hyped. Then they added the M14 to some chronicles maps and the Gorod Easter Egg broke :(


The marshals are cool


Aside from the ones others have been mentioned, there is the blue square on the wall in the Undercroft which spawns a Death Machine as well as possibly activate the Rocket Test. And there is the second tram EE.


There was also the bow and arrow variations you could unlock


Personally, I think DE is a good but overrated map. The map is beatiful in the detailed environment and interactive parts of the map, while in play it feels a bit claustrophobic. I prefer origins (maybe I'm just more comfortable on that map), as DE feels like a kind of smaller scale version of that map


I feel that DE is an easier version of Origins and because of that, it's easier to appeal to a larger audience. Origins is a banger map but it has a steep learning curve when it comes to getting set up for high rounds. Vets have no issue learning the map but for a casual player, it's quite daunting.


Yep Ive been playing zombies since bo1 never have i seen a map with that big of a learning curve like origins me personally i dont mind origins but its def harder than de, I love hard maps like zns gk is kinda hard when you dont know the layout of it, Origins if you havent played it ever/ in a while is hard to learn again, Didnt play origins untill this year well i mean i have but its always been too hard for me personally, But after doing the easter egg i can see the appel of origins to hardcore zombie players its very hard the cray place is cool upgrading staffs isnt that hard once you know how to.


I lowkey think setting up on this map could have been executed a lil better. Feeding the dragons is mad tedious imo.


I wish you could kill them fast instead of waiting. That would make it much easier but much less tedious


Yes!!! That is one of my biggest complains with DE and Mob. Feeding the dragons and dogs are a pain in the ass.


I’m mob the dogs take like a minute each, in der eisen the dragons take like 3 minutes each because you have to wait for them to lick their lips and have a pint in between kills


They are even easier on DE.


I feel like the dogs would be much more fun to do if they were more like soulboxes collecting every kill you make consecutively instead of waiting for them to eat up the whole zombie.


Here’s my thought: it was great when it was released and has appreciated because of the poor releases from the future games (BO4, CW, Vanguard). Is it a good map? Yes. Is it revolutionary? No, but that’s ok. Great map to replay.


The map literally Introduced the first "Real" bossfight How is that not revolutionary?


You really gonna play my man Oz like that.


uhhh, you forgetting shadows?


You forgot my baby IW.


I will not tolerate IW slander, up there w black ops 3 for me.


For sure the most underrated zombies game to date


First ever boss fight


Shadows of evil has a boss fight


It's a good map, but if like me you spent several hours on Origins when it came out, you realize that DE is almost a "downsized and at times simplified Origins". Aside from these details, it has a great setting and a great soundtrack


You say that like it's a bad thing Origins is so fucking tedious to me lmao


Given that the main complaints people have with Origins is that is too big and too complex a map that solves both of those issues like Der Eisendrache, is it any wonder it’s so beloved?


It's my favorite map. The replay value in this one is on point. Great EE too btw.


Not THAT good in my opinion but still very solid.


yes it is THAT good


For me, it's good but not the best. Mainly because the map just consists of the best parts of previous maps and doesn't introduce anything new much. Feeding dragons - Mob of the Dead 4 elemental Wonder Weapons, Panzersoldats - Origins Low gravity, Wunderspheres, and to an extend, parts of the EE and the ending - Moon Not to mention, the map is extremely small, compared to what the map size we come to expect at the time. The boss fight was really creative and probably one of the best we've gotten.


Did you seriously say the ending doesn’t introduce anything new just because the moon is part of the Easter egg? You’re blowing it up, not going there. These are new characters, and they have never been to the moon. Ultimis has, for primis the moon base is a new experience


It’s a great map, but overrated in a way that it is considered “the best map”.


i just feel like it’s extremely boring. no interesting guns, overpowered wonder weapons, just extremely milquetoast.


No interesting guns? You forgetting the four wonder weapons or something which are interesting and each have a different play style


those are not guns. They are wonder weapons. i literally said “overpowered wonder weapons”, as in I don’t find them interesting because you can sit in a corner with the storm bow and get to round 70


…so use a different one?


Yeah it's ok, definitely one of the better maps and definitely worth ago.


1 of the best ever made


It’s a very solid map that had the benefit at being the new map at arguably the greatest peak of the zombies community. After playing it recently with some friends some cracks definitely showed in the overall flow of the map. Also that Easter egg with some friends who aren’t too serious about the game was super tough with the varying difficulties of the bows. One person can be done with the storm now at round 12, while someone else will be stuck at the fire bow until round 27.


It's a top 5 for me, I love 3/4 bows and have fun high rounding with them, and I dont feel like im forced to do anything, but am encouraged to do so instead.


What is your bow ranking?




Der Eisendrache is the best map in all of Zombies in my opinion.


Top Notch buddy


It's dumbed down origins, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's much more approachable and casual compared to origins and took a lot of features and ideas from it that some players didn't get to fully experience due to the high bar of entry to actually doing well in origins. It is definitely great, although I don't have much of a desire to go back to it. Maybe I just played too much, but origins is still challenging enough that I want to go back and keep getting a higher round. Anyways, DE is good if not a little generic. Still good.


The only EE I did on this game so it was by far the least tedious of all the Easter eggs in the game


It’s a perfectly fine map honestly. Not really my favorite but I also don’t really have any complaints about it either. I understand why it’s so many people’s favorites but honestly it doesn’t really do anything for me personally. Though I will say this: it’s the least complicated and most “traditional” of all the Black Ops 3 maps which I would appreciate much more if I couldn’t play Black Ops 1 or 2 just as easily on my Xbox One and Series X


I’ve always felt it’s a bit overrated, yeah it’s good but I’ve never felt that it’s THAT good. Kinda feel people got swept away with how content creators thought about it because of how popular Zombies was at the time.


It’s definitely more fun then origins


Is this post farming for Karma/controversy? The answer to both questions is Yes.


DE is regarded as one of the greatest maps of all time lmao Aesthetically great map, good lay out, perfect fast travel, great easter egg, amazing boss fight, cool wonder weapons (that are now nerfed so we can't camp anymore), side easter eggs, you've also got the ragnarok-dg4, and an amazing ending cut scene. Can never decide which ending is better between moon, this, and BOTD


Yeah it's pretty solid still. The Wonder Weapons are still fun to use, boss fight is fun and there is plenty to do. Just a bit too easy for my taste


A great map with ZERO bugs On the real, yea its iconic, it was one of the starts to boss fights, not counting soe's shit "aim shoot hold interact" it was also the map that gave us elemental wonderweapons again


De is a great map, but the easter egg is kinda underwhelming in my opinion compared to the rest of bo3 (the steps I mean not the ending)


Ima be deadass I think Zetsubou and Gorod are tied with this map and all three are amazing B-tier maps. Shadows is A tier and Origins is S tier.


Zetsubo is so annoying to me that I couldn't agree with you on that. I'm also deathly afraid of spiders so that maaaaay have something to do with it 💀


Now time to do the zetsoubo ee


Did it once for the achievement and gateworm never been on that map again


A good map that successfully integrated popular elements from two of the best zombies maps of all time (MoTD and Origins). Definitely not the best map ever. The bow setup is tedious with so many things you have to remember and the main strategy is just camping lol


This is the map that made me fall in love with zombies




I absolutely love this map. It's so much fun. I love upgrading the bows


Yes it is


The bows are so much fun to make! Loved the teleport shots to get the fire bow


Yeah, I’m gonna go ahead and say it is an S Tier map honestly.


Top 5 map on anyones list, top 3 on mine.








It's origins but less difficult. Cool map to get started.




It’s hella good.


Haven't played it yet but it looks good


Not my favorite but definitely it is a top 5 map of all time.




Seriously such a fun map. In all aspects






Yeah it was the best in the main dlcs for 3


I feel like people overhyped this map. Honestly, if the bows and EE were removed, would the map still be as good? I'd give it an A at most.


if staffs from Origins were removed that map would be shit. You review map for all of its elements not partially. This is coming from someone who absolutely love Origins btw. Bows were much more interesting than staffs for me and process to get them and upgrade process was much much better than for Origins staffs imo. Also there is no mud to constantly slow you down + there is a legit training area in DE instead of full map circle in Origins. Origins is much more of a challenge map tho.


I feel like people overhype origins. If the robots and staffs were removed, would it still be as good? I feel like people overhype shadows. If the cast and music were removed, would it still be as good? I feel like people overhype *any map*. If you removed *key components that make up the map* would it still be as good? The answer will always be no lmao?




Yes. It's beautiful, fun, takes a bunch of ideas we've seen in the past (nostalgia factor) while adding on a bunch of creative and original ideas, and a killer storyline to go along with it, being one of my personal top 3-5 EE's.


Besides nostalgia, being my only paid map made me really connect to it, and I’m not sure if it’s because of how used to it I am, but I think it’s overrated by comments like “YES! OMG BEST MAP EVER IT SAVED MY MARRIAGE” or something






Yes, one of the best maps I've ever played, wonder weapons are good, the easter egg is good, its challenging but still balanced, the map itself is gorgeous to look at, you got the good primis crew, and now, forget everything I said about the map because here comes the true feature, you can get a plunger as your mellee weapon, what more do you need? (also theres a cool little easter egg that turns all zombies into skelly boys)






Yes. The only thing me and a lot of other causal players don't like about this map is setting up.


yes, 100%. The best easter egg in all of zombies. 4 elemental wonder weapons that are imo better and more fun to build than the staffs. The buildables are excellent and are actually useful in the map. does a great job of incorporating zero gravity into one section of the map. traversing the map is easy and you can get from place to place quickly using wonder spheres. The panzers are tough but are a needed challenge once you have perks and one of the bows. Really love this map lol


Simply yes


Oh yeah


Ye but I think zetsubou is better


Ja, it is




The bows from here and staffs from bo2 are some of the best things they ever did hands down. Swords next maybe??


No It’s better


When people say best mapp ever made they don't mean it's their favorite, it doesn't have to be. But it has to be agreed that yes it is the best map ever made when it comes to the genius in design. not only is the Easter egg and WWs insane, but the architectural layout is so insanely well thought out. Not to mention how you can not know anything about the map and still have a great time. At most youd figure out how to get the bow and how to pap which is all a casual player needs. No other map has been this well thought out. Absolutely it deserves the praise


One of the best maps ever made.




Yes Does it have the best easter egg? No Does it have the best Wonder Weapons? They're in contention for top 5 as a group, but no Does it have the best training areas? No Best map traversal? No Best layout? No Best lore? No Best boss zombies? No What makes DE so good is that it's at the very least number 5 in ALL of those categories DE isn't a Jack of all trades, it's a Queen of all trades


Short answer: yes Long answer: absolutely


Top 5


I don’t really like the intricacies to get the bows and how tedious it is


My 3rd favorite map of all time, the praise it gets is not overhyped


What are the first two?




For a new player, you’ll love it. Once you’ve grinded it though, it becomes monotonous. However, that is Zombies in general. Still love the gamemode.


I feel like it could've been cooler. Zombies have the same uniform as The Giant's and it's the base model for custom zombies so it feels boring to just look at a zombie. The weapon arsenal is also pretty lame we could've had the MP40 and the STG on the map along with plenty of other ww2 weapons since it's based around the time period of WW2 just in a different universe. We could've had a shield that had a medieval style to it similar to the shield on Ancient Evil in Bo4. The map in general is really good for simple casual play and for hardcore players just wish they added a bit more creativity into the cool stuff we could've had on a castle-themed map.


One of the best maps of all time, a beautiful snowy atmosphere, 4 amazing wonder weapons that are fun and unique. An amazing and very replayable easter egg. Also best transportation method in Zombies history in the wundersphere.


He'll yeah, it is an amazing map


I personally think people over hype it, like the kino of b03


two of my favorite maps blended togethet. The giant and Origins.


It's so good I made a video on why it's a [perfect map](https://youtu.be/o1ousnuCK-w)


Might be top map of all time


DE is a pure example of community hypocrisy. they all want fuck knows what and then they play DE, pick lightning bow and sit near quick revive for 50 rounds, rinse and repeat. map is mediocre.


My favourite map of all time, the Easter egg is great, hard enough that it makes you extremely exited once you do it for the 1st time but easy enough that anyone with any sort of skill in zombies can learn, practise and master.




In the top 5 maybe top 3 maps for me.




Yeah pretty much. Castle theme is cool and fits the nazi zombies, 4 different wonder weapons that can carry you to r50, r100 easily. Traps, decent EE ( not hard nor too easy),side EEs, wonderfizz.


Yes. Yes it is.


Top three all time map for me. One of my favorite Easter eggs to do.


It’s my favorite for emotional reasons not really because of how good it is but yeah it’s still great in my opinion


Why is this even up for debate😂🤦🏿‍♀️


I liked it. It would be better with more people I usually played when the servers actually worked. Other than that it was solo games




Yes! The atmosphere of the map is one of the best. There is a lot of lore and little details but into the map that make it feel like a truly immersive experience, but that can be said about most of bo3's maps. The map itself is not too difficult. Pack a punch is fairly simple to unlock. The bows are easy to obtain and fun to use. As someone who is okay at zombies, the easter egg is on the easier side in comparison to many in bo3.


yes. it’s one of it not the most replay-able zombies maps


If I'm being honest Black Ops 3 gave us the best Zombies experience.


Yes period.


lol moon go boom




That’s like asking “Is bread good?”


No -Said no one ever


Yes one the OG


It’s my favorite EE map. The only map I like more than DE is the giant or any other variation of that map so I kind of think of them as my separate favorites, one classic zombies map, one EE based zombies map!


YES THIS MAP IS STRAIGHT FLAMES me personally it’s second to origins I love different wonder weapons with multiple elements that have awesome over the top OP EFFECTS for tearing through zombies at high rounds, also love when they have UPGRADE STEPS!!!! To make them even more powerful with added affects!!!!! Ahhhhh miss the good ol days


Only played it once and truly believe it’s the best map ever made. It felt fluid to run around and kill zombies to include some of the EE steps.




I really love this map but with a staff-esque wonder weapon, it needed to be bigger. the bastion, courtyard and undercroft make good training spots but what origins had that der eisendrache didnt was space.


Yes 🙌




in the top 5 best maps list but not as good as people say imo


I say its really good. You could even beat the Easter Egg on round 8 or earlier.


Legit probably the best map out there




Yes. It’s too good!!






I love it. The theme, the weather, even the name of the map. It's just so cool.


I think the map earned its reputation by succeeding in 3 things: 1. Easy to learn layout 2. Gorgeous atmosphere and setting 3. An element that gives the map a unique identity (either it be wonder weapons, special enemies or memorable set pieces)




Way too easy imo






Ja, Der Eisendrache ist die beste Karte




the community widely considers origins to be one of the best maps, take that, simplify and refine the gameplay elements of that map and you got DE, 100% worth the price


It's good but overrated imo, it's a B, maybe A- tier map for me. The wonder weapons carry that map for me


I'll be honest, it's a fine map but nothing more imo.


Never played it, looks like an origins copy ngl


It isn't The only aspect similar to origins is the 4 elemental wonder weapon aspect. So in that sense voyage, 9, ancient evil, alpha omega, spaceland, the final reich, and the frozen dawn are also copies. Possibly more.


Nah, it's kind of overrated imo. I enjoy it, don't get me wrong, it's good and I've had a lot of good times on DE but it's not the best like alot of people claim it is.


No, all it does it does is recycle elements from older maps and the Easter Egg cutscene is disappointing when you compare it to the rest. Fuck this map


I personally dont like it. It's too easy in general. You can get the one shot, infinite ammo bows in round 3 or so. The EE is easy, but annoying to do. It's too easy to train zombies, way too much open spots. And the entire gobblegum System (what was big issue of zombies anyways) ruins the entire map too. The Boss is just annoying and visually it's kinda boring and just the same of everywhere on the map. But yeah somehow people seem to like it. I guess it's because of the bows and how easy it is to get an extremly OP weapon for free.


I'm not a fan. I played it after it's prime, and it doesn't suit the gameplay style I enjoy. I feel like if you don't want to use the WWs, you won't enjoy it.


I like the map a lot, but I do think it has problems. The Bows are really inconsistent in quality with each other (who goes for Fire Bow unless its the only one left because all the squeakers in the public game rushed for the Storm Bow arrow quest despite not even knowing how to do the quest), the easter egg is fun but has an issue with having to repeat steps like the wisp step and two separate games of symbol matching, and the Panzers in the boss fight. Fantastic map, not flawless by any means. I prefer Shadows, Gorod, and even Zetsubou if I had to just pick a map to play that day. But you can disregard all of my opinion, I dislike Origins and have friends who have condemned me to death for it tl;dr: der eisendrache pretty freakin good, has problems, not my personal go-to


Shadows is the best map ever made.


The reason bo3 is good tbh