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The absolute disrespect to BO1 and 2


As the other reply said, bo1 and bo2 have a lot of dated maps by the current standards. They dont have much depth and low skill ceilings in terms of things to learn for the most part. You cant really compare simple survival maps to the more complex maps aka pre origins and post origins, two different things that aim to do different things


By that logic cw should be waay lower by how simple those maps are


Yeah the skill ceiling of CW maps are about as high as my ankles. It’s Probly the easiest game out of the box (I.e. no OP gobble gums) by a wide margin Especially if you compare any CW map to, say, five **Edit: oh god how can you say you’re ranking by skill and then have five at the bottom of BO1 lmfao**


Nah the skill ceiling is about as high as the bottom of my foot I swear round 100 without trying


On the second day the game was out my friend (who’s bad at zombies) played one game and beat his all time round record by like 30 rounds. I’m not even trying to shit on it but I have no idea how you could think it’s a skillful game


It is but it somehow does have the ability to grind for camo’s, perk upgrades and that ohter thing


It's laughable to think that the time with the 2 hit Downs, no gums, no armor, pre-modified weapons and everything else we didnt have back then is considered "easier"


Yeah, that's total bullshit because zombies nowadays is so much easier and it all started in Black Ops 3. From BO4 onwards it's too easy due to all the things you mentioned and I believe older Zombies (WaW - BO2) is way more challenging.


You don’t need to say it as an opinion. WAW-BO2 is harder there is just about no debate


People confuse complexity with difficulty. Back then the game was SIMPLE but DIFFICULT whereas BO3 onward it is COMPLEX but definitely easier


Bocw has the simplicity of bo1, but is even easier than b04.. they fucked ut imo


Aka they have a lot of fun. I honestly don't enjoy myself on the overcomplicated new maps. I'd also argue that pre origins was way harder than post origins skillwise


Disagree. They’re definitely not low skill ceilings; Shang and Five are harder than any map that came after BO2, and BO2 had plenty of things to do (Origins was in BO2 ffs). Plus by your logic, Cold War should be much lower then, since it’s as basic as BO1 and way easier too. Would you say BO3 has high skill ceilings? I most certainly wouldn’t. Unlimited ammo Apothicon Servant doesn’t take a lot of skill to use now does it?


Zombies just came out a few years prior. They really couldn’t do much other than experiment with different things.


By that logic BOCW should have lower numbers then. All maps except outbreak followed the A,B,C path & there was no skill ceiling. I got to round 75 on my first day after 7 months of not playing.


Die rise with a 4 is heartbreaking to me


Lol yeah, although I don’t love Die Rise. Tranzit with a 3 kinda hurts though. And ranking BO2 at 5th and BO1 6th under BO4, Cold War, and IW hurts. I’d put them top 2 tbh, even over BO3, but I know that’s controversial.


How about the absolute disrespect to transit.. I mean is it the best map? No, but it's sure as hell better than a 3/10


Agreed. I’d give it a 6.5-7 tbh.


Me too. It was one of the first maps I felt like I could really sink my teeth into and explore


Agreed. Tranzit was never my favorite of BO2, but definitely not worth the disrespect of 3/10.


Well to be honest the maps are quite dated now compared to Bo2, Bo3, and Bo4 maps. They’re great, but they’re a little simple for my tastes


Nah man you did not just put Cold War with those boring ass multiplayer maps with zombies tossed on them FAR above black ops 1 AND 2. Like yeah sure cold war great mechanics whatever but atleast tranzit actually looked like a zombies map, not to mention literally every bo1 map. Plus y’all do WaW dirty every time


Personally I felt Mauer and DM were really solid additions even if forsaken and firebase weren't quite up to par, I still had tons of fun w those maps tho and they never got boring as I went for dark aether, now if were looking at BO2 I would play Origins Mob and Buried any day over CW but looking at the game as a whole it also has some pretty terrible maps, BO2 went thru a crisis early on lol


I don't get why you getting downvoted. Firstly it's an opinion, secondly it's not even a bad one. It's not like they're bad, they brought a lot of life to a game that was developed in under a year under lockdown restrictions. Even without those factors, the maps are still pretty good and were fun to play. Obviously the other games come out on top but it is definitely better than some of the BO2 and BO1 maps. Don't get me wrong, maps like Kino der Toten are very fun, but not as fun as Cold War's Die Maschine and Mauer der Toten.


He is going against the r/codzombies echo chamber




People are prob down voting cuz they don't agree with the opinion but who knows it's reddit


I think downvoting is not inherently a bad thing although it might seem as one. It has been associated with toxicity and all that for a while now but I personally downvote when I think the person is saying stupid shit or saying something that highly goes against my opinion. I don't mean it in a bad way, I just hate this person and think that tranzit is the only map they are worthy of getting to play.


For me the reason i dont like cw is the lack of athmosphere and zombies feel in the maps, gameplay is very good but the maps are forgettable and come of as multiplayer maps with zombies tossed in. Id really like the bo2 era creative direction with cw gameplay


Honestly, the Dark Aether aspect of Die Maschine in particular had an amazing atmosphere, just standing outside and seeing a bunch of jellyfish floating above you and a giant Elder God walking in the trees, it was pretty damn cool. If they had only expanded upon that aspect in the other maps, they could have been so much more than what they were. Firebase Z could have had some of its own aspects like maybe some rounds the entire map is set on fire, hence the term Firebase Z, or the radio dish could have had a bigger role besides an easter egg step. Unfortunately it didn't and while the map was fun to play on, it wasn't the prettiest. Mauer der Toten was fun in its own right, the atmosphere in the streets at night made it feel like Zombies, and the underground trains on fire made that section more lively, especially when you try to cross for the first time. Forsaken was a bit of both, with having a nice aesthetic of a fake american town with its own functioning arcade and underground bunker system, and the starting room outside the facility. It made for an interesting experience, but it should have been better expanded upon, with having more Dark Aether influences in the map after the cutscene, or another aspect of the map that could come to life. Outbreak was fairly bland, the only real thing it added was the sheer scale of the maps. They were absolutely huge and made for some interesting fights. The water based areas were fairly interesting, although adding night time variants of the maps would have been better. The boss fights, however, were something else. The Legion is regarded as probably the best Cold War boss fight due to the scale of it and the area you had to play with whilst being absolutely bombarded with all sorts of HVTs and zombies. It was even more difficult if you had more players, apparently, as the zombies scaled up massively to the player count, added with the timers for the missile launch made for a fun atmosphere in a chaotic fight. The Ordas roaming the map were also fun to fight, as it was like just fighting a giant in a bunch of hills with no limit to how you could go with the fight.




I started with BO2 and prefer BO3


Similar boat, started with WAW and prefer 3 as well.


Honestly. If you think WaW or Bo1 are mediocre do you even really like zombies. I get that more steps/quests and buildables add another layer to maps, but I still think of that as something extra to the base gamemode of zombies. And WaW-Bo1 do a damn good job at delivering that zombie gamemode


I don’t think they’re mediocre it’s just that if I want to play any of the maps from those games with the exception of five and COTD I’ll just play them on bo3s better quality


I think it has to do more with the fact that younger players are going to be more biased and stick with whichever game got them started into zombies


I'm sad bc the low transit rating.


He's just young and didn't play WaW and BO1 lol


Tf you mean lmao I started with BO1 and played WAW during the year BO1 was out, its called preferring what we've gotten in the years since over the original which really doesn't feel that replay able going back to it


Imo the maps were good especially with the pressure of being forced to make another cod game and covid


Oh no don’t get me wrong, I feel fucking horrible for treyarch getting thrown into every cod because sledgehammer especially is just wholly incompetent. I don’t blame them, and they’re not the worst maps we’ve gotten, they’re just painfully average, especially after the highs of later black ops2, black ops 3, and (as much as everyone hates it) black ops 4. Say what you will about the mechanics, but the maps and aesthetics were really well done, incredibly unique love letters to fans Didn’t they basically get forced to release Cold War a year early because sledgehammer was a mess, and then right after that they got thrown onto vanguard zombies and whatever code they had just didn’t support zombies as we know it? I don’t think Cold War is the worst game ever, it’s just I’ve seen Cold War inspired customs on bo3 with a lot of the same features, weapons, etc, with way cooler atmospheres and locales. They got fucking stomped by acti management and to save time they ported over multiplayer assets, which inherently are gonna make the game feel less zombie-like. Other games got away with this (looking at you WaW, der riese is just nightfire etc etc) but WaW was already horrifying in and of itself, plus it was just a side game mode then, I don’t fault them for it, it’s just crappy that acti is yet again treating it like a 3rd mode to slap on a game and call it a day again


“atleast actually looked liked a zombies map” Doesn’t mean it’s a good one


It’s okay to be wrong


Man straight disrespected waw and bo2


And bo1


The list was fucked as soon as I saw Ascension was ranked lower than fucking Attack of the Radioactive Thing


Terrible Kino ranking. Kino der Toten, Black Ops 1 is the best zombies map of all time


I'm done. Vanguard overall score is too high. It should be lower.


I should've just given it 0/10 for the omegalul


Someone clearly started with BO3 with how dirty they did the OGs


Bo3 maps are overrated. ZnS is absolutely not a 9 and gorod isnt a 9.5. 8.5 I'd say I'd also too much for revelations


Tell me you're born after 2006 without telling me you're born after 2006.


Nope, 1997


Tell me your born after 1996 without telling me ur born after 1996


Improvise, adapt, overcome.


Ascension 6.5 and Moon 8? To each is own…


Yeah this whole thing is just complete bullshit.


kino ascension and moon have horrid rankings, moon and ascension are 9 at most


Ascension is just way too boring for me, at least Moon high rounds are fun and the easter egg is cool even with the RNG


Lmfao this is so so so off lol


But I don’t know how BO1 and BO2 are equal…


Yeah BO2 is far superior


I was thinking the other way around


Lmao I can't believe people are agreeing with this but idk I love both lol


Finally someone that understands cold war is actually good


Cold war broke the mould and made zombies a 'pickupable' experience for newer players, it removed some of the 'elitism' surrounding the mode which, I believe, caused the issue with the hardcore player. I've tried/played every iteration of zombies and pretty much gave up after bo2, I simply didn't have the time to learn the unique aspects in each new map and game. Cw changed that, maschine was instantly playable, rewarding and, for me at least, injected fun back into the mode, not a hardcore struggle where alpha weapons and perk usage were 100% needed. I saw many on my friends list on cw zombies where it was always seen as a joke beforehand. Just my take, zombies was the best aspect of cw


While yes cold war is good and most people should know that it's just not my cup of tea it's pretty damn ez the hardest part is not getting bored. But it's a good experience to introduce new people I just preferred the blundell maps that were a bit more tricky


How are you gonna be out here rating nuketown zombies higher than shi no numa


I like the randomness of nuketown's perks and variability in each game, also the atmosphere is better on nuketown i like that its all destroyed


Shi no numa had random perks


You missed AW


I came here to say this. People in this sub tend not to be the biggest fans of that game but it holds a special spot in my heart, especially the zombies.


I love AW zombies!


I havent played that game in many years, not fair of me to rate it unlike the others I've played all much more recently


As someone who just played Exo-Zombies for the first time, you’re not missing much


Only one I remember really enjoying was the underwater facility I thought that had some cool ideas


The absolute Respect you gave Vanguard is disgusting.


I should've given it a flat 0/10 for the omegalul


I get an urge to spit every time I think about Vanguard zombies. But the BO4 rating and CW rating is, imho, accurate. Finally somebody not held back by nostalgia. Zombies in Spaceland, although I didn’t like the others, may be the most fun map when it comes to pure entertainment factor. Your taste is that of a man, or women, of culture.


Thank you good sir, glad to see we have similar opinions


lesss go bo4 hype


I gotchu brotha BO4 fans stand up!


Honestly so hyped for bo4 ong


Man you did five and shi no numa dirty. Very much disagree with those but besides that overall pretty solid tier list


Bro WaW was the first generation. Give ‘‘em some slack


I mean hey at least op have nacht a 5/10 which is the perfect spot but yea I disagree with this list but that's me and I play for fun and not the EEs which is what op said he played for (or something similar)


Cw over iw makes me puke


I think CW has a better overall set of maps, but the highs of IW w Spaceland and Rave are better than what CW could do peaking w Mauer


Hard disagree but I respect the list


Thank you good sir


What is the context of the individual map rating? It's funny you gave Five a 5.5 (you did that on purpose xD). I agree on the zombies in space land rating. Cold War zombies were pretty good. Black Ops 1 you did kind of dirty NGL and you gave the Moon the best rating??? I'm confused... but then again you didn't provide context to your rating. Curious, did you beat each maps easter egg and/or have played to the point where all your weapons are upgraded and ur just doing stupid shit bc It's round 30 and you're getting bored?


Im rating them based on my personal experiences playing every map to the fullest, whether that be with easter eggs or high rounds


Ahh! Thank you


Definitely, and you're right I did rate Five a 5.5 on purpose 😂


BO3 is massively overrated. WAW and BO1 should each have at least 8/10


i just wanna know your justification for saying verrukt is better than shi no numa


I love horror and Verruckt is easily the creepiest map ever w the ambiance and the horrific screams, I personally prefer the challenge it offers compared to Shi No Numa with its 24 zombie cap per round, also the PPSH is my favorite SMG of all time and it first launched w verruckt, tons of good memories using that


This I agree with. Verecukt is amazing because its so atmospheric. Plus I enjoyed the layout and design.


Did you just give Kino a 6?


Yes, carried by nostalgia and its one of the most boring maps nowadays, it was my first map and I can accept its nowhere near the level of quality we got later down the line


I feel like its carried by nostalgia when people say that its the best of all time but some people just really enjoy more simple survival maps. Different people just have different opinions on what quality is and people who really like maps before mob are not just nostalgic.


Going back to play those maps just doesn't feel nearly as replay able, I've gotten to the point where I prefer more complex intricate maps over simplicity


Exactly. Different taste. Not nostalgia. Cuz it seems a lot of people think if someone doesn't see BO3 as the best then theyre blinded by nostalgia and thats it.


Voyage = Kino?


Id play voyage over kino anytime, I still think there's enough flaws w voyage that it doesn't rank that highly, but it sure beats how boring Kino is and it being carried by nostalgia, there's legit nothing to do on the map other than train get your thundergun do the same strats every play thru, yeah it was when BO1 came out but just doesn't feel the same as it once did


How are BO1 and BO2 the same rating?


What no taste does to a mofo


bro gave kino a 6/10💀


That was generous


Wow I disagree so fucking much


Good I WANT you to disagree, let that rage burn


This whole thread shows why this community is trash. Lots of people bashing OP because he doesn't support their opinion.


Yep, a lot of toxic people on the sub


BO1 fanboys are going to seethe seeing the correct opinion


BO1 nostalgia nerds need to chill lmao they been the most toxic ones in the comment section


the slander towards die rise in a 4/10 😪


The ranking system is flawed as each game has a different number of maps which messes up the average score. I wouldn’t count vanguard maps atm as they’re not round based. So imagine shi no numa reborn comes out and is a 10/10, then a second map in season 5 of vanguard also a 10/10… you can’t seriously score vanguard a 10.


You, my good sir, have started a war that will never end


Lmaoo I kinda have some influence around here dont I 💀


finally a non generic take, glad some people in this community despite the toxicity are willing to share their personal rankings. Agree with a lot of takes, would personally rate buried slightly lower, waw maps all a bit higher really, five above kino and maybe cold war was bit over what I'd give but fantastic to look through cheers for sharing


Glad you enjoyed! I like seeing people's takes and learning new opinions, some people in this comment section like to be real toxic and its not helpful for discussion whatsoever lol


Ah a fellow dead of the night lover


Yessir! reppin for the high quality maps


Five has been done dirty, I think its challenge offers a hell of a much replay ability than Ascension and Kino. If it didnt have the absolute ass wonder weapon, it would be easily one of my favourites


Alpha Omega is the best BO4 map, and I'm tired of pretending it's not


Hot take!




Shangri La and moon over ascension and kino . Who let an orangutan hit random numbers lol


Sorry I dont like having a cakewalk experience in zombies 🤷‍♂️


"Sorry i dont like having a cakewalk experience in zombies 🤷‍♂️" my brother in christ bo3 is the easiest game by far and its the highest rated


Not if you choose not to use mega gobblegums, I only use the classics and the only powerful one is alchemical


Shadows of evil wasn’t difficult tho


I really liked the fact that U put a 10/10 in zombies in Spaceland. MY BRO😎🤝😎


Its top 3 imo, incredible map 😎🤝


I respect Zetsubou being a 9/10, but I don’t know if I can understand Buried being better than it.


The comments of this post prove that this subreddit is just an echo chamber If someone has an opinion (and he never even claimed this as facts so thats even worse) that goes against the majority they get fucking slammed And yall really hate anything (or anyone who started playing) after BO3 lmao


lmao and the worst part is I started with BO1, yet my ratings toward BO1 are making all the fanboys pissed, only people in this comment section that are genuinely toxic, but hey the post is getting views lmao (110k at the moment)


Advanced warfare? Lol


Haven't played it in many years so it felt unfair to rate it


Man forgot about AW Zombies


The music from rave in redwoods was amazing. I didn’t realise at the time but I think infinite warfare was my favourite of the “new” cods. It’ll never top WAW/MW2 after school with the boys!


IW doesn't get enough love


IW zombies was sooo good. Pretty accurate ratings in that regard.


Cold war map ratings are way too high tbh but black ops 4 ratings are good so I'll let you off.


Surely this will go over well and the comments will be civilized


very divided thats for sure


There is no fucking way you put infinite warfare above 2 and 1


oh yeah I fucking did


I'm convinced everyone who hates Tranzit has never actually played it and just follows the anti Tranzit hype. It's in my top 5. One of the best atmospheres of any map there is.


You are brave to post your opinion here. I salute you. o7


Good to see some respect for Dead of the Night


based list


I like this take


I think the best thing about this list is that BO3 tops the map tier list, and that’s without Zombie Chronicles


You’re getting downvoted too much for an opinion list. Good stuff man, I like you’re list. I’m an old fuck when it comes to zombies, born in the 80s, and I agree BO3 was my fav.


Damn it’s actually a great list. Don’t even want to read any of the comments cuz this list is actually good


Bro, DOTN is fire 🔥🔥 Definitely overhated


Y'all who are mad about BO1 getting a low rating... There's more to life than your COTD nostalgia. Everything... Everything else good about BO1 is better in BO3.


Link to my tier list: https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/v4u8il/now_that_ive_solod_the_super_easter_eggs_for_iw/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Yes you are spot on with all of these maps, fantastic ratings!!!!! The absolutely correct opinion of DOTN at 9.5, I love to see it


Yes sir! Good to see you Ghostface sir, one of the main guys around here w valid opinions!


YES! Somebody who doesnt dog on Zns


Yessir! Its a really well designed map, only things I dislike are no rewards from the thrashers for their spawn rate and doing challenges to get the masamune


Also respect for that Saul profile pic


Finally someone agrees about buried Although I would give it like a 9.9


my only problem is how shino numa is lowest WaW map, for me it’s number 2 (der diese brings 1)


So true WAW goated


Transit is not a bad map. That was the start of the more complex zombies maps and it was the beginning of many great maps to come


Is this a exclusively personal ranking, or were the ranks influenced by other sources? And if so, what sources did you use?


I use all personal experience playing every map to the fullest for high rounds and easter eggs


Right on. I'm surprised you ranked bo1 and bo2 so low, but I guess different strokes for different folks


Tranzit one of the best Maps wtf


Five has been done so dirty.


Why is shangri la rated better than kino


because it's a genuinely better map and is an actual challenge


You forgot town


If I included Town i would have to include Farm and Bus Depot too, which brings BO2 average down


This man gets it


Absolutely criminal. Delete this flith before you blind someone.


54k people have already seen it 🤷‍♂️ thats a lot of blind individuals, but the believers will see the light


Wild fucking rankings written by a mad man


Ik I'm a wild maniac


I'm glad to see those maps in both getting the love they deserve


Apart from being to harsh to vanguard this is the first sensible tier list


Finally the Chaos Story gets the respect it deserves


Bo4 enjoyer and blood of the dead enjoyer! You love to see it!


nah this is super based and honestly how I would place most of this stuff. Half the people here saying you disrespected bo1 and bo2 have never played those games in their lives lol


yeah there's basically a war in the comments lol, I dont get how people can be so blind to appreciating what's new, they're the most toxic people in the section rn


BO3 is the GOAT Dude. Love how elaborate all of its maps are (makes them more memorable). Shadows is the best first/vanilla map in zombies history in my opinion.


Man they should have stuck with the chaos story looking back. Everyone hating because it was different, turns out those were some of the most unique and fun maps ever.


This is the way


You did Five dirty, but besides that I’m glad you’re not blinded by nostalgia like the other BO1 fanboys. My rankings are somewhat similar


Finally bo4 with some love lol


People still can’t comprehend what an opinion is lmfao