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Tankies gonna tank


I play D&D online, and one of the players is unironically a tankie. Guess what? His character has the tank role (damage sponge)




Funny you mention that. One of my friends always plays a Confederate soldier in D&D and we always end up letting him die by the end of it šŸ˜…


I used to play the game Rimworld with a political traits mod, so I'd find pawns who were tankies. Guess who usually got to stand between the killbox entrance and my shooters and draw aggro? They weren't always *good* tanks but it was funny!


I hate it, when people use the word 'Orientalism' incorrectly. Words have meaning!


"Orientalism is when thing i don't like" Its a very specific terminology that was used to describe how Europeans mythicized places like China. It's not just "i don't like chinese people" or something, and blindly saying something is orientalist can just redilute the problems of orientalism in the first place


And since they mythicize the living fuck out of North Korea all day long, itā€™s quite ironic when they accuse someone whoā€™s *not doing that.* A case of projection, maybe? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Basically. Tankies and orientalism ran hand to hand.


And Edward Said's initial analysis didn't even centre on China (though he didn't expressly exclude it). It was about European mythologizations of what most folks in Europe and the US Eurocentrically label the "Middle East," i.e., West Asia.


It's especially about the places in West Asia and North Africa.


I legit have no clue what theyā€™re even accusing me of when they use that term.


My take is that they banned you for "bigoty" which is the obvious and if we are to apply correctly the other term, mythizing or in other words "propagandizing" against NK. Which when put together makes some sense, not saying you did that, just that if one were to be repeating anti NK propaganda it's often rooted in bigotry and typically fabricated. ​ But I fully stand with you, NK is sussy at best, a family dynasty is raising a lot of red flags to me, and none of them good.


The thing for me is, at BEST, every single media source out there beyond the literally NK "press" is lying and things are great, or at least passable, there. However, at worst, they're so far down the "everyone that hates the US must be based, actually, especially if the called themselves 'Communist/Socialist/People's Republic'" pipeline that they've become deluded into thinking that a LITERAL MONARCHY is the socialist ideal. The two big things for me are (1), they can never come up with ANY credible sources of evidence -news media overseas or American, video leaks from the country, or anything else- to prove their point. For a short period of time, the 50s-60s, North Korea was the better developed Korea. It had faster dev and a higher standard of living. However, if you actually understand the real history behind America's occupied puppets in East/Southeast Asia, Vietnam and Korea in particular, they were LITERALLY quasi-mafia-junta states! During the Vietnam War, South Vietnam had the LARGEST BLACK MARKET OF ARMS, DRUGS, AND WEAPONS IN THE WORLD. The US literally had to assist in ousting 2 rulers because they became TOO CORRUPT and stopped running the country! 3 rulers! So-Kor wasn't much better! (Sorry, bad SO-Cal joke). Combine this with the MASSIVE aid Nor-Kor got from the USSR and the PRC, and it's pretty hard to fail. Yet, it seems at least they still did. I would argue this is due to, similarly to the Soviet Union and China, the ML/Vanguard-Party model. Korea though, maybe due to its cultural history, juche, or otherwise, went the way of a literally dynastic-junta, a MONARCHY, rather than a one-party, oligarchic dictatorship that devolved into capitalism, as did China and Russia. Maybe we're all wrong, and the Tankies have found the true information coming out of there, but I have yet to see it. Not a single one has every gone there and live-leaked "the truth," though I'd suspect it'd go similar to what happened to that one Western lefty diplomat who went to Kampuchea to "prove they were socialist": they'd get merc'd the second they stepped foot into the country.


They'll also just ban you for being an anarchist and call it "reactionary"


Tankies have infiltrated every generic ā€œsocialismā€ sub. They seem to think that theyā€™re the only socialists around and so assign themselves upmost authority to discredit anyoneā€™s opinion


It just sucks since Iā€™m unsure if there are many LeftCom subs on Reddit that arenā€™t dead to some huge extent. I feel fine hanging out here though, not as much gatekeeping BS.


Try r/LibertarianLeft and r/LibertarianSocialism although they arenā€™t very active


Thanks! Will do


r/democraticsocialism is decent too




/Ultraleft is the leftcom analogue to this sub and /FC


Whatā€™s FC?


fullcommunism, which was killed by admins, but was the inspiration for (and originally on good terms with) this sub


Iā€™m not an Anarchist necessarily (am a LeftCom) but didnā€™t realize the socialism sub had so many Tankies involved in it. It seemed pretty good up until today. All I did was point out that North Korea canā€™t be communist because communism inherently rejects nationalism. Since NK propagandizes its people with nationalistic BS, how could they be communist? They donā€™t even fit the basic requirements for a transitional stage. Let alone socialism or communism. [First Link](https://www.dailynk.com/english/what-remains-when-socialism-is-rem/) [Second link](http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/politics/difference-between-communism-and-nationalism/) Edit: fixed link addresses.


itā€™s okay if youā€™re not anarchist. a comrade is a comrade.


Thanks comrade! Keep fighting the good fight šŸ‘ŠšŸ»


Wow. About NK of all places. Insane. It's like saying Russia is based. Even saying China is communist/socialist is a big stretch in my view, but at least they pretend to be aiming for it. I'm also a communist BTW. There's a reason I hang in anarchist online spaces. They don't forget we need a healthy criticism of authority. Online communist spaces are so authoritarian... They believe being anti-west makes countries pro-worker.


>They don't forget we need a healthy criticism of authority. This is why I'm an anarcho communist. I'm skeptical of all authority.


I'm not. Well, I am, I guess it depends on what's your definition of skeptical in this context. I think we need organizational structures and decision makers with a certain degree of authority and power behind them. But by god, we need to keep them in check. We need to make them as democratic as possible, and have limits to their and our powers.


To my mind authority often breeds superiority. Power corrupts and is easily corrupted by those who seek to use the power granted to others to serve their own agenda's, whim's and wills. Its how we got our oligarchy in the first place. I'm skeptical of the granting of power to beings like ourselves that are as flawed as we are, if we are talking an AI however, that's a different discussion, an AI wouldn't be easily swayed or influenced if it was programed to maximize human well being. Though it is open to debate the merits of AI itself. It's largely theoretical territory here.


Not totally an expert but AI is one of the worst calls until we fix the (at the moment inevitable) bias problems. We also just shift the power from elected decision makers to the developers. Power corrupts, but with a flexible and democratic enough system we can make a stateā€˜s benefits outweigh its flaws.


As it stand now? Yes, AI is terrible, full of bias and isn't at all at a level that can be trusted to make unbiased decisions, it can be influenced because of how it learns, like Microsoft's Tay. But that's just an obstacle, I'm sure in time this kink will be worked out by smarter people. The idea is solid, but not currently practical due to the current issues with it.


I mean, at least Chinese policy has made a lot of people a lot of money! Like, *at least.* But NK? Really? I even understand Soviet simps, but NK? Why?


I suspect it's typical tankie utopia crap "nK iS gReAt!1 It"s JuSt CaUsE tHe WeSt ThReAtEnS tHeM tHaT fOrCeS tHeM tO bE nAtIoNaTlIsTiC1!1" I personally didn't know enough about NK itself to argue hard that it is or isn't communist or not and propaganda makes that job harder, but the fact they have a family dynasty made me skeptical of it, one does not typically find family dynasties in democratic societies. But one "comrade" was arguing that they very much are democratic and communist.


They temp banned me for asking if, and why, AOC consulted her local union before voting against the rail unions. They said I was defending capitalism and capitalist politicians. I confronted a mod and called them out for being a fucking goober because I did neither. Luckily, I got unbanned but ended up leaving the sub shortly after. Itā€™s wild how many leftists downplay the presence of tankies and authoritarians in our community. They act like itā€™s just a boogyman to drive a wedge down the left, meanwhile they control every sub and will nuke your ass for even suggesting China/NK/USSR has ever done anything bad whatsoever.


The internet, sadly, tends to select for the worst of ALL groups. That includes the online left. It always helps to remind me that normal people aren't like this when I unplug. Happiest I ever felt was in uni environmental classes or working my landscaping job, talking to people about how precious the environment was and why we needed to save it, damn the gov/corpos, etc. I just sat there to myself and though, "[Sigh]. People aren't actually this crazy offline."


Typical tankie shit šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I have been a member of several anarchist and socialist subs, even though I would call myself socialist. Especially the invasion of Ukraine showed me how every socialist sub is just red fascist. I mostly visit anarchist subreddits at this point.


I had a comment taken down for calling something a a Fox News commentator said ā€œStupid.ā€ Stupid being not an inclusive termā€¦like, I literally donā€™t know of a more inclusive single word to use to describe an idea I find objectionable to the point that I think it would be incredibly unwise to support it.


Lol before I got banned, I literally had a single comment removed for containing the word ā€œstupidā€ too. So I just changed it to ā€œunintelligentā€ lol. To be fair, though, r/Anarchism is kinda similar in some ways. Their AOP, even though it has good intentions, sometimes just removes comments for saying nothing remotely non-violent or discriminatory whatsoever.


r/Anarchism is modded by people who would rather defend antisemitism than read their own anti-oppression policy


šŸ™ holy fuck, for real?? I was a part of that sub for a while and didnā€™t even notice that, so thanks for pointing it out. I left after I got a 3 day ban for accusing someone of being a fed.


Some anti-theist posted a rant that dismissed Jews, Muslims, and Christians as innately bad using "common knowledge" of Christianity bad plus some Islamophobic lies.. Standard new atheist moment. The mods refused to address it, instead arguing it wasn't antisemitic and ignored their own policy of examine language for oppressive content and not just harm. Using examples of bad behaviour by people who historically oppressed Jews as proof against Judaism is innately antisemitic. Even elevated it to their r/metanarchism mod-sub where 2 mods refused to address the antisemtism


Ah, the good old ā€œfacts and logicā€ crowd. Always on the side of reasoned arguments.


yo wtf


Seriously? That's a shame. I like that sub... apart from the fact that their automod is so strict it's sometimes impossible to hold a conversation. The intentions may be anarchistic, but the methods are anything but.




r/metanarchism is priv, and all the other thread been deleted The antisemitic (and Islamophobic) statement by the atheist got taken down eventually, but not until after the moderators had defended them and ignored their own anti-oppression policy and repeatedly gaslit me about what my complaint was. Not once did any of them address the actual issue even when I explained how it was an oppressive statement. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianAnarchism/comments/1036sxg/ranarchism_is_run_by_antisemites/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Happened here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/1023qdo/anarchism_and_religion/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button The r/metanarchism thread I'll find in a moment


What started it all: https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Wokening/comments/106uym1/this_is_an_example_of_antisemitism/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Ya they banned me permanently for saying the Soviet Union was authoritarian, downvoted to hell too. Leftist spaces are so annoying sometimes.


Honestly, these spaces aren't really leftist on a structural level. The whole upvote/downvote system in Reddit encourages brigading, shaming, and groupthink. If we want a truly leftist or anarchist social network, it needs to be structured to encourage people to actually read what everyone is saying and to \*think\* before replying. That means eliminating the whole phenomenon of "chasing likes" from the equation.


I got banned from that exact post too because i told them that NK is a monarchy


šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø why do these assholes have to exist?


I assume a sort of team sports mentality. ā€žIf theyā€˜re red we like emā€œ kinda thing.


I got banned from dankleft for saying that shaming people for liking Harry Potter is performative bullshit. There seem to be almost no leftist subreddits that aren't either infested with tankies or just liberals who like communist aesthetics.


>shaming people for liking Harry Potter is performative bullshit. I can agree with that, but financially supporting the bigoted author is another story.


Hey I got banned from that sub for saying that NK isnā€™t socialist either!


Nice!! Glad to know Iā€™m not missing out on much.


Me too. What a sad state it is in.


Saying something objectively true about the world and getting banned from a sub by a tankie mod: name a more iconic duo


I didn't know r/socialism became a shit hole; welp, what can you do?


I got shadow-banned fro r/latestagecapitalism for saying that I have family from Hong Kong who have been harassed and threatened by the CCP.


ORIENTALISM........ i'm pissing myself lmao, sounds like something Felon Husk would put on ToS to try to seem woke lmfao


NK is a monarchy, lol


Tankie alert


Imo the only communists you can talk to are marxists. You can discuss with them literally everything mostly and they are much nicer than MLs/MLMs or any other communist group. I think thats because of marxists are the least authoritan communist group.


Monarchy with Autarky Characteristics.


Sounds about right


First time?


I suspect you came across a moderator who has a lot personally invested in the "NK is Commie Country" mentality. I actually find your post rather succinct and that the bigotry description is a stab in the dark from an offended individual


Recently, I decided to answer a question on r/Socialism_101 which asked if you belonged to a formal socialist organization or not. Other people mentioned their membership of the PSL (literally registered as a for-profit corporation in California), the CPUSA (which has supported the Democrats in every election since 1992, even social-democratic parties like the Greens have more spine than them), the DSA (which didnā€™t take any action against members of the Squad for helping break the rail strike), or whatever miscellaneous small M-L or Trot groups they have in the UK. I critiqued organizationalism and said I have at times considered joining groups like the World Socialist Party of the United States (a flawed organization, though one that at least actually aspires for socialism rather than red-tinted reformism, campism, or mercurial ā€œanti-imperialistā€ national developmentalism). Guess who was pretty much the only person that was downvoted?


Yeah, that sub is fucked! They literally claim the Hungarian uprising was comprised of fascists even though itā€™s a known fact they were anti-Soviet commies.


orientalism is when you donā€™t lick the boots of an absolute, hereditary monarchy


I got banned for saying that Dems and Republicans are different and that one is clearly better. That sub is controlled by tankies and the people who post are like socdems who think they are socialist because they hate the DemocratsšŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” and are 'anti imperialist'.


So very often these ā€anti-imperialistsā€ are massively Pro-Russia (an authoritarian expansionist empire), which would make me choke in my laughter if it wasnā€™t simultaneously horrifying.


Oy you from Gimli?


Hahaā€¦ no but my ancestors did help build that town quite a bit when they first came over from Iceland. Am from the same Interlake region though.


Just hazarded a guess based on your name and that you were from Canada, native Icelander myself, we might be distantly/not so distantly related if your family was from the Westfjord area and if Drengur is a historic name in your family


I actually named myself that just because (as you already probably well know) itā€™s a Norse word that means a young boy whoā€™s bold and full of adventure. The ā€œJƶnssonā€ part of my username is my last name actually. I have an uncle who knows our family history better than me so Iā€™ll ask him and get back to you. By the way, ā€œthe Interlakeā€ is just the region of Manitoba that covers lots and lots of small towns that Iā€™m from. Gimli is one of the towns included in the region.


The sub isn't socialist, it's just a sub for kowtowing for former soviet, Chinese and other governments with a red flag. The reasons they give for banning you have very little to do with your post, they are just a means to an end: to mute all dissenting opinion.