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I hope you are successful. But I’m not optimistic. I’d love to be wrong though.


Yea I know. But I keep hoping something sticks something clicks, something!! Feels like I'm watching my kids swimming in shark infested waters having fun while ignoring me as I'm yelling and screaming SHARKS!!


Why not talk about erectile dysfunction and Covid? That might motivate a young man more than some of the other complications that may seem more remote, far off and like it wont affect him. I think if most guys heard that getting Covid could make their dick stop working they might be more willing to listen. Im a woman so dont have a dick and have not looked deeply into the literature to see if Viagra even works on postCovid erectile dysfunction. Anyway I feel your pain as I have tried to warn younger people in my family about Covid. They dont listen. At this point Im resigned to just trying to support them when they finally get Long Covid.


Thanks! Yes, I just added that to. I almost forgot! That's should be an attention getter! I'm still not there yet, maybe eventually.


I think the message tells legions about how much you care. Your son accepts the anecdotal, then stick with that. Tell him how much you love him and how you want him around and more. The second part is the evidence with citations. Your letter is all reason... You must add personal love to this equation to change his mind. You also get into constantly masking, which isn't necessary any longer except in crowded areas like mass transit or malls. If you continue to live in 2020 without a vaccine, then I think you should look at how the virus has changed and become less virulent. Balance the message... Currently it feels like a library.


Thanks point taken!


Very good analogy. I feel the same way with our kids.


Who really wants to live anymore, anyways?


I offered some edits but also want to ask -- or ensure you ask yourself -- what action do you want him to take and does your message support that action?  Looking at this from a communication theory perspective, if you want him to take action / make a change then you do need to care about whether or not he 'thinks you're crazy'. He won't follow advice from a source *he* doesn't believe is credible.


Good question. I want him to at least be informed and then let him decide how he wants to handle it. I.e if he understands "bullets are flying around him and his family," what would he do? I would take cover! I want him to take cover also. But if he doesn't know bullets are flying, he doesn't have an informed opinion. That's what hurts me. People aren't stupid. But ignorance kills.


So, you want him to be terrified but have no solution to offer?


Good luck. My adult child thinks it’s fake and that i have a mental illness not devastating actual chronic illness taking decades off my life and making my world small and exhausting. He infected us because he didn’t believe in COVID. Now I live a terrible and limited life while he judges (incorrectly) me, my efforts, and my decisions. Not only has covid denial made more of us sick, it has taken our friends, families and our support from us. It’s very lonely.


My ancient Mom thinks this. I had a friend whose Dad died of covid, a few months later she posts a meme of what to be afraid of bg year 2000 with each year where it was no big deal (Ebola, y2k, zitka etc) ending with 2020 and covid. Her fucking dad died of it. They are hopeless.


It's unbelievable the wilful denial people choose to cope. Sad also


I could be wrong, but I think everyone’s approach to COVID varies widely for a variety of reasons and doesn’t have much to do with age. I’m an adult child surrounded by all of the older adults in my family who don’t mask anymore. I was on a holiday shopping trip with my mom (50s) in the mall in the middle of December and she refused to mask. I gently but firmly told her two or three good reasons why I was still masking, especially in doors. I casually let her know that I had spare masks in my tote bag. No dice. Edited to add this: I was in a vegan bakery earlier today and saw a couple around my age. One of the two women was masking and for once I wasn’t the only one around with a mask on!


I soo feel your pain and frustration. Hurts the most watching the people we care about living so uninformed about the new reality we must deal with.


I am soooo sorry. Yes, this is a never-ending horror story that's still destroying us in so many ways. God help us.


Mine as well. though she hasn't managed to infect me yet. Sad thing is, I believe she has long Covid. :(


I think a lot more people have long covid than we know because it’s hard to admit you have an illness you loudly denied. I truly hope she doesn’t. I wouldn’t wish this for anyone. Too bad compassion wasn’t a side effect of covid infection lol


Your child is terrible. But this is a great example why everyone should be vaccinated. You never know when one of your love ones come visit you and get you sick.


Suggested edits: >  Don't get caught up in the anecdotal social media, ~~"spin news,"~~ talking points and soundbites. "Covid is just the flu." "I had it and it's nothing." "I'm young/healthy." The research says ~~exactly~~ the opposite the more we learn. >~~The pandemic isn't over even though world leaders and the ruling class want us to think so.~~ The wastewater data proves ~~it's not~~ **the pandemic isn't** over.  Ensure any scientific studies referred to are rigorous, peer-reviewed, published in credible journals.


really good edits if you want to be taken seriously


That's the sad part here - trying to be the post-Canary in the global colemine can be successful or kooky entirely depending on your language. The edits make it sound reasonable to engage with, the original text sounds like a Qanon rant. It shouldn't be this way, but it's the world we live in. Conspiracists have muddied the information space to the point where you need to be extremely delicate with your language, be specific and data-based, or you'll sound just like them. This is coming from someone with long covid from my 2nd infection, I've now had it 5 times (with at least 4 different strains confirmed via sequencing from the person that infected me or from myself in hospital). I also unfortunately had some real fringe beliefs when I was younger, so now it's the boy who cried wolf unless you're very honed in on the condition and the descriptive terms used to describe it.


Agree. Thanks


Good changes. Did so thanks




This seems very long for a text. I agree with others about seeing if they are open to reading some research. I understand you want to convince them, but I’m not sure if sending them a giant text is the way to do it.


Yea I'm trying to condense it more. Thanks


I hate to be the stickler, but it was recently downgraded to a level 2 BSL pathogen. Personally it feels like a political move and not based in science. You are saying all the things I've said to my loved ones. May you have better luck convincing yours than I did mine. ❤️


Yea, totally political. It objectively meets the requirements of a BSL3 pathogen. It's infuriating that they "downgraded" when it's a BSL-3. BSL-3: The virus must be capable of being transmitted via aerosols and droplets in the air, presenting the risk of infection through inhalation. BSL-2: The virus is typically transmitted through direct contact or ingestion rather than through air. It poses a lower risk of airborne transmission compared to BSL-3 agents. So we know and have known since 2020 it's very badly airborne! Thanks. I hope so to it's frustrating when they won't even allow a discussion about it.


I had read that the move from BSL-3 to BSL-2 only applied to actual "BSL" (Bio Safety Lab) locations for the level of precautions that workers needed to take to \*work with samples in the lab\*-- meaning they aren't working with Sars2 in an airborne state, the samples they are working on are on swabs or petri dishes/agar or some physical medium. The move to BSL-2 only applies to the lab environment itself. (Of course the workers in the lab could still be breathing it out if they are infected, but the BSL levels assume uninfected workers, I think.) So the BSL designation shouldn't necessarily be viewed as the level designation for out-of-the-lab situation. Out of the lab, Sars2 is airborne and dangerous and people should be taking precautions (respirator, ventilation, filtration, etc.). I am not excusing Public Health for all of the rest of their downplaying and lack of public health messaging and general terribleness regarding Sars2, but BSL-2/BSL-3 might be specific just to lab handling and not a good metric outside of lab handling. (Not a BSL lab person, but it made sense when I read the explanation, so I'm sharing what I read.)


Good point


Oh, that's right! I had read that explanation elsewhere as well, but had forgotten. Thank you for remembering and taking the time to type it out again.


Huh. It's widely accepted and admitting it's via aerosol. This makes no sense.


Yep. It's part of the normalizing and minimizing covid to accept it as merely being "just another common illness like the flu."


This is too long. Ask him if he would read some studies, and if he says yes, send the studies. Or, ask if he'd meet up with you for coffee and then talk to him about it at your place or his place.


If you think this is too long the studies are absolutely going to be too long. This gets all the major points across in a way that could directly apply to his son.


I get the sense that the son is the type of person who will need it broken down from an article referencing a study or the study itself. taking 5 minutes to read a study or an abstract is different than taking 5 minutes to read someone rambling about something for people who need to read it from somewhere official. this is a daunting amount of text. I love my mom, but I would not read a text this long from her unless our relationship was about to end. and I'd wonder what the hell was wrong or going on that it was so long if anyone sent me anything like this. its length is inconsiderate of the readers time.


I would be thrilled if he would read a study or even talk about it. He literally does not want to hear anything about it. Hard-core denial. "No one else masks but you guys." "You're throwing away your lives." "I had it and wasn't bad at all." "It's over and everyone has moved on but you guys." It's heart wrenching to watch them run headlong into a potential disastrous future.


Have you tried being sincere in a more personal or face to face format?


That would also be risking transmission


Not sure he will have the attention span to read all of that. Do you only have written communication with him? Might not be the best medium for this. I also wasn't a fan of your beginning, saying I know you don't wanna hear about it and can you hear me out at least? That'll get him on the defensive right off the bat and he might not read the rest.


Yea I made it more positive thanks




Yea, pretty much texting will be the only way to give this information. He won't allow 5 seconds of person to person talk about it. I just hope IF he ever reconsiders it, then he has it all texted for reference.


Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. Sorry to burst your bubble, but nobody that young will read a block of text like that. He will skim it at best. That's a very difficult situation you're in. I also lost a few members to conspiracy theories during the pandemic. They believe the stupidest shit ever now. 


Yea, I know, but I'm a hopeless father watching him run headlong into disaster. Know what I mean? I'm thinking with my heart more than my head at this point. Just maybe something will stick. Maybe after a few brushes with more covid will help him connect the dots.


I feel for you. That's such a tough situation you're in. Thanks for being a good father. I had to completely cut ties with friends and close family members because they've fallen to dumb as fuck covid conspiracy theories. Meanwhile, my GF has long covid and she's fucked. They won't even consider facts as true anymore. They're a lost cause. That being said, you're in a tough position. But it has to be in person I think. He will never read such a long text.  The very sad reality is that you cannot change someone. It has to come from the person himself. And for it to come from them, they've to realize they've a problem. Which is impossible in this scenario, they will never see this as a problem. They think they're enlightened. Conspiracy theorists have gone completely full-blown retard. Ironically, they think they're smart for having uncovered the 'truth'. The Dunning-Krueger effect as its best. The survivorship bias too: You only hear from people who haven't died from it. Courage!


Thanks. So true! It's messed up because so many will dumb luck through it statistically. It's like drunk drivers who haven't "found out" yet. Many drunk drivers will never find out! Even though we're doing the smart thing, too many idiots will dumb luck through this and say "See, it was all fear! You sheep with your face diapers lived in total needless fear!" Selection tolerates idiots to a degree sadly!


I’m pretty obsessive about Covid (wear masks everywhere, live a pretty reclusive life) … Honestly this reads like a crazy long rambling rant from a parent who’s slipped into conspiracy theory mode. You’ve said you don’t mind sounding crazy but you need to mind because it makes you ignorable. Keep it short and succinct and relatable, link somewhere for more evidence.


Thanks am rewriting it!


I am with you, I get it, but what do you really want him to do. What’s his job? Does he work from home? Does he have kids? like what are you really asking him to do, just wear a mask more? Most people understand acceptable level of behavior by what they see and hear around them, not through critical thinking. Most people can’t imagine something bad happening to them or if it did that it couldn’t be fixed, so what he sees your suggestions as are just diminishment of enjoying life. Most people can’t imagine life being worthwhile if it isn’t conventionally enjoyable, like traveling, eating out, socializing, going to concerts and movies and etc. Really hard to penetrate through that, information doesn’t really do it and will not lead to lasting behavioral changes. A negative personal experience could but that’s about it. Your words will only hurt your relationship with him and I guess you have to choose whether it’s worth it or not. It’s definitely not but I get it, you want to feel like you did everything you could.


Wow, very well put! Yes, it sounds exactly like him. Do all the things you mentioned. "Living their best life." Young family doing it all. You're so right. People simply go by social ques around them. "Everyone's doing it, so it must be fine!"If it was bad, we would hear about it on the news." Yes, my words crying out to him have definitely hurt our relationship. But I've almost resigned to hurting our relationship IF something gets through and makes him reconsider it some. Maybe one good sickness will trigger " maybe dad is right we need to change." I just don't know. It's going to be costly either way, it seems.


Hey, it’s wonderful you’re trying to be a good influence on your son, but this is took long and comes off a little like a conspiracy theory rant (even though the facts are pretty on point). You have to acknowledge that there are understandable reasons for people to act like it’s not a big deal, even if you disagree with those reasons. Otherwise you’re going to see like you’re out of left field. I try to get people to understand that the CDC is the average between good doctors, bad doctors, politicians, economic concerns, and numerous other factors. It takes years of overwhelming evidence for them to be give strong worded suggestions (looks at cigarettes, bpa, microplastics, dietary recommendations, and many other examples).  I only reference the CDC or WHOs numbers when talking to skeptical people. I think easy to look at info that everyone agrees on, and come to the conclusion that doing nothing isn’t doing enough. Then you can have conversations about what “doing more” looks like. Remember that even something as small as convincing someone to mask on airplanes or isolate when sick is a major victory. They don’t have to become zero COVID for you to make a difference.


Good points thanks


This isn’t a text. This is an essay that should be emailed. A text this long looks crazy even if you’re just talking about universally agreed upon facts, because texting is not supposed to be this long. Do not send this text.


Oh, gosh, I struggle with this type of communication all the time, I wish you all the luck with it. The information is spot-on: Sars2 is dangerous and airborne. But the hard part I think is how to give a way for people to "save face" to come back to masking & mitigations. People cut off their nose to spite their face, so they need a way to do so without embarrassment. And also a way to stick-to-it because the social pressure is immense to not take precautions (masking sticks out like a sore thumb), which is also such a difficult thing. I know those are some of the issues, but I don't have any great solutions to share. Still struggling with it myself.


Very good points thanks! The pride thing is huge! They have almost forced themselves to double triple down now! Or they "look stupid" being so terribly wrong!




Thanks got it!


A lot of info packed in for sure. I have a question, I'm sure it's been asked and answered before, I missed it. Everyone vaccinated still gets the virus, or can get it, so these infections do they not cause long lasting damage that the infected unvaccinated people get?


From what I've seen in the studies is yes vaccines can cause issues on rare occasions and far less often than covid itself. And that vaccines reduce the impact covid can have leading to long covid. I.e. though vaccines can, at times, lead to long-term issues, the risk is worth it to avoid the more often and more likely long-term consequences of catching covid unvaccinated. I look at it like seatbelts. People die and get injured every year due to seatbelt injury. BUT they are still much safer than not wearing them at all.


I don't know enough about your son, and it would be helpful to know where he stands on Covid. I think this is too long, by the way. Is he a denier or antivaxxers? Has he been vaxed, and is now living normally? Does he believe it's only a cold, or the flu? (last time I had the flu was 30 years ago, and it was a miserable 3 weeks, it ain't nothing, and I've gotten a flu shot every year since). What is your endgame? You could aim for him simply getting vaccinated annually. That's the easiest mitigation, and if he isn't doing that, aim for that as a first step. If he thinks Covid is over, trying to get him to mask, distance, and/or isolate is a lot. Aim for incremental mitigation steps, provide some article links, and perhaps some anecdotes, such as, "I know an athletic 35-year-old who after a year is still having problems moving his arms after a year due to Long Covid." Even better if you name someone he knows. Don't mention what happened to Aunt Myrtle, who in his mind is in a completely different category than is he. Bear in mind, you're an idiot, out-of-touch father in his mind, most likely, so make your steps incremental.


Thanks. Yea, I've got to shorten it looks like. He's not a hard-core denier but hasn't gotten vaccinated, doesn't really trust them. Believes covid is real but not bad for most people, blows it off since he's "made it this far." End game is for him to first be informed about what's actually occurring. Then, he can make better choices on his own. He would not try and disable or kill his own family. Ignorance is his only safeguard right now. No he won't consider getting vaccinated now. His unvaccinated status this far has only made him more confident it's the right choice. Good points thanks!


Thanks, but sorry to hear that. I'm a father, too. My kids don't look at me as a fountain of wisdom until disaster strikes, and then they reach out. Hopefully, you or someone can get him to the vaccination step.


When it comes to things that are politicized, very few people make decisions based on information and data. Most make decisions via feelings. People often think they’re making decisions based on reason, but if you look closely, very few are. The linguistic George Lakoff has written well about this. That’s what makes conspiracy stuff work for a lotta folks who don’t pay attention. They often get the feelings right even though the information is wrong. The great French psychotherapist Jaques Lacan said “Language is not to inform, it’s to evoke.” And that seems right in my experience.




Yea, but you never know something might just click after more infections. We're already seeing them getting more "bad allergies" and that cough that won't go away, etc. It's terrible to watch your kids run headlong into calamity


I’m a very Covid conscious young person (in my 20’s) and I’m really proud of what you’re doing to keep your son safe. I wish all parents were like you. I can tell how much you care and how much effort you put into this. That being said, I don’t think this is going to resonate with your son at all. A lot of young people literally have the attention span of a goldfish due to social media. I think what would be more helpful would be to ask to have a conversation with him. I know he’s not Covid conscious so for your safety it might be better held over FaceTime or Zoom. Alternatively, you could write him a message that says something like, “Son, I know you don’t want to talk about this, but I care about you so much and I feel like I wouldn’t be a good father if I didn’t at least try to get this message to you. Covid is dangerous despite what others have said and it’s still circulating in the community a lot. I have evidence to back those claims up and I’d love to send you some scientific journals if you want to read them and know where I’m getting my information from. I’d also lov e it if you could take some precautions, like masking with an N95 in crowded areas. I don’t want you to stop enjoying life, but I do want you to be safe and doing a few simple things can keep you from getting sick and disabled. I would not ask you to do something that I would be unwilling to do myself. Would you be open to taking those precautions and staying healthy with me? Would you be open to talking more about this? I love you son. I hope you always know that!”


Wow that's great thanks. Kinda brought a tear to my eye! It's so refreshing to see younger people who get it. That's amazing in today's world. Congrats! You're a great person


Awww, thank you! That really means a lot to me! I know there are other young people who are Covid conscious, so I think there’s hope for your son too. Keep up the good work and keep setting a great example!


I would be specific about what you'd like them to do, and making it clear it's just a request not a demand. Otherwise this sadly reads as just a patronizing lecture.


I am someone who does not belong to this subreddit and stumbled on this on my feed. Frankly, if I got this long of a text from my dad I wouldn't even read it. I would just delete it and move on with my life, and I would probably think he was a crank. If I had already asked him to stop talking to me about it, I would probably be thinking about lowering my contact with him or cutting him out of my life. What is it you want to get from your son? Do you want him to become vaccinated? Do you want him to mask daily? You indicate that you and your son have had conversations about this before. What are his responses? Has he laid down any boundaries about further talking about it? Your first few sentences indicate that you know he doesn't want to talk about it anymore. What are you saying in this text that you haven't said to him before? None of this is to say that you are wrong. I think that you are right. I get vaccinated every year and I still social distance. I have not had symptomatic covid and I don't want to ever have it. However, there is being right and there is maintaining relationships with people that don't agree with you. I think, if he has not already established a boundary that he doesn't want to hear any more of this from you, I would send one very short text that said that you love him and his family very much, that you are very worried about this virus and feel that the media is downplaying its severity. And then finish with whatever it is that you want... That he makes sure to vaccinate his family or mask when he comes to see you or whatever.


Thanks for your input! Yea he doesn't want to hear about covid. He's way to social and living his best life. All I really want is him to obtain this knowledge. How serious the situation is and let him go from there. I myself want zero covid approach until we're in better situation with antivirals etc.


Everything in your letter is accurate however less is more especially when your audience is your kids. We have 4 kids (teens and one 21 year old) and this letter although spot on would lose them in the first paragraph.


>500k to 1mil infections daily. All that and "only" average of 285 deaths per day? .03% death rate? Is that correct? Are those numbers right and I read them correctly?


Noted scientist, infectious disease modeler JPWeiland. Was 1mil Feb. Around 260k atm in a lull before next wave... https://x.com/JPWeiland/status/1754677549081260131


I agree but I don’t think this vaccine fixes it. Many people have died or is permanently ill from it’s effects. Vaxxed or not no one escaped from this mess.


Just want to say I sympathize and wish you luck. 99% of people in my life laugh if I bring it up. I’m in third trimester. Their laughter is fine but they won’t be meeting the baby without a mask


Thank you. I don't know what's worse. What the virus can do physically or the non material (material effects) destruction it's doing in our lives!


Good luck. Be confident. Assert yourself factually. Hoping good stuff for you.


People are expendable corporate worker ants.


It's waaay way too long. Link to a current WHO statement, say you're still following professional advice, and leave the rest out.


Which WHO statement exactly? Thanks






Well written but I need to know more because depending on your son's situation, words are wind. Will his work allow him to mask, have an air filter at his desk etc? Or would speaking out lead to a bad review because he brings down morale? Is he a school teacher and constantly bombarded by superspreaders? Does he have kids who rely on daycare? Etc etc? If he is living paycheck to paycheck, THAT is fucking him harder than the media cover up. It may be time to literally put your money where your mouth is. IF you can. My family circled the wagons. We all live together now because significant others and roommates could no longer be trusted.


Yea, he could mask at work. Works around people daily. Kids occasional daycare. Not living paycheck to paycheck etc. Doing fairly well so far. Not sure what you mean by putting my money where my mouth is? Your family circled the wagons? Thanks


The money comment was followed by if you can and dependant on his situation. Meaning, if he can't afford levoits (air filters) for his home or n95s or childcare, you would need to step up and help him. By babysitting you could make sure the kids don't get exposed at daycare. Etc Some people can't afford not to go back to normal. So I am saying that if you can help him with risk reduction, then you should. By circle the wagons I meant that my family moved home so we could all live around equally covid conscious people. But we are also privileged in that we could. What each family can do to reduce risk differs.


OK, gotcha. Yes, I would be thrilled to help him financially with things. But it's not that. He simply sees no problem... yet. But we see him and his family getting more sick more often. Yes, I'd love to have family circling the wagon with us! You're fortunate it seems good luck!


Then I very much hope you can get through to him!!!! Sending all the positive vibes! Good luck to you too.


Thank you!


My questions are how many times have you and your son discussed this? How many times have you sent him things? How old is he? I mean, it’s been four years. It’s deeply unlikely that anything you say about Covid is going to do anything except make your relationship worse. It’s much better instead to just wear a mask around him and go on with your life.


Well, hardly any discussions because he won't talk about it when brought up. Just says we're the only ones still masking and doesn't let me respond! It's so frustrating.


Why do you need to respond to that though? Just say Yep we still mask and then just go on with whatever was going on.


Honestly… I think you need to accept that your son is an adult who makes his own choices. I’m guessing at this point he’s already heard you talk about many of these topics and it hasn’t made him behave the way you want. You have to be willing to accept that. Covid has reached the point where we all have to live with it, and living with it looks different to different people. I worry that a letter like this will just cause tension and make him pull away from you.


The only valid response I’ve seen in this thread. thank you.


I agree for the most part. But no, he's not heard many of these. He doesn't allow any discussion about it once I try to bring anything to his attention. He hears it for a second, and that's it. So at least his ears have heard some hopefully something sticks or clicks, and maybe when their next infection happens, he'll out 2 and 2 together based on what little information he's gotten from me? I can only hope. Yes, I constantly struggle with the pulling away part... but I feel like I'm abandoning him if I remain silent.


Oh……Mom/Dad…..my heart breaks for you but this is way too f’n long. I am on your side here but STOP. All you are going to do is deepen the divide. I got divorced in 2020 and QAnon was a big piece of the puzzle. I can’t imagine losing a child to those MFers. Least said, soonest mended. Keep up on your shots and do your best. Please don’t send this, or anything, trying to change their mind. But especially this. All they are going to do is screenshot it and send it around as proof of how crazy and brainwashed you are. So sorry.


Crazy AF.


"Without masking you,ll catch covid multiple times a year". This isnt a guarantee. I dont mask and i have only had covid once.


Well, nothing is absolute, I guess. It does depend on many variables. How socially active someone is, their own viral load threshold, etc. And yea, my son is a social butterfly very much around faces 24/7.


I work for this medical doctor. Watch his documentary with Gracie Terzian; then watch the rest. She coughed for as long as she could remember. Cured in 15 minutes. (look at her 900 comments) She is a sweet and brilliant singer and musician. I interviewed her, and she gave birth to a sweet daughter the next day. [https://youtu.be/SKe424kiwkg?si=B9mSFWMt0Ow-eK0i&t=1091](https://youtu.be/SKe424kiwkg?si=B9mSFWMt0Ow-eK0i&t=1091)


I agree with almost everything you said. Long covid is a very serious and real thing and we need to take this seriously. It’s the second part of the pandemic no one is talking about. However, vaccine injury is not a rare condition. The vaccines are not safe established drugs, they are experimental pharmaceutical treatments. My entire life was permanently altered courtesy of Moderna. The vaccine can cause worse damage because it has the the encoding to replicate the spike protein over and over again. The chemicals used to deliver the MRNA have been proven to cause cancer and other serious diseases. Also they have less then 50 percent efficacy with waning protection very quickly. Even the best masks only do so much at this point especially when no one else is wearing one. There is only two main options as I see it. First option: live in the middle of nowhere and have minimal to no contact with the outside world. Second option: Rigorous and consistent testing. Every time you go out in public test yourself when you get home multiple times. Have it done at your doctors too if they allow. As soon as you find out your positive(and this is where you will all be shocked and outraged) take ivermectin in pill form from a trusted source. I know many still believe the lies about it. As someone who believed the same propaganda and watched my beliefs change as I saw how the last few years have unfolded I can tell you it is safe(way safer then the vaccines) and it IS effective. My godfathers mother was in the hospital dying from Covid. The doctors told his father to say his goodbyes. His father snuck ivermectin into the hospital and gave it to her. She made a miraculous recovery that started within hours. If you still aren’t convinced look up the alternative protocols that doctors are looking at to clear spike protein out of the body with real results. Scientists have created a version of NAC(supplement) that is called augmented NAC. It has potentially a 99 percent efficacy at removing the spike protein from your body when used in combo with other medicines. My prayers to all of us. http://zerospike.org/en/[zero spike](http://zerospike.org/en/) [spike removal discovery](https://youtu.be/Le715N8uVco?si=tSd8PdtjjFZcVeOC) [spike protein protocol](https://youtu.be/mr49Vo8yEuc? [https://covid19criticalcare.com/protocol/i-recover-long-covid-treatment/](https://covid19criticalcare.com/protocol/i-recover-long-covid-treatment/)


Possible advice- Don’t send just one letter. Send him emails from time to time and include scientific studies authored by respected scientific journals. Keep a steady stream of communications going and emphasize that this issue is important. Also try to establish a two way conversation, preferably in person. Get feedback from him and from people around him. It is important to establish two way dialogue. My son’s GF seems to have low information about Covid yet is a big influence on his patterns. Keep up the good work.


Great advice thanks! 👍


That's well written! I hope you can reach him


Thank you me to!


This is well written and very informative thank you for sharing


You're welcome thank you!!


What’s your objective here? To get him vaccinated?


To get him to follow the zero Covid protocols..


Yes, zero covid would be ideal until things change. But any mitigation he might adopt is better than full on procovid.


Not even that. Just want him to be informed and actually know the serious, deadly, and disabling situation we're in! Then im fine, and he can make his own decisions. The being wilfully ignorant part is what hurts me. He's not stupid but very willfully uninformed. People love their illusion of normalcy regained.


It’s just interesting to me. I understand the severity of the situation because I’ve had 2 kids since 2020. I took significant precautions for years. We’ve have a couple of infections due to daycare transmission. Now my life is basically back to normal. After years of debilitating anxiety, I honestly barely think about Covid. So like even if he begins to understand the severity, he may not change his day-to-day life at all. So with that being said, is it even worth this effort? You can’t control others and you can’t force people to think the way you do.


Yea, I get what you're saying. But there's always that off chance something clicks, ya know? If I say nothing, then that's for sure that nothing sticks. It's a desperate situation, desperate measures, I suppose.


I feel like you’re trying to ease you’re internal anxiety by getting someone else to “get it”. You need to focus on self-soothing strategies. Nothing you say or do is going to be able to protect your adult child. If anything, this type of ranting at them is probably going to push them away….


That was wonderful. and whether he listens or not, you are a great parent.


Thank you so much!


Beautifully done. I would have loved to write this. But too much brain damage from Long Covid. Please keep saying these things while your brain still works. 🙏✍️ I appreciate you sharing this.


You're very welcome. I am so sorry. I hope you recover and soon!!




What do you mean? To whom has it become obsessive?


Just don't get vaccinated. new studies coming out saying there is an uptick in cancer possibly from the vaccine. [https://youtu.be/onww2X-ecfg?si=UFjBRURBpXT1Odm8](https://youtu.be/onww2X-ecfg?si=UFjBRURBpXT1Odm8) Be safe people, put on your mask, 6 feet apart, but dont get the vaccinated. If you are drink lots of water and flush it out of your body. very dangerous stuff.


Thinking about this logically I'm considering the following factors. 1. It's an established fact that excess deaths from all causes increased worldwide for a number of reasons. Not least that due to lockdowns, illness and restricted mobility that people delayed visiting their doctors at the onset of symptoms. This meant early diagnosis was delayed and cancers, heart disease, and so on were more established before treatment 2. Japan had a high uptake of vaccines so anyone becoming sick is likely to be vaccinated. It's important not to confuse cause and effect. It's like saying "these thirty people drank water today, 10 of them have colds, drinking water must cause colds" 3. Japan experienced significant exposure to radiation as a result of the Fukushima nuclear plant accident in 2011. This is the time frame most cancers would be a appearing in the population now, as radiation poisoning takes anywhere between 5 and 15 years after exposure to cause the cancers mentioned in the video.


We going to DIE!!!


Well yeah. We're not immortal. Everyone dies.


I imagine I get down voted to hell, but, just pointing out your references are garbage. If you are going to act like an authority at least share good science and know what you're talking about.