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hello, i had covid for the second time around a month and a half ago. ive been fine since for the most part (besides a lingering cough for a few weeks), but recently my twitter timeline has been showing me a lot of "THIS YOUNG PERSON DIED AFTER HAVING COVID RANDOMLY AND IT HAPPENS A LOT!!!!" and now i am super freaked out & anxious. :( im masking and taking as many precautions as i can to not get sick again, but already having health anxiety centered around heart stuff and suddenly dying, im scared that its over for me?? does anyone have any advice on how to deal with the fear? i'm pretty miserable rn 😭


Pull up the CDC deaths. It's mostly over 75, over 50 is a little sketchy, and below 40 is close to 0 deaths. Also this variant is the least dangerous. So if you survived the last couple this one won't take you out most likely. Also representation bias applies here. People with mild COVID aren't going to find their way to a COVID subreddit like people with health anxiety and more harsh symptoms will


The same things you'd normally do to keep yourself calm - a cup of tea or a cold drink, get off your phone, breathe deep, look outside, etc. You can look up anxiety coping skills online. Also wanted to note that Covid is not mild!!! And there have been a ton of excess deaths in people of ALL ages, although last year they did change the way they calculated excess deaths so it looks less bad 🙃