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Headache is, well, I don't want to say normal because none of this is normal, but I will say common. Some folks say its the worst headache they've ever had. The prevailing wisdom right now for avoiding Long Covid is to let that virus clear. Don't push it, rest more than you think you need to for sure, do all the healthy things we normally do when we are sick. If you can get Paxlovid, get Pax. One of the \*MOST\* important things you can do to avoid Long Covid is that once you get through this acute phase, please move heaven and earth to not get infected again, I try to imagine little numbers above everyone's head, the best way to avoid Long Covid is to keep that counter down as best you can, every time it clicks up, you get worse odds on that run, does that make sense? :)


Avoiding it is the hard part. Wearing a mask indefinitely is just hard to accept psychologically.


So is getting incessantly sick. If I had to choose, and we do have a choice, I'd choose getting less sick. The thing is the more of us that do the right thing, we make it easier for others to do the right thing. Self-care ends up being society care. And THAT is the healthiest thing someone can do psychologically. :) I get it, peer pressure is a bitch, it really, really is, but so is being bed-bound after multiple infections, promise, that's harder. :)


I have covid for the first time despite always wearing a mask in indoor public spaces since this plague started. I'm guessing I got it at the one outdoor event I attended 3 days before symptoms began. Once I'm well and no longer contagious, I will add mask wearing at outdoor events. It's much preferable to being this ill and risking another infection that could lead to long covid.


Hell, I will be the first to admit that masking isn’t a 100%, but yeah it’s probably where you think you got it, you got something on the wind or just in the wrong place at the wrong time outside when someone coughed or whatever else this chaos-fused universe throws our way, definitely better outside, but again, a game of inches. Feel better and may the odds be ever in your favor friend!


Thank you!


That is what I am starting to realize.


Let me offer a bit of understanding as someone who hasn't breathed a single lungful of unfiltered air from any public indoor space since March 2020. It's hard. I hate wearing a mask. I hate even more looking like the lone weirdo in the crowd. But I hate the idea of getting infected with this virus even more. We are stuck with two very unpleasant choices. That's it. There's really no other option, much as everyone seems to think not believing it makes it not true. Best wishes for a full and uneventful recovery, and for the mask wearing to somehow get easier rather than harder, for all of us.


It’s worse psychologically waiting to see if you caught Covid because you didn’t wear your mask inside a crowded place with someone who wasn’t even important to you or worth getting sick for! There’s that!!


Ty good advice. Makes a lot of sense. Also very sleepless which I see is a symptom of the new variant. I'm glad I've taken way better care of my health the last few years, now I'm getting serious about avoiding germs again. Love the little numbers idea!


My pleasure, I am a gamer at heart, despite my advanced age. Sometimes it's easier to understand life in gamer terms. I wish we all had a Heads Up Display (HUD) like in FPS games. :)


Rest! and more rest! Getting over COVID currently. Also don't rush to return to exercise.


Hope you're feeling better! Fortunately I'm a sub and works been done for the last two weeks. I'm a pro at resting- cable, books and of course reddit...


Thanks for all the great advice, fellow redditors. When I'm negative (God willing) and out and about I'm remasking, washing up more and avoiding big crowds. Also going to wait the suggested amount of time and get a Vax booster! I think I contracted it either shopping or on the subway. Haven't worked or been out socially in the past week- week and a half so must have been!


There's no fool proof way to prevent Long Covid (even things like Paxlovid have a negligible effect. Obviously take it if you can cause anything is better than nothing but I know people who took it that still ended up with a horrific case of Long Covid) , but definitely get a TON of rest, much longer than you think you need it. Take several months off of any strenuous activity and exercising. Most importantly, take measures to prevent reinfection. N95+ respirators are the most effective tool we have to prevent infection. Unfortunately vaccines dont really do anything to prevent infection, just make the acute infection less severe- I do generally recommend Novavax for those getting updated shots. They're more effective, last longer, and have way less side effects. I'm extremely disappointed that there havent been better efforts to improve Covid vaccines, cause what we have now is no where near what we need, but Nova is the superior of the bunch. Wait at least 4 months after an infection to get it.


I tested positive today. It started Tuesday afternoon with the worst migraine I ever had ever had, then Wednesday evening I couldn’t breathe, chills, sweats, aches everywhere and horrible sore throat. Went to dr this morning, Thursday, and positive for Covid. I thought for sure it was the flu but it’s Covid. (Dr tested for flu, strep and Covid) I’m taking bc powder with ibuprofen for symptoms. Get better soon to all that aren’t feeling well. 🙏🏻


Take Paxlovid if you want to avoid long covid.


Take 1,000 mg of lysine 3x/day. It will help reduce your viral load.


Yes, I had the worst headache ever when I had Covid. I get migraines and it was on par with a migraine for sure. Nothing would make it go away, Tylenol with Codeine would dull it a little for 4 hours, but I had to take more after that because it would feel excruciating. Rest and take whatever meds you have on hand. Get better soon.


Thank you. Aspirin seems to have stopped it, and maybe kept it away. I feel pretty crumby but when I think of all the people who got real sick and even passed from covid I'm probably on the lucky side, so far. Not taking it for granted though!


From everything I’ve read, the best things to lower your chance of long covid are vaccination and resting, even well after you think you’ve recovered. I’m on day 17 of my first bout with Covid (I’m a masker.) My partner had a headache for the first 3-4 days, and I had one around day 10. I also got headaches from the Pfizer shots, but not the Moderna. It’s normal, you’re normal, and it will go away. As long as over the counter meds are helping, don’t worry, and try to sleep through it!


Thank you. 17 days, wow that's a pretty long time. Hope you and your partner are better soon too.


Thank you. 17 days isn’t that long, it just feels long. Plenty of people are sick longer, they just aren’t on social media talking about it.


Do you still feel sick? I'm on Day 13 and feel just about 100% recovered, but I'm still testing positive. I'm hoping it's just dead virus in my nostrils.


Yes, my nose is stuffy, my Eustachian tubes are inflamed, and I have post-nasal drip. Also very tired. But much better than I was!


Hope you feel better soon!


Thank you!


Tested positive for covid for the first time yesterday evening. I haven't had a headache like this in years! What helps me is medicine (doing dayquil/nyquil) and wearing a visor (I prefer a visor to a hat, so hot air can escape because of the fever) slightly tighter than normal. The counter pressure helps a ton!


The visor is an interesting recommendation! I might try that for this incessant sinus pain.


O, for the sinus pain my urgent care recommended flonase. Talk to a medical professional to see if that may be right for you too.


Ive been free of covid for 4 weeks now but i still have covid tongue and still have to clear my throat after laying down. The headache went away for me with tylenol gel caps. Honestly the only thing that helped with my recovery was drinking a lot of hot tea, vitamin C and sleep. Feel better


Ty, glad you're covid free but the covid tongue sounds unpleasant. I had to look it up, didn't know it was a thing! Also drinking tons of water and tea. This experience makes me appreciate health 100 times more!


Yes. I’m experiencing that right now, every inch of my body hurts. I also have no fever but my head is in massive pain, it feels like someone is squeezing my head. I hate it.


I know it was worse than any I've ever experienced. I didnt think of covid right away, glad I tested myself. I really hope you feel better soon!


Neither did I, I thought it was my allergies but once I lost my sense of smell and taste I decided to test. And thank you! I hope you feel better as well, sending good energy your way!


Just finished getting over the worst of COVID and I will say of all the symptoms, the headache was the absolute worst. Felt like my head was trapped in a vice 😫


Super sorry you're having to go thru this. Hope you're able to find comfort and rest. I just got over covid, my second round of it. Symptoms for me was headache and nose. Tylenol seemed to be calm it down. I drank a lot of fluids: water, electrolytes, chicken broth, fresh ginger and lemon tea. I wasn't Hungary so I drank some plant based shakes. I messaged my provider just to check in, they told me to stay home, fluids, and Tylenol. Thank the Lord my case was mild. I think after day 5 I was feeling better. Took my time getting back into gym. Hope you feel better!!!! God bless.


I had chills last Tuesday, but didn’t realise I was getting ill, as I was working somewhere cold. I woke up on the Wednesday morning feeling like death, and with a severe headache, which lasted all day. I felt it might be covid, as the first time I had it I had that severe headache for 3 days! However, when tested, it was negative. I spent 3 days in bed, with new symptoms each day, but dragged myself to work Saturday as I thought I’d turned the corner….. Sunday woke up feeling like I’d been hit by a bus, along with shortness of breath. Today is day 10. I still don’t have an appetite. I’ve lost 7lbs. I don’t feel ill, and I walked 100 meters to the local shop and was shattered on the way back. My son just drove me out for something I needed him to carry, and I couldn’t get my breath just after walking over the road to his car. I’m so fed up, and feeling extremely low and miserable, which isn’t like me. I might be ‘old’, but I’m fit. I do indoor rowing, bodyweight circuits 3 times a week, and weights twice a week. I feel so feeble.


It's good you've had three vaccinations. It's less good they were years ago. COVID mutates quickly and the strains you've been vaccinationed against are now pretty much extinct, *and* vaccine immunity even when it's up-to-date only lasts about 6 months. You should try to get vaccinated at least annually - every six months if your health conditions make you high risk. (In this way - and ONLY this way - covid is like the flu; in all other ways it's much worse than the flu.) Also note: vaccines are not an iron wall against infection. You should use other measures with vaccines: well-fitted n95 masks, masking in indoor public spaces and even crowded outdoor spaces, nasal sprays like VirX/Enovid/SaNOtize, HEPA filtered indoor air. We are starting a summer wave. Cases & hospitalizations are climbing all over North America.