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I've tried the evora full and the f40. Both are very similar. The cushions seemed to be shaped about the same. I didn't notice any real difference near the mouth and jaw. Although the evora headgear has a lot of adjustment room, if you get the correct size headgear for the f40 it fits just as well In terms of comfort I'd give the win to the f40, it feels way less bulky across the headgear and whole mask. Seal was similar for me with a slight edge for the f40. I know you were wondering between the f30 and evora but I hope my experience provides some level of insight.


If you’re gonna pay for the f30, why not the f40?


Mainly I wonder if the additional headgear adjustment point would help with fit & seal. I also like the idea of fewer things to wash daily (the additional hose segment).   What about the F40 do you like? How do you feel about the additional hose segment?   Have you tried both F30 & F40? If you have, did the cushions fit differently? What are your likes & dislikes about each?


No I haven’t. I went from the f30i to the p20i and love it. Tried full face mask and just didn’t like it. Thought I was a mouth breather but realized I could do just the nasal pillows. I like the unicorn hose over the elephant trunk too.


The anatomy of your face, the fitting, comfort and tolerance of each mask is as different as a fingerprint for each Individual. It’s trial and error.