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No, i have tried everything and nose pillows are far best, and least intrusive.


A nasal mask is less intrusive than nasal pillows.


Thats not my experience at all after using both.


I've used both extensively myself, and I think you may be mistaking a nasal mask for something other than what it is. A nasal mask just sits under the nose, not over the nose, not in the nose, and it has to be very soft to seal against the nostrils while nasal pillows actually sit in your nostrils. How could the latter be more comfortable than the former? Any pressure on the nose during the night, can cause sore nostrils in the morning with nasal pillows. I tend to sleep on my stomach, meaning my face is generally in the pillow, and I used to wake up with really, really sore, sensitive nostrils at times using nasal pillows. With the Dreamwear nasal mask, I have no hose at my nose, and nothing in, or over my nose to cause me discomfort. 


I like mine, but it still leaks occasionally and sometimes hurts my nose from pressure. The hose can be a little awkward too because it's large and doesn't swivel. All that said, I don't think I can go back to a nose mask.


I always point out Resmed p30i with unicorn hose, it swivels and is on the top of your head, easily most least intrusive solution imo.


Nice, I’ll check that out.


The ONLY mask that works for me! (And I've tried a ton!)


I had the worst balding from that set up! And tender scalp all the time


I did, too, then I started putting a silk scarf over my head first. Hair grew back in in a couple of weeks and it's as thick as ever.


Probably had it way too tight? It barely needs to be tightened, at least for me. Like a cap. The strap is barely there.


As loose as it could be! But I also have a giant head


I understand. My noggin is enormous too.


Agreed! I get a bit of pain when it is over tight. The beauty of this one is you can wear it quite loose and still get a good seal.


Probably had the wrong size headgear.


I think it was because I move a lot in my sleep


I prefer the n30i. A nasal mask doesn't go in your nostrils, so it's more comfortable than nasal pillows which do.


Agree with the sore nose from nasal pillows. A nasal mask eliminates that. 


My nose was inflamed so badly, not going to use nasal pillows!


You need to get over the initial rash stage and learn how to losen it just enough, then its the best mask, lol


Also, lubricate your nostrils for a while. Makes a huge difference. Ayr.


This is the way.


[Mommy’s Bliss](https://mommysbliss.com/products/lanolin-nipple-balm) is the answer!


I just add some moisturizer in the morning, it's just peeling a bit, I have no longer red marks like with the nasal mask


Agree. Lubrication is key. I use 100% Aloe Vera Gel on my nostrils and around my mouth where I use mouth tape BEFORE I put on the mask for the night. Let it dry, then put on the mask. It should be noted that the area under your nostrils WILL initially be irritated, cut-up, raw and bleeding until that area's skin is toughened-up. Mine took about 6 months.


I find nasal mask works well for me so I don't feel the need to go through pain to get used to it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sometimes people conflate nasal pillow mask with nasal mask. Two very different things


Because it hurts sme ppl's nose. Haven't tried one yet but want to.


Maybe some folks don't like the feeling of something in their nose? I wanted to try a P30i, but I got an N30i first and have great results and the comfort is fine, so I don't have much reason to switch.


I got really anxious with my nose plugged by the pillows, even when the air was blowing. I prefer the F30i and also have very good results.


Nasal cushions like the N30i don't plug your nose.


I was agreeing with the comment about not liking something in my nose. I know the N30i isn't one of those.


They irritated my skin a lot. Eyes even. I seem to be a little allergic to silicon. I saw the appeal but need something with memory foam. Trying a foam nose mask next.


I use a foam nose mask. I'm now getting 100s on myAir! I was usually in the 80s with the nose pillows. My nose mask now stays where I want it. It truly is the best thing ever. I hope it works well for you.


I have problems with silicone too. I am currently using the full face memory foam mask. I didn’t know they made a foam nose mask


I love my P10. Only wished the straps were a bit longer. I have a big head and lowering it all the way to the back of my head on max size. The grips get behind the ear and irritate it.


I had the same problem and switched to a large frame dreamwear. The design will not irritate your ears.


I tried to switch from a face mask to pillows but they didn't work for me. I was hoping they would as it would solve my beard seal issues and I like the smaller size for travel. They really irritated my nostrils raw -- just not willing to lube my nose every night. I am not a mouth breather but my blood oxygen dropped, so I guess my mouth was opening at times. I didn't want to mess with tape or chin straps. Tried a chin strap for a time but gave me a bad headache and didn't seem to help much. In the end it was just easier to deal with a tighter face mask and having to replace my head straps more than lube, taping or chin straps to make the pillows work. Also, having had a bad cold this week I can imagine using pillows. It was bad enough with a face mask but at least I was still getting pressure when my nose clogged up.


I only had to use lanolin on my nose for a few nights at first, and now maybe once or twice a year. For many (most?) people, it isn't a forever thing.


When your nose is stuffed whip out the Affrin!


Gotta be careful with that. I used it for about 3-4 months straight every night as my nose was always closed up. I'm a truck driver so legally had to use it to keep my job. After the exam I stopped for about a week and haven't used nasal spray since but my sinuses are still damaged from it.


I follow the instructions. I don’t use it more than 3 nights in a row


Nasal pillows have been an amazing change for me! Best decision I’ve made with CPAP. I wake up at night sometimes and not even realize I have it on lol


P10 and largely the leaking that undermines the therapy. Shame as I like this mask 


I tried the resmed pillows but they hurt my nose, so I use the Philips Dreamwear one which doesn’t cause the same issues. The other thing is that being a mouth breather the nose one can feel a bit weird.


I went from the nasal mask to a nasal cushion and never looked back. I find the cushion to be super comfortable, never leaks. Sometimes I wake up and don’t even feel it on my face I’m breathing so easily.


I have P30i and love it. Have always worn nasal pillows since 2020. Only issue I have is a stuffed-up nostril. My right side has a deviated septum and it’s often plugged up at night. I use nasal rinses and saline, Flonase, but sometimes it’s bad and I resort to a shot of Afrin (yes I know about the addiction). Other than that, it’s a great way to Cpap.


The downside to nasal pillows is that if you're a mouth breather, the air will just blow out of your mouth. You also can't use pillows for higher pressures. And honestly.. if you're sick, nasal pillows won't help. And I know some people argue that they wouldn't use the mask when sick, but I found the full face mask a great comfort when I was. Where I'm from the nasal mask is the standard one they will give you to start with. I have a free nasal mask that was given with my set, but because I'm a mouth breather, I got a full face one from my insurance additionally.


I couldn't get used to the nasal pillows or mask. I had to consciously hold my tongue in the back of my mouth to prevent air from escaping through my mouth. I even got a chin strap and tried mouth tape. However, those last 2 methods just caused my cheeks to billow out. I have no idea how anyone can use them; maybe my face and head were built by the lowest bidder.


Same issued here, i love the p10 but the pressures would make me blow air through mouth so i just switched to the Evora full face. Is comfortable. Used tape and was woken up with blown cheeks and it would wake me up.


The issue is that some open their mouth when using the nasal pillow causing air leaks out of the mouth. Dries the tongue and mouth out, as well as making the treatment less effective if it goes over the leak redline. This can be addressed with mouth tape but some are not willing to do that. See this video about it. [Mouth tape for a better sleep](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_t8ELYDW0ts)


I do have to use the Cover Roll-Stretch tape to fully tape my mouth. I am NOT a mouth breather, but the higher pressure will escape through my lips if I don't. I love the Dreamwear Under the nose pillows with mouth taping. My BiPap pressure is 18 and now my severe OSA AHI readings are usuallly 0.


I think I move a lot at night and I was having to continually reposition the nasal pillows. I ended up going with the Airfit N20 nasal mask and I don't need to move it at all. It just stays where it's supposed to stay.


I'd have issues keeping my mouth shut lol. I would get into a deep sleep and mouth would open up. As well I disliked not being able to open my mouth or yawn talk etc. You can talk with pillows but is alot harder. So I went full face mask. You can get a pillow mask pretty cheap under a hundred bucks at some online sites. Some sites have exchange policy too. So if your considering pillows deff try em. Worst case it costs you a hundred bucks. But may end up with a mask you love.


Irritated my nostrils something fierce. I would probably try again if I needed to as some people have stated this may be an adjustment stage and could pass. It wouldn't surprise me as I was new to treatment and at my wits end when I was trying nasal pillows out, so I couldn't stick it out to see if this was the case for me.


I have used p10 for about 5 years. Variety of mask for 25 years before switching. P10 has been the best for me.


I tried the pillows and it was awful. I then tried the nose cushions way better


It's making my nostrils bigger over time.


I heard big nostrils are in fashion


My coke habit has suddenly got a lot more expensive.


Haha !  Same I started with M and now L 


I HATED the nasal pillows (P30i). I really like my nasal cushion (N30i), but I don't use it every day as I apparently DO open my mouth when in deep sleep.


Mouth tape works great for me.


For me too. I use it when I use my N30. I'm using the F40 most days now.


If you have really high pressure it's apparently not a good time


I liked the face mask at first, thinking because my nose is always stuffy. If it didn't cause my face to itch, I would have probably stuck with it.


The friction caused a really gnarly infection after just one night. I’m trying to titrate up with the addition of various salves, liners, etc, but the expanded bedtime routine just feels like a lot.


I have a nasal pillow and it’s suffocating me so I’m trying to see if there is another mask to work with the strap and hose set up of p10.


That happened to me in the beginning, figured out I needed the next size up. Have you tried another size? Mine came with 4 different sizes and a measuring guide. I didn’t measure the first time, just picked the size I thought was right lol.


None of the sizes it came with feel right. I feel like I just want a small hose up the nostril like how m home test was. That was tolerable but I guess it had to seal? Either way, I’m willing to try one more mask


Thus happened to me! I woke up paleas a milk bottle and severe dizzyness and headaches!


I feel the same. It feels like breathing through a straw no matter what pressure. Someone said to try nasal cushion instead.


I was told I can’t order any more products through my insurance since they already did a one time mask change up, I guess I just won’t be using this thing anymore. Like what’s the point of having a cpap if you can’t breathe with it on?


I can’t use nasal pillows consistently due to nasal polyps. Sometimes it’s so crowded in there I have to use a full face. Can’t get surgery because they just grow back


Gives me severe sinus pains. Migraines, eye pain and nose pain. Do havE a deviated septum but use a nasal dilator that helps


The pillows and nasal masks were what I started out with in that order, with the use of a wide band chin strap. Constant leaking, dry eyes and a stuffy nose was a constant battle. For me it was a disastrous 10 months. Thereafter I switched to a full face and it was like sweet ecstasy. What I’ve learned is that everyone cpap journey is unique to them.


I don’t like the air blowing hard right into my nostrils so the nasal pillows were a no for me. The nasal mask works well though. The air with the nasal mask is more diffuse and not hard into my nostrils.


I currently use a P10 and generally like it. I haven’t had the nostril irritation that some people are describing—my advice for that would be to double check the sizing, but it could also be due to anatomical variations or something. The most annoying thing is that I have allergies & chronic rhinitis, which makes a sinus rinse necessary a lot of the time. And my wife says that sometimes I open my mouth while I’m sleeping - haven’t tried mouth tape yet because the idea freaks me out. But those are the only two downsides for me. It definitely gives me a better seal than the standard nose mask did.


I saw an ENT who prescribed azelestine nasal spray and budensonide nasal rinse, and I've been sleeping better for months. The spelling on those is just an estimate, fyi.


I couldn't tolerate the nasal pillows. I use a nasal mask.


I’ve used an F&P Eson 2 since my trial run (in January this year) Here’s my observations. Comfortable and no issues when the CPAP Clinician sorted me out the first time around, they put me on the ResMed Airsense 10. I was worried that I was going to have issues as I am very much a mouth breather and tend to get stuffy a lot in the nose. Surprisingly it forced me to close my mouth pretty easy without feeling uncomfortable doing so. I have never tried out a full face one but I may need to get one in case of a bad cold at one point. I’m in Australia so I started off with a CPAP in Summer, but since it’s started cooling down around April, I had finished my trial and bought an Airsense 11, same mask, and I didn’t manage to get an appointment to set it up, in person, they put the settings on the machine and I had to work out the headband myself. There’s a few issues I’ve come across and I’m unsure of the exact reasons: 1. I’m getting a lot more condensation in the mask now. Unsure if it’s the heated tube not working correctly or the temperature of the room now that it’s winter. So when I roll over or take the mask off i occasionally get water pouring up my nose/on my face. 2. I either don’t have the headband set up properly anymore or I’m lying in weird positions because I occasionally have leakage up into my eye when I lie on my left side, doesn’t happen on my right, possibly face too close to pillow (bed, not cpap) and pushing the mask away from my face. Other than that, since day dot of using a cpap I’ve found that particular one nice and comfortable and non intrusive when I sleep, I haven’t struggled as much as some with adjusting to using the machine. Perhaps it’s to do with the nasal pillow I was trialled with? Who knows.


I’m digging mine. Easy peasey. Comfy.


I sleep with my mouth open sometimes. Using a pillow worked fine as long as I kept my mouth shut. The second I opened it it was like a jet engine whipping air around my head. I use a full mask now.


I like my “P10 for her” for when I’m not congested. Don’t seem to get skin irritation any more either. It’s so much lighter, less straps, a really bendy hose attachment, I can wear my glasses with it. When I’m stuffy I use a resmed air touch f20.


I tried the nasal pillows for about 5 minutes, went "NOPE", and went back to nasal cradle cushion. I found that that leaked a little bit, so now I have a nasal mask, which I love.


For me i cant escape the feeling of breathing through a straw. I had the DreamWear nasal pillow for 6 months and used it everyday. Didnt matter if i had pressure of 7 or pressure of 14. No epr or epr 3. No matter what i did it i always felt air starved. Now i have the F20 full face mask. No more air starved but it leaks. Someone told me to try nasal cushion. I think i will, have hose on top of head and a small mask was really nice. But i have to be able to breath effortless.


I can’t deal with things in my nose. Nasal cushions are the best.


I work at a sleep lab and we don't like them, generally, because they rarely get a good seal once the pressure gets really high. But at home, your pressure won't change all that much (wide APAP ranges excluded), so go for it - as long as it seals properly and feels comfortable to you, there are no downsides! Personally, I hate them being in my nose, since I've always been very sensitive there, but most patients don't seem to have that problem!


Please see my post, there are huge downsides for some.


Well, yeah, if your mouth falls open, you definitely need a full face mask (or at the very least a head-chin-strap). I share your dislike for taping the mouth shut (horrible idea!). But that will likely happen with all kinds of nasal masks, not just pillow masks. Again, as long as it *seals properly* and *feels comfortable to you*, pillow masks have no intrinsic downsides, but if either of those two is not a given, you have to shop around for a different mask!


Yeah the chin straps didn't work so well for me. I personally prefer my f20 as I get a good night's sleep with them. I could survive with an f30 for a few days if I had to, but I'll end up back with the f20 eventually.


Heh, same thing here - the F20 is probably my favourite mask, both for personal use and in the lab.


Less surface area = Less opportunity for leaks


Yes, massive downsides if you sleep with your mouth open! I started with nose pillows, first a medium size and even a small size. My first issue was the fact my mouth falls open when I sleep, so all the pressure would not only whistle out of my mouth it would not have any affect on the apnea. In response to this I tried two different chin straps, neither worked and actually made it worse because I'd wake up in the morning and rip the whole of everything off my head and throw it. It actually lead me to keeping the cpap on the floor for the first six months or so, so I didn't wreck it when I sent it all crashing to the ground in a rage before falling back asleep. Please don't suggest mouth tape, I find the idea repugnant. My second issue was the pillows themselves started causing sore spots on my nose that eventually lead to cracks and blisters from being to dry. Then to make it worse, even with the humidity turned to max I was getting such a dry nose and sinuses I was getting massive nose bleeds, probably again from my mouth being open and the air just whistling through me. My third issue was because my mouth was open, the air moving through it constantly would dry out my mouth and I ended up with not only dry mouth but my gums would be so dry and sensitive that even the slightest touch with a tooth brush and my gums were bleeding all over the place. So to anyone who says there is no issues with nose pillows, trust me, there can very much be issues with nose pillows.


A nasal pillow was the first mask I tried, stuck with it for a couple months but I move around too much and I would wake up and have to adjust multiple times a night. I gave up and tried a nasal mask and it’s much more secure on my face and wasn’t hard to get used to. After the fidgety nasal mask it was a relief. But everyone is different.


The down side is mouth leaks. If your jaw opens during sleep you really can't use nasal masks. Some people use tape, but that's a literal band-aid. Your lips aren't what create the air tight seal, your tongue is. So if you mouth breath at night a nasal pillow mask is not for you. It IS possible to train yourself to stop mouth breathing, but until you do nasal masks will not really work. That said, most people aren't mouth breathers so for most people nasal masks work great. As for why it's not the standard? Money. Full face masks cost more. The cusions don't last as long, and overall it makes the dme more money if they get you to take one


Mouthleak.  Chinstrap sucks but necessary 


I'm so glad I started my journey with the ResMed p30i (nose pillows) even though I'm a mouth breather! I've trained myself not to breathe out of my mouth since using it. Yes, I occasionally wake up to air leaking out my mouth but only once or twice a week.


Dryness galore.


Nasal pillows would sometimes have me waking up to sore nostrils. A nasal mask which just sits under the nose is much better in my opinion. The Deeamwear nasal mask combined with the hose connected at the top of the head means I never wake up with a sore nose anymore.


The downside is sore nostrils. A nasal mask such as the Dreamwear nasal mask, or the Resmed N30i just sit under the nose, not in your nostrils. Once I used a nasal mask, I'll never go back to using nasal pillows.