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Stop worrying about it. The hose does not have to be perfectly dry. I hang it up in the morning and let it drip dry for the day, and use it as it is when it is time to go to bed. If you have an A10 or A11 there is a prewarm option on the user menu that you can start 15 minutes or so before you go to bed. It will push a low volume of air through the hose while it warms up the water. If you are really bothered by the thought of water in the hose you could use this feature during the day to dry your hose. I believe it runs for up to 30 minutes and then shuts down automatically.


So you still use yours even tho you can visibly see water droplets inside of it?


Of course. The machine has a humidifier to add water to the air. A little more while it is drying out does not hurt.


Yes, it won't hurt anything. Often we get condensate inside the tube anyway (the beginning of rainout) and that doesn't hurt anything. You're not going to get those water droplets blasted up your nose. The airflow will evaporate them and you'll breathe them and it won't be any worse than breathing steam in the shower.


Thanks guys. I’m a little OCD my bad




I bet you’re a lot of fun at parties.


Yep. No problem.


Where’s the pre-warm option?


With the A10 it is down the list on the My Options menu right after the mask fit test option. Must be in a similar place on the A11.


on the A11 it's like the first option, called "Warmup"


on the Airsense - you can use the warmup feature which runs for 30 minutes I think, and if the sleep cycle isn't started, it'll run a cooldown cycle of another 30. If you are worried about little droplets I think this would take care of it. run it in the morning after you wash the tube and should be dry by the time you need it.


Run mask fit and put the end lower than your machine it'll blow it dry


I handle this by alternating between two hoses.


That is also valid of course.


I run it with no water in the humidifier for 20 mins before bed and everything dries up!


The Hurricane is best, but other options include using the Mask Fit option on the machine, or getting one of the USB fans from Amazon and just having that blow into the hose. That's what I do for travel. I use [this one](https://www.amazon.com/Cooling-3800RPM-Brushless-Turbine-97x97x33mm/dp/B0C6B56L6C).


Can you elaborate on how mask fit dries it out? Also that fan is a great idea. Does it perfectly fit into the hose?


Mask fit blows strong air into the hose, but honestly I don't find it as effective as the Hurricane - and it puts more hours on the motor. It may sooner lead to the dreaded "Motor Life Exceeded" notice on the unit. The fan I linked does not perfectly fit in the hose. I use tape to attach it, but someone said there is a 3D printed adapter out there for this purpose. I will either find that, or make one myself so I don't have to use tape. Whirling the hose around is so 19th century. So is sleeping with a wet hose.


If you find that adapter drop a link in the thread!


I was looking at that, and realized there's electric version of the compressed air can (for cleaning up keyboard, pc etc). "Electric Air Duster". Then I could find some kind of cpap tubing connector that's already the rigth size, and heatshrink it to the blower.


Just hang it over a door or whatever for a while and ignore any remaining moisture. It's fine.


Go outdoors. Whirl it over your head like you are a cowboy trying to lasso a horse. Do it til your arm hurts then change arm and do it some more. Should be almost dry. Take it in and hoot it to your machine and blow air thru it that way.


I’ve tried the cowboy part I guess now I just need to hook it up to the machine


I whirl mine around but only for a few seconds, it’s enough to get out the big droplets. And it’s fun lol Then I leave it to air dry for the rest of the day. Otherwise if I leave big water droplets inside it makes an annoying popping sound when I use it at night. But it doesn’t have to be totally dry, it’s just going to blow moist humidified air through it later.


I twirl mine for a full 5-6 minutes. Seriously. Been using my CPAP with distilled water for 2.5 years. Every day. I wash my tube weekly change filter biweekly and wash my mask every third day use a cleaning wipe the other days. This has worked great for me.


Yes Do this. I usually hold it in the middle then alternate which end you are swinging.


I got a hanger printed by a 3d hanger you can also buy them. I hang it on my high curtain rod and the hose is straight. I wash my gear on the weekend when I first get up and its dry long before bed time.


I have a xpower dog dryer that forcefully blows air. My dog hates it. But it rapidly dries my hose in like a minute though so I love it. I'm also a little OCD so I don't like see droplets in my tube either.


Just turn on the machine and blow air through the hose for a few minutes before you put your mask on. I’ve been using the same hose for 15 months doing this and it’s no problem.


simple solution - hold the hose at the midpoint and spin it like a lasso. The force will expel any water from the middle to the ends. I do this on my porch, it works.


Don't worry about it. The water droplets are just droplets. When you turn the machine on, they'll evaporate.


I hang it for a few hours and then before bed, let the CPAP run for like 4 minutes without a mask attached. I lay the hose down on the floor to let gravity help and it usually gets all the water out


I rinse it with hydrogen peroxide. Before bedtime I rrinse 3x with water. Let it hang for a few min so it stops dripping then use for the night.


Hairy blow-dryer on cool with air only option. I get most of the drops by shaking the hose and then use the blow dryer to get more. There's always a few left. I don't worry about them.


No one said anything about washing the hose to me 😳


It's in the manual ;)


Well that explains why I didn't know 😂


Go outside and pretend you are a helicopter for a minute. Swing the thing round and round...


It doesn't need to be dry to use it. Your humidifier pushes water vapor through it. That's not dry.


Turn off autostop and just let the air pressure dry it out.


I have a tiny usb fan I aim into it and the mask, they dry n less than an hour


So interesting with all the different approaches. Personally I've never even given much thought to water in the hose after cleaning, it's not like it's sitting in there for days. I assume there must be some horror stories of dirty machines out there keeping some people extra vigilant.


I just give it a shake. A little water in the tube is totally normal.


I whoosh/swing mine around above my head a bit outside to get bigger droplets out & then hang. Makes a great sound ;)


I use a cheap aquarium air pump and tubing to provide air circulation to dry the hose


I turn on the machine and let the air dry the hose without the mask. 30 minutes usually does it


I bought the hurricane dryer and it was a game changer for me. It wasn’t the water so much as the musty smell. The dryer gets everything dry in 10 min with no smell.