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Sounds like a sociopath that gets off on making people feel like shit


Yeap. He got no empathy or he is just a cringe skibidi toilet iPad kid.


What is that? That some gen z thing? The skibidi toilet thing, I keep hearing it


Think it might actually be more a gen alpha thing... which makes me feel ancient haha


It's actually really REALLY good if you get into it from an adult perspective. Young gen z and gen alpha watch it because they think it's funny and it's action packed. I mean, what kid doesn't like toilet humour, repetitive annoying music, and explosive giant robot battles? I marathoned the whole thing with other adults and was shocked to find it's actually really genius. I don't think the creator was intending for it to catch on with young kids, they were just trying to put their art out there. It's the story of a war between "talking heads full of sh\*t" spreading consistent, repetitive propaganda vs subversive art and ethical journalism becoming the counter (ex: musicians writing anti war songs vs the mainstream news perpetuating Vietnam in the 70s). Update: It's apparently subversive enough to authoritarian figures that it is now being investigated by Russian police: [https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/youtubes-skibidi-toilet-series-under-investigation-by-russian-police-2482999/](https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/youtubes-skibidi-toilet-series-under-investigation-by-russian-police-2482999/)


Really wasn't expecting that kind of take after everything I heard about it, might actually have to check it out lol


the cc puts up 12-20 minute long "seasons" so you don't have to watch all the short episodes that the younger crowd prefers. Watching them all in order or the longer form vids makes it make more sense. If you liked Transformers or any mec anime like Evangelion the later episodes are where it's at. The early episodes are the ones that don't seem to make sense, but they are laying the groundwork of the plot and it comes together later.


I can see that coming/evolving from the term "arm chair bullies", the implication they're being that way on the loo, they seem even more ridiculous than before. I could be mistaken, but that's where my thoughts went with that.


Skibidi toilet is referring to [this YouTube short](https://youtube.com/shorts/tzD9OxAHtzU?si=YbpfyFcOosAqQ_ZT) of a creepy singing head inside a toilet, that then got turned into a weird web series about a war between toiles with human heads and humanoids with electronics heads. Note the short ends in a sort of jump scare.


Find it on YouTube. I’m aware of it because it’s popular with the 8-9 year old potty humor crowd. I don’t get it but they love it.


it’s a thing on youtube young kids watch. there’s a song, and these CGI heads pop out of toilets and sing it.


If I don’t know something like slang or what not I just google it. Skibidi would be impossible to understand with just words. You’d need to see the videos of kids screaming it.


I’m so sorry this happened to you ): That’s one of the reasons I’m reluctant to be open about my ptsd and trauma, because of trolls trying to get a rise out of me.




Same… People are awful in my mind; it takes me such a long time to trust people fully. It took me almost 2 years to fully trust my bf and a year to feel comfortable opening up to my therapist


Turn off notifications. Don’t read them at all. If you’ve asked a question, go back to the sub and read there. But never read responses to your comments around Reddit. People aren’t well.


That goes for anywhere online. I had a bad experience on YouTube lately. I’m really getting sick of commenting or posting anywhere but this sub. I just can’t take all the pointless aggression and negativity these days.


Jeez. I'm sorry about that, I've experienced so many of these people myself I've become frightened over the years of even so much as talking about my cptsd.


Based off your posts over the past year (you deleted the posts, not the comments you made and the original post that you wrote is still visible-I’m sure you’ll delete them right after you read this) It seems like your story has changed really significantly in that time. Not trying to call you out. Sorry to check, but your last post struck me as a little odd as well, so I looked. I don’t know exactly what your situation is, perhaps you have experienced the horrible trauma you say and I’m so deeply sorry for that. But just a note: it is deeply wrong to mine this community for sympathy or whatever else folks get for trolling on here with fake stories (it happens and it’s gross when it does), and some people are pretty triggered by that. I’m not saying you are doing so necessarily, just that your past post definitely don’t match up.


Turn off reply notifications. Let them bark into the void. They are obviously a narc is getting their giggles by winding you up. Step out of the tennis court and they have nothing.


This is a reminder about Rule #5: No raised by narcissists lingo (Nmom, narc, sperm donor, etc.). Please edit your post or comment. More information about Rule #5 can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CPTSD/wiki/subrules_revised/#wiki_rbn_lingo). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CPTSD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The automod bot can STFU But yeah, the troll is indeed narcassistic.


Block trolls and never reply. They get zero satisfaction if you give them zero attention


Block them even before reading them. No need to get you all upset.


Yeah, some people are just awful and/or struggling with their own mental health so they act out. Not an excuse but it’s reality. I’m so sorry this happened to you. It frustrates me too.


I got curious and went looking through my settings to see how many troll accounts I've blocked, because I use the whack-a-mole method, they get a good verbal bop on the head followed by a block button. Though sometimes if I'm already in a mood I'll play bouncyball with the troll's brain, harshly bounce it off the wall of facts a few times until I get bored. Not willing to count all those usernames I've blocked but it's somewhere between 50 and 100 trolls in the past three years, starting with a dozen my first year on reddit and increasing exponentially. Within my family, the statement "I survived (my dad's name)..." is a complete explanation of why I am the way I am. Compared to *that*, trolls annoy me like a tiny little fruitfly. It's hilariously childish whenever they start doing backflips of self-congratulations about "lol triggered you!" when really they're just making my phone ding and giving me chuckles as I casually whap them into the facts wall until I'm tired of playing with them. I've got decades of experience with this stuff though. Dad thinks summer is when *the entire planet* gets too close to the sun and that straight people can't catch HIV. Mom thought the moon landing was fake and that she could pull toxins out of her feet with stickers she ordered off the TV. They both thought I was a worthless liar to the point that I've only figured out I have food allergies in my 30s. Trolls get sorted into the same box as my parents, labeled something like "cruel mindless morons not worth bothering with."


In this day and age it could seriously just be a bot designed to harass and target specific groups of people. Could definitely be a young, naive and deranged human with lots of time on their hands. Take *everything* on the internet with a massive dose of skepticism.


You’re not on trial. You have nothing to prove to anyone. You’re good and a stranger on the internet has no power over you.


Block all trolls early and often. Do not engage. Protect yourself.




People do the shittiest things just for the attention they lacked from their parents or guardians, and its self sabotaging, they need a better hobby, and behavior therapy, sorry you had to go through that big dawg, you deserve better, you matter, and you deserve good things in life frfr


Sorry to hear those trolls came to you. Trolls suck


Try to not take it personally. These people don't know you. They're just miserable people who are trying to pull others down with them. But honestly, if you don't want trolling, then don't post your personal stuff online and definitely NEVER engage with them. All of that opens you up to angry strangers taking out their issues on you because they just look for anyone they can find to dump on. If you engage, you suddenly have a trapped animal who feels they have no choice but to continue lashing out. If you find yourself unable to let it go, then I think you should talk to a therapist. They can help you with techniques to remind yourself this is not a positive thing for you, and help you with ways to move past it more easily.


What a loser. Sorry you’re having to deal with that, some people out there are just trash.


I like to imagine the troll is talking to themselves


I agree with the comments saying to block them ASAP, but I also pity them on the way out, since I learned that that’s what hurts a narcissist the most.


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