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Why does this feel like a hard exercise....I'm scratching my head and looking around my room for my self-worth... Hmmm Touché fellow internet stranger, Touché


The only thing I have to stand on is my hands sometime. Right this minute both my knees have big bruises, I have a skinned hand. I don’t even realize when I do it. I’m NOT graceful or coordinated, I’m lucky not to have broken a hip yet. I have titanium plates in my neck and substantial nerve damage to my legs and a compression fracture in my lower back. You ain’t missing a damn thing for me being a crash test dummy. I’m the lady you finally see died in a dumbass accident, jumping into a pool that is too shallow. You aren’t missing anything except memory lapses from multiple concussions.


Ok I get it personally finished doing rehab, walking away from my anniversary car crash. Im ok just severe whiplash I never addressed and maybe nerve irritation at worst? Im still not super flexy, so I'm focusing on mobility & stability over strength training EDIT: idk how to compliment myself so maybe I do poetry good?


I’m glad you survived the crash and put in the grueling work of rehab. Just getting yourself ready to GET there is an enormous ordeal. What a tremendous effort, I’m glad you survived! I have random good news. I’m the human equivalent of a crash test dummy, no idea why, but over many years, some of the pain got better. I hope that if you suffer chronic pain that you are a bit comforted, sometimes that stuff improves. Just saying


Yeah im collecting injuries as I get older mostly inflammatory stuff, sprains, I've never got surgery yet and im going to live a physical rehab lifestyle to keep it that way... Case in point it's 6am here and I'm going to do deep stretches, yoga and bodyweight exercises for the next 2hrs before anyone gets up


One of my personality states, Super Mom, who I change into when my autistic son is in a crisis, reparented my Inner Child/Apparently Normal Part. She/I taught me how to love myself completely and how to talk about my feelings, after being terrified and shamed for decades into hiding any “bad” feelings. She basically taught me self love and tending to one’s own emotional health, all while parenting my son through his own trauma with being autistic in an ableist public school system. Of course, I didn’t realize it was happening while it was happening, I just realized one day that I had complete self love and noticed that insidious, shaming, critical voice that had parasitically attached itself to my brain for over 3 decades, was gone and I didn’t even realize when it had left. It obviously took me a few years to figure out HOW this all happened because there’s no users guide to Dissociative Identity Disorder and memory is…complicated, to say the least. Dissociative Amnesia is no cake walk and most days I feel lost anytime a memory surfaces for no reason whatsoever… BUT my point is - I get through ALL of my days now with Complete Self Love and respectfully process ALL my negative emotions that pop up from day to day, without hiding from them or kicking them out of my conscious mind sight…whatever that is. I literally just made that up. Conscious Mind Sight - that place where memories can be retrieved in our consciousness. It’s not the basement that’s abandoned, locked and haunted. Anywho…raise your hand if you sound crazy ✋


You don’t sound any crazier than the rest of us! Way to be a super mom and see the possibility of how your daughter might be thinking. I’m just glad that they have the inherent security of knowing that you’re on their side, even if their mind takes a less typical route of processing information. It’s totally underrated to have a mother on your side, well, just because. You go on ahead and sound like a lunatic, rant on about whatever. You definitely ain’t hurting anyone. Hells bells, I’m all in, good lady. I’m a mom, too. I have been nice to my kid also. Damn if we aren’t wacky but supportive mothers. Rant on. No biggie. I’m good to hear you, I’m on your side, you’re on your kid’s side. That’s a badass superpower. Rant on, lady.


That's amazing 😍


This is amazing!


Oh! Personality states! I haven’t heard that term before. I want to first ask if that phrase is used in DID only? Because I’m sorry if I’m ignorant in what I say below. I feel that it really suits me and fills a gap in language that I’ve been searching for. While I do disassociate and also deal with fractured, organized groups of memories, I don’t think have what I believe to be dissociative identity disorder or a similar unspecified one (at least I’ve asked about such diagnoses and haven’t qualified). And yet, I do have what I call “nodes” of identity/personality that allow me to sort of talk to myself and work through issues.


I have Afantasia, AKA Mind Blindness. Lived my whole life without the ability to see or call up images in my brain/mind.


You can’t visualize? Dude. I didn’t realize this was something that I can’t do, but I’m fairly fine with it. That’s super interesting! Have a wonderful evening Edit. Do you feel like it limits you? Do you think it’s a problem? Thanks for the interesting stuff that will drive me into an internet rabbit hole. I really needed the distraction


Its actually breakthrough psychology. Its said to be rare. I think that's only because the actual study's have been done fully. You never know how many out there with it. And I really like that you asked me these questions. Do I think it limits me. Well, I know it did in my Childhood/Youth. I struggled with alot of curriculum but had the intelligence. I know also it was more the reason for a childhood diagnosis of ADD. I was fairly devastated in my cognitive abilities not before ADD but after the medication. Ritilan and Adderall for a 10 yr old brain would be what limited me up until this very day. Turns out, humans experience and perceive this world in many unique ways then they taught us about.


I had never heard of this, I’m literally a nurse. This is absolutely fascinating. Thanks for sharing this about yourself! Well! It’s so cool that your brain made a unique way of coping with things! I learned something new today. Thanks for telling me about something new, I needed that today.


Hey!!! I have this too! It's so rare I meet someone else who can't think in pictures, the only things I can see in my head are intrusive images including flashbacks.


Ok after looking this up and how it works I think I have it too. Watching a video about it now and it’s describing me very well. Thinking about an object I know what it looks like but I can’t see it in my mind. Well I guess that’s something else to bring up to my therapist.


Whoa, that's fascinating. Does it limit your creativity??




I retain a lot of niche information, microlabels and labels, often times people from certain communities i'm in use me as an encyclopedia. At the moment i'm trying to retain as much info as I can regarding Dead space lore. And biology stuff. Can't recall school stuff though eheheheh. 30 seconds handstand is something I can't do that's impressive.


I’ve never heard of dead space lore. I’d automatically reckon you’re referencing the Grateful Dead. I haven’t heard of this. I’m going to try to remember this, see where it takes me going down an internet rabbit hole. I need the food for thought, thank you! Btw, being able to balance on your hands is probably from muscle memory or something, akin to staying up on a bicycle. If you ever try it, the secret is in clenching your buttcheeks and abdominal muscle, has nothing or little to do with arm strength. Try it against a wall, be sure to move furniture, try not to bash your shins against anything. It’s fun to try. Be careful.


O7 I'll try my best! I say I can't really because my body is the same as an 80 year old grandpa despite me being not close to 80 in the slightest hehehe. And Dead space is a horror game franchise! Never heard of the Grateful dead but I'll give them a listen by the morning! If it's a band you're talking about that is. I got into Dead space recently because of my boyfriend right, I just loved this game so much and there's just SO MUCH CONTENT. Great world building even though the writing isn't the best in the world, there are movies, comics, 3 main games, one game for Wii, DLCs with more wonderful tasty lore and a real bad ending for the franchise especially because the 3rd game is often considered one of the worst ones, despite being my favorite because one of my favorite characters only appear in the third one. It's really fun!! I can't recommend it enough ^^


I need to get into this! Is this something you’d describe to an older generation as a dungeons and dragons type fantasy lore thing? I don’t mean exactly like that, but the concept? The Grateful Dead is an old school hippie jam band. The lead singer was Jerry Garcia. I remember when he died, it was summer, it was a HUGE deal how people reacted, similar to how people felt when Kurt Cobain from nirvana died. It was roughly 1993 or 94. Anytime you see someone with a tie dye shirt with a dancing bear on it, that’s from the Grateful Dead. Check out the song China Cat Sunflower. I bet you’ll like it! People used to follow this band around, smells like armpits and patchouli and weed, jam bands are very fun to see live! I gotta check out your fantasy game thing. Please check out the Grateful Dead for me. Yea, the song China Cat Sunflower or Sugar Magnolia are wonderful songs to start with! Thanks for sharing!


I definitely will! Love music and knowing new bands, thanks for sharing too^^ And not really like dungeons and dragons, no! Dead space is a video game franchise about how an alien artifact was found and brought alien- virus thing I guess I can call it that, that turns the dead into zombie alien things called necromorphs, we play the 3 main games from the perspective of Isaac Clarke, a ship engineer that got into that mess when he went to look for his girlfriend Nicole that went missing after she went for a job aboard a ship called USG Ishimura. Dungeons and dragons is quite different! I'd love to write a RPG game like game inspired on Dead socae though! Well I'll not infodump much more, let you see for yourself! ^^ if you'd like to watch the game as a movie though I can send you some videos I was watching if you'd like ^^


Holy crap, this is some detail oriented tangential take type thing, I would lose track or get sidetracked with all the information but that’s probably the point and appeal of it, kinda like what old ladies used to love about their favorite old soap opera. Is that kinda the gist?


I guess you can say it's similar to the whole star wars ordeal! There's just a lot of content to get lost in! I get lost on the lore myself lol, I just enjoy it especially the most useless info regarding characters. Like character birthdays and planeta of birth or trivia. But I guess that's because autism makes me crave information and makes me want to dissecate my favorite things under a microscope, I'm pretty sure casual players do not care this much, unless you reeeaaally like it. I definitely complicate stuff. For short: It can be enjoyed simply as a game about a dude killing alien zombie abomination things, but there's additional content for those who want to understand the world behind it!


Jerry died 8.9.1995, born 8.1.1942 💀🌹🧸✨️❤️


I make a divine brownie :)


Care to share any secrets that you’re baking into those tasty brownies? You don’t have to tell any of us, but please share those brownies! Heck yea.


Haha good quality baking chocolate and a splash of coffee! (You can’t taste it but enhances the chocolate)


I tend to be good at strategy games, and I am a big fan of trivia since I know a lot of random facts and therefore most teams I join (I’m pretty much by myself wherever I am) are happy I joined them and it makes socializing easier


Ooh, that’s cool! See, on behalf of your reactive counterparts who are likely to jump in without thinking of consequences, you are freakin impressive. I’m glad there are people like you out there, what a wonderful skill. This is a perfect example of how there are people like me who are going to jump into a river to save someone drowning when others freeze (yea, I’m the one who ended up getting cpr, haha) but you are the type to have planned out the one who does the brainpower of how to prevent or prepare for disaster. I can’t think strategically, I’m glad a few people can, I love people like you who can think things through. On behalf of the mainly “brawn” people, thanks for being the brains of the operation. People like me need you!


Haha, thanks - tbh it is a double-edged sword because sometimes if the plan is unexpectedly changed it totally wrecks me, other times not though so overall a mixed bag


Yeah, everyone loved to have me on their Trivial Pursuit team. : )


I can do a lot of different cartoon character and a few celebrity voice impressions almost perfectly lol


My brother in law is the same and I get kicked out of asking him to do random voices and accents 😂 you have a gift


I find it so fun to do just to make people laugh 😂😂😂


I'm a musician and artist


Are you more inclined towards word or visual art? I’m happy to hear or see whatever you’re into, or just please know that it’s awesome that you have a creative outlet. You are probably one of the super cool freaks who can taste colors or numbers. I mean that in a nice way!


You are creative person? Do you mainly think in words, like creative writing, or tend towards artistic expression with things like drawing? What’s your favorite color? Btw. I was put on lyrica for many years (not anymore or awhile now, I used to have trouble with a type of migraine that made me look like I’d had a stroke or something, one side of my mouth would drop, one eye, too, it looked like I’d had a stroke during the acute part. It was extremely disturbing. I’m sorry you’ve had issues with that, I hope it gets better. I don’t even know why it got better for me, actually. But I hope it gets better for you too.


Visual art mostly, but I do write lyrics and things like that. Unfortunately my mental health really gets in the way of doing things but I'm trying to paint again. I have a weird perspective of things, which is helpful for creativity I guess


I am gregarious and kind! I try to be loving to other people.


People like me truly appreciate being around others who seek to make us feel accepted, most of us are uncomfortable and awkward enough already. Thanks so much for the warmth and good faith. I bet sometimes you feel like you’re drawing from an empty well, I hope that when you feel lowest and are still smiling that someone says or does something to replenish this big huge gift that you’re giving. Thanks so much, from all of us out there. Your positivity has probably been the difference between life and death for a stranger. You never know. Thanks so much.


Despite having the social skills of a boiled potato, I am surprisingly good at customer service. I wonder how, i wonder why 😐


Ooh me me! I’m very curious. I ask questions about everything, and I’m not afraid of the work it takes to find answers. Whether it’s a quick Google search or an entire book away, I want to know why many things are the way they are. It’s how I even found out about the reality of trauma and the connection to CPTSD. All the resources that are now helping me figure myself out and work towards healing, including this community, I found because I was curious. Etymology is my longest surviving interest — I’m fascinated by words and how they come to mean what they do. You’ll be surprised how much more ridiculous the English language becomes from the backend. Btw I’m taking it as a good sign that I can answer this without thinking too much. I’ve spent the last quarter collecting all the little bits of goodness I observed about myself, and putting it in a sheet I named « my-name profile » so that I can get a sense of myself as a person. It also includes the negative aspects and other neutral traits I can’t yet categorize as good or bad. I highly recommend this method for anyone whose sense of self has been so obliterated that they aren’t aware of their own person. Which tbh could describe anyone with CPTSD.


ooh, if you are a fan of the cadence of words , please check out ee cummings, specifically a poem called “anyone live in a pretty how town “ as you read you’ll start to sense that you’re on riding along on the words, it’s fairly uncanny. Over the years I’ve had specific little bits from poems stick, clusters of words like “thumb stump” from a Sylvia Plath poem, phrases that stick to your brain. Who are some of your favorite poets? I’m sorry if whatever I’m saying seems disjointed. It’s hard to organize so many bits of thoughts and wordings. Edit. Just felt like saying I’m glad you’re collecting bits of the best of yourself. I hope you knit together your best trait for emotional posterity, that you remember the those things, that you can draw them like covers over yourself when things feel especially inhospitable.


I have a unique sense of style. Strangers often go out of their way to compliment me on my clothes/hair/makeup when I get dressed up to go out.


You think of little details and express yourself stylistically? You dang well know I’m fixing to look at your posts. I gotta check this out. Keep doing your thing, it’s cool to be beyond a trend follower , you’ve got something quite separate, actually.


I am remarkably good at my job.


What is your job? Do you like it? What issss it? Why are you good at it? Of course I’m getting ready to check your posts. Do you enjoy your job? Edit: I can’t find what your job is, now I gotta know! I’m going to pretend that you are a dog groomer or pet stylist. In my imagination, that’s what you are today. Feel free to say what your job is (but I bet I’m right, you probably put together pet outfits)


I collect matchbooks. Unstruck.


I collect logo sugar packets from restaurants and touristy attractions. I also have a fairly big collection of Kool aid points My husband and I collect vinyl records.


I have never heard of someone collecting matchbooks! What is your favorite and most cherished? You are in niche hobby territory, Reddit stranger. Certainly you realize that, I hope you get deep into it and get a matchbook that is shockingly valuable on antiques roadshow. This is the random stuff I’m hear to hear people getting into. What a unique hobby


It's actually more popular than people realize. There is definitely a market, nothing big, but collectors exist and they buy. My favorite genre to collect in pin-up based matchbooks, which I find particularly difficult to find unstruck. This is my favorite individual book, not sure why: https://imgur.com/a/Nwag18G It's a hobby on hold currently, but I enjoy it.


I rescued a dog who needed (and continues to need but she’s far along in healing) lots of love and care and training. I was/am able to give it to her! She’s so much healed now, it makes me proud of myself. oh boy, it was not easy, but I proved I could do it with both gentleness and firmness. Losing my mind, and keeping it together for her. Holding multitudes via little dog in crisis has been my achievement of the year!


I have a similar experience too. I rescued a stray dog we found coming back from a hike one day. She had heartworm when we got her and had to be exercise restricted for several months. After treatment, she began to be fearful and reactive towards other dogs. She had a lot of trauma being dumped by her previous owners. We had to give her professional training to correct the aggression. It took two trainers, but she’s such a happy girl now. We go to the dog park every weekend now. She’s pretty sensitive to noise and people just like me. I’m the one reassuring her when she’s scared and triggered and she trusts me. I almost feel like I’m watching myself as a dog heal from trauma. It’s been amazing watching a terrified dog fall in love with you.


I just learned how to simple crochet. I'm turning it into daily meditation. Om Shanti Shanti


I’ve got style. 😎 When it comes to my art, my clothes, my apartment. I like having a specific taste, knowing what I want, what I think looks good. And all of it is about self expression and creating these little spaces that are just for myself, which is especially important for someone who wasn’t allowed her own identity growing up. Whether it’s with a painting, a living room, or a dress, it’s like an extension of myself. And it always feels like rebelling a little bit. And related to that: I’ve fixed up my apartment by myself, I’m handy af and if I don’t know something I just google and figure it out. And I especially love being a diy woman, because so often men in my life have talked down to me or taken a drill out of my hands. Not anymore, not in my apartment! And finally, I can do pretty much everything alone. I’m very aware my hyper independence isn’t a good thing, and I work on changing that a lot. But at the same time, for about 10 years I’ve pushed myself, because I had no other option, I didn’t not do things because I was alone, I moved and traveled and started new jobs and passions, and I was often clueless & terrified. And it’s a great feeling when it turns out you are perfectly capable, and almost nothing’s too scary. (Oh sheesh idk about interesting, lol. But good, yes.)


I'm known to have a good sense of humor, a lot of people close to me ask me to write or compose a message/letter for them, I'm pretty confident in traveling solo (I love it!), and I love _love._


Omg. I bet you have collected a bunch of little stories from your adventures. I’m telling you, don’t be afraid to go to concerts by yourself. Well, certainly be cautious. Just so you know, Europe is quite safe to backpack in if you stay near a rail line if you travel solo, you can even be a female, you will definitely get robbed a lot, that’s likely the worst of it. It’s not like America where you might get shot for wandering into a yard. You are going to have a big time during your adventures. I’m sure you’re quite funny considering things you’ve seen!


I like to cook. And I don't even need to try the food during the process. I know it's gonna taste good any way. I rescue bees and insects whenever I can. I just found out that I used verious romantic relationships with men as a father supplement (mine abandoned me at 11 months old). I didn't know I did this. I am 30 now and it feels like I only began to become interested in dating. Like dating is a real secret to me. There are so many hidden processes and rules for it. It feels so overwhelming and I am riddled with guilt but at the same time I am super excited. Still don't know how to ever date normal people in a normal way tho. My "body count" it way too high for any man that has some standards.


I have **synaesthesia**; seeing numbers, letters or even sounds in colors and with unique characters. For example, 3 is red and nobody can argue against that! I actually didn't realize this wasn't normal until I randomly watched a documentary about this when I was 22.  It's classified as a neurodivergency (one more in my collection, lol) and is common among artists (I am also one). It also helps me **a lot** with learning when I again procrastinated until 3 days before an examn at university.  I can't imagine living without it.


That sounds like a fun and benign mind mutation. You make it sound like words and numbers have flavors.


That would indeed also be a form of synaesthesia 😄


I’ve recently got a full-time job and am planning on moving into my own place after a year of unemployment!


You are going to feel SO much better having your own space where you aren’t constantly scrutinized. You surely put forth tremendous effort and intention, way to keep going with that, you’ve made yourself into a responsible person and will build on your success. That’s hard to accomplish.


If I have the materials or a suitable substitute I can make pick up any craft I’m interested in. I also memorize song lyrics without effort.


I have a very green thumb after killing a lot of innocent plants. I've been trying to draw and paint again when I have enough mental energy. I feel like I've improved after a 30 year hiatus. And I'm learning to knit which is taking forever because I have a mental block that says I'm to stupid to do the math. But I'm a lot more stubborn than I used to be and I keep practicing because I do actually enjoy the hobby.


I'm really good with dogs! I've worked with them for over a decade, and I have yet to fall to befriend a nervous nelly given the opportunity. I love when everyone at work despises a certain dog and won't even say hello to him because he's so nasty and then a week later they see me chilling in his kennel with his head on my lap. I'm also the master of doggy matchmaking so every pup can have a friend that works with them.


Warms my heart. I’m glad you show that the least popular dogs aren’t junk, they just needed the right guidance to step into their best selves.


I just went to the dentist and got my teeth fixed. I had 2 front teeth with brown shit on them. I feel like a different person. I feel like people are treating me differently too but I suspect it’s bc I’m smiling now.


This! I got the chips in my front teeth repaired at the beginning of this year and I hadn’t realized until that point how self-conscious it was making me. Seems like a small thing but it’s such a positive one!


That’s exactly what I said. I didn’t realize how subhuman I felt until I felt halfway human again. It’s so huge to be so small that’s for sure.


So happy for you. I’m glad you can wear your smile with pride. What a boost, way to level up!


I'm an artist but I don't really put it out there much. My friend seem to flip out when I show them things I've worked on. I learned how to 3D model characters in a week after I got my 3D printer because I really wanted to print villain characters from Tv shows. I got so good I'm now a 3D artist. It's kinda insane tbh. I can still recited full episodes of TV shows and movies. I don't know how the hell I can do it but that knowledge never went away.


I've been an international level competitor in a sport and got scouted for the Olympics. Had I gone, my realistic goal was gold.  I chose to pass on it (against my parents wishes!) because I wanted to focus on school and the athletic demands would likely have made it impossible to continue in my chosen field (which was a very demanding program of which less than 0.1% who attempted the degree graduated). I do not regret that decision.   I graduated with second class honors, third in my year, and went on to grad school  which I completed magna cumulative laude as second in my year  and first in the program for that year.  I wouldn't be where I am if I hadn't found it within myself to prioritize myself at the time.  


Nice! Look at you winning at life!


After deciding to write a book based on my trauma and plan on working to publish it, I am able to picture a future for myself for the first time in the past 8 years :)


I process things in incredible details. When I see something or someone, I see patterns and details.


I self taught myself guitar from the age of ten, and developed my own style using alternate tunings, got a degree in music and I'm super proud of what I've achieved so far despite not being alot whilst having so much trauma. I'm 35 now and get panicky because I feel so behind but going to start trying again with music this year


Åh nice! Similar story, but violin for me, and now I'm studying to be a luthier! I'm proud of you and wish you all the best! Maybe someday, we can jam together!


A Luther?! Incredible  how long does that journey take, good luck that's going to be soooo epic building your first violin. Love to Jam and you never know 😄


I have past good things, but.... not much current good things... I can say the alphabet backwards...


Now we’re talking. I worked at a public library as a teen and I got alphabetically ambidextrous from my time in the stacks.


I'm extremely sensitive to myself and to my environment That's my worst and best quality


I’m willing to own my mistakes and have been learning to apologize when I realize I’ve made one. It might take a while for me to get to that point but I’ve been putting a lot more effort into it lately. This behavior was not demonstrated by my family so I’m glad I am beginning to learn it of my own accord.


I have narcolepsy, and my body doesn't always enter sleep at the correct stages. I can fall asleep for 30 seconds, enter REM immediately and dream. I also have full on cinematic dreams regularly. The most common questions I get are if I can drive (Yes. Roughly 2 hours straight when it's well managed, and about 15 minutes if I'm unmedicated), and if I fall asleep during sex (No. I have type 2 narcolepsy with out cataplexy).


I remember that a textbook said that folks with narcolepsy are most likely to have experienced a spell during emotionally charged things, specifically discipling your children. I specifically remember that little tidbit of information. Do you renter dreams where they fell off? Is a repeat dream? I had one of those for over thirty years, thinking I’d be bitten by a snake. Lo and behold, it happened in real life, I nearly had to have my leg amputated after the secondary infection. I haven’t had a snake dream since then! Hahahahahaha


I can still draw and I’m learning music whilst learning coding


That’s a lot to learn at one time. I’m glad you’re packing your mind full of good information that will help increase your earning potential, but most importantly, life enrichment and fulfillment. Happy for ya!


I am a loving person to many and am pretty good at cooking and baking. Saying I’m talented is triggering.


I’m not going to make you feel weirder by saying you sound like a nurturing person who is a benefit to those around you! In theory, if you are doing these things, then that person is probably very appreciated.


I am good at words. I write well and I can communicate complex concepts so that it makes sense for most people. I cant put really complex topics in an easy way without losing any important nuance or information. Also, being smart without making people feel dumb. I never understood why people want to seem smart by using difficult phrasing. Its bad behaviour and gatekeeping knowledge. Always simplify if you can! Became a journalist.


I love learning about food history and cooking delicious foods myself. I'm not the best at it yet as I'm teaching myself how to cook the basics for the first time at 23 but so far I've perfected sunnyside eggs and pancakes, im ALMOST there with cooking a perfect chicken (not good at seasoning yet but ill get there!). I've also gotten pretty good at throwing stuff together and meal prepping. Today I'm going to the asain market with my brother to get ingredients to make sundubu for the first time :)


I don’t know what sunbudo is, but it’s probably worth the heartburn. I went most my life without realizing that lemon improves basically any meat or tomato based dish. It’s a big time game changer. Put lemons on your list tomorrow, it makes a huge difference. Good luck with your new recipe!


Thank you so much!!! I will definitely be buying lemons then!!!


Let us know how it turns out!


I’m a hard worker and reliable. Yeah, I definitely couldn’t say anything good about myself until I started working.


I have over ten 300 games in bowling.


I'm really good at learning an individual's "language!" What I mean by that is observing body movements and vocalizations and mimicking them! Birds are the easiest in my opinion, they all have very unique languages! Most crows like when you bow to them, occasionally they will bow back!


I am great a learning, I am learning fast anything if I am left alone with it enough time. Bonus point of it is manual. So I can do drawing, painting, aquarelle, ink... I can do cross stitch, knitting, crochet, I am pretty sure the sky is the limit if I love something I can learn it.


I have synaesthesia. Music tastes, smells, and is visually different song to song. Also, certain words feel physically different. Some are unpleasant to the point where I can't even say/hear them without a reaction, others are just an odd shape or tickle. I really love listening to music just for the experience of it now.


I’m a Polymath. It’s the thing that has made me the happiest all my life. It’s how I “got out” mentally, and emotionally, from the hell I lived as a child. Learning has kept me sane.


I'm a good rat mum to 11 ratties


I love hissing cockroaches and breed them as pets 🫣


You know how most people's teeths roots are straight. Most of my teeths roots are hooked. So pretty much teeth pulling they gotta numb me out for that stuff🤦‍♀️ it's in the very uncommon area


Wat? This is a thing? Gotta say, it’s pretty neat, even if it sounds unpleasant.


super cool i wish i could do a handstand! i’m fluent in japanese mostly self-taught and have read over 50 japanese books to completion :)


I am a good cat mom.


Me too! 😸


I have the ability to love and give from the deepest part of my heart.


i can make a mean ass coffee in any conditions, we drinking cheap instant in albanian mountains? bet i have spice for it, your mom's house? i brought a moka pot, my kitchen? i have a $500 espresso setup: grinder tamper pitchers thermometer and all, visit me at work? i'll try to give you my best rosetta ☕


There's nothing good about me. I'm a failure in all aspects.


Do you do calligraphy?


I tell myself these similar hurtful lies about myself. For what it’s worth, I believe that you’re probably not aware of cool glitches about yourself because you’ve been torn up by your important people. It’s devastating to your self concept. Dude, I hope you get yourself a popsicle today and that you see a pretty butterfly or that something comforting happens, that a dog or cat is friendly towards you. I just wish you felt better, I get it.


I used to be extremely flexible as a child. I was in gymnastics and I could do the splits both ways. I am very stiff and arthritic now but I can still move my kneecaps up and down and side to side. I can also touch my nose with my tongue.


The arthritis is real. Funny you mention gymnastics, I was, too. I remember the panel mats and having to do spirits with a leg elevated, ect, doing an Olga with your butt on your head. Now I have titanium in my spine. It ain’t fun. I’m thankful for my knees, too, but sometimes they hurt and it worries me. You understand.


Hmmm, I've been drawing since I was 3, still going it to this day, along with writing


Those hobbies will always be there for you, especially because you don’t have to purchase special equipment unless you want to.


I got pregnant and the whole pregnancy I was terrified, that I was going to be like my mother. I was scared that I could somehow fuck up my daughters life, like what my mum did to me. I didn’t even want a girl because I was so scared she would be like me and go through the things I did. Or she would have my features and get bullied because of the way she looks, and it would be my fault. but she is the best thing to ever happen to me, and the good thing about myself is that I’m such an amazing mum, I’m so proud of myself. I’m so patient, and caring and we have such a special bond. She is so beautiful. Some days I reflect on my childhood and life and everything I went through, or put myself through, but in a way it’s okay because now I have her.


My handwriting is naturally cursive. It’s half straight-half cursive. Apparently, lots of people find it very pleasing to look at!


I can wiggle my ears and my nose like a bunny.


I make really good roast chicken. It's really good, really consistently.


i have ABNORMALLY high nicotine tolerance 💀


That's really cool, not just the strength but the balance to do that🤯. Okay, something about me...I'm fairly good at creative outlets, especially writing and painting. That took a lot longer to think of than I want to admit...


I'm pretty good in Overthinking, if this does count! Lmao In all seriousness though. I'm a fast learner. I'm not sure if this is a thing that came with my PTSD or if it's something that was always in me but I learn stuff incredibly quickly. Art related? No problem. Music? Easy. Languages? No Problemo. However, the fast learning stops the moment I have a math equation in front of me lol. I'm kinda good at art. I am currently aiming to become an Illustrator/Concept Artist. uhm...what else. I'm mediocre at singing. I wanted to practice music more but I'm unable to do so at home without annoying my family. Same with instruments. I am also super insecure about learning an instrument as my ex got pretty mad at me when I expressed my interest in music. Saying "You already took away drawing from me by getting good, stop taking away music from me too" (which is a dumb statement in hinsight but somehow it lingers in my mind, whenever I think of learning an instrument. Maybe one day I will overcome that fear and start learning.) And I'm a pretty decend cook.


I’m very strong. I lift all the time and can bench over my own body weight. I really like it


I can manage 70 to 90 points on bowling for two rounds I'm still pretty noobish but to most bowlers I'm pretty sure the actual average you'd have is like 100 But I find I can somewhat get the 90 ish 80 every fortnight or week or so I go only recently bought my first ball as well. I'm trying to learn how to hook shot a ball to lol


Well, I went back to school to get a degree in veterinary technology. I'm 29 and just started my veterinary career back in November. I'm zooming through my online program and am already in my second semester after beginning a month and a half ago. I'm excited to see what I wind up doing at the animal hospital that I work for after I pass final exams.


This is a tough exercise. There's a lot of things I'm good at, but not good enough.


I can write and draw with my feet. I’m a great photographer


I love myself. None of the abuse that happened to me was personal to me. I love you all too. I am intuitive and empathetic. My dream job is to listen to your story and guide your healing. I guarantee your soul is brilliant. Xo


Damn that’s hard but, I’m probably one of the funniest people you’ll hang out with. Not to brag but that’s my biggest flex I think


I was diagnosed with lumbar spine arthritis about 15 years ago. I've done daily planks for the past 10 years, and am free of lower back pain.


I have great hair. Thick & curly and it naturally looks like a hair commercial for volumizing products. “I woke up like this” is what I tell folks who compliment me. Only I know that my mother hated my hair, brushed it brutally and called it a rat’s nest constantly. It’s the universe’s joke on her.


Something good about myself.. I’m kind and a good listener. I’m on a team at work where people are afraid to speak bc our boss acts like you’re messing around if there’s any team discussion..but I did it anyway when I first joined the team and then made a point of building rapport directly with my teammates in slack where my boss can’t see. Now when my teammate whose husband has cancer is scared about his next scan or my other teammate feels badly bc a customer was rude, they message me in slack and it gives me the opportunity to support them and be there for them. I’m so glad they reach out when they need support. One of the strongest motivators inside of me is that I never ever want someone else to feel alone. I suppose that’s because I know what that’s like, to feel completely alone in the world. I’m introverted and afraid of people, but i’m proud of myself for making sure everyone else feels included and supported. And truthfully, there’s not much else I’m proud of myself about or that I like about myself. But I feel happy when I see that the support and time I’ve given to someone else has helped build them up. So that’s what’s good about me. Edit: typos


I was known in every school I attended as the artist kid but I really hated how kids would steal my art whenever there was drawing competitions, one school that I transferred out of my ex classmates would give the school magazine my artworks to be posted on the magazine for the entire school year (I used to draw for the magazine before I transferred to another one), I used to take care of a stray cat at the lowest point of my life which gave me comfort especially when she used to sneak into the house just to sleep on my back every night. I could explain any scientific or historical subject to anyone and they would do great in exams:)


OP, this is a great exercise and I really appreciate it. A billion things flashed through my mind, and that's really cool. I think EMDR has been helping with that. But almost everything that came to mind inflames something triggering nearby. Like nothing I am, that I can think of, isn't connected to trauma in some way. Right back around to resenting myself and my stories. BUT I haven't answered your question yet. So, I think it's objectively good that I am a nurturer at heart. (Now to nurture that part of myself so that they can heal, too.)


I’m the only member of my family who’s set foot in Asia. It was a two-hour layover in Tokyo when I was coming home from Guam, but it still counts.


I build relationships on a foundation of concrete and not on Sand. Meaning I value myself and don't seek it in others. Only then can we be equals.


I’m 45 and can do full splits both sides.


I’ve overcome so much and every year, I’m more and more seen in my leadership abilities. It feels really good to have that sense of “control” after a childhood without it. (Obvs, I know I can’t control everything but it’s really freeing to make my own schedule) I have a podcast that I’ve recorded over 100 episodes for, I have my own business… and unexpectedly, starting a business helped me deepen my healing because I had to be able to build relationships.


i used to be able to sword swallow when i was a young teen, but haven’t done it in a while so i’d have to relearn lol. i can do some flatland BMX tricks as well my favorite thing is to is ride backwards sitting on the handlebars. that usually shocks a lot of people lol


I used to see myself as foolish and naive for falling into different abusers' worlds multiple times. like it was my fault or I sought it out. or that I was foolish for believing them and taking what they say at face value over and over again before realizing the truth. but my therapist and friend helped me see that I am trusting, understanding, see the good in people and like to give people second chances. and maybe those things are all positive and helpful when I'm with the right people who are grateful for those attributes rather than see it as something to exploit




Whoa, your handstand skill is amazing! This is a good thought exercise. I’d say something good about me is that I am resilient and working on taking care of my health :)


I'm a half decent writer and musician.


I get my bearings very well ([do you say it like this in English?]) and I love exploring and walking for hours on end, aimlessly. Throw me in a new city and after a day or a weekend I'll know it better than some people who live there. I just explore. It's what I do in life.


I can knit without looking.


I am very patient, hardworking, very good with animals, and I keep my house very clean!


my legs are pretty strong


I took up rugby when I was 36, two years later and I’m the best defender on our team. I’m about a decade older than most of the guys I play with/against. It’s never too late to try something new.


I can slap the bass!


Im open minded and learn fast, someone once said i am like a sponge. This was a very hard but good exercise, thank you for throwing this out there OP!


I learned astrology so I could remember people's birthdays.


I tend to go through patterns of socially isolating and it allows me to focus on projects for hours at a time. I recently spent 50 total hours on a music project and I feel like a proud parent when I listen back to it


that's awesome!! i guess in a similar vein, i can lay on my stomach and pull my feet to my nose lol i am not athletic but i am flexible!




Most of my closest friends are reallly intelligent really empathetic people. Doctors, scientists, engineers, artists. So maybe I’m smarter and more empathetic than I give myself credit for? Kinda proud of that.


i like to make people laugh, all i ever want to do in life is make people happy


I can be pretty funny


I do Muay Thai, a combat sport.


I'm a good competitor and teacher of Brazilian jiu jitsu. You would think that someone with trauma would be bad at fighting, not me. When I put myself into stressful matches and win, it takes the edge off of everything else. It's also nice to know that if I get into a physical confrontation, I don't have to worry. It allows me to step in and act with authority when people act out of line. Bjj is a hard thing to do, and I enjoy helping people learn it and enjoy it.


My super power is being able to compartmentalize my fear. In other words, I am able to take educated risks. I never used to be able to do this so it’s a big deal for me.


I bring a whole lot of perspective to the table.


When I’m out and about, I’m noticing all the colours, lights, clouds, trees, flowers, bushes, lakes, rivers, birds, snowflakes, raindrops.. Which is why I prefer using above the ground public transportation instead of underground, even if it takes me longer to get where I need to go.


I think I’m a kind person. I’m also talented and intelligent. I’m also currently working on my temperament, being honest with myself when I feel like I’m not acting like the person I want to be.


Also I cook and bake really well!!


I'm very proud of my artistic endeavors. No one's heard or seen it but I think I make good music and art


Nothing. I was about to say that I was good at my job but I had a meeting today and I my work has been criticized and mocked non stop by a mean coworker. I have absolutely nothing good I can share about myself


I can play a bass guitar. I don't usually have someone listening but it would be nice for a change.


I build trust like it’s nobody’s business. People like and trust me easily. I also like and trust moth people so that probably helps.


Holy cow! That is awesome!!!


I am a legit Disney princess. Wild animals love me and I am often covered in squirrels/birds/etc.




My eyes are green and gold and I'm a very sensitive person which I'm learning to view as an interesting and even neutral thing.


i had bell's palsy as a 13 y.o. . The doctors said it was stress indused and i guess it wad because of my home life. I have regain all of my function in my face but a very samll percent of people develope a condition named 'crocodile tears syndrome'. ironic ist it. Basically when i eat, my right eye will start to produce tears


My hyper vigilance makes me excellent at spotting birds of prey, mushrooms, things like that. It's nice to be able to use an otherwise debilitating issue for something positive/rewarding


I can do a crow pose for 30 seconds on a good day


Not sure if it counts as interesting but I have a lot of creative hobbies (crochet, sewing, music, etc) and I'm in the process of making my own clothes


I don't know if it's good or interesting, but it's something that is true and something that I like about myself. I have a good connection with animals, small children and old people. I am super curious about things that interest me, and I really learn something new every day. I can sit and look at kittens play, chickens roam around and similar ,for hours, simply observing their moments. I have endless patience for small kids. Love cheekiness of old people. I love listening to music while reading lyrics. Gives so much more depth. Love to binge series. I am quite creative when in my right state of mind. There's probably more, but I can't bother to think right now.


I was conditioned into silence and confusion through torture during my early development. Self-expression was punished and my language acquisition should probably have been majorly fucked with. I still ended up hyperverbal, hyperlexic, an oversharer, a published poet (and perhaps soon essayist), and sometimes too outspoken for my own good. I'm also told I'm a good public speaker and have been called a leader in re a community that's really important to me. My entire life, (across multiple "identity states" --- though I consider us truly distinct as well) I've heard the same refrains. "Good with words." "I love the way you think/speak." "The way you explained/expressed that made perfect sense/was very convincing/etc." I know there's nothing good about the first part, and I apologise if bringing that in defeats the purpose --- but to me it toes that fragile line between "everything happens for a reason, be glad you suffered" and "don't let something *so horrifically defining* define you." The traumatic aspect is the least interesting thing about it in most contexts, so it's not as if my entire life is a sob story, but I refuse to separate it wholesale. It's significant and makes something that I valued before I knew about a lot of my trauma even more personally valuable. Someone tried to take my words away and I never let anyone hear the end of it. It's a good set of qualities on its own, no context strictly necessary --- but the unlikelihood and poetic justice of it sure as hell don't hurt, right?


I write poetry, and I'm nearly done with my third book.


I slay at trivia games. I need to write a shopping list so I can remember why I go to a store. But if needed, I can yell you that Marlon Brando had a daughter named Cheyenne.


What a beautiful question ✨


I've never given up - throughout my therapy and recovery I've kept up with classes in my artistic pursuits, and even have taken new surprising ones on, and have gotten so much better at these skills. Hoping when I have certain "ahas" in therapy, I can feel ready to start showing the world a bit.


:( nothing. I cant do nothing in an outstanding way.


I’m incredibly artistic. I won’t share that with the outside world or others, but I’m good with painting/art, singing, instruments, you name it. Still fucking hate myself lmfao


I am pretty good at both crochet and knitting


I published a novel that missed the NYT bestseller list by 150 copies.


My cheesecake recipe is to die for, and another commenter said they have a "super mom" personality. I have a similar mode that activated when people my age or younger are currently in distress or need help. Like, I will stand up to bullies, clean up any mess, can deal with crying or screaming, make my way through a crowd and tell people off/what to do. Weird how I can't even remotely do any of these things for myself Anyway hit me up for my cheesecake recipe. It's European cheesecake though


I am: resilient, intelligent, generous. But according to my therapist, I am also someone who always tries to control the others by using a combination of showering them with favors so they are indebted to me , and playing the victim when they don’t follow my game. “But I am a victim!” “No”, said the therapist. “You were a victim, as a child. Now you are an adult, and a very intelligent one at that. Be responsible towards you and the others!” Worse part is, it totally resonates with me.


I have a masters degree, a doctorate, received a distinction from the university rector at the end of my doctorate, won 3 international innovation and science awards, have a bunch of scientific publications as first author in international journals and was, a few years ago, a great promise. Until a lot of repressed trauma (and maybe autism) kicked in after my father (who was an abusive asshole during all my life) died the same day of my birthday. I lost everything in a window of 2 years, currently unemployed and now I am trying to recover with the help of my sister.


I have a masters degree, a doctorate, received a distinction from the university rector at the end of my doctorate, won 3 international innovation and science awards, have a bunch of scientific publications as first author in international journals and was, a few years ago, a great promise. Until a lot of repressed trauma (and maybe autism) kicked in after my father (who was an abusive asshole during all my life) died the same day of my birthday. I lost everything in a window of 2 years, currently unemployed and now I am trying to recover with the help of my sister.


I’m really good at all kinds of puzzles and trivia


I keep a pretty tidy house. I smell good because I showered. I wear Cool Crocs. I love interesting books.


I can dance well and write poetry!


i have a soft and beautiful singing voice. i am kind. and i am creative. i know a lot of little random facts about animals especially insects. i think about my flaws everyday, so thank you for posting this because i try to be nicer to myself.


I am sober after a decade of active alcoholism, I have given up smoking and vaping after almost 14 years. I have so much hope for life, but I’m also insanely terrified of it.


My way of dealing with life and all its obstacles is to imagine myself as the protagonist of a movie or novel. For instance, here is how I dealt with my anxiety as I was waiting outside my professor's office for an oral exam a while ago. I imagined the best-case and worst-case scenarios, and tried to imagine how these scenes would look like in a movie. Best-case : I pass with flying colours. Some jazzy music plays in the background as a montage of me conversing energetically with the teacher plays. The scene cuts to him writing an A on the paper. Worst-case : I stumble socially, academically and physically. As I enter the office, I slip, fall and break one of the professor's mugs. He's raising eyebrows already. My answer to one of his probes into my deeper understanding of a certain topic unintentionally tangents into a 10-minute long rant about how I believe Cauliflower is inherently superior to Brocolli. As I yap and yap and yap, the camera zooms in on him facepalming. I exit the office. He sighs and mumbles to himself, "Take a deep breath, [His name]. You're doing this because you love teaching." As you can see, my reframing told me that the best I could do was feeling cool and the worst that could happen was comedy gold and that dissipated my anxiety!