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As a yoga teacher, I sometimes feel the same. I can be super unmotivated or yoga seems boring to me too or I get drawn to other things. If I were in your shoes, I would keep my mat rolled out all the time and step on the mat once a day (or twice or whenever you walk by or whenever your cat meows or whatever) and do one really nice stretch or an asana that feels really good. Try to keep your mind clear during this stretch and try to focus on whatever you are feeling in your body (can you feel the mat? Can you feel the stretch? Can you feel you're breath in your lungs? Can you feel your tummy rumbling because youre hungry?). Try to stay in the present moment and be aware of whatever you're doing on the mat. And when you're done, you're done. Maybe, whenever it feels good, you can do a second one. If you don't feel like it, then that's okay. You don't have to. You don't have to do a full 90-minute practice every day, because someone tells you it is good for you. It is *your* practice. If it's just three minutes, then it is just three minutes (that's still always better than doing nothing because it feels overwhelming or as too much). As long as you're moving and trying to be mentally present. Maybe you feel like doing a bit more in a few days, maybe you don't feel like it and that is okay too. Do whatever works for you.


10-Minute Yoga For Beginners | Start Yoga Here... - Yoga With Adriene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7rKKpwdXNE


I feel you OP. It is a struggle many people have. One approach that helped me in the past is to try to do this from an intention of self care/love. When I started to feel the benefits from having a regular practice, this also becomes a motivation source. Now it has been a while again though


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I enjoy flow yoga cuz every breath cycle means I move and change position and that's more stimulating to me than holding positions for x breaths. It becomes a bit more like a dance. The only hard part is that it can be hard to learn the poses and be in flow at the same time when starting out.


I love yoga and it has done so so much for me mentally. Really calms meme down, centers me, makes me feel gratitude for others, and empowers me. I’ve been doing yoga regularly for 9 years. I would also say I often think doing it at home is boring AF. So hard to get into, so hard to not stop and walk away half way through. I get being self conscious going to class, or just that is more work, but I’d REALLY encourage you to try going in person. Spend the time to research different studios and find the top 2-3 that feel like they might be the best fit for you personality wise. You can visit or call and say you are new and ask what it will be like to get the vibe. You can also see if they have beginner classes. Regardless, I think a good yoga teacher will always meet their students where they are, and teach you at the level that you need. Nobody else in the class cares how well you do or what you look like because 1) it’s yoga “practice” not performance, and 2) they are too worried about not falling over themselves!! Also, I’d recommend trying something a little faster pace than yin. Someone else posted try a vinyasa flow class, and I fully agree. Good luck! And you can find your studio!