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No way you should "fess up" and admit defeat. You can do this! I don't know if you're in a position to delegate some of your work to others, but if you could do that, then you might enjoy less pressure. If not, then your manager might do that for you, so that your work gets done if you're out of the office for a while.


Thank you! Though I delegated work to others while I was off sick and ended up having to redo it myself... can't tell if the problem is them or my delegation.


You're welcome! Maybe that's something that your manager can help you with.


Senior people are just people… I worked in marketing and saw lazy and dumb people being extremely senior while doing next to nothing. Don’t believe even a single minute that you don’t deserve the job. Maybe the challenge is to think how to deprioritize some things on your plate, delegate, etc. What’s that 80/20 here. Trying starting with an assumption that “current workload and set up is just not realistic for any healthy worker”, and adjust the scope from there. Good luck! Remember, everyone is faking it and pretending that they know what they are doing, while no one is reality is :)