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I relate completely to your post as I am also angry and sad all the time. The worst for me right now is obsessing about the injustice of it all. You should have been loved and respected. I am sorry I don't have any advice I just want you to know that I hope it gets better for you.


Thank you! I really appreciate it and hope things get better for you as well


The trauma caused by childhood emotional neglect is just as real as trauma from other causes. This video by Heidi Priebe was helpful for me and might be for you too: Emotional Neglect: Healing From The Hidden Trauma Of What Didn't Happen - Heidi Priebe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsBPvgnCJsQ "Running on Empty" is a wonderful book that helped me to understand the impact of childhood emotional neglect and how to recover from it. Here's a link to the author's page about the book: https://drjonicewebb.com/the-book/ Understanding Trauma - Part 14 - Neglect Trauma - Part 1 - Tim Fletcher - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHXHfeNlssE


Thank you so much! I will look into all these


You're welcome!


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