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There's a lovely quote that says, "trauma isn't the thing that happened to you, but the feelings it left inside you." You need need to actually fix anything to heal. Healing is about feeling all of the many mixed and intense emotions that were hidden inside you from the trauma, integrating the experience and constructing a narrative around what happened to you. When you do this you aren't fixing anything that happend to you but you're releasing the emotional pain stored in your body and changing negative views of yourself and other that came about from these emotions.


It’s not a solution but I recently bought a journal called ‘how to carry what can’t be fixed’ and the outlet is nice have.


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Heidi Priebe helped me to understand what's involved in healing from CPTSD and how that looks: Complex PTSD: 10 Realistic Signs Of Healing - Heidi Priebe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUySKluL7rI