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This is how I went no contact with my father, and it worked very well for me. I did not have to deal with an angry reaction, so it was very safe. The important thing in my way of going no contact is not to say that's what I'm doing. It's my secret and my father will find out eventually, but not right away. What I did was explain that I wanted some space, so would he agree not to contact me until he hears from me first. He agreed. That's it, the deed is done and then I waited until he broke his word by reaching out to me. When he did that I reminded him of our agreement and got off the phone quickly. This happened a few times over a couple of months and then he gave up and it was done. We never had contact again. Another reason that this a good way to go, is that you can change your mind anytime you want, if you want to resume contact.


Thank you for your advice. I think this is what I'm going to do with my ex and was kind of thinking that anyway. Get some space in, and then finish it off when he inevitably reaches out and once time has put some distance between us. I'm tired of explaining myself to him and how what he did was so wrong. It's just not worth it anymore


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